Monday, August 31, 2015


This kid is excited!  #2 is officially on the team that he wanted/should have been on in the first place. It only took an act of congress, lots of prayers, many texts, numerous phone calls to get him on the team.  I know that he would have done fine on the other team, but this morning he still said he just didn't want to play football if he couldn't play with his friends.  I mean, the kiddo is eight years old, can he just play some football with his friends?  YES HE CAN!!!!  

So when I found out he was put on the team, I wrote it on a post-it note and went to his classroom during his lunch and placed it in front of him.  I was so excited to see his face.  He read it and looked at a friend and...
#2:  Hey!  I'm on the Broncos now!!!
.....wait.  WHAT!?!?!!?  You told a friend before you even smiled at me?!?!!?  Are you kidding me?!?!!??!?!  Kid, I've made people mad all over this county to see if we could get you on one of your friend's team and you told a friend before you smiled at me!?!??!?!  ARE.  YOU.  KIDDING!?!?!!

#2 had his first practice today and was smiling from ear to ear....
Me:  How was practice?
#2:  It was great....I ran did lots of drills and ran a lot!
Me:  And that was fun?
#2:  It was great!!!
....apparently we have two different ideas of the word "great" and "fun".  If someone is making me run and do drills, there better be a money...or a smoothie at the end.  Is "sports" a love language?  Cuz this kid obviously has it!  

We're just not getting back into the groove of school yet with #1.  I'm guessing the paper that was stuffed in his folder about a project confirms that we're not there yet.....
Me:  #1....WHEN did you get this paper?
#1:  I don't know....maybe last week?
Me:  This is a's due's a project!
#1:  A project?
Me:  Yes....that's why it has PROJECT written on the paper!!!
#1:  I guess I just forgot.  I mean, I'm just not in the groove of 7th grade yet. 
Me:  Ugh!  I'm about to get you ready.....
#1:  I'll get the project done.
Me:  I know.
#1:  Okay...I need help.
Me:  With what?
#1:  This project.
.....7th grade might be the death of me....or of #1.  I mean.....FORGETTING A PROJECT!?!?!??  We haven't even been in school a month.  Lord help us....

And to end our night, we got our spelling sheet for #3.  He LOVES to do his spelling cuz he gets to be creative.  She sends home a sheet that looks like a tic-tac-toe board and he picks three of the squares to do throughout the week...and there's a free space.  Now, I've told her about getting rid of this "free space".  Nobody should have their child be so creative that the child wants a pillow to write their spelling words on.....nobody.  And what if he wants to do more creative write on the walls, sky write with a plane, or write on the dog!??!?!
#3:  I think I know what I'm going to do with the free space this week?
Me:  What's that?
#3:  I'm going to write my words on a spoon!
Me:  On a spoon!!?!?!
#3:  Oh I've got one.....I can call Mrs. D and spell the words to her on the phone. 
Me:  (laughing)  Sounds good to me...tell her you need her've got a new idea for a free space!  

This week starts "the house stays clean because we're never home to get it dirty" season.  We've got football practice, Communion Service, Worship Team rehearsal, Hubby's got a gig, getting ready for the dry run of Butler least our house will stay clean in our busy life by numbers!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Oh Yeah, I'm THAT Mom.....

Me: Did you have fun?
#3: Yes I did!
Me: They are such a sweet family!
#3: Yeah....I could totally live with them.
Me: WHAT?!?!?
#3: Don't could live with us the grandma!
....AS THE GRANDMA!?!?!?!  I might have some silver hair and I might love to be in bed by 8:45pm, but a grandma???  This kid sure does know how to pull my chain.  

In reality, I am SOOO thankful that #3 had such a great time with his friends on their play date.  Birthday parties and going to people's houses don't happen much because it's just not something I want to prep him for and I don't want to worry the entire time.  You know, worry about things such as.....
  • *Is he hiding from them?
  • *Will he eat anything?
  • *What if he has a meltdown?

....the best text I got was after we had #3 in our car and the mom wrote me "Just so you know, we all love #3".  BEST.  TEXT.  EVER!!!!

On the way to school, #1 informed me that he had a science test.  UGH!!!  Kid, you didn't tell me about this test.  Now, I don't do his work for him, but I do check to make sure that he actually did the work.  I also like to know when he has a test so I can remind him to study....
Me:  What is the test over.
#1:  I told you.....Science.
Me:  So every piece of information about science is on this test?  Like how the blood flows in the body to how seeds grow to the decomposition of animals?
#1:  Don't be silly's about the elements on the periodic table.
Me:  (yeah, cuz he was that specific when he said "Science") me the information of three elements on the periodic table.
.....#1 proceeds to tell me more than I ever wanted to know about two of the elements on the periodic table....
Me:  I am very impressed.
#1:  Thanks...I really like Science.
Me:  Okay....
#1:  Okay, what?
Me:  Name me one more element and the information.
#1:  Seriously?  Don't be "THAT" mom.
Me:  "THAT" mom?  What is "THAT" mom?
#1:  You know, the one that says you're grounded for 24 hours and when it's been 23 hours and 58 minutes, you look at me and say you are still grounded for two minutes.
Me:  Oh honey.....I AM "that" mom and really, you'd be grounded for another 2 minutes and 1 second to make sure you got the full 24 hours.
#1:  You're killing me.
Me:  It makes life interesting for all of give me the information to another element. life has come to be sarcastic to my 12-year old.  I love this kid....but the sarcasm is totally blowing my mind with him.  Totally.  Blowing.  My.  Mind.  

Apparently #3's class got a class pet this week.....
#3:  We got a fish.  You know, I think I need a fish.
Me:  (trying to change the direction of this conversation) What is the name of your class pet.
#3:  We can call him Mr. Bubbles or Bubbles.  I first voted for Mr. Bubbles, but Bubbles is starting to grow on me.
Me:  I like Bubbles.
#3:  I think I'd like to bring the class pet he has people to talk to on the weekend.
Me:  I don't think you bring a fish home.  I mean, how would you get it home?
#3:  We buy a tank for our house.  I've been wanting a fish.
Me:  I don't think we need a fish.  We have a cat and a dog.
#2:  And let's face it....all of your fish have died.'s nice to have a child that is so blunt and sarcastic.  Kinda of reminds me of me.....just a little.  :) 

After a fabulous work day in Butler County today, we found out that #2 isn't on the football team that he should be on after playing for the Eagles.....
#2:  WHAT?!?!?!?  I can't do that!  I don't wanna be on a team that I've never been on...I don't even know those people.
Me:  We'll figure out what's going on.  I'm sure we'll get it all straightened out.
#2:  I mean, I want to play with my friends.....not against them.  MOMMMMM!  
.....I know he could play on any team, but he's such a team player and his friends are already split between two teams and he wouldn't be on either team.  He was so upset all afternoon.  Luckily, everybody we have spoken to has been extremely nice and understanding so we're hoping to hear something soon.  Poor kid wants to play....but with his friends.  

