Saturday, August 1, 2015

I'm Like Swiss Cheese on Defense

So I wanna send a huge shout out to all the people that are around the world reading this blog!  When I started it, I thought "maybe some of my friends will read it....but I'm really doing it to keep up with what goes on with our family".....but I've got some people that are faithful readers in other countries!  That just blows my mind!  So.....THANK YOU for reading and I hope you enjoy!  And if you don't enjoy, well, give it to someone you don't like and maybe they'll enjoy the blog!  :-)

I forgot to show you what #1 wore yesterday....

....yes, I met them at the store and saw him and looked at Hubby...
Me:  You let him go out of the house wearing this?
Hubby:  That's what he picked out.
#1:  You know I can't match Mom.
Hubby:  His shoes match....a little. this point, you could imagine the HUGE eye roll insert that should be right here. 

I woke up this morning to #3 breathing on me.  You know that thing called "morning breath".....where you think garbage truck is backing up to your nose?  The garbage smells about two weeks old?  How about the baby bottle that was full of milk that got lost in your car for two weeks?   Well, #3 was awake with his hand on my cheek and this smell of warm garbage/old milk was stuffing up my nose.  It was sweet to wake up to the sweetness of my #3, his breath is another there a toothpaste that actually keeps your breath smelling fresh for the entire night?  How about for a few hours?  10 minutes after you brush your teeth?

So....there was some punishment today.....
Me: What happened?!?!?
#2:  #1 hit me with a pillow and then he missed and his #3 with a pillow then he got mad that he hit #3 and yelled "epic pillow fight" and his me with his pillow so I pushed him.
(Did you get all that?) here was the punishment..... you can tell, #2 loves the punishment....mostly because #1 absolutely hates this punishment. did work and they didn't argue (much) the rest of the day!

We went to a staff "back to school" party this afternoon.  The #s were so incredibly excited cuz they got to go swimming while we were there.  There were no meltdowns, no bad behavior, no talking was absolutely wonderful!  So on our way to the party, we got to listen to the #'s conversations.  Things like......

#2:  I can't wait to play football.
#1:  You know, I wanted to play football earlier in my life.
#2:  I don't know if you could play football, I mean, they ARE taller than you.
#1:  Are you saying I'm short?
#2:  No, I'm saying they are bigger?
#1:  So you're saying they are stronger?
#2:  No, I'm just saying.....
#1:  What ARE you saying?
#2:  Never're just gonna get mad at whatever I say.

....OR when they were talking about basketball and who is good at it....
#1:  I'm like holes on cheese on defense.
Hubby:  Since the only cheese that you know that has holes is Swiss cheese, which would mean holes are non-existent, are you saying that your defense in basketball is non-existent?
#1:  Okay, I'm like holes on Swiss cheese on defense.
Me:  I'm still not quite sure this analogy makes sense.

Or about how a random conversation last night.....
#2:  Daddy, do you believe in unicorns?
Hubby:  No.
#s:  GASP!!!!
 ....yes, that's a real "suck the oxygen out of the room" gasp.....our conversations are always interesting in our life by numbers!

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