Saturday, September 12, 2015


Today was our first football game....I say "our" first game because we are all on the edge of our seats praying that #2 doesn't get hurt in this game.  I mean, we have our sunglasses on looking all cool and at ease as we sit in our chairs, but let's just say that my heart medicine really isn't even working the second this kid goes out on the field.  I'm sure that it wouldn't be so bad if the other team were about two feet and were running around picking flowers on the team, but that just wasn't the case today.  I mean, the other team had kiddos that looked bigger than Hubby.  I'm thinking I need to see some of these kid's birth certificates to make sure they aren't supposed to be playing on the upper division team. 

#2 got to play every time the offense went up.....and I am proud to say that he was absolutely excellent!  He was knocking down kiddos and running....up the field?  Down the field?  He was running the way he was supposed to be going.  

So the first year that #2 played football, he was afraid that he was gonna hurt the other players on the team.  Well, you might not know this about me, but I'm a tad bit competitive and I told him that he needed to toughen up to play football.  He doesn't need to purposefully hurt a kid, but he's supposed to tackle them.  This is also the same year that Hubby got one night, #2 and I are sitting and talking and he's worried about Hubby.....
#2:  You know what I hate?
Me:  What?
#2:  Cancer.  I just hate cancer.....and cantaloupe.  I hate cantaloupe too.
....and from that point forward, we remind #2 every time he goes out on the field that he needs to think of the other team as cancer and cantaloupe.  He's added satan this year on his hate list too.  
Me:  Remember, you need to be tough.
#2:  Yes....I hate cancer, cantaloupe, and satan.
Me:  GREAT!!!!
....and it's gotten him through a lot of games.  In fact, there are times I've had to scream (yeah, I know you can't imagine that) from the sidelines "CANCER and CANTALOUPE".  Nice to know that cancer did do something good for us.  

Last year we added something to motivate him.  He LOVES riesen candy.
So last year we added that every time he tackles someone, he could have a riesen.....and then we had to say that it was limited to two riesen's.  So during football season, we keep lots of these things in our house....and they are, oh so good!  And yes, he's already asked for his two pieces today....I have GOT to go to the store!  

I leave you with these pictures.....

.....I'm so proud of this boy.  He loves sports and puts everything into them.  He's so focused on football....and nothing gets him out of that focus.  He's turned our world upset down with sports.  He made his two musician parents look at sports, try on helmets, buy cleats, and sit through countless coaching meetings....but I wouldn't have it any other way in our life by numbers!

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