When we came home from our work day, our laundry room had water all over the floor...from under the dryer.  REALLY!!??!?!   And while #2 is putting towels over that, the dog gets in the litter box!  Seriously!??!?!  Then I stopped.  I looked at the #s and looked around.  Well played satan.....well played. After a fabulous day working to open the third campus, satan decides to step in and mess with us.  Nice.....but as a friend said, we're on the winning team.  :)

Speaking of our work day in Butler County.....Friends, I'm just gonna tell you that all the sadness and reservation about leaving the Bowling Green campus went away today.  The peace that God has given me was so overwhelming today as we set up classrooms and made lists of what we need.  I was blessed to work with a couple of friends in getting the classrooms set up and it makes me want to teach every one of these babies and make sure they grow to know who Jesus is.  We got to the building at 8:30am and stayed until 4:30pm....well, that's when I took the #s home.  I'm anxious to read the curriculum and hand it to my teachers and check in those babies and put the parents at ease and help with making sure that every detail is well thought out.  I mean, I am LOVIN' this!!!!!  And the #s...oh my...they were so good.  They played and they goofed off, but they really did help when we needed them to.  They were wiping toys and cleaning boxes and emptying trash and organizing.....I want the #s to feel that they have a hand in opening this campus....and today, I just know that they did!  It's amazing how God He takes you out of situations, puts you in situations, closes doors, open windows, strengthens friendships, rekindles old ones, loves us, cares for us, protects us.  I am loved and I pray that I can show that love to these precious people that walk through our doors on September 13th.  I don't care what you look like, what your sin is, what you wear, what your past is, where you work......I want to show you Jesus....cuz He has pulled me out of valleys and I couldn't do life without Him.  In fact, without Jesus in my life, it just wouldn't be our life by numbers!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

They're All in Rare Form

#3's teacher told me that #3 came up to her and said he was too tired to do his work.  So I asked him about it....
Me:  So, um, I heard that you were too tired to do some homework today.
#3:  No, I was too tired to do some CLASS work....not homework.
Me:  And why were you so tired?
#3:  We just had recess.  I mean, my belly is full, I just played with my friends.  It was nap time.
Me:  I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to tell your teacher how you feel, but let's be respectful and make sure you do what you're told.
#3:  (huge sigh) I was respectful.....I was so respectful that I was honest with her.  Being honest is being respectful.  Right?  You tell me to be honest.  And I did do my classwork.....I didn't want to be disrespectful.
Me:  Just.  Do.  Your.  Work.  The.  End.
#3:  Yes ma'am.
.....and this is where I bang my head against a brick wall, right?  So...this isn't the ADD.  This is the oppositional defiance disorder.....or maybe his stinkin' smarts.  I keep telling myself....just stay one step ahead....ONE STEP AHEAD!

So #1 fell today.  I can't tell if he's in pain or if he's exaggerating.  I don't know where he gets it, but he's kinda full of drama.  I told him that I would look at it....
#1:  You can't look at it.
Me:  Why?
#1:  It's my butt!  You can't look at my butt.
Me:  I'm your mother.  I've wiped your butt.
#1:  NO.....I want Dad to look at it.
(a few minutes later)
#1:  Can I take a bath?
Me:  Yes.
#1:  Can you help me make it?
Me:  Sure.....
#1:  OH NO!!!!  How am I going to get it?  It hurts to bend!
Me:  I'll help you.
#1:  NO.....I'll have to do it myself.
Me:  I thought you were hurt?
#1:  You're my MOM!
....and that's how it ended.  He got in and out by himself, but he's still in pain.  I've officially been made off limits to help my child's tushy.

And then we worked on #2's spelling words today...
Me:  You have GOT to remember to change the "y" to "i" and add "es".
#2:  Except in "supplying".
Me:  You're not spelling "supplies", you're spelling "supplying".
#2:  These rules!!!!  Why can't we just add "s" to stuff!?!?!?  This is ridiculous!  This language is crazy....make it easy's English!  Right?
Me:  Supplying......
#2:  (huge sigh) crazy word.

There was a battle that was won today.....I got #3 to eat noodles with spaghetti sauce on it.  He came up to me twice and said he just "couldn't eat anymore" as I'm exercising, I tell him to bring me his bowl....
.....and yes, this is him eating noodles with spaghetti sauce, in my room, on my carpet, on the took a while, but he ate some.....oh my crazy life by numbers!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

He'll Find the Loophole in Anything!

If my life isn't funny enough, I am now trying to help #1 with playing the trombone.  Now, I know nothing....NOTHING...about the trombone.  I can help with percussion, I can help with flute, I can help with bass guitar and piano, and I can help with voice.....but I CANNOT help with brass instruments.  Well, there is something that is the same with all instruments....and that would be the scales.  As I've stated in a previous posts, I'm not a fan of sharps, but I know my flats.  And this would be where #1 and I butt heads......
#1: You are not right!
Me: Yes I am. You're playing it wrong.
#1: I am not!!!! You just don't know it!
Me: I don't know the E-flat scale?!?!?! Are you SERIOUS?!!!?
#1: Yes!
Me: I have a music education degree. I've had theory up to my ears....and you're telling me I don't know the E-flat scale?!?
#1: Maybe you learned it wrong. Maybe it's different now.
Me: (singing it to him) E-flat, F, G, A-flat, B-flat, C, D, E-flat.
#1: (sheepishly) Oh yeah.....A-flat is in that scale. I guess you were right.
.....MAYBE IT'S DIFFERENT NOW!!!??!?!?  Are you kidding me kid?  The most fabulous thing is that I am friends with his band directors and they did a fantastic job of making sure that #1 knows that there IS an A-flat in the E-Flat scale.  Thanks friends!  :)

To top it off, #3 was so excited about the grass he brought home from science class!  I mean, look at this precious face....

....I decided to ask him a few questions about his know, to see what he would tell me.... 
 Me: I love all that grass you grew!
#3: Oh that isn't grass. All that green stuff are all the thoughts that the seeds had. They thought a lot while they were in that dirt!
.....seriously, how in the world does he come up with this stuff?  Creative?  Yes.  Funny?  Yes.  Scary as heck to me?  Absolutely.

That's like in therapy today....
Therapist:  So you will sleep in Mommy's bed tonight, but tomorrow night you go to the mattress on the floor.  If you switch all week, we'll add another night next week on the mattress.  BUT.....if you get in their bed in the middle of the night, it won't count as sleeping on the mattress.
#3:  What if I sleep walk? 
Therapist:  You don't sleep walk.
 #3:  But what if I start sleep walking?  You never know when someone is going to start sleep walking.
Therapist:  You don't sleep walk.  You're not going to start sleep walking.  And it still won't count.
#3:  What if I put the sleeping bag on top of the bed?   Technically I'm not sleeping in her bed...I'm sleeping on TOP of her bed.
Me:  Do you see why I have to keep two steps ahead of him?
Hubby:  He's gonna be a lawyer....he can find the loophole in ANYTHING!
....and it's so true.  This kid.......oh my goodness this kid. 

So this weekend, #2 was sick.  I stayed home with him yesterday since the doc said that he couldn't go to school.  The kid slept all day....and I cleaned the house, washed the bedding, worked on school work, and sanitized anything that I could.  I can't stand people being sick, but it really freaks me out when it's someone in our house.  I mean, I almost left the school last week when someone sneezed on me....

Sometime this weekend I was trying to get #3 asleep....
#3:  I can't go to sleep.
Me:  You're not even trying.
#3:  What!?!??!  How do you know?
Me:  I know all.
(few minutes later)
#3:  I can't go to sleep.
Me:  Yes you can.  Close your eyes.
#3:  I hear Presley's (our dog) nails.
Me:  She's getting settled in to take a nap.  Be quiet.
#3:  I hear the dishwasher going on.
Me:  It's in another room.  Go to sleep.
#3:  Mommy?
Me:  What.
#3:  I can't go to sleep.
Me:  Why not?
#3:  I hear my heart beeping....and it just won't stop.
Me:  Go play. 
.....I can't win an argument with this kid...and sometimes, I just give up.  I mean, his heart is're just not gonna win that fight.

#1 and #2 were arguing (about what, I have no idea cuz it could be just about anything).  #1 slipped over his own two feet.....
#3:  Well, isn't that something for karma. does #3 know about karma?  How does he use the word in a sentence?  Where did he learn this from?  We don't say the word "karma".  It's not in our every day vocabulary.  There's that lawyer in him coming out. 

And this is how I'll end my night.....
......#1 and #3 were so upset that #2 was sick that they got in bed and made sure they could be with him as they watched tv....but they're not too close.....nobody wants to get sick in our life by numbers!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Hey...There's That Strawberry....

