Thursday, December 31, 2015

Big Fat Chin....AND IT'S FREE!!!!

I mean, we know how to end 2015 with a bang....or a wave, I should say!  Yes, that is a lot of water all over our kitchen was a nice way to wake up this morning, huh?  I mean, there is nothing like being all warm and toasty from your heated blanket to walk into the hallway and you now have wet socks on and you're not quite sure what you stepped in, but you know that it's highly unusual (even for our family) to have water all over the floor.  

Apparently our fridge valve popped and water went everywhere.  By the time I saw it, Hubby had towels everywhere and water was still into our dining room and hallway.  I kept thinking "you couldn't just leave peacefully could you 2015???"....
Me:  Did you see this water when you took out the dog?
Hubby:  No.
Me:  Did you not see it when you just got a towel to take a shower?
Hubby:  No....I didn't go in the kitchen to get a towel.
Me:  So do you not know how long this has been here.
Hubby:  No.  Wanna grab more towels????
....apparently I was asking too many questions while our current towels had soaked up as much water as they could possibly hold.  And as I brought more towels and blankets to soak up the water....
#2:  That's my blanket.
#3:  I'm cold, can you keep that blanket?
Me:  I'm not using your underwear to clean up the water....
#2:  But I'm cold.  
....this is coming from two #s that sleep with no shirt on and only have pants on cuz I make them.  GET SOME CLOTHES ON #S!!!!!!

So with all the water that we had, we used all of our towels and most of our blankets...and I found out that I probably need to clean from under and behind our appliances a little more often.  I mean, I was just talking to a friend on Christmas Eve after her kiddo's cars went too close to the stove that he might not want that car back if it got under there because something might bite him.  And here we are....December 31st and we are cleaning out from behind and under the fridge.  Nice 2015.  Nice.  

The amazing thing is that God gave me a husband that can fix this sort of stuff.  He just gets all dirty and disgusting and fixes it all.  He was so frustrated cuz he was supposed to go see Star Wars (again) with some friends and had to cancel, but he did a great job fixing our fridge, the pipe, the floors....and whatever else was involved.  It's amazing to me cuz I was ready to get rid of the fridge thinking that it wasn't cold enough....
Hubby:  That has nothing to do with this....and it's always at that temperature.  
....apparently I just go completely crazy when things like appliances and house stuff go crazy! 

We've had a really spectacular week.  We went to a fabulous germ infested fun center on Monday with some friends.  I absolutely LOVE these friends and sometimes I think they take me to these places to see if I'll just explode from the lack of hand sanitizer!  :-)  We had a blast bowling, playing games, playing glow in the dark putt putt, skating...just a TON of fun!  As soon as we walked in, my friend says "so....what do you think of the smell" and starts laughing.  We did end up leaving and going to eat before we came back to bowl.  Pizza is a great way to feed all of us, so we went to a pizza place.  And let me tell you....the tables were so sticky that we just looked at each other and put our arms in our least it will teach us manners, right?  ha ha!!

While we were bowling, #3 comes to me and whispers....
#3:  Guess what I'm gonna do.
Me:  What?
#3:  I'm gonna step over the line before I throw my bowling ball.
Me:  That's against the rules.
#3:  I know (insert evil laugh from a seven year old)
....I always thought #2 would be my rebellious child.  I stand corrected.  

Tuesday night, Hubby and #2 had a "Daddy Date Night".  It was so sweet cuz they were going to do one thing, but then a friend invited them to watch a basketball game in the box seats they were given. #2 dropped EVERYTHING he had planned and said YES to the basketball game.  

Since they had something to do, #1, #3 and I picked up dinner and headed home.  On the way home, they were talking about making a tv show and putting it on the air when they get older.  They had all kinds of ideas, but the one they agreed on was a tv show about a mom and her family....and the mom just happens to be married and have three boys.  So when we get home, they are still talking about this tv show, but now they're writing the lyrics to the theme song.  Nothing pleases me more than seeing my #s not only get along, but they are also writing music together.....until.....
#1:  ....And his mother has a big fat chin!
#3:  I love it!
Me:  I'm pretty sure I don't like you talking about me like that.  
#3:  Oh we weren't talking about you.  Our tv show has a rich're quite poor.  
...and just like dreams....all busted.  

So after all this excitement this week....and today....we stayed at home and chilled.  I don't like driving around on New Year's Eve and I've become quite the homebody lately.  We cleaned out the laundry room, watched tv, played video games.....all the things we should do on the last day of the year.  Then I hear #2 yelling at the top of his lungs "MOMMY" and finally he ran into the den.....
.....thinking something is dead or about to be, I run into my bedroom where #2 has decided to watch tv.....
Me:  WHAT!?!?!?!?!?  What is wrong?!??!?!  Who's dying?!?!?!!?!?  What's going on?!?!?!?
Me:  Are you kidding me?
#2:  NOOOOOO!!!!!  
Me:  You brought me in for a free face brush?
#2:  You're got to order it.....NOW!!!!
Me:  Honey, you realize that you've got to buy the other stuff they're selling in order to get the face brush free?
#2:  Who cares....they're giving away something free....WE LIKE FREE!!!!
......I mean, I'm thinking that I need to explain how a "deal" actually works in our life by numbers!?!?!??!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Insurance, Needles, I Love You

I had a friend ask if she could share my blog.....ABSOLUTELY!  Share away friends.....I hope I make you and your friends laugh....and help you realize that we're all in this together!  

