Wednesday, September 9, 2015

I Don't Want to Redo This Day!

I'm done.  It's just been one of those poopy days, ya know?  I obviously can't go into it cuz it's school stuff, but today when I left, I looked at a friend and said "REALLY" and he was like "I KNOW"....we both had kinda poopy days.  Some people think that special teachers don't do much....we're just watching the kiddos so real teachers can have their planning.  But we do have curriculum, we do have national standards, we do work really hard.  And let's get real...this had nothing to do with any was just a poopy day.  I love to teach music, but today I'm thinking "I'm 38...I don't get paid enough to deal with this kind-of stuff"....but I do love to teach music....I mean, who else got to dress up in their '70's costume today?!?!?!?!
Okay.....End.  Of.  Rant.

So today was week two of the "special class" for #1...also known as the sex class.  I'm feeling a little more at ease since #1 keeps asking Hubby and I the questions and not relying on the teacher or his friends.....
Me: was the class today?
#1:  It was okay.
Me:  Any questions?
#1:  No......
Me:  Okay.
....I then proceeded to get #3 ready to do his homework at my desk....
#1:  Okay....I DO have one question.
Me:  Sure....
#1:  Why does tv use sex as entertainment?
Me:  Okay...let's talk..... we sat down and talked about how satan uses sex in the entertainment industry to make you want it...and then you'll do it.  We talked about why it's used and how it's used in all kinds of things.   We talked about how sex is used in all kinds of entertainment such as tv, movies, jokes, online as porn, etc....
#1:  What's porn? this point, I want to tape my mouth with duct tape just so my lips will swell and nothing more comes out of them.  Seriously Kelley...SHUT UP....
....and then we talk about how porn is where people watch other people having sex...and then how it's not good cuz satan uses it to trick us to make us think that it's okay to watch and say that at least we're not having sex with people.  We had such a fabulous that surprises me every week cuz I have no clue what exactly is being said in the class, but a fabulous talk nonetheless.

To end my poopy night, I got the privilege of cutting #3's nails.  This doesn't happen often cuz I don't like to be yelled at continuously as I'm being kicked or hit.  It's just not a joy that I cherish.  So, after seeing his toenails, I knew it was time....and Hubby and #1 were at Fortify, so I was on my own....
Me:  It's time to cut your nails.
Me:  Listen, I can cut them now or I can have you go to bed now and cut them when you're asleep.
#3:  Fine.
....he gives me his hands and it goes pretty well.  I few times he pulls away so he screams bloody murder.....
Me:  Now it's time for your feet.
#3:  Okay.
.....yay!!!  The hands went so well that maybe he's warming up to this idea.....
....well that was after one toe......

Alrighty friends....I'm outta here....I'm hoping for a better day in our life by numbers!

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