Monday, August 3, 2015

My Heart is Full!

My heart is so full right now!  It started with opening day at school.  Now....this is the 4th district that I've had opening day with and this has to be one of the best!  There is so much laughter....and I love to laugh!  Then we had an experiment at school.  Well, it was more like a competition. 

Now...for those that do not know me, I am a tad bit competitive.  I mean, I seriously like to win.  I'm not talking "yay, let's work together and win".  I'm talking "HURRY UP, LET'S GET A PLAN, I WANT TO WIN, NOW GO"!  So we started off in one place and moved to another to spread out more and be more creative.  I mean, our team even had music...and was colorful! 

So, the point was to make a Rube Goldberg machine.  Now I know what you're saying, "what is the point and doesn't school start Wednesday"....but it was fun...and it was a team of people that worked together to get something done and we had to think outside of the box.  We were all in our school groups, so our group consisted of the arts teachers and some of the special education teachers.....and what a creative group we are....
.....and we won!  Yes, I am soooo competitive....I mean it's pretty sickening how competitive I am....I might need some help before football season begins.  :-)

This evening was our first volunteer meeting for Crossland's 3rd campus....which is in Butler County!  I can't tell you how full my heart was as soon as people started showing up.  To see Pastor G and Hubby talk to these precious volunteers just melted my heart cuz I could see the love of Jesus in these guys.  I am so excited.  Like, I can't even tell you how excited I am!!!!

And the #s....OH MY GOODNESS!!!  Talk about absolutely wonderful!  They sat in a room and ate and played and were angels....and got chocolate all over their face.....

So no funny stories today...#3 is having a slight meltdown right now cuz at 9pm we won't build a bracelet with him.  #2 has been carrying around the head of an action figure and when he talks, he says everything twice like he's saying it and the action figure's head is repeating it.  You know....usual absolutely normal stuff around here in our life by numbers. 

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