Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What a Day!

All it takes is one thing to set the entire day off it's balance.  Usually after an unusually rowdy class or rough morning, I can bounce back to normal and the rest of the day is fine.  Today.....not so much.  And really I mean that since I couldn't bounce back, my day kept getting worse and worse.  I'm about ready to crawl into my covers and hide under my heated blanket until morning.  

It started with #1 and I running late.  I would love to say this rarely happens, but it's beginning to happen every day.  I think it's because I've decided that I like to talk in the mornings.  I think this is part of getting get older, you get more social in the morning....maybe?!?!!?  Or maybe it's because that's the only time Hubby and I can actually carry on a conversation that isn't on the phone?!?!?!  Anyhoo.....we are running late and #1 has to be there early for pep band....seriously, wouldn't it make more sense for a bunch of musicians to have practice after school?  Who likes being at school at 7am?  So we're running late and throwing things in the car and then this happens.....

....yes, that's the passenger door handle....or lack thereof.... to our car.  I just looked at it in my hand, went to Hubby, handed it to him and walked off.  How in the world does this happen.....again.  Yes, I said again.  This happened last year with the driver's door handle.  UGH!  

So I take #1 to school and then I'm driving to my school.  Well, we have this thing called a "round about".  I actually like the round about cuz I don't have to stay at a red light or stop sign.  It does make the traffic go faster and it hasn't given me any problems....until today.  I was minding my own business, driving like I usually do and this guy decides that a yield sign isn't for him today and runs it and I am inches....if that....away from hitting his car.  I hit on my horn, he stops.....STOPS.....looks at me to make sure we didn't hit I guess, looks at me and waves and drives off.  He waved at me???  HE WAVED AT ME!?!?!?!?!?  

Now.....before I go into my next range of emotions.....I am such a careful driver.  Like, careful enough that people do make fun of me.  I can't go over the speed's just not in my blood.  I literally am always anxious if I'm even 2 miles over the speed limit.  I use a turn signal when I turn.  I come to a complete stop at a stop sign.  I know, it's crazy...but it's me.  Back to my story....

Where was I?  Oh yeah....HE WAVED AT ME?!?!!??!  Now at this point, I'm livid.  Absolutely livid. It took everything in my power to not follow this guy and chew him out.  There was nothing in my mind at this point except "make a wise choice".  There was something telling me "make a wise to work and calm down".  At this point, I am absolutely sobbing.  I don't mean crying.....I mean gasping for air, tears streaming down my face and I can't talk in coherent sentences.  I call Hubby.....I put him on speakerphone and place the phone down on the passenger seat.....
Hubby:  I cannot understand you.  Did you have an accident or almost have an accident?
Me:  I (sob, gasp, sob) almost (sob, gasp, sob) had an (sob, gasp, sob) accident. 
Hubby:  You need to get to work and calm down.  
....the conversation was nice.  I needed him to tell me to get a grip and get to work.  I did just that and when I looked in the mirror, I looked absolutely awful. 

The rest of my day went well....we have a fabulous lady that works in the front office at one of my schools (I mean, they are ALL fabulous) and she calmed me down a bit and then made me laugh and I got better quicker.  I shook the rest of the day.  I guess my nerves were just shot.  When I went out to the parking lot to pick up the #s, I at first couldn't even get my body to process to put the car into reverse.  I'm pretty sure I might need a driver for the rest of my life (can you tell things like this absolutely make me crazy)!

Tonight, #2 had football practice.  This means that #3 has to come with me seeing that he can't stay by himself at seven years old.  This also means that #3 could have a great time for 1 1/2 hours OR it can be miserable for everybody....can you guess which happened?!?!?!  

First, #3 spit in my mouth.....
#3:  I'm going to spit. 
Me:  No you're not.  
#3:  Okay fine.....hey, open your eyes and mouth.
Me:  No....
.....and as I said "no", he spit in my mouth.  Now this is in front of someone...whether they were paying attention or not, I have no clue.  Surprisingly, I didn't lose it.  I didn't go's almost like I expected it.  

Then all throughout the practice, he was all over me, on the floor, upset with me, wanted something that I couldn't give him, etc.  I was pretty much watching the clock the entire time cuz I was ready to go.  At the end of the practice, a friend and I were talking and I said.....
Me:  If #2 misbehaves tomorrow, you can punch him.  
#3:  Cuz Mommy punches him all the time.
......WHAT!?!?!?!?!?  DID HE JUST SAY THAT!?!?!?!?!?  Seriously, I think this kid goes from kind to crazy in 2.5 seconds!

We got home and I was just about done.  #3 wasn't listening, he was talking back....and we just had a fabulous week!  So he came to me and was a complete smart aleck......
Me:  You know what?  I'm done.  You need to go on the steps and talk to God. I don't recommend doing this with every child, but with this kid, well, he talks to God all the time.  They are tight.  I'm not being sarcastic either.  He went to the steps and stayed there for about seven minutes.  After that, his eyes were red, tears were rolling down his face....
#3:  We're finished.
Me:  What did you talk about?
#3:  My actions.  I told God everything....He said he already knew and He wants me to make good choices.  He also said that He forgives me and He loves me very much. 
.....I'm going to tell you...I truly believe that #3 sat on our steps and had a conversation with God.  There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that #3 and God had a serious, but loving conversation....mostly because when I heard him on the steps, it's like someone is sitting right next to him.  The way he looks, the way he talks....#3 is talking to someone.  

At the end of the end of my night, I've dropped a five pound weight on my foot.  Yeah, I'm about done with this day.  I don't have many days like this, but my goodness, today was one of those "I want to sleep this day away" in our life by numbers!  

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