Friday, July 24, 2015

You're Right Kid...I Obviously Don't Get It

There is nothing like going to bed around midnight and knowing you have to get up at 5:30am and then finally snuggling up with your heated blanket, having the sound of the fan and the wind gently blowing on your face and then at 2:17am....
#3:  MY LEGS!!!  MY LEGS!!!!  I'M GONNA DIE!!!!  MY LEGS ARE KILLING ME!!!  THEY NEED TO COME OFF!!!!!! was terrifying!  I did realize that at 2:17am, it takes me a bit to actually gain consciousness and realize that a # is actually screaming.  It also takes a minute or two to realize that the screaming in my face from this # is because I'm staring at him and he thinks I'm not paying attention.  After rubbing oils on this poor #'s knees and legs and consoling him for about an hour, he drifted off to sleep.

Then 4:15am came...
....I mean, seriously, who needs an alarm clock when you've got that going?  I rub more oils on him, but I also am over that and Hubby gets him some ibuprofen.  Now, you've got to know #3 to understand that he is NOT going to take liquid medicine (we've done that before when I had it in the plastic syringe that the pharmacy gives you....and instead of putting the middle part in, I just put the medicine in and #3 blew the medicine all over my face...did I mention he has great gag reflexes and can't swallow medicine???) and so he chews a pill and chases it down with water.  By the time he's calmed, it is 5am.  What's that you say?  My alarm is coming on at 5:15am?  Yeah....that was changed to 6am....and I still was kicked the entire time by #3's legs. 

This afternoon I asked #3 if he remembered what happened all night...
#3:  I had a nightmare.
Me:  About what?
#3:  There were these people and they are shooting each other in the knees and legs.
Me:  Where you there?
#3:  No.
Me:  Where they shooting you?
#3:  No.
Me:  But you felt like your legs where hurting?
#3:  Cuz they were being shot right off. 
Me:  But you weren't there, right?
#3: (huge sigh)  No....but I felt it.
Me:  You felt the guy's legs being hurt from being shot.
#3:  No, I felt my legs being hurt from being shot.
Me:  But you weren't there.
#3:  You obviously don't get it.'re right kiddo....I obviously don't get it...I also didn't get sleep last night, so if I don't understand your dream, I'm sorry. 

Wanna know another thing about #3 that I don't get?  Why he would put on fleece pajamas in the dead of summer (wait....don't judge yet cuz I've got fleece pajamas on right now) and refuse to take them off all day and wears them when we have company over.  Yes, costume pants and a fleece shirt...all. day. long.  He played in them outside, he played ball in them, he's worn them all day.  I'm sure they peeled off him and walked itself to the washing machine.  GROSS!!!!

So after a day of Kinder Kamp and having friends over for bacon jalapeno burgers, I'm exhausted....but so blessed that I got to meet some precious kindergarteners and spend some fabulous time with some wonderful friends.  God sure does bless I hope He bless me with some sleep cuz this girl needs sleep when living in our life by numbers. 

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