Our insurance company has been calling me for the last two months to change my life insurance.  I'll be honest with you....I don't answer my phone....ever.  If I call you, there must be some miracle about to happen cuz I hate to talk on the phone.  In fact, my answering machine voicemail message says "if you really want to talk to me, you might as well hang up and text me".  I know, I know....very rude, very unsocial....very me.  I used to love talking on the phone....I remember in college I would talk to Hubby on the phone until we'd fall asleep and then one of us would wake up and hang up the phone.

Anyhoo....I've ignored this phone call for a while and then the insurance company started calling Hubby.  So not only did I have them calling, but I had Hubby nagging me to call them.  I think Hubby finally gave up cuz he called them and they said if I don't change my life insurance, it's going up $59 a month....and that's when our appointment was made.  

So while we're making sure we're getting everything in order, the lady has the audacity to ask me my weight.....IN FRONT OF MY HUSBAND AND #S!!!!  Now, I'm pretty happy with the way I look most of the time.  I lost 50 pounds with AdvoCare about four years ago and I still use the product daily.  I exercise.  I teach music which makes me move and jump and dance daily.  But you do NOT ask someone's weight in front of people.  I about died.  And I lied.  Yes friends, I lied.  I said I was 10 pounds lighter than I really am.  

So we continued with signing forms and going through everything and then the lady mentions how I have to have a physical.  WHAT?!?!?  I just lied about my weight and now I have to have a physical!?!??!  I'm sure she said more important things, but my mind was I need to change my weight?  What happens if it puts me in another insurance bracket?  I was going crazy.  On top of all this, she says that they will prick my finger for blood.  COULD THIS GET ANY WORSE!?!??!?

Another lady called to do my physical at home.  She said that she was booked the rest of that week, but could do the next week.  I'm thinking this is great cuz I've got shows for schools and I didn't have time either.  BUT....there was no calm that week.  I was worried about what I had done.  WHY did I tell her the wrong weight?  WHY did she ask in front of my family?  WHY didn't I fix it right then and there?  

The next week came around.....and the doorbell rang.  The lady has me pee in a cup.  I'm already nervous and now I've got to hit a target with pee.  Then she tells me she's going to draw blood.  "Drawing blood" means taking large amounts of blood in my arm with a big needle that could possibly make me sick to my stomach and pricking my finger is a tiny needle in one of my fingers that will be fine within the hour.  

Oh no....she is DRAWING BLOOD!  She is poking and prodding and can't find a vein and I'm about to die of sweating.  She finally finds a good place in my left arm and then starts hitting it.  Seriously, I'm about to drown in my sweat.  I feel the needle, I feel my heart rate go up.  I feel her move the needle and I'm about to pull it out myself.  Then it's over.  And then she pulls out the scale.  

I stand on the scale.  I feel the sweat.  I stand still.  I hold my breath so not other air can enter my body.  And I am the weight that I told the insurance lady.  Wait....what?!?!?  Did I lose 10 pounds from pure anxiety?  Did I lose it from the busyness of the week before?  Did I lose it from all the sweat in the short amount of time that she was there to do my physical?  

But I did learn a lesson....yes.  I shouldn't lie cuz it causes me anxiety, sweating, and second guessing myself.'s not good to lie!

So we've had a ton of rain and storms lately.  It's been crazy to have this kind of weather in December.  In fact, last week we even had a tornado warning and everything cut in the tv programming for us to seek shelter immediately.  We sent the #s to our safe spot as Hubby and I went back and forth to the tv to see how close the storm was to us.  When we let the #s out of their spot, we found #3 in the den.....
Me:  WHAT are you doing?
#3:  I'm finding my presents and shaking them to find out what they case we don't make it. 
....of course, this was slightly funny, more creepy.  But then for Christmas, #3 received a watch.  He calls it his "apple watch" cuz it has apps, but it's really one of those V-Tech watches.  He LOVES it and has been taking pictures.....
Me:  You're so sweet to take pictures of your family.
#3:  I'm doing it so I have things to remember you by in case you don't make it.
.....DOES HE KNOW SOMETHING THAT I DON'T KNOW!?!??!?  It's starting to creep me out a bit.  He even did it with the grandparents.  You know, that kid has this line to God that is something does happen to any of us soon, the rest of us better listen to #3....about everything!

I know leave you with some little clips of things the #s have said over the last few days.....
#2:  Can we play a game?  I would like to play the bad game now.
Me:  The bad game? 
#2:  Yes.....Trouble....the bad game.  

On Christmas morning as #1 is trying to wake us up with #2....
#1:  So Mom, you know about kinetic and potential energy right?  
Me:  What?
#2:  No.  No she doesn't.  

#1:  Oh my goodness!  Mom, this is delicious!!!!
#2:  Like this is the best stuff ever!!!!
#3:  It IS so yummy!!!!
Me:  Thank you #s!!!
#1:  I mean, you're one step closer to being a cook!!!

#2 and Hubby playing a basketball video game.....
#2:  We're wearing the same color jersey.
Hubby:  It's gonna be hard to tell them apart.
#2:  I'll be the better team....we'll be able to tell them apart.  

Me:  I love you.
#2:  Thank you.
Me:  THANK YOU!?!?!?!?
#2:  I mean, I love you.
Me:  If a girl tells you she loves you, then you can say thank you, but with your Mommy, you say I love you.
#2:  Cuz you're my girl! 