We have had the worst weekend ever.  Well, let me take that's been good because we've had to stay at home.  The worst part is that #2 has been sick all weekend.  Just some coughing....a fever Friday night...and puny.  Saturday he didn't pick up a football or a soccer ball all weekend.  We KNOW that he's sick if there isn't a ball flying in our den or kitchen at all hours of the day.  It was great to just be at home....just be schedule free. 

Last night, #2 didn't have a fever and felt much better.  This morning he woke up and was fabulous.  Then during the third service, they called me saying he felt bad again.  So we go home.  I called the doctor on call since he had a fever of 102.2....seriously dude?!?!?! 

Tech:  You could come now, but it's a two hour wait or you can come at 3:30pm and we'll get you in right away because you'll have an appointment.
Me:  Really?  I'll take the 3:30pm appointment. is this even a choice?  Who would have chosen to wait for two hours?  Would someone actually pick to wait two hours in a germ infested place?  I guess some will....

We got there and #2 was tested for the flu, strep, had his white blood counted tested, and had a chest x-ray.  The way the doctor was talking, we weren't guaranteed that #2 was going home.  He kept saying that he sounds awful....and he was severely dehydrated. 

The nurse swabs #2's nose, throat, takes blood (out of both arms cuz the first one showed how dehydrated he blood and no vein to be seen).  It was a fabulous way to spend a Sunday afternoon. 

The rest of the afternoon....
Doc:  Strep test came back negative.
....few minutes later....
Doc:  Flu test came back negative.
....few minutes later....
Doc:  White blood count is okay.
....few minutes later....
Doc:  Surprisingly, his chest x-ray looks clean.  We'll have the radiologist look at it, but at this point, we can rule out pneumonia.  We're going to treat him for bronchitis.  I'll tell you....I'm really glad for him....I thought you'd be spending the night somewhere else. 
....I'm hoping he meant the hospital....and not the morgue. a mother, there are certain things I just can't do....spiders, snakes, and vomit might be my top three. After our wonderful afternoon in UrgentCare, we came home and #2 finally had an appetite. And less than an hour later, you guessed it, three times on the floor....
#2:  I'm so sorry.
Me:  It's okay honey.
#2:  Hey....there's that strawberry I ate.
Me:  Stop.
#2:  And is that my macaroni?  That's an entire noodle!!!!  WOW!!!!
Me: I love you...but stop. 

As I'm staring at the kitchen floor, #1 was asking if he could help and #3 saying "ewwww", I realized that Hubby wasn't home.  Why wasn't he home?  Did he plan this?  Doesn't he know I can't do vomit?  Then it came to me....I had two options: clean or leave (I mean, the dog was ready and willing to help).  No paper towels in our house.....I used a 1/2 of a container of napkins, a trash bag and held my breath the entire time.  I stayed calm.  I didn't cry.  I didn't vomit myself.  I just cleaned it up.  ALL. BY. MYSELF.
#2:  Can I have my water?
Me:  I can't get it for you right now.
#2:  I can't take this medicine without my water.
Me:  I have macaroni and cheese on my house are NOT getting your water right now. 
#2:  Okay. right now, I'm going to check on #2, tell #1 and #3 to go to bed and get some sleep.....I'll be staying home taking care of #2 tomorrow in our life by numbers!

Friday, August 21, 2015

No, I'm Not Kidding

I had a kid sneeze on my foot today.  I'm not kidding.  I was wearing sandals.  It took everything in my power not to walk out of the classroom, get in my car, go home, take a shower, and hide myself in bed for the rest of the day.  Since I couldn't leave, I grabbed four tissues off my desk, grabbed my hand sanitizer and poured it all over my toes and shoes.  Then I got a Clorox wipe and wiped my foot and shoe again.  All this happened while my kiddos were learning the difference between a strong beat and a weak beat.....there's nothing like stomping to get the snot out of your shoe to show a strong beat.  Guess's the second time this has happened this two different schools.  It might be time to wear rain boots while I teach elementary school children. 

My precious #2 fell asleep on the way home from school today.  That's not unusual, BUT his fever was.  When we got home it was 99.9.  We got home and he fell asleep.  Poor kiddo just doesn't feel good.  What in the world?   He was fine when I took him to school.  Did someone sneeze on his shoe????  So we're home errands,  no eating out.  It's been nice....except for the crying spell from #2 about how we didn't run errands or take him out to eat.  Kid's got a fever and he doesn't care at all about infecting the world.  At least he's covering his mouth when he coughs.....

#3 got to write about himself this week in one of his classes at school.  I love reading these because there is always that element of surprise.  You know, the one that says something about your family that makes you think "did the teacher read this and do I need to explain what really happened"!??!?!  Well, I got this in #3's folder today......

....and under "Things that bug me", #3 wrote "flies, brothers and bedtime".  Brothers...his brothers bug him.  That's nice to know.  And what about the picture of him?  I mean, what exactly is the black thing on the yellow body?  His face?  A mask?  Are we seeing things differently in the mirror?  I do like that he says he likes to read....might make our reading log a little easier this year.  I HAVE PROOF YOU LIKE TO READ SON!

And to end tonight, I'd like to show you the beautiful poem that #1 wrote for one of his classes.  It's like a mad lib assignment....

and I have laughed until I cried....I mean, look at what he said "I am from toilet paper to Oxyclean to couches...."....
Me:  Okay, explain this to me.
#1:  Well, we go through a ton of toilet paper.
Me:  And the OxyClean?
#1:  DUH!  You like everything to be clean......and make us do it.
Me:  And couches?
#1:  Every time I come home, you've added more to the couch. 
.....sounds like he's got some issues we need to work on!?!?!?!

This girl is going to bed to have nightmares of germs all over my shoes and boogers comes to get's never dull in our life by numbers!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

I'm Not a Fan of Sharps....

This warms my heart......I obviously mean the "campus portal" notification.  I hated learning the chromatic scale when I played flute.  I also am not a fan of sharps which is probably why I don't like the chromatic scale.  I used to change all the sharps to flats in my band book and get in so much trouble.  I'm so proud of #1 and his hard work in band.  He keeps saying how much he loves it and his teachers and how much he enjoys playing the trombone.  I am BLESSED that he loves music....cuz I sure didn't think he'd follow in our footsteps at all when it came to music. 

Last night there was an goes something like this.....

.....yeah, we had a meltdown.  During this meltdown, he fell asleep in Hubby's closet.  We debated on whether to leave him there, but I sure didn't want him to wake up and be upset.  This meltdown was only about five minutes.  YAY for baby steps! 

Today was a great day!  I am getting used to my schedule and actually using my planning to get a ton done...and I've decided to get out and talk to people more.  What is this new leaf I've turned over?!?!?!?  Stay calm's only the third week of school...I'm sure I'll slack and hole myself in my room, work more at home and find a problem with my schedule soon.  Don't panic folks....all will be right with the world soon! 

Well I'm guessing #2 really did learn his lesson about making sure that he had the correct homework finished each night.  Tonight he checked two or three times, we checked the e-mail that one of his teachers sent AND he went over his agenda.  He said he never wants to run the track an extra lap again and he wants to eat in the classroom every Friday.  Lesson learned?  We shall see! 

