Thursday, May 25, 2017

I DID IT!!!!!

I DID IT!!!! 

:insert happy dance, hands raised, smile on my face, jumping up and down:

Today I went to the cardiologist...I have dreaded this visit for the last two months.  Not because he's a mean guy, but because I needed results...and he was gonna shoot it to me straight if I didn't have the results he wanted...and I needed.  

Let's rewind to two months ago...I'm in church...listening to a sermon...and the right side of my jaw starts having this piercing pain.  I'm sitting there like "wow...this hurts". I continue to sit through the sermon and even afterwards, I'm talking to people.  The pain is worse, but ya know, gotta suck it up.  And then, my face goes numb.  I am trying to listen to this precious friend talk to me as I'm poking my face.  I'm sure she was thinking how weird is this lady that she's poking her face...and why in the world is she doing that?

I go to Hubby and I start tearing up...
Me: that kid's room.
Hubby:  What is going on?
Me:  I can't feel my face.  
Hubby:  What?
Me:  I CAN'T FEEL MY FACE! this point, we're both panicking, but he's pretty fabulous as keeping a calm front.  He calls our friend, he tells us to call my doctor, doctor says head to the ER, friends take my children, I yell at Hubby about going the speed limit from Morgantown to Bowling.  

We spend five hours in the ER...had our friend come to visit and make jokes...was treated like a stroke victim for the first four hours we were there, sent home with the diagnosis "you've got high blood pressure go see your doctor ASAP".  Thanks...I actually knew that!

Cardiologist tells me I need to exercise more.  He says that what I'm doing at school (all the jumping, running around, etc) isn't helping because my body is used to it.  So I've got to push my body more.  Exercise every day 30-60 minutes a day and watch everything I eat...need to eat clean and watch the sodium.  

Now...on that doctor's visit, I bawled like a baby.  I'm gonna be 40 in August and I'm in two blood pressure medicines.  I hate to take medicine.  I hate to exercise.  I hate to watch what I eat.  I'm in a lose-lose situation at this point.  

I went home that day...and I committed myself to getting off those medicines.  It's not going to be easy, but I am getting off of them.  

So the next day, I worked out 30 minutes.  I started Couch to app (cuz I'm cheap)...and I thought "duh, I can do this".  

OH. MY. GOODNESS.  I thought I was going to die.  Whoever invented 30 minutes straight of exercise needs a nap.  Sweat was all over my body and I was not enjoying it one bit.  The only part I liked was that I decide to watch "Friends" while I worked out on the treadmill...and realize that I'm more like Monica in every episode.  

And to top things off, I apparently can't read.  I thought it was an every day ordeal...and I didn't realize that until I was on week 3...and I was only 1 1/2 weeks into the exercise routine. Ugh!  

So every day I've exercised on that treadmill.  I mean, I'm already on the sixth season of Friends.  I've made it a part of my daily routine.  I let out frustration as a ran.  I complained while I ran.  I took my stress and ran to get rid of it.  It was weird, but amazing at the same time.  There were many times that I had to push myself to get on the treadmill...and nights I waited until the last minute to even look at the treadmill.  I would eat with the family and be gone for an hour as I exercised and watched Friends.  

And I loathed putting everything I ate in the fitness app.  I would cringe as I put things in because I didn't want my sodium to be too high.  I will say that I started looking at nutritional labels...and things were high opening to me.  Hubby and I started to read labels on everything...the entire family was in on it...not that the #s likes reading labels, but they helped me...they supported me.  

So fast forward to today...Hubby was kind enough to go with me.  We got there ten minutes early and we were taken to the room quickly.  The lady weighed me (I'm not a fan of this part either)...but...I LOST 12 POUNDS!!!!!  I mean, I've got from an x-large shirt to a medium.  I've worked my butt off.  

I DID IT!  My doctor came in with a big smile on his face...told me I've done well.  We talked about clean eating, my energy, my exercising...and then he dropped the bombshell on me....

Doctor: Listen, I want you to live a little also.  Don't put exercise above everything else.  Don't make it a cult or addiction.  Eat out and take a break...and then exercise and eat clean.  

WHAT?!?!?  I am one of those people that put 100% into whatever I put my mind to.  I was told I needed to exercise to get off these medications...and now you want me to live my life!?!?!?!  That's like saying "slow down", "take a break"...remember...I'm like Monica on Friends...I don't know what slow down means!

But guess a month, I get to cut one of my medicines in 1/2!  And in six months, if things are still good, I get off that other 1/2...and then we talk about the other medicine.  You bet your bottom dollar I'm going to exercise every day to end these medications!  

And guess what?  I did...I took Chick-Fil-A today for lunch for the #s...and I got something too.  And I didn't worry (too much) about it.  