To your home.....I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas......and  have a blessed New Year.....from our life by numbers!

A message from Blogger....

An update on Google Friend Connect

1 week ago by A Googler
In 2011, we announced the retirement of Google Friend Connect for all non-Blogger sites. We made an exception for Blogger to give readers an easy way to follow blogs using a variety of accounts. Yet over time, we’ve seen that most people sign into Friend Connect with a Google Account. So, in an effort to streamline, in the next few weeks we’ll be making some changes that will eventually require readers to have a Google Account to sign into Friend Connect and follow blogs.

As part of this plan, starting the week of January 11, we’ll remove the ability for people with Twitter, Yahoo, Orkut or other OpenId providers to sign in to Google Friend Connect and follow blogs. At the same time, we’ll remove non-Google Account profiles so you may see a decrease in your blog follower count.

We encourage you to tell affected readers (perhaps via a blog post), that if they use a non-Google Account to follow your blog, they need to sign up for a Google Account, and re-follow your blog. With a Google Account, they’ll get blogs added to their Reading List, making it easier for them to see the latest posts and activity of the blogs they follow.

We know how important followers are to all bloggers, but we believe this change will improve the experience for both you and your readers.

Posted by Michael Goddard, Software Engineer

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

I'm The WINNER!!!!

Have you ever seen a Wii character have a meltdown?  Let me tell you, it's quite humorous.  I don't care how bad the meltdown is.....I don't care how much screaming is will laugh out loud when you see the Wii character throw a bat around just like the kid having the meltdown.

Yes, we are in the dreaded part of our holiday break called "we are not on a real schedule so you might want to take extra time for yourself cuz you're gonna need it" mode.  It's been real crazy since Sunday with the meltdowns from #3.  I'd love to tell you that these are just "fits" that he pitches to get his way....but there are a lot more to it.  This is cuz his brain can't wrap around the fact that his schedule isn't the same and it tears him to pieces.  It's sad...and there are tears at times from everybody in this house....but watching that Wii character swing that bat around was A+ material for me to handle the rest of the day!

Our break started yesterday morning with #1 challenging me to a Wii dance competition.  I must tell you that I'm slightly (over, abundantly, over the top) competitive.  I don't know if #1 just thought that since I'm another year older that he could beat me or if he thought I lost some dance moves since I taught music class on Friday, but he begged and pleaded for me to accept his challenge.  And after I won.....
#1:  Good game Mom.
Me:  I'm thinking you mean "Good game Mom the Winner".
#1:  Well, I was close.
Me:  You were close....but you didn't win.
#1:  You're slightly competitive.
Me:  I think you mean "you're slightly competitive Mom the Winner".
#1:  It's because you're a music teacher.
Me:  You're in band.  Stop making excuses.  I WON!!!!!
#1:  #2, would you like to play with me?
....which does make me happy that he asked #2 to play cuz any other time, he'd be arguing with him.  And let me tell ya, I felt pretty good about beating him....and let me tell ya....I was pretty sore later that afternoon!  

Yesterday I baked all afternoon.  It was so nice and by the middle of the day, I was the favorite parent around (well, the only parent around) cuz the #s got to taste test everything.  And let me tell you....they are brutally honest.  The good thing is that whatever #3 wouldn't try cuz it "looked weird", #1 and #2 were ready to grab his piece like dogs looking at meat.

I had a lady come to the house today to do a physical for my life insurance.  I was told that she was going to prick my finger.....THAT LADY TOOK BLOOD OUT OF MY ARM!!!!  I was mortified!  I kept thinking "it's okay, calm down, it's only a little needle"....but then she pulled it out of the needle sleeve and I wanted to pass out.  I'm pretty sure Hubby could have collected his life insurance today if I didn't keep talking to myself in my head.  I kept thinking "the #s will hear you if your scream and you can't hit the lady if she starts digging in your arm".  It was sore the rest of the day....and I have a bruise.  Yes, I'm a baby when it comes to needles, but one should warn a girl.  I even had to pee in a cup.  Have you had to do that?  How come when one needs to pee in a cup, there is never any pee, but as soon as you're warm and cozy in bed, you can't hold it if you had to?!?!?

During this physical, I had the #s stay in their room.  They played very nicely with each other and when the lady left.....
#3:  Can we come in the out now?  I'm tired of being with these people.
....I'm guessing by "people" he means "brothers".  I mean, I did ask them to be good and get along with each other for an entire 45 minutes....he was obviously sick of them.

We did finally see Santa tonight.  We took the #s to eat and there he was (yes we planned it cuz I figured there would be no line and I could take my own pictures instead of paying an arm and a leg for one picture).  You know what the #s did??!?!?  They WHISPERED to Santa what they wanted for Christmas!  WHAT?!?!?!?!  Let me at least make sure it's what they're getting.  This Santa was FABULOUS because he would say something like "that's a very popular game this year".  CHECK!  The funniest was afterwards....
#3:  You know, that's not really Santa.
Me:  WHAT?
#2:  Yeah Mom....he's a helper.
#3:  Probably an elf dressed like Santa.
#2:  Yeah, Santa has got to be getting toys together....he doesn't have time for us to sit on his lap.