Picture this......#3 has been EXCITED about doing his homework all week.  The one he wanted to do today was write his teacher an e-mail using his spelling words.  He's been thinking about this e-mail all week and wanted to wait until tonight to do it.  Well...... guessed it, he forgot ALL that he wanted to say.  I'm pretty sure this meltdown lasted from 3:50pm to 5:45pm.  I would love to say that I'm exaggerating.  I would love to say that he's crying with laughter.  This was pure crying for 1 hour and 55 minutes.  Crying.  Screaming.  Stomping.  Pouting.  And #3 was crying too.  So we finally got math and spelling finished.  This is on top of working with #2 with his spelling and #1's vocabulary words.  Seriously folks.....ONE HOUR AND FIFTY FIVE MINUTES!!!!  And yes, I did try to hug him....and yes, I got hit...and yes, I decided I wasn't hugging him anymore during this meltdown.  I mean, I feel so stinkin' sorry for him.  I'm soooo glad he feels comfortable to do this at home....mostly because I don't want him to feel comfortable to do this at school or someone else's house.  That's my worst fear....I mean seriously, a HUGE fear of mine.  The therapists keep saying that he has so much anxiety, fear, anger, sadness, etc. inside of him all day that he has to let it go.  This could be anything from getting an answer wrong on a test to a friend looking at him wrong.  Just breaks my heart.  

But.....we did get homework finished!!!!  He also wanted to write his words in shaving cream.  WE DON'T HAVE SHAVING CREAM!!!!!  Okay...calm down Kelley.  I can do this.....
Me:  We have lotion.
#3:  (starting to cry)  I can't use lotion....I have to use shaving cream.
Me:  No you don't!!!!  The paper says you can be creative!  So....let's do some calming lotion. 
#3:  What?  I can? 
Me:  Yes....see...and while we use it, it smells good and will calm us all.
#3:  Okay. 
....."okay"?  OKAY!?!??!?!  That's all it took?!?!!?!?!  I'll lather you in calming lotion if that's all it takes child.  How can I not be smart enough to find the key thing that turns off this crying?  I'm pretty sure that if I could read his mind, we would avoid most of these meltdowns.  WHY DON'T I HAVE THE SUPERPOWER TO READ MINDS?!?!?!?!

So here is us working on writing his name in "please let us get through this homework so Mommy doesn't have a meltdown", I mean, "calming" lotion..... you can see, we started with #3 "erasing" the word if he messed up, but he didn't like the lotion on his fingers.  Oh course he didn't.  So I ended up being his "eraser" and he used a pencil to write the words.  You know, whatever works friend.....whatever works cuz I'm just living in our life by numbers!  :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Clipping Down and Homework

I'm fairly confident that my family is against me watching Netflix or Hulu.  I've come to this conclusion because the remote is gone....and nobody seems to want to find it.  In fact, it's almost like they've forgotten about it....and when I mention it, they just smile and all of them say they'll "get to it" or "let's look for it later".  Do they know how to watch it without the remote?  Are they just not telling me?  Have they hidden the remote?  Have I done something that they're getting me back for?  I even downloaded the remote for my phone to see if I could do it.  Yeah....that would be a negative. 

So, this week has been crazy busy.  I don't know how we're going to add two football rehearsals, um, I mean "practices" and a game in our week starting at the end of this month.  I'm guessing all this running around means that gas will be going know, since I have to drive across town a couple of times a day.  But, to be honest, I wouldn't trade it (well, I would like the gas prices to go back down to under a $1 a gallon).  I love that #2 has found his passion....didn't know I'd be a sports mom.....but I like his passion. 

Therapy is always a nice way to start out our week.  We had that yesterday.  I was told that we just can't "coddle" #3 anymore.  I feel like if I'm any meaner or stricter, I'd be the orphanage keeper in the musical Annie.  I mean, when #3 has his meltdowns, I just let him do it.  I don't coddle him.  I don't rub his back, I don't sing to him, I don't try to hug him.....heck, I might get hit....but I do talk to him.....or I ignore him and hug him after he has it.  Blah.  I wish God would just send me a "THIS IS WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO" sign.  It would really help me when I have all these questions.  There are days I just look at Hubby when #3 is having a meltdown and I just shrug my shoulders. 

So this weekend, he started zoning out.  I noticed it when he was pooping (remember, I'm pretty much an open book) and he is talking to me and then I watch his pupils get as big as the moon, he stops talking and he's staring.....AT NOTHING.  This goes on for about three minutes.  Now, I don't just sit there.  I'm talking to him.  I'm tapping on his arm.  I'm snapping my fingers at him.  I'm starting to yell.  I'm doing anything to get him out of this.  The only thing I can think is he's having a seizure.  And then BAM......he snaps out of it and continues to talk...
Me:  Ummmm.....what just happened?
#3:  I'm pooping.
Me: just zoned out.  You just stopped talking. 
#3:  Yeah, I do that.
Me:  WHAT!?!?!?! 
#3:  I've been doing that.  I do that at school too.
Me:  WHAT!?!?!?!?!??!?!?
#3:  Yeah, all the people go away in the class.
Me:  WHAT?!?!!??!
#3:  Well, I watch them all go away and then I finish my work.  Don't worry....they come back.
Me:  Well that's good to know., of course, I ask the therapists about it....

Therapist: So what #3 is doing when he "zones out" is a coping mechanism. His pupils will dilate and he says everybody in the room goes away....but he's very aware that this is going on. This is his way of deflecting what's going on and he "comes to" when he feels more comfortable.
Me: Is this normal?
Therapist: Absolutely not....but neither is what we're dealing with. Think about it this way....if all the people in a room suddenly went away, that would freak us doesn't freak out #3. 

....yeah, I'm pretty sure if I started to see people go away, that would freak me out.  You know, this kiddo is gonna make it big some day.  Whatever he does, I'm gonna look back on this blog and all the posts and memories and know that he is a very special kid that I love that just does things a little differently....and isn't that what we all want?!?!?!?  

So......#2 clipped today.  Remember, this kid is a tough guy....but has a heart of gold....
#2:  (tearing up already)  I clipped down today.
Me:  Why?
#2:  (in tears)  I did the wrong homework.  I'm so sorry.  I'm so upset and mad with myself.  
Me:  Honey, it's the first time you've clipped down.  
#2:  But it's so early in the year and  now I don't get to eat in the classroom on Friday.  I can't believe this.  I'm so mad at me.  
Me:  Honey, it's one time.  You've learned from your mistake and now what does this teach you?
#2:  To listen to the homework better.....I'm so sorry...AND NOW I HAVE TO RUN TWO LAPS!
Me:  You have got to stop crying.  It's okay.  Nobody is mad but you.  Not even your teachers are mad.  
#2:  But I'm mad at me......(still crying)
....the best was to have this big ol' third grader get in my lap and hug me.....tears and all!  I love that kiddo!!!!

And then the drama with #1....homework.  Hubby was up with him late last night doing math.  #1 is good in mad.  He's been tested as gifted in math.....he is not doing well in math.  He made so many mistakes on his work and then he found out he made mistakes on the work before that.  He is so upset....and it hasn't been all rainbows and unicorns for us either.  So today between science, math and English (or maybe reading), #1 did homework for 2 hours and 45 minutes.  He was late to youth group, he was upset, I was upset, the other #s were upset....
#1:  I'm sorry.
Me:  There's no reason to be sorry.  We've just got to make sure you're getting this work correct. 
#1:  I know.  But I'm sorry you all can't go home yet.
Me:  No big deal....let's just do your homework.  
....I love his heart.  He was upset because we were still not home.  Love this kiddo!

So I'm waiting for #1 to get home from Fortify so Hubby can go back to work on the building at Butler County.  I'm so proud of him.  He's working so hard to get things done.  Satan is just attacking at other things in our family and I'm praying so incredibly hard that God just put a hedge of protection around our family.  I pray that Butler County is successful and God just bless HIS church.  I know that if we put our faith in God, everything will be okay....I've just gotta remember to put my ENTIRE faith in God and not to worry....that's hard for me in our life by numbers!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Did He REALLY Just Do That?

I absolutely love #1.  I love his personality.  I love his humor.  I love his musical talents.  I love how he makes me laugh.  I love how he works hard. 

But I just don't like him lately. 