So today after lunch I cleaned out the kitchen, den, and dining room.  Then I went to exercise on he treadmill...and enjoyed it.  I want off these medicines.  I want to be here for my family for a long time.  I want to let go of unneeded stress.  And with the fabulous support of Hubby and the #s, I pray that I continue to work towards getting off these medications and being healed in Our Life of Numbers!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Testing Week At Our House's been a while.  Things have been crazy in our games, EasterFest, spring break, life...I had someone ask me today how in the world we do it with three boys...planning...lots and lots of planning...and when something doesn't go as planned, sometimes there are tears and then you just change your mindset and go.  If I've learned anything in this life, it's that I can't plan everything.

But I write tonight because I'm frustrated.  I'm thinking it was about this time last year when I wrote that I was frustrated...frustrated about this state testing stuff.  How times haven't changed...except I'm a little more frustrated this year because all three of the #s are testing this year.  So testing officially starts tomorrow and these are the conversations that I've had so far...

With my 8th grader...
#1:  I have got to do well on this test so we can have fun the rest of the year.

Me:  They can't stop you from having fun because of the test.

#1:  Yes they can.  They can take away everything because of our scores. 

Me:  No they can't.

#1:  Mom, you don't know.  You've never taught at the junior high.  

Me:  I know they're not going to take the fun stuff they have planned for you for the end of the year because of the score on the test.  

#1:  They also said that this counts and we could be held back.

Me:  They cannot hold you back in the 8th grade because of these tests.

#1:  Yes they can.  It counts now.

Me:  Counts for what?

#1:  If I can go to the 9th grade.

Me:  Seriously...think about this.  You've had good grades all year long.  Do you really think that this test is going to count more than the 10 months of work you've done all year?

#1:  I don't know.  I'm just saying that I've been told that I can be held back.

Me:  Listen.  To.  Me.  We do not get these test scores until October.  There is no way they will pull you out of the 9th grade and put you back in the 8th grade because of these test scores.  No.  Way.  You would have already had nine weeks of your 9th grade year. Stop worrying about this test.
#1:  THEN WHY DO THEY KEEP SAYING THESE THINGS?!?!?!?!  I'm freaking out about it!

Me:  Because there are children that won't do the best they can if they aren't told it counts towards something.  You are not one of those children.  You are going to 9th grade next year.  The.  End.  

With my 4th grader...
#2:  I'm ready for KPREP.

Me:  Great!  I'm glad you're ready. 

#2:  Teacher said we will get plenty of recess time after the tests because we have to sit for so long.  

Me:  So really you're excited about recess?!?!?

#2:  Yes...and reading my book.  After I complete the test AND check over my work, I get to read.  I mean, what a day...I'm going to love these five days.  

#1:  You know what I get to do after my test?  I HAVE TO CHECK IT OVER AND OVER UNTIL THE TEST IS FINISHED.  

#2:  Stop freaking out about this.  It's not going to change your life.  

#2:  The teachers are telling us to make sure we eat a good breakfast.  I'm thinking pancakes and bacon tomorrow.

Me:  That's not what you eat every morning and your grades are good.  I wouldn't want to jinx you taking the test by giving you a pancake and bacon breakfast when your body isn't used to it.  What if your body eats that and is like "whoa, I'm tired" and you sleep through the test?

#2:  Interesting...but my body is saying pancakes and bacon tomorrow would be great. 

Me:  And I'm saying, eat your cereal tomorrow and you'll be fine.  

With my 3rd grader...first year tester...
#3:  I'm only taking one pencil to my KPREP test.  

Me:  Why?

#3:  Because if it breaks, then I am finished with my test.

Me:  They have more pencils. 

#3:  Nope...I need latex free pencils so I don't hurt my one pencil is all I'm taking. 

Me:  Nice try.  

#3:  What if I forget my ball?

Me:  Then Teacher will go get it for you.

#3:  What if I forget my gum? 

Me:  Then Teacher will get some for you.

#3:  What if I forget my "break card" and the teacher doesn't know I can take breaks?

Me:  Ms. C is going to take care of you and make sure you have everything for your tests.  You've got to stop worrying about this.

#3:  What if I forget an answer to a question?  Or what if I do bad?

Me:  This test is just for you to do the best that you can.  If you forget an answer, you'll find the best one.  And there's no bad...unless you don't try.  You are going to try, so you'll do great. 

#3:  But the grade...

Me:  The grade doesn't count.

#3:  Yes it does...why would they have novice, distinguish, and proficient if it didn't count.  You get certificates if you do good on the test and nothing if you do bad.  What if I do bad Mommy?  Will people still like me if I'm not as smart as my brothers or my friends?

Me:  (tears in my eyes) Honey, you are going to do the best you can.  I already know how smart you are.  Your teachers already know how smart you are.  Your brothers already know how smart you are.  These scores don't matter to us at all.  I promise. 

I'm sure some people will be quite surprised about how crazy it is in our house around this testing time.  And now I'm off to get a little eight year old in his own bed because he fell asleep while crying in my bed about this test tomorrow...we will be dancing for joy next Wednesday when this testing is over for this year in Our Life By Numbers!