So last night we did our annual "let's take pictures of the #s so we can all fuss and fight and argue about getting the perfect one and in turn, never getting the perfect one" picture.  It was absolutely ridiculous....about as ridiculous as putting up the tree.  #1 was mad about people touching his hair, #2 was just upset that we weren't going fast enough, #3 was trying to pull his pajamas up to his was crazy.... was as chaotic as it looks in these pictures....and we'll do it again next year I'm sure....and I wouldn't have it any other way in our life by numbers!

I received word today that this was taking effect in January....just wanted to give you a heads up in case you want to continue reading Our Life By Numbers....
"We encourage you to tell affected readers (perhaps via a blog post), that if they use a non-Google Account to follow your blog, they need to sign up for a Google Account, and re-follow your blog. With a Google Account, they’ll get blogs added to their Reading List, making it easier for them to see the latest posts and activity of the blogs they follow.

We know how important followers are to all bloggers, but we believe this change will improve the experience for both you and your readers."

Posted by Michael Goddard, Software Engineer

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Life of a Music Teacher.....

It's the Saturday after a fun and hectic four weeks of programs, Secret Santa at schools, shopping, Christmas music, sickness, and tons of "you have to be more than an extrovert" kind of time.  This is the time where I sit back and think of all the things that have been completed in this short amount of time and I look back on how I handled each situation.  Some people would say "get over it" and others would say "don't bother", some would say "relax and enjoy", but I really do think about how I can make next year a better year.  But as I sit back and think about these things, I have to laugh.  I mean, there are things that go on behind the scenes that you would look at me and say "there is no way on earth.....".....and friends, it's true.

I've been a music teacher 1999....I've taught in the poorest of schools and the richest of schools....and all public schools.  I've taught with the best staff people around....hands down, God has put me in the circles of some amazing people that not only support the music program, but also support me.  I've taught in elementary schools and high schools....I just don't think I have the gift for middle/junior high kiddos.  I've taught where there was no stage and we had to perform on the floor and I've taught in a brand new auditorium where the sound system came in three days before our show and I had to learn and teach it to students in those three days.  I'm blessed to have taught in many different areas because it's how I've learned how to teach in the areas where I am now.

So as I reminisce about the past, I thought I'd share some things that I can now laugh, I couldn't laugh about at the time, but I can now.....

*A parent that was angry that their child didn't get the long solo in the Christmas program.  The long solo.  Yes, the child got a solo, but not the biggest one.  Parent went to the assistant principal about me.  We had to have a meeting....
         Parent:  She does not like my child.
         Principal:  Is that true Mrs. Wiggins?
         Me:  I like her child.
         Parent:  You don't like my child.  They didn't get the long solo.
         Me:  Your child DID earn a solo.
         Principal:  Why did they not get the long solo?
         Me:  You did hear that the child earned a solo, right?
         Parent:  BUT NOT THE LONG SOLO!!!!!
         Principal:  Why did the child not get the long solo?
         Me:  The child didn't earn the long solo because the child can't sing.
         Principal:  Then why did the child get a solo at all?
         Me:  Because I didn't want to hurt the child's feelings so I gave the child a small solo.
         Parent:  You do not like my're just trying to embarrass my child with a solo!!!!
I'm serious.  It was ridiculous.

*I've also been told that I have to have "Mary Did You Know" in a program....and the higher ups had someone already picked out for the song because this was a tradition.  Apparently my music teacher didn't really matter...nor did it matter that after that program, I got chewed out from parents that didn't appreciate me "adding Christ in their Christmas program".  That night I directed everyone to my principal and ended up writing my resignation letter at the end of that crayon.

*I've had e-mails about how my concerts are too short and I should add more songs......little do people know that when you teach elementary school anywhere in the nation, we get them once a week for 30-45 minutes.....and I don't start teaching Christmas songs until I work with these kiddos for about 4 hours to make a concert.

*I've had complaints about how my concerts are too long and that if I want to keep their attention, I should shorten them.  Can you really not stand to sit and listen to your child for 30 minutes....and in nice comfy chairs?  Yes....that was a high school parent.....

*Dress Code or No Dress Code....either way, someone is going to complain.  I had a parent complain that they didn't like their high schooler wearing black and white cuz they didn't look good in white.  This went on for weeks via e-mail and calls.  Who cares?  WEAR BLACK AND WHITE!!!!   For elementary schools, I don't have a dress code....and I didn't have one when I taught in TN either.  If you have a dress code, some can't afford it and I can't do that to a family.  I had a parent mad cuz I didn't have a dress code.....
          Me:  Fine, if you want a dress code, have them wear red or green.
          Parent:  Oh child doesn't have red or green so now I have to go shopping.  Thanks a
.....I mean, seriously, I can please no one.

*How about things that have been said about me?  Mean, Too happy, Santa Bully, B*%#^, Too energetic, Jesus hater, I smile too much, Crass (okay, that one's probably a little true), Too upfront, Picks favorites, Hates people, Confrontational, Too musical (I'll never understand that one as a music teacher), Rude, Obnoxious, Takes my job too seriously, Short and Plump (yes, people start to tear on your physical appearance when they're mad at you)....oh the list could go on and on....and these are the things people have said to my face!

