Saturday, July 4, 2015

NATURE....It's All Over Me!!!!!

First of all, my #s still argue even when we're on vacation.  Isn't vacation supposed to be relaxing?  A time of peace?  Well, this morning the #s are at the condo door and arguing....seriously arguing....about who is going to put the key in the hole and unlock the door.  I mean, why not argue about that cuz they never get to open a door at home, right?  I mean, do we even have doors in our home?!?!?!  Hubby and I just looked at each other...and then came up with a schedule of which # gets to open the door next.  Ridiculous I tell ya.....ridiculous. of the things that most people don't know about me is that I am terribly afraid of the ocean.  I love the beach.   I love the wind.  I love the ocean air.  I love sitting and playing in the sand.  I ate the ocean with a passion.  See....when I was little, my brother (see you made the blog!) stepped on a stingray and stung my brother.  Lots of blood...lots of screaming....lots of "you know, stingrays are everywhere" for the rest of the trip.  I haven't liked the water yet.  And I'm not joking when I have followed every shark bite story that has happened in the last two never know when those sharks are gonna travel to the Gulf.

Back to the point.....Hubby and I took the #s to the beach and the only thing they want to do is swim in the ocean.  Well, I can't let Hubby take three #s in the ocean and I'm just sitting at the edge...that will make me look I decide that I'm going out with them....reluctantly.  #3 is sitting in a floating disk and I take one out too.  The #s all have on life jackets.  I mean, the family should be safe with all this, but I am freaking out....
Hubby:'s all over me. this point, Hubby is laughing and trying to explain (while he is laughing) that Melman from "Madagascar" said that.  Funny.  Very funny.  And now the #s are laughing...and repeating that every chance they get.  Nice.  Real nice.

#1 decided that he was going to help me out...
#1:  You have got to swim over here a little if you want to be with us.
Me:  I can't.  Seaweed and fish are everywhere.
#1:  Fine.....I'll hold on to you and swim you to them (insert HUGE eye roll from my 12 year old).
Me:  Did you just roll your eyes at me.
#1:  Yes.  Yes I did.  You're scared of seaweed.
....I mean, there was nothing I could say....I'll just let that eye roll go.

As we're in the ocean, this kid comes up to me.  He has his floatation device and looks around 9 or 10 years old....
Kid:  Hi.
Me:  Hi.
Kid:  I like to ride on this board.
Me:  Looks like fun (total lie cuz I want out of this ocean).
Kid:  It is.
Me:  Where are your parents?
Kid:  I don't know....somewhere on the beach, I think.
.....I'm sure my facial expression was like "WHAT!?!?!" and if I ever found his parents, I probably would have gotten into my disappointed teacher voice and questioned everything about them.  I mean, the kid is in the ocean, he doesn't know where his parents are, nobody is looking for this kiddo from the sand, and he's just chilling with me.

Then in the pool, this child gets in the pool and starts asking me to watch her do flips and swims with us.  She's like we've been best friends forever.  It's funny cuz I kept thinking "is there something that I wear that attracts kiddos to just come up and be with us"?!?!?!  :)   I later found out that her mother died when the little girl was nine months old and she lives with grandma....and my heart melted....

The really cool part was tonight when we got to watch the fireworks from the beach.  It was such a beautiful sight....and most of the kiddos loved it (let's just say #3 asked me to cover his eyes AND his ears during the show).  There was this family that kept shooting this weird type of firework that would have given some a seizure.  It was bright and flashing and stayed on the ground.  #3 and Cousin A didn't care one bit for this type of firework and next thing I know....
#2:  I really wish they would stop using those type of fireworks
...I want you to know that #2 has a voice like his mother's....loud, obnoxious at times, always heard.  And I will tell ya that those people didn't light one more of those fireworks!  :)

Well I thought I'd let you know that it's official....#2 has decided that I will be baptizing him on the 12th!  Apparently the physical baptizing him part is making him a little nervous and he wants it perfect, so we practiced in the pool today.  So officially, #2 has been baptized 47 times.   He had to know exactly how I was going to hold his nose, what I was going to say and how to go under and come back up.  Now.....if only I can figure out how to get through it so people will be able to understand me while I'm is emotional with our life by numbers!

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