I know some of you moms out there are like "WHAT"!?!??!!  But you obviously don't have a twelve year old....going on being a world class smart aleck.  Listen...he's a fabulous kid, but he is picking on his brothers more than I care to listen to.  He is talking back to me.  He smiles when he's supposed to be apologizing.  He rolls his eyes.  He sighs.  He makes these faces that I want to smack off his face. 

I mean, he's a great kid.  I have more compliments about this kid than I can count.  I love to hear the teachers say how polite he is and how the youth group leaders are so impressed about how he worships and just doesn't care what others think.

And after I hear those things, I look at #1....
Me:  If you can act like that with them, then you can act like that with me.
#1:  But I have to have some place where I just need to let everything go....and that's home.  You gotta understand Mom, I gotta have that relaxing place.'re lucky friends....I guess he doesn't feel like he can "let go" with you.  (insert extreme eye roll)

So what happened to make me write this tonight?  The #s were in our bed watching tv.  They were getting along so well and I could hear giggles around the house.  And then....
#2:  I'm telling.
#1:  Come do it. 
#2:  I DO NOT!!!
#1:  I'm sure you have at least once.
#2:  MOMMY!!!! 
Me:  Yes?
#2:  #1 farted on me.  HE FARTED ON ME!  THAT IS SO DISGUSTING!!!!
#1:  You've done it to me.
#2:  Maybe when I'm asleep and don't realize it.  But I have never looked at you and farted on you.  GROSS!!!!!
Me:  #1....that IS disgusting.  Do not fart on your brothers. 
#1:  (smiling)  Okay.  I'm sorry.
#2:  He's not sorry...he's smiling.  He did it on purpose.
#1:  (still smiling)  Geez....I said I was sorry.
Me:  Don't do it again....and wipe that smirk off your face. 
#1:  (still smiling, but now looking down) Okay.
.....friends....I never in a million years thought I would say "don't fart on your brothers".  I never thought I'd say "don't pee on your brother" either....I guess there are more disgusting firsts in our life by numbers!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sometimes I Lose Control of My Mind

#2: UGH! I can't believe that girl. I can't believe she talks back to her parents!
Me: You talk back to your parents all the time!
#2: (huge sigh) NOT in an ice cream shop!
Me: We obviously need to live in an ice cream shop.
......I'm glad #2 sees how NOT to act....but I'm looking for real estate in ice cream shops just in case that would stop the back talking.

So this weekend has been a lot of "firsts" for our family.  For example, I let #1 walk to a friend's house after school on Friday.  Now, this took a LOT of coaxing from #1 and Hubby for me to let him do this.  I mean, we have a perfectly good vehicle that I can drive #1 to his friend's house...heck, I'll even drive the friend to his house.  All week, this is what #1 and Hubby said....
Listen Mom, I'm 12 years old.
Let him walk, he can text you when he gets there.
My friend knows a shortcut.
It's only a 5-10 minute walk.
.....but this is what I heard....
Mom, I'm still a child, please protect me.
His phone might die and he forget to let you know.
A shortcut is a place where bad guys hide.
It will take forever to get there and the last few minutes I might have to hitchhike. you see how my brain works!??!?!??!

So I eventually caved and let him walk, but he had to come see me before he left and I was in the middle of car rider duty.....
#1:  Hi Mom!  I'm leaving!
Friend:  Bye!
Me:  WAIT!  Your mom hasn't texted me yet.  You have to stay until she does.
(a few minutes later I received a text)
Me:  Okay, it's time to go.
#1:  Bye...see you tomorrow!
Me:  WAIT!  I need a hug.
(give him a great big hug)
Me:  Don't talk to strangers.  Kick and scream and run if someone grabs you.  Run in a zig zag motion.  Text me as soon as you get there.  Don't take candy from anybody.....better yet, take NOTHING from anybody.  Stranger Danger.
#1:  Mom.....I've got this.  Bye.
Me:  One more hug.
#1:  (huge sigh) You're killing me.
Me:  (huge hug) It's killing me.  I love you so much.
#1:  Are you seriously tearing up?
Me:  Go.  Just go.  I love you!
#1:  Love you too.  See you tomorrow.
Me:  I hope so!
.....and then the waiting game begins.  I mean, 5-10 minutes seemed like an eternity.  What in the world is taking him so long?  How short is this shortcut?  What if he got hit by a car?  Finally....a text.....
#1:  I am here
Me:  Love you!  Have a nice.
....I got no response.  No "I love you".  Then my mind starts questioning....what if someone got him and is just texting me so I don't worry?  What if they stopped at a store?  What if there are lost?  Where exactly is "here"?  So I text Friend's mom a few minutes later.....
Me:  Make sure #1 gives Friend his present.
Friend's Mom:  Yes ma'am.
.....that doesn't tell me if he's there.  Did he make it?  Is this what an aneurysm feels like?  What is going on!!?!?!!??
Me:  Hope you're having a blast!
Friend's Mom:  Oh they are!  They are.....
.....and then she proceeds to tell me what they're doing.  Whew....they made it to their house and I absolutely love this family!!!!  So....I know he's safe.  All is calm back in my crazy world and I will now be able to leave the school building now and I won't have to check the side streets or pull up to the house to make sure he made it or check the area hospitals.  Or what if someone took the friend's mom's phone and is texting for her!!!?!??!!

Friday night we celebrated my birthday by going to eat.  I felt like the fat girl in a sorority house.  They were EVERYWHERE!!!!!  Matching shirts, lots of loud laughing and tons of flirting with the waiters.  #2 kept on staring at the girls everywhere.  Shield your eyes kiddo, you're too young.

Then we went to an ice cream shop.  Before the "talking back" incident mentioned above, I saw the lady cutting a banana, with no gloves, didn't wash the cutting board, and put the dirty blender on a shelf.  I just looked at Hubby.....
Hubby:  Ready to go?
Me:  I'm having heart palpitations.
#3:  I wanna eat my ice cream here!  I love birthday cake ice cream. I decide to go to the girl at the counter.....
Me:  Hi.....we are deathly allergic to bananas and I see that you didn't wear gloves when you cut that last one up nor did you wash the cutting board.  Can you clean those blenders with hot water and soap and wash your hands and wear gloves before you handle my food so I don't die please? you can tell.....I'm done being nice about this latex allergy, but I DID say please!
Girl:  Sure!  We want to be safe right?
Me:  Yes.  I don't want to be dead tonight.
She washes the blenders, washes her hands and puts on gloves.  Everything is pretty good.  Another guy comes to Hubby and asks him what he wants and put the orange to cut on the cutting board.....
Me:  You'll be having banana in your smoothie.
Hubby: least I'm not allergic.
...and then the whole "talking back" thing happened.  It's a wonder I let our family go out anywhere anymore.

 We then head to the store.  Now....we went in for pillows....I'm pretty sure we didn't buy $184 dollars worth of pillows since we only got four, but we did spend more than I was wanting.  I'm guessing part of that reason is because the school supplies were on clearance....and I stocked up for next year....
 ....yeah, #2 wasn't too thrilled with me thinking about next year, but seriously, you can't pass up a deal when it comes to school supplies....they cost so stinkin' much!

#3: I need new shoes.
Me: Why?
#3: Cuz the bottom is coming off....see?
Me: Oh my! How long has it been like that?
#3: A long time....but I just noticed it yesterday.
Great.  Just great.  So now we have to buy shoes.  THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A TRIP FOR PILLOWS!!!!  As I shopped for school supplies, Hubby searched with #3 to find shoes.  I saw #3's face when I came around the corner.  I knew something was up.....I would either think they are ugly or they were gonna be too much.....I wasn't prepared for both.  These shoes look like they are coated in plastic.  They have lights on them.  And to top it off, each shoe has a know, in case one shoe decides to go on its own adventure.  But then I saw this face.....
.....look at that happy face.  FINE.  We'll take the shoes.  Good thing the store had a $10.00 coupon for shoes today.  So another that cost more than what I wear every day.  