But every year, the good outweighs the bad.  I'll tell you a secret....I LOVE to hear the positives after a concert.  Now, I do turn it back to the kiddos each time.....
         Parent:  The concert was fantastic!
         Me:  Thank you...the kiddos were fabulous and they worked so hard for this!
.....I want the parents to know that I know the kiddos worked extremely hard in a short amount of time.  I want each parent to know that I want them to praise their child....cuz some kiddos don't get the praise they need.  And after every program, I truly am proud of the kiddos....because they did work hard, but also because I know that they learned something during all of this.  But deep down, I secretly come back to my list of negative things that have been said to me and about me in the past and think "stick that in your blow hole".....yes, I've already admitted I was crass.....that part is true in our life by numbers!  :-)

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Putting Up the Christmas Tree

There is a time in a music teacher's life that she/he cannot be, not even have a sniffle or a cough...and December is that time.  Yes, I'm talking about the entire month.  The month of December is our busiest time of the year....programs are many and sleep and correct eating is few.  And guess what....I woke up Monday with my ears aching and my nose and eyes feeling so much pressure I felt like a kid was sitting on my face.  Seriously.....of ALL the months in the year, I just can't be sick in December....and this week on top of it all....a church program and three school programs.  I've been carrying grapefruit, eucalyptus, lavender, and frankincense essential oils everywhere I go.....I could probably slip and slide through the hallways at this point.  I've also started carrying around my own box of toilet paper is harsh and thin.  YUCK!

This week has been crazy with three school shows.  I haven't really seen my family this week and the only night that I am home (tonight), #2 and and #3 took a bath and #2 fell asleep in my bed watching tv at 7pm.  I mean, I'm not complaining, it's been nice to do laundry, run the dishwasher, work on school, rub oils on my ears....heck, I wish those #s were up and we were playing video games!

So as I'm sitting here while the DVR is playing and I'm paying no attention to it, I'm looking around the room...trying to find the perfect Christmas gift for Hubby....watching the twinkling lights on our 12 foot Christmas tree....listening to the washer and dryer going.....I start laughing at the tree.  I see ornaments all in one spot and a few bare spots all around.  I see lights not working.  And that brings me to the Saturday after Thanksgiving.....

This is our annual time to put up all of the Christmas decorations.  Hubby gets everything out and he puts up the tree and I start working on the garland in the loft.  The #s help Hubby for a bit and then come to help me.  They pretty much go back and forth because they get bored or someone pulls something out of the box and they want to help with that new thing.  It always starts off as a fun occasion for our family.  Everybody is so excited!  Everybody is in smiles!  And then it hits....
*arguing over not wanting to help anymore because they are done with this and it isn't fun anymore and they don't care about putting this up

*complaining that it's taking so long to put up one tree and can't we just put it up and call them when it's over and they can help with putting the ornaments on the tree

*rearranging furniture because the 12 foot tree has to go in the corner where Momma likes it cuz she's paranoid with it being in front of the window cuz strange people can see the gifts and break into our house and steal it all (yeah, I'm a bit paranoid)

*crying cuz the fake tree gave them a fake splinter and when I look at their hand, there is no splinter and it's driving me crazy that they are complaining about NOTHING BEING THERE

*rolling of the eyes cuz there is no splinter and then the #s being mad because I can't see their fake splinter

*moving of furniture cuz it doesn't look good in the first place it was put and I have to have the den perfect cuz we still have people come to the house and I don't want it just anywhere

*fighting over which # puts up which ornament cuz apparently some are better than others and nobody wants to put up the girly ornaments

*crying cuz one # doesn't have the same number of school made ornaments.....never realizing that one kid has been alive 12 years versus the 8 and 7 years the others have been alive....not to mention that #2 absolutely hates making crafts so he probably passed on making anything

*taking turns on who goes up the ladder and making sure that no # gets more times up the ladder than another one and then not wanting to go up cuz they're afraid of heights and need help getting down

*breaking of the annual ornament cuz someone can't hold on to the string or someone is mad or someone isn't looking

*cleaning of the annual Christmas ornament which means we have to check feet, check socks, sweep and vacuum to make sure we can finish putting up the tree

*crying for random reasons....seriously no clue why there are tears, but something is wrong and tears are pouring down his face

*moving more furniture around cuz I am still not happy with the way the den looks...time to tear apart the sectional get the's just not fun at this point.  Everybody is upset, angry, feelings hurt, everybody needing to be in separate rooms......and then Momma pulls out "the box".

"The box" is the one with all of the Christmas stuffed animals that sing, talk or shake something.  It's the most annoying box of the season, but as soon as that box comes out, it's like the Heavens opened and angels started singing again.  Everybody comes to me and waits for the bag of batteries to come out.  Oh yes, we keep batteries in "the box" so that each year we have enough for these Christmas creatures to come to life.  As I pull the creature out of the box, the #s search for the correct batteries out of the bag and hand them to me.  They place them in my hand ever so gently and wait patiently as I put the batteries in the holder and screw the cover back on.  I will hand the creature over to a # and they will play it and laugh as they pass it between each other.  Sometimes they'll sit and watch it, sometimes they'll dance, and sometime they'll have to figure out how to work it because some of these things are almost 16 years old.  "The box" is the thing that brings us back together after hours of trying to make our home look Christmas-y....keeps us sane....and best of all, "the box" keeps me the keeper of happiness in our life by numbers!

Friday, December 11, 2015

If This Doesn't Make You Laugh, Nothing Will.....

Picture this.....#3 is laying on a mat beside our bed.  He's all snuggled in his covers, but I hear him whispering to himself.  Whatever he's saying sounds like the same thing over and over.  I look at him and his mouth is moving, his hands are grasping his head, and he's got a few tears rolling down his cheeks.....

