Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Gurgling Toilets = Not Good

The last few days the toilet has been gurgling while I'm taking a shower.  As someone that has a billion tabs open in my mind at once, I heard it, knew I needed to let Hubby know, and then would go about my day and never say a word.  It's not that I wanted to cause us plumbing problems....it's just that wasn't a tab that was flagged in my brain.  Now that I look back on it, it couldn't have just happened when I was taking a shower.....all of us take showers around here, surely someone else heard the gurgling, right?

Well, Sunday morning the toilet is gurgling and now the bathtub won't drain....
Me:  HUBBY!!!!!!
Hubby:  What's going on?
Me:  I'm thinking something isn't working right.
Hubby:  UGH!  You think?!?!?!
.....so he's plunging and I'm getting ready and the #s are like "what is going on".....
Me:  Do not poop.
#s:  WHAT?!?!!?!
Me:  Do not poop.  Hold it until we get to church?
#2:  You're saying that I can't do my morning poop?
....and they did....and they rushed in the church building as soon as we got there!  

After church we go to the store and pick up some stuff for the toilet.  When we get home, I see what Hubby has bought.....
Me:  What is that?
Hubby:  The stuff for the toilet.  
Me:  It's in a sealed bag.
Hubby:  Just means it will work better.
Me:  Did you read the instructions?
Hubby:  Why?
Me:  You need protective gear to use this.
Hubby:  I got this.  
.....now I know where #2 gets his "nothing can hurt me" attitude.

Guess what....the "bag o' poison" doesn't work.  So Hubby calls the guy that some people from church recommend...and he can't come until the next day.  
#1:  Can we use the toilet yet?
Me:  No.
#1:  I have to poop.
Me:  Can you not hold it?
#1:  Sure....until when?
Me:  Tomorrow.
#1:  TOMORROW!!?!?!??!?!?
Hubby:  Let's go.
Me:  Where are we going?
Hubby:  Somewhere for the boys to use the bathroom.
Me:  This is ridiculous and disgusting.  I'm not going to a gas station.
Hubby:  We're going to church.....at least we know it's clean. 
.....so not all the #s want to go, but we made them.  This is where we start looking for hotels.  DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH HOTELS COST!?!??!?  $109 and up for a bed.  A BED!?!??!
We decided to stay at home....
#2:  What happens tomorrow morning?  I poop every morning before school.  I cannot do this.  I have to poop to start my day.  MOMMMMMYYYYYYYYYY!
Me:  If you have to poop, go upstairs and don't flush.  You'll be fine.  
....we did survive.....and the guy came out and didn't charge us an arm and a leg.  We are relieved....and now realize how much we treasure toilets and our plumbing in our life by numbers!  

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