We came home and I had decided to not decorate #3's birthday cake until Saturday morning.  But then I thought "I do not want to get up early on a Saturday morning" after 2 1/2 hours....I made my first "Toothless with Fear on top and Fear has to be scared because Toothless is flying" cake.....
....and then he had the nerve to ask "is that just a toy cuz I really wanted to eat Fear".  

Me:  You know that you don't have to sign-up.
#2:  I know, but I really like to play.
Me:  Then why are you scared?
#2:  I'm afraid this is the year that I'm gonna get hurt.
Me:  Well, it could be.  But you can't just stop doing things cuz you're afraid of getting hurt.  
#2:  I know....and I WANT to play so's just that the other kids are gonna be taller than me.
Me:  Taller doesn't mean smarter, better,  or faster.....just look at me.  I'm short, but I'm smart, great and fast. 
#2:  (starts laughing) You make me laugh!!!!
.....I'm not sure if I should be glad I made him laugh or be offended!!!??!!?  But sure enough, he walked into the gym and when one of the coaches called him a "veteran of the game", he smiled and all was right in this athlete's world....
....and then Momma's heart started pounding due to knowing that he's moving up in divisions and that this Momma is gonna have to sit on the sidelines again keeping her mouth shut, cringing at every hit and cheering this precious boy on!  Never in a million years did this musician momma think she'd birth an athlete.  

So the big birthday party was in the late afternoon.  It surprised me how many little people #3 wanted to invite, but in his own environment, he was a happy, outgoing little boy.  He had so much fun with his friends!  Though he did have a plan and a schedule.  In fact, he made sure that when it was time to do something, he whispered in my ear what was next.  This picture spoke to me.  The look in his eyes, the smile on his's too much for this Momma!  I absolutely ADORE this picture....
.......and at one point in his party, #1 was yelling (you know, a pre-teen trying to be funny)....
Me:  #1, stop yelling.  This is not your party.
Hubby:  It's okay.  One day he won't even want to be at his brother's party.  He'll be on the phone texting his girlfriend.  
.....stomach hurt, lump in throat, head spinning......WHY WOULD YOU SAY THIS TO ME RIGHT NOW!?!?!?  I'm seriously keeping my kiddos in this house for the rest of their lives.  Which I think they already have planned because they've talked about having parties in "their" house every weekend when we die.  WHAT!?!??!?!?'s a last for Sunday is our last Sunday at Crossland's Bowling Green campus!  SAY WHAT!?!?!?!?  I was talking to a friend who said that next in our last Sunday here.  I am so pumped about Butler County, but to know that it's my last time at the BG campus breaks my heart.  I did have two people ask if I was going when Butler County opened.....I'm assuming that's part of the role of marriage, so I guess so.  :-)  I truly am excited about this door that God has opened wide for us, but I am sad to not see my BG friends that often.  I can't imagine how big of a basket case I'm gonna be next Sunday.  Guess I better be bringing the tissues with me.....cuz this Momma will be crying next Sunday with our life by numbers!  

Thursday, August 13, 2015

It's Not Easy Folks

Me:  I love you!
#2:  I love you more....except today.  You made me made today, so you might love me a little more today, but just today.'s that just dandy.  At least the kid is honest.  I mean, if we're being honest, I'm sure there are days that they love me more.  

Or how about how Hubby went to buy carrots for their lunch....
#2:  Yeah, I don't really want any more carrots in my lunch.
Me:  Why is that?
#2:  I don't really like them.  The ones at school are different.
#3:  Yeah, like they're clean.  I don't think Daddy cleaned them.
Me:  I'm sure he cleaned them.
#3:  No....I'm pretty sure I ate some dirt.
#2:  I think it's because the carrots at school aren't cold.
Me:  We keep them in the fridge.
#2:  Well, they're not freezing cold at school.
#3:  And the bags are small.....Daddy bought the big bag.
Me:  Do you just not want carrots in your lunch?
#2 and #3:  YES! 

Soooo....yesterday, I got the most wonderful birthday present from Hubby and the #s...they gave me the rest of our sectional sofa....and it's being delivered tomorrow and my wedding ring is gonna be fixed on Monday. 

Yeah, about that.....see, I have a habit....let's say "had" a habit.... of hitting my's not the best habit....mostly cuz it happens when I'm mad. only happens when I'm mad.  I first cracked my band when I was teaching high school choir.  The choir kiddos weren't doing something right that I had taught them over and over and over and I slammed my hand on the piano to get their attention.  There is no way I could let them see the pain.  You know that pain that makes you feel tingles all over your body as your body turns red in a matter of seconds.  I could felt like I could feel every part of me that was moving on the inside of my body.  I finished the class as I felt my legs wanting to give way to the pain from my hand.  When class was over, I looked down and, not only had a cracked my wedding band, but my skin was between the broken piece.  It was miserable.  The next time I cracked my ring....well, I was mad about something....we'll just leave it at that (not all stories need to be told, right?).  And then this time?  I actually have no clue how it broke.  I was waving and dancing my hands around while I was teaching...and I heard a rattle.  The only thing I could think was "well at least I'm not mad".

Now, you might not know this, but I'm cheap.  My ring was broken around April...and there was no way that I could wear it or I would lose the jewel.  It's been on my shelf since then.  After a few days of not wearing a ring, I went in my fake jewelry box and found something that would work.  I've been wearing it all summer and I keep telling Hubby that I've got to get it fixed.  So he surprised me by getting it fixed on Monday.  YAY!!!!! 

Today wasn't near as good as yesterday's wake up time......
Hubby:  Time to get up!
#3:  I don't wanna get up.
Hubby  You've got to get's school. 
#3:  I don't wanna go to school. 
.....well, one day a year IS something to look forward to! 

This afternoon our meltdown started in the gym as we were leaving.  Nice to see that it's getting more public.  I was afraid that it would always be "behind closed door" meltdowns and nobody would get to see me struggle as #3 gets stronger and more defiant, but today proved wrong.  (That would be called sarcasm.)

Hubby was kind enough to offer for me to drop him off at the church building with him, but #3 refused.  We also had a fabulous time as we struggled through spelling and math homework, dealt with him spitting at #2 in the shower, and then trying to choke #2 (yeah, #2 probably had it coming to him....he can get "break your wedding ring" mad too). 

It's not easy folks.  There are days that I'm just ticked off and having #3 go through meltdowns makes me question if I'm doing anything right. That was today.  Where things go wrong.  People say the wrong things to you....or you just take it wrong.  Life just doesn't seem fair (and I tell the kiddos all the time that life ISN'T fair...a fair is where you ride rides and eat cotton candy).  And all you want to do is sit and cry...but you can't because you don't want your kiddos to think they've done anything wrong. 

Tonight has ended with #3 "zoning out".  He told me that sometimes he does that at school and he doesn't know why.  He said that when he zones out, nobody is in the room with him and sometimes it scares him.  Great....another thing to worry about......

So, as I write this with tears streaming down my face, I know I've got a great God who has given me the support team to help #3.  Hubby and the #s are the best things to ever happen to #3.  I see the love that they have for him....the absolute unconditional love.  I see the medical team that we have for #3....I see the brilliance that God gave them and the passion the help him and I also see the support that they give us to help make decisions for #3.  I see our church as a group of completely compassionate individuals....ones who don't judge when we have a meltdown that we're going through or a complete defiance episode going on....and people that pray for him continually. 