Me:  #3, what is wrong?
#3:  Nothing.
Me:  Tell me.
#3:  I'm fine.  
Me:  Does your head hurt? 
#3:  I'm fine.....I don't want to talk about it. 

......he continues with this whispering, hands on head and tears for another minute....I finally realize that he's saying "don't say it"...

Me:  Do you remember when you shouted in class and at home?
#3:  Yes.  
Me:  How did you feel?
#3:  My brain just had to shout.  I didn't want to, but my brain did it anyway. 
Me:  So is your brain telling you something now?
#3:  Yes.
Me:  You know you can tell me and I'm not going to be mad.  I want you to feel like you can talk to me about this.
#3:  My brain wants me to say a bad word. heart was beating a million miles a minute.  This was it.  This was the moment that I had dreaded since we were told by the doctor in Kosair that his tics were in fact, Tourette Syndrome.  I remember the day like it was yesterday and I wanted at this moment to go to this doctor and say "you told me only 5% of all patients with Tourette Syndrome would yell out and it wouldn't start until at least 11 or 12....or later".  I could feel my palms sweating and the tears swelling in my eyes.  I wasn't prepared for this, but I felt like I couldn't wait another moment......

Me:  Sometimes our brain wants us to say things and once we say them, our brains don't want to say it anymore.  
#3:  Should I say it?
Me:  Maybe you could whisper it.  What bad word does it want to say?

.....I felt like I could see the words come out of my mouth.  I looked at #3's precious face, those baby hands he still has, those beautiful eyelashes that he blinked when the tears were rolling down his cheeks.  What was the word?  Why now?  Where did he learn it?  What will my facial expression be like when he says it?  What is taking him so long to tell me?  And then, in the most gentle whisper....

#3:  Oh rats.

......I look at him....puzzled.  Confused.  Perplexed.  Relieved.  My heart stopped racing.  One tear made it past my eyelashes.  I smiled at this precious little boy....

Me:  Honey.....that's not a bad word? 
#3:  It's not?
Me:  It's not.  But if you feel like it's something that you shouldn't say, then don't say it.
#3:  But you're saying that it's not a bad word?
Me:  It's not. 
#3:  Good....cuz I thought it was like saying oh damn.  

......did he just say what I thought he said?  Did he really just cuss?  Where did he learn this?  Cue the heart racing, palms sweating again.  I'm pretty sure at this point my blood pressure is through the roof and I'm about to have a panic attack.

Me:  Umm.....that IS a bad word....let's go back to saying oh rats.  
#3:  So oh....
Me:  YES....THAT is a bad word.  
#3:  Thanks for helping my brain Mommy.
Me:  Anytime #3.  I love you.
#3:  I love you too.

.....and off to sleepyland went #3...and off to "what will he say next", "will it be in the classroom", "will it be in church", what word will it be" went me in our life by numbers.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

It's Been a While.....

WOW!!!  It has been a while since I've posted.  This time of year is absolutely in crazy like:
*Hubby and I have had conversations and 20 minutes later we can't remember what was said or what we decided
*I've gone through the same homework folder four times knowing that I only have two kiddos that have homework folders....but can't remember which one I've looked at all four times
*I have a calendar on my phone AND a paper calendar and they're booked with different events at the same times
*I keep thinking that the week is going fast, but the last few times I've thought that, it's only been Tuesday
....yeah, so it's been nuts around here.  I don't want to wish my life away, but December 19th is looking good as a day of rest!

So....let's get into the fun stuff...
#3:  The days are getting shorter.....guess that means it's getting close to Christmas

#2:  Can I wear shorts and short sleeves?
Me:  No.
#2:  Why not? 
Me:  It's too cold. 
#2:  You are not the boss of can't tell me what to wear! I even need to tell you how that ended?!?!??!  If so, let's just say he wore long pants, long sleeves AND a jacket that day!

#2:  Why am I a wise man in the program?
#3:  That's what I keep asking myself.....why aren't I the wise man?  You have no business being that.  

#1:  These are THE BEST chips I've ever eaten!!
#2:  I've had better.
Me:  Daddy MADE those chips.
#2:  I know......I said I've had better.

As you can see, it's been a tad bit of a crazy ride with these #s.  We have had a lot of fun though!  I got to direct the school program this week and that means I get to direct #2 and #3.  #2 danced the night away.  That kid was movin' and groovin'....and then #3 was standing like a statue.  It's fun to see their personalities at work.  #1 had a fabulous band concert this week.....I love to see that kid smile as he walks on and off the stage.  I love that my kiddos are all involved with school music....though some might say #3 is forced.  :-)

We had a bit of a issue with #2 this week.  I found out that Hubby gave him cough drops....obviously for a cough.  The thing is, a kid asked for one and #2 said it would cost a dollar.  I'm guessing he thought the kid wouldn't have it.....BUT THE KID HAD IT!!!!  I'm sure #2 was amazed that kids carry money at school.  Anyhoo....the kid asks for another one and #2 says "it will cost another dollar"....and sure enough another dollar was paid.  Now do you think #2 just came out and told me?  No.  I saw him with a coke walking the hallways with his posse.....seriously, it's like he walks the halls cuz he owns them.....
Me:  How did you get a coke this afternoon?
#2:  With my dollar.
Me:  How did you get a dollar?
#2:  I sold my cough drops.
Me:  YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?!
.....#2 proceeds to tell me the entire story.  On one hand, I'm livid.  On the other hand, I'm thinking he just made the money back that the entire bag cost me.  Do I go with the livid feeling or the great business skills feeling?????
Me:  You know, some people would call that being a drug dealer.  You sold a cough drop to someone and they felt like they needed more and you were their dealer.  You're a third grade drug dealer 
#2:  You mean.....(starting to sob).....I could to prison?!?!!?!
.....and pretty much that took care of everything else.  It was a talk that I had to try not to laugh through.  It was a talk where eventually I had to let Hubby finish cuz I needed to laugh.  But it was also a talk that I think will stick with him.  He has begged to do chores around the house to make up for the $2 that I made him pay back to the student.  I'm beginning to think my house will be spotless by tomorrow night.

