Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Saga Continues.....

Last night.....after I blogged.....when Hubby and #1 come home from Fortify (youth group)....
Hubby:  Did you have a conversation with #1 this morning?
Me:  Yes.....we talked about the sex class.
Hubby:  You know the only thing he pulled out of your conversation is that sex is when a husband and wife take off all of their clothes and roll around in the bed.
Me:  Well, that's all he took from it cuz that's all I said.
Hubby:  Well I fixed it a little.
Me:  What did you say?
Hubby:  I said sex is amazing and gave him the science about how it makes you feel good and stuff.
Me:  YOU SAID WHAT?!?!?!!?
Hubby:  I said it was amazing and that he will want to do it but he needs to wait until he's married.
Hubby:  I don't want  him to be scared of sex.
.....I then go to #1 and we sit on the bed and talk...
Me: you have any questions about your class?
#1:  No.....Dad and I talked. 
Me: me about the class.
#1:  For this class, we talked about the pros and cons of having sex.
Me:  PROS.....(calming down)....pros and cons?
#1:  There was only one pro and that was to have a baby.
Me:  HAVE A (calming down again)....have a baby?  How is that a pro?
#1:  After talking to Dad, it's not a pro.  I have to feed and buy clothes for a baby.  But I didn't put that as a pro....I put nothing.
Me:  Great....and were there any cons?
#1:  I said that sex would hurt us emotionally and physically.
Me:  (thinking....WHAT?!??!?  how would he know/think that) That's a good one.  You know, you can get diseases from having sex with lots of different people.
#1:  What do you mean?
Me:  Well, if one starts having sex in junior high school then more than likely they are going to have sex with a few people....all through junior high and high school.
Me:  Usually not....
#1:  Well I've decided I don't want to have sex.  
Me:  Sounds good to me!!!!!!!
.......I just can't wait until next Wednesday when we have the second class....written with complete sarcasm......

#2 had football tonight....which means #2 will do anything I tell him because I get to say "do you WANT to do football today".  It's the little things in life which makes things easier in our house.  :-)  The kid wouldn't take a nap...which he needed badly...but wanted to put on his cleats at 3:30pm (yes, for a 5:15pm practice).  We finally got all of his reading complete, shoes changed, room cleaned, board wiped...yes, I DO use this little bit of information to help make my life easier....and my room cleaner!  

Since we had football today which means we stayed extra long at school (like until 4:45pm) to finish homework so we don't go all the way home and back and waste all that gas.  Today was the last day this week to work on spelling for #3.  At the beginning of the week, #3 and I sit down and talk about the three homework assignments that he's going to do.  It's cool cuz he gets to choose from nine choices....and one of those is a "creative free choice".  He did a word search, he did a recipe and he decided that he was going to write her an e-mail.  But today was different....for some reason he thinks he HAS to do the creative choice.  Maybe it's just a WANT to do the creative choice....but the kid is creative and wants to top each creative choice that he does the week before.  And here is what he looked like right before we left the school and headed to football practice....
....we sure are creative in our life by numbers!  

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