Saturday, July 25, 2015

We Made It!

Let's be honest here....I hate when #3 receives birthday party invitations.  It makes me cringe because we go through the same thing every time....
Me:  "So and So" sent you a birthday invitation.
#3:  Oh good!  Can I go?
Me:  Sure.  I'll let them know you're coming.
....usually, I text (so I don't have to explain anything) that #3 will NOT be attending the birthday party due to plans already on our schedule....yes, you read that correctly, he says he wants to go, but I respond that he's not going.
The week of the party.....
Me:  We need to get "so and so" a birthday present for their party.  What do you think they will like?
#3:  I don't know....
Me:  When do you want to get them something?
#3:  Later. 
.....and then the day before the birthday party....
Me:  Think there will be cake or cupcakes at the party?
#3:  I don't know.
...and then the day of the party.....
Me:  What do you want to wear to "so and so's" birthday party?
Me:  Your friends are going to be there and you're going to have so much fun.
......and now you see why I've already RSVP'd that we won't attend and I'm not out money on a gift. 

Now, I have stayed with him at some birthday parties where we have left 30 minutes into the party....once over a spoon that was dropped...apparently spoons are near extinct and no more where to ever be found.  It's hard cuz #2 is soooo into parties and #1 is at the age where some of his friends are out of having parties.  It's okay though.....I'm older and I'm not a fan of trying to out-do people on gifts or what clothes I'm going to wear. 

But today....well, this week....was totally different......
#3:  I can't wait until Saturday!  I am going to R's birthday party! 
Me:  We need to get him a gift.
#3:  I think we should get him the foam balls that stick together, but they aren't sticky on your hands.  I really think he'll love those.
Me:  Okay, sounds great!
...and then today....
#3:  We have GOT to HURRY!  I don't want to be late to R's party!
Me:  We've got to drop #2 off with his friend and then we'll go.
#3:  Now, you're gonna stay with me, right?
Me:  I'll be right there. 
....and the kid stayed at the ENTIRE party and only hugged me twice!!!!  In fact, when I told him that the party was almost over, he said "let me finish playing basketball and then we can leave" and sure enough he finished his game, game in, cleaned up, said "thank you" and headed out the door.  When the kid is ready to leave, he's ready.....BUT HE STAYED THE ENTIRE TIME!!!!!

In the car....
#3:  You know what?
Me:  What?
#3:  I had a really good time at R's party.  I'm really lucky that God gave me those friends....they understand me and still love me.
....yes, you can cue the tears now.  I wanted to run back in the house and give their kid the biggest hug ever!  This is one blessed momma!!!!

So after this fantastic party, #3 and I came home and watched tv and I fell asleep.  The kid has two older brothers so when I turned on Disney Junior, he was mesmerized!  I have GOT to remember that he didn't grow up with this stuff cuz I turned off cable a little after he was born.  It was fun to see him giggle and smile at the shows....all the kid shows! 

After one show was over....
#3:  You know what would be really cool?
Me:  What?
#3:  If I saw a castle, then I could turn into a toy and I could play in the castle all by myself.  That would be amazing! steps, right?  He wants to play in a castle by himself, BUT he did make it through a party with his friends today!  

Speaking of falling asleep....what am I going to do when school starts?  I have taken a nap for the last three days...just falling asleep for a good 30-40 minutes.  I have got to start working on that cuz I'm pretty sure that is frowned upon while you're in charge of 25 kiddos...right? 

#1 went to help Hubby today in Butler County with the church building.  We are putting that kid to work.  Sweat equity is what it's called! I haven't been able to be at any of the work days in Butler County or Bowling Green.....but I've heard it's gone well and it gets us more excited every day about the campus launching in September!!!!  God's got plans friends....amazing plans!!!!

Tonight we met two very special friends for dinner.  I love them so much and we keep up with each other on Facebook, but we just don't hook up very often.  But when we do get together, there is lots of laughter and by the end, we're probably the loudest table there....and it's not because of the kiddos.  As we got in the car to come home, I told Hubby that we have got to be more focused on getting together with them more often.....that's a friendship forever!

So #2 has talked non-stop about the birthday party he went to today.  I mean, seriously, non-stop.  He got to bowl, skate, putt-putt, eat.....what more could an eight year old want!?!?!?  This kid loves to have fun.....and he's super, duper competitive...just like his momma.  It's nice to have a mini-me in our life by numbers!

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