#1 is beginning to question when he can shave.  There's so much of me that wants to say "kid, just wait cuz you'll hate it by the time you're my age".....which reminds me that I probably need to shave tomorrow.  Anyway, he is very proud of these little dark hairs under his nose.  It's killing me to look at cuz it really looks like he has forgotten to wash his face.  He looks at it in the mirror and talks about it daily.  He keeps asking adult males when THEY got to start shaving.  Luckily, most of them have looked at us and we communicate via eye contact to not pick anywhere near #1's age.  Hubby said he started shaving in the 6th grade.....#1 is in the 7th....and to be honest, I'm afraid he'll shave his lips off.  Let's get real, this kid is fabulous, but he's also as clumsy as they come....and forgetful.  I'm afraid he'll be shaving half his face, start dancing to a song and forget to shave the other half.  Where's the cute little kid that used to shave with bubbles and an action figure arm in the bathtub?!?!?!?

Oh and let's not forget #3.  We had communion service last night.  It's a terrific time to come, here a short sermon and take communion.  The #s look forward to it....#3 gets excited about the "skin and blood" every month.  Well, last night, #2 goes to the alter to pray (he was feeling EXTREMELY know, selling cough drops) and #3 decides he wants to go.  I am all about my kiddos going to pray, but there was something telling me that I needed to be up there with #3.  He goes facedown on the stage.  I mean, he is talking to God, he's looking up and then putting his head back down.  I'm actually having a "proud mommy" moment!  And then #2 goes back to his seat....and I realize that #3 and I are the only two up there.  I'm thinking "what in the world is #3 talking to God about"?!??!?!?!??
Me:  It's time to go back to our seats.
#3:  (whispering)  I'm not going back.
Me:  Do you need to keep talking to God?
#3:  (annoyed and saying it with his teeth clenched)  I'm finished talking to Him. this point, I look at Hubby who is playing the keyboards.  He is smiling at #3 and I'm looking at him like "you have no clue that he's about to pitch a fit and there is nothing you can do to help.  So at this point, it looks as if #3 and I are having a heartfelt conversation.  I'm rubbing his back and's one of those "if you only knew what was going on people" smiles.....
Me:  Then let's go back if you're finished talking to Him.
#3:  (still extremely annoyed)  I'm not going back.  I'm comfortable and I'm sleepy. he kidding me??!?!?!  How do I let our pastor know that #3's decided he's just gonna sleep on the stage?  How do I explain that I'll cause more of a scene if I move him than if I just let him stay?  
Me:  It is time to go back.  LOOK!  Mr. G is finished.
#3:  Oh...why didn't you tell me it's over Mom?!?!?  You've gotta tell me these things.
....and the kid went back to his seat.  Seriously keep me on my toes in our life by numbers!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Do You Ever Have a Heavy Heart?

There are times when my heart is just many people hurting, so many horrible things going on in the world, so much hatred on earth.....if one stops to think about it all the time, you'd want to curl up in your heated blanket and never come out of your bedroom again.

But my heart is heavy, but yet, joyful at the same time.  It's pretty wild to feel this way....where one minute your heart hurts and the next minute someone says something to lift that burden and tell you that things are going to be okay....cuz God is right there.

That's why I love working where I do.....of all places to work, teachers have got to rely on a being higher than themselves.  Okay, maybe that's not true for all teachers, but I thank God that I have Him to rely on as I teach almost 1000 students each week.  I see the pain, hurt, heartache, and sadness in some of these kid's eyes that I can't imagine just thinking "oh I hope they get better"....I pray for those kiddos....and I pray for the ones that have it all together....cuz one day, they won't and I know that it will be devastating to them.

Anyhoo.....back to MY heavy heart (I mean, this IS about me, right....kidding....).....

The last week has been kinda weird with #3.  He's gotten louder and a few times, he's just screamed out.  This isn't a meltdown scream, but rather a loud noise and he continues whatever he's doing at the time.  In my heart, I knew this was the Tourette Syndrome, but I tried my best to overlook it as it's the last thing I wanted to think about...this is supposed to be a happy time of year....right?  I mean, it's Christmas time!!!!

And then reality hit me.  Hard.  #3's teacher stopped me and said that the just screamed out while she was teaching and the class turned around and were shocked.  I mean, this IS the kid that doesn't talk out of turn in class, much less scream.  And then his anxiety kicked in and he sobbed at his desk.  As she told me this, I felt the tears burning in my eyes.  I don't remember much else of what she said cuz I was in a room full of educators and I did NOT want to cry.  I remember thinking over and over "it's's official.....what in the world am I going to do.....what if he starts cussing.....HOW THE HECK DOES A PASTOR'S FAMILY DEAL WITH TOURETTE SYNDROME IN THE MIDDLE OF A do I help do I help our do I make him realize that this is just part of it part of life".  These thoughts were racing through my head.  It was almost like I could see the tornado tearing up my brain and my little brain girl (trust me, there's a girl in there that has to put things in it's place) was trying to catch everything flying around, but it just wasn't working.  She was jumping and grabbing things, but more things would fly out of her hands.