And why do I go public with this?  Not for prayers.  Not for compliments.  Not for sympathy.  Not to embarrass anybody.  But to help someone else that might be going through this....whether you are the adult or the child.  You didn't cause's a testimony.  I always thought "man, I don't have a good testimony cuz I grew up in church and then my dad planned youth events".  Little did I know that my adult life was a testimony that would show the greatness of God more than I could ever imagine.  I absolutely cannot imagine my life without the valleys that I've gone through because those valleys have made the mountaintops that much more enjoyable and praise worthy.  I end tonight a little mushy....but I want to go spend some snuggle time in our life by numbers!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hap Hap Hap Happy Birthday!!!!

Hubby:  It's time to get up.
#3: (jumps up) IT'S.  MY.  BIRTHDAY. makes me wish everyday was #3's birthday.  ha ha!  I mean, what a way to wake up.  It was so sweet to see how excited he was to go to school.  I mean, this kid got ready like it was something he does every day.....ate, smiled, got dressed, smiled, brushed his teeth.....did I mention that he smiled all morning!??!?!?  That NEVER happens.  In just the first 45 minutes of our day, I knew it was going to be a fabulous day!

How did I start my birthday?   Hubby brought me a donut and my blood pressure medicine.  I also couldn't find clothes to wear, my hair wasn't "excited" enough, and I was running not much different that yesterday or how tomorrow will be.  

So as I was taking a shower......
#3:  MOMMY!!!  I woke up this morning and looked up and saw my birthday present.
....Okay, put yourself in my shoes.  This kiddo has seen angels and talk to God all the time.  He's seen dead men follow him.  At this point, what in the WORLD could he have "looked up" and seen as his birthday present....
Me:  What did you see honey?
#3:  A loose tooth!  I now have two loose teeth!!!!  What a great birthday present he gave me!!!!
......I am going to assume the "he" is God and he thinks God gave him a loose tooth.  That's better the other million things that were going through my brain in that instance! 

As #1 and I were leaving for school, we talked about getting birthday pictures.  Here are the ones that #2 and #1 and I took.....

....the picture of #2 and I isn't bad, but what in the world is up with the one with #1?  The cross that #3 made came right when the air hit it and then his eyes are closed.  We laughed about it the rest of the morning.....maybe this is one of those good memories that we'll continue to laugh about years from now.  I kinda like the big red and yellow splotch on my face.  :)

I got to school and the school (as a whole) told me "happy birthday".....what a precious moment! I absolutely love teaching these kiddos!  And all day long....lots of hugs from my little kiddos!  And wanna know something fantastic?  A friend of mine made me "Banana-Free Banana Pudding".  See....I'm allergic to bananas....along with two of my kiddos.  I'm not talking I'll have a rash, I'm talking tongue swelling, throat closing type of stuff.  So we wanna make sure that none of us eat bananas.  So my friend made this for me today.....
....and I have to say that I am not ashamed about how much I ate when I got home today.  I'm guessing a few more sets of sit-ups will make up for it. 

Since I had a meeting this afternoon and Hubby and #1 had youth group, we had to come up with some serious creativity when it comes to celebrating #3's birthday.  We decided to meet Hubby at the church building and have #3 open his presents.  The kid was so excited......look at his precious face.....

 ....and my favorite picture is seeing how happy #1 and #2 are to celebrate #3's birthday. means the world to me that they love their brother so much....I mean, right now #2 and #3 are playing with #3's new toys and they haven't argued in the last two hours.....that's called a miracle friends!

After presents.....which were a total success....I took #3 to his favorite restaurant.....Chick-Fil-A.  As we're waiting in the line.....
#2:  Can I have fruit instead of fries?
Me:  Sure!
#2:  See, I like strong fries and I don't feel that Chick-Fil-A has strong fries.  I feel like they are know, they taste too potato-y.
Me:  I see....
#2:  BUT, if they had sweet potato fries, then they would be delish!
.....and then he kissed his hand.  This boy keeps me in stitches!  And I'm glad to know that he has thought about his fry choices....that's gotta me good on college applications, right? 

I heard great things about #3 passing out donuts to his class and to the other teachers in the buildings.  It makes me happy that people know how to help him and make him feel good.  One told me that he smiled and was so proud as he passed out donuts!  Thank you so much friends!  

I'm pretty sure #3 had a great birthday...aside that he actually had to go to school.  We had absolutely ZERO meltdowns....ZERO!!!!!  All afternoon he comes to me and shouts "BIRTHDAY HUGS" and gives me a hug....and then licks me.  I don't ask.  I'm so incredibly blessed by my family.  We had such a great day today and I owe it to my family and friends that made it so special.....

 .....and I'm so in love with this kiddo.  I'm honored to share my birthday with this precious little dude.  I'll never forget what we've been through....and I'm sure there are more struggles, but look at that can you not love that face?!?!?!  Life has it's ups and downs, but I would never trade our life by numbers!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Short and Sweet

Tell me this won't scare the pee out of you if you wake up in the middle of the night and see this staring at you.  You have GOT to love this kid!  I mean, #3 keeps me on my toes all the time.....but I couldn't imagine a dull life now, could I? 

And this is what #2 does after school.....
...I love that this sweet boy still takes a nap after school.  I love that he works and plays so hard that when he eventually sits, he is out cold.  He's such a sweet boy.....and this picture was taken this afternoon as I sat in a one person chair and he stuffed his body beside me and fell asleep.  LOVE him!!!!

So tomorrow is a big day....bigger than you's #3's birthday.....and my brother's birthday......and my birthday!  Yes, you read that correctly.  I was three years old when my brother was born and I was 31 years old when #3 was born.  Makes for an interesting day....heck, who am I kidding, tomorrow will be all about #3.....and I wouldn't have it any other way in our life by numbers!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Perfect Record

I mean, we're on a day #4 and meltdown #4!  I mean, you can't get any better than a perfect record, right?  Today's meltdown is brought to you by him thinking that his friends (and #2) were making fun of him after school.  Come to find out, nobody was making fun of him.....they were laughing about something......

#2:  I PROMISE that we weren't making fun of you...I would at least tell you if I was making fun of you....I would totally do it to your face.
#3:  I'm so sorry #2.  I thought you were making fun of me.  I'm sorry I got mad at you.
Me:  SERIOUSLY!?!?!!??  Did you just say you would make fun of him to his face?
#2:  I'm not gonna lie to him.
#3:  Thank you #2....I love you.
......I can't even begin to understand sometimes.

Today on the way to school, everybody in the car was quiet and #2 starts grinning.....and then smiling really big.  As I look at him, I start smiling.....cuz #2's smiling.  I have no clue why he's smiling, but he's about to bust out laughing.  Then #1 looks at me in the mirror and sees that I'm smiling....and then he starts smiling.  #3 looks around at everybody and starts laughing.  Then everybody starts giggling....and nobody knows why....and then #2 busts out in laughter.  He wouldn't tell me why he's laughing, but kept laughing.  Finally when we got to school......
#2:  (trying to hold it in)'s why I was laughing.  I kept thinking about how we were at Chick-Fil-A on our way to the beach and I sneezed chicken nuggets all over Daddy and we all sat in Chick-Fil-A laughing really loud as Daddy wiped the chicken off his arm.  (cue excessive laughter)
....and I laughed more....mostly because this happens all of the time.  One of our kiddos thinks about something and makes everybody laugh and nobody knows why.  I love this because I get to see the memorable moments that stick in the #'s minds.  They keep me on my toes, but they sure do keep me laughing. 

And today marks the first day of homework.  How do I know this?  Every one of the #s forgot something that has to do with their homework.  EVERY.  ONE.  OF.  THEM.
#1 forgot his math.  Good luck I could print it off for him.
#2 forgot his spelling workbook.  Good luck he found a custodian to open the door for him.
#3 forgot his spelling journal.  Good luck I read that we read that it's due Friday.
So everybody got their homework finished tonight and this is one of the fun things that #3 did to practice his spelling words (he forgot his journal, but he was BEGGING to do one of the activities.....yes, he was begging to do his homework).....this is some of #3's spelling words in play-doh....