I stopped at a friend's room and then went to my desk and tried to tears streamed down my face.  I texted Hubby.  I texted the therapist.  I'm beginning to think maybe I need the therapist.....I mean, I do think there's a little girl that lives in my brain.  I went over and over the teacher's story of what happened.  I felt helpless, yet I knew that I've got to get it together....nobody wants a sappy, crying music teacher.

I talked to #3's kindergarten teacher after school....and to hear her say all the fabulous things about #3 made me smile.  She said that God has got so many good things for #3 and this is just part of him.  Why did I need his kindergarten teacher to tell me that?  I don't know....maybe I just needed someone to let me know that it's gonna be okay.  Maybe God wanted me to hear it from someone that has seen #3 grow by leaps and bounds.  Maybe I just needed God to tell me that things were going to be okay and I needed to hear it through a sister....yeah, that sounds like how God works.

So this afternoon as #3 and I were walking through the gym, I stopped.....
Me:  #3, tell me what happened in class today. 
#3:  It was an accident Mommy.  I don't know what happened.  It just came out.  It scared me. 
Me:  What came out?
#3:  A scream.  I didn't know what to do....and I cried.  I'm so sorry Mommy.  I won't let it happen again....but I don't know how I let it happen this time.  
Me:  Honey, you have's something that makes you special from others.  
#3:  What is it?
Me:  It's called Tourette Syndrome....and sometimes, it makes you do things that you don't mean to clearing your throat, twirling your hair....
#3:  And screaming?
Me:  Yes #3....and screaming.
#3:  I don't want this Mommy.  I don't want to scream.  Everybody looked at me and I didn't like it.  Is it going to get worse?
Me:  Maybe.  But no matter what, God gave us fabulous teachers and therapists and doctors to help you with will be okay....and we'll get through it.  
#3:  I don't like it Mommy.....but I love you. 
Me:  I don't like it either #3.  But I love you too #3.  I love you too.
....and we hugged with tears streaming down our face and his face buried in my neck.  And I realized right there.....this is unconditional love.  A love that knows no boundaries and sees nothing too hard to get through.  Is it fair that MY seven year old has this?  As I tell my #'s all the time....a fair is where you ride rides and eaten cotton candy.  Life isn't fair....God never told us it would be fair...or easy....or fun all the time.  But God did say that He would be with us....and this is a hard time that He's going to get us through in our life by numbers.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Now You're Being a Little Over Dramatic

Sundays are the days I feel like we have to have it together the most.....and it's usually the day that we're in a million pieces......

Me:  Get up.
#2:  I'm tired.
#3:  The covers are warm.
#1:  Uh?  Oh, I'm up.
....few minutes later....
Me:  Make sure you get something to eat.
#1:  Okay.....what do we have?
#2:  I'll just put it in a bag and eat it in the car.
#3:  I don't want breakfast....I want lunch.
Me:  It's 6am.  Seriously kid.....get something for breakfast.
#3:  There are no more granola bars.
Me:  Then obviously you won't be eating one for breakfast.
#3:  But that's what I wanted.
Me:  We don't have any.  Find something else.
#2:  I found a new box.
#3:  I've decided I don't want a granola bar anymore.
...few minutes later....
#2:  Can I wear shorts?
Me:  No.
#2:  But I love to wear shorts.
Me:  It's too cold.
#2:  But I'll wear some of Daddy's socks and then the only thing that will show is a small part of my knee.
Me:  No.  The end.  Find long pants and a long sleeve shirt.
#2:  You don't like me.
Me:  You're right.  I'm just trying to protect you from the cold so you don't get deathly sick and die of pneumonia...what was I thinking?!??!!?
#2:  You're thinking that you're trying to run my life.  I'm eight years old....I can wear what I want.
Me:  YOU SIR....are eight years old and I WILL tell you what to wear and you WILL wear what I tell you to wear...and if that's ruining your life, so be it.
....a few minutes later....
#3:  I can't find my pants.
Me:  #1, can you help #3 find his pants so I can finish getting ready please?!?!?!?!
#1:  UGH!  I ALWAYS have to help him find his pants.
Me:  Yes, I do remember having to ask you to help him for the last seven years of his life to help him find his pants.  I do remember that every single day I ask you to help him with his clothes.  What was I thinking?!?!?!??  I can't believe I wanted you to help out!??!?!?!?
#1:  Now you're being a little over dramatic.
....a few minutes later.....
#3:  He hit me.
#2:  I did not.....I threw a ball at you.
#1:  And the air touched me so he must have hit me too.
Me:  Put the ball down.  Everybody get socks and shoes on....NOW!  If I hear one more argument, you're going to separate rooms.
....a few minutes later Hubby walks in from getting the bulletins from the BG church building.....
Hubby:  Hey!  How is everybody?!?!??!
#s:  We're great and ready to go!
.....and then it took me another ten minutes to finish getting ready and then we jump in the car and put on our smiling faces.  It's not like this every Sunday....who am I's like this a few times a week....but I wouldn't trade it for the world in our life by numbers!