.....and why am I saying "good luck"?  That's what #3 says instead of "luckily".  It's the most precious thing ever.  So every time you say "luckily", put "good luck" in its place.....and think of #3 and our life by numbers! 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Well THAT'S a little creepy.....

In the middle of the night, I woke up and lifted my head as I turned over and **BONK**, I hit my head on #3's head....
Me:  What are you doing?
#3:  Staring at you.
Me:  Why?
#3:  I don't know....just watching you sleep.
.....friends, there are no words for how disturbing that was.....and how long it took me to go back to sleep.  I actually watched him fall asleep first. 

Me:  I'll make you a deal...
#3:  Okay?
Me:  If you get ready for church, clean up the den and have zero meltdowns, we will let you pick where we go eat and celebrate your birthday today for lunch. 
#3:  DEAL!!!!
.....and he had zero meltdowns....and he cleaned the den....and he got ready....did I mention that he had zero meltdowns on a Sunday!??!!?  There are days I wish we could celebrate his birthday everyday...

....until he picked Steak-N-Shake.  The neat part is the friends that #2 spent the night with were at Steak-N-Shake too so we all ate together and had a great time.  #3 decided that he needed salt on his fries...think he got enough?

.....We had a really good's really neat to talk to someone who understands what we go through.....God brings people together for a reason!!!! 

Like I said, #2 spent the night with some friends and as soon as he saw me at church, he ran up and gave me the sweetest hug!  I know he was tired, but he looked happy to see me.  Even though he is such a macho little boy, he still loves his mommy!  When I asked him how his sleepover went...
#2:  I got five pancakes this morning!
Me:  Good!  Did you do anything else?
#2:  I had s'mores!!!
Me:  Did you do anything without food?
#2:  I danced.
#1:  You danced with a s'more in your mouth.
#2: saw that video, did you?
 .....oh....I love our life by numbers!!!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

We Laugh Cuz We Don't Want To Cry

We do a lot of celebrating in our family.....I mean, all kinds of things from grades to football games to advancements.   When #3 was in PT and OT, we would celebrate if he made it through the full two hours.  When #2 was in football (which is just around the corner again), we would celebrate after the game whether his team won or lost.   When #1 was having trouble in 2nd grade and it was taking him so long to finish homework, we would celebrate if he got it done in a certain amount of time.  We just want to promote a positive environment, but also do it as a going out to eat or having family movie night at home or even just having ice cream sundaes.  Nothing huge, but we have fun. 

Well, we have a huge celebration this's #3's birthday.  See.....#3 was a surprise.  One of those "you were on fertility medicine with the first two kiddos and you can't possibly have any children without those drugs so no worries about birth control and then find out you're pregnant 11 months later" kind-of things.  #3 has had some issues ever since we found out I was pregnant...started with him having an enlarged kidney which was something we had to watch throughout the pregnancy.  I'll be honest, I blamed myself for a lot of #3's issues for the first few years of his life (and at times, those "blaming" thoughts still creep in my mind) cuz I cried for three months.  I mean, sobbing for three months.  I didn't know how in the world we were going to afford a third child or what life was going to be like.  This was so outside of my plan since we had already come to the conclusion that we couldn't afford fertility medicine or adoption for another child.  When I got over the shock, that's when we found out that we had to watch his kidneys.  I mean, we JUST had #2 and had to watch a heart valve during that I just didn't know what life was throwing at us. 
And #3's life hasn't been easy.  He didn't talk until he was three years old.....and before that was complete gibberish....complete.  He fell a lot as a child....enough times that I was worried about all the bruises all over his body....sadly, I even put longs pants and long sleeve shirts on him so people wouldn't see the bruises.  Many....MANY....tests were performed and many PT and OT visits were made and he was diagnosed with hypotonia....that's where you have low muscle tone....that's the reason he was falling all the time.  And he fell enough that he hurt his two front teeth and had to have surgery. 

#3 has had many tests run in his seven years and we've visited many hospitals.  The Medical Center was fabulous with #3 and did tests that the doctors would request at a moments notice.  Kosair was fantastic in scheduling us for our overnight tests and making sure he had bread and cheese and strawberries for all of his meals.  The Amen Clinic was amazing in looking at his brain and showing us how his brain works.....and why #3 works the way he does. 

We've celebrated all of these things...all of these times...all of these visits.....the good and the bad.  We had to celebrate to keep our family together.  There have been very many times where we wanted to drown in our sorrows, but we didn't.  We celebrated that we either knew something else that we needed to help #3 with or that we ruled out a diagnosis. 

We celebrated the finally getting a diagnosis that he has a social anxiety disorder.  I will never forget...
Doctor:  Yes, he's got an anxiety disorder....but that's about as obvious as saying that this bear (and points to a teddy bear in the room) is black.  We know he's got doesn't change anything.
......and she was right.  I mean, he even says he doesn't like people, doesn't want to go to new places, hates's not like the diagnosis was going to change anything.  

I remember crying while #3 and I headed home from Kosair as the word "Tourette Syndrome" kept running through my head.  I'll never forget the doctor that came in to talk to me about it and he said "Please don't look it up online because it will scare you....there are many resources, but you need to find the right ones....and only about 5% of people with Tourette Syndrome will randomly curse".  I remember thinking "with our luck, he's in the 5%".  Can you imagine in the middle of church him shouting "AMEN" with a choice word in between the syllable?!?!?!?!

And when the diagnosis of ADD came about, well, that really didn't phase us either.  We know he can't concentrate.  It takes him forever to do anything. 

I will say the Oppositional Defiant Disorder did a number on us.....
Doctor:  What are you thinking?
Me:  I thought he was just mean. 
......and I know that he's not just mean....but he does like things his way or the highway. 

As I look through old pictures of #3's life, I realize that this little guy has gone through so much in his seven years of life.  No child should have to endure all the needles that he's had in his body or have that many doctors on his mommy's contact their cell phones numbers, not just their office numbers.  I look at this little guy and see the love of Jesus in his heart....probably more than most people I know.  He has seen and talked (well, first it was gibberish) to angels his entire life.  He tells me that he talks to God all the time....
Me:  Do you ever see God's face?
#3:  No....I could never see the face of God until I die and go to heaven.
.....what six year old talks like that??!?!?!

So....there's #3 and his story (the very quick version, no doubt).  So back to his birthday....

We told him that I have a meeting until 4:15pm on Wednesday and Hubby has Fortify at 5pm.  He was so upset.....
#3:  But it's my birthday!  We need to celebrate!
Hubby:  Well, we've got meetings and youth group.  What if we celebrate Monday or Tuesday?
#3:  But that's NOT my birthday!  My birthday is Wednesday! I'm taking him to Chick-Fil-A on Wednesday....and we're going to celebrate his lunch tomorrow after church...and sometime this week there will be presents!  We've got a lot to do!  :-)

I really do love this child.  I won't's been a long 7 years.  I've cried a lot in the last 7 years, but I've also laughed a lot.  I've had strangers tell me I'm parenting wrong....I've even had someone tell me that a "good spankin' would fix that kid" as #3 is on the floor of the hospital having a meltdown.  We've prayed more since #3 as been born.  We've trusted God more in the last 7 years.  We've yelled at God more in the last 7 years.  And we've rested in the arms of Jesus more in the last 7 years. 

To make life even funnier, God had him born on my 31st birthday...I always said that I didn't want to birth kiddos after I was 30.  So as I'm secretly celebrating my 38th birthday on Wednesday, we'll be partying all week to celebrate #3's 7th birthday.  So happy birthday #3.....

I have realized in life that God is really funny....I'm glad cuz I really do like to laugh in our life by numbers!