Friday, October 2, 2015

Curse You Penguins!

These two stuffed animals have given me nothing but grief for the last two weeks....
....I mean, they look innocent enough, but they hold a very dark secret.  A secret that has Hubby and myself questioning everything.  A secret that has torn brothers apart every night for the last two weeks.  A secret that they will never share....never tell.....but yet, we know they know.  For you see, #2 and #3 each purchased a penguin with tickets at a fun center last year...yes, last year.  They slept with these penguins for a good two weeks until something else came along...something more fun, more cuddly.  And then the purple penguin reappeared....and that's where it all went south.....
#2:  That's MY penguin.
#3:  No it's not.
#2:  Yes it is.  YOU got the BLUE one.
#3:  I did not.  YOU got the BLUE one.
....this has been a battle of tears and a battle of the wills.  I threatened to be like Solomon and split the purple penguin in half....and they both bawled like babies.  I threatened to throw the purple penguin away.  And then I threatened to throw the purple penguin on top of the fridge.
#2:  Did you just throw my penguin on top of the fridge??!!?
#3:  No, she threw MY penguin on top of the fridge!
#2:  It's mine!
#3:  No it's mine.
.....and the purple penguin sat on top of the fridge for two days.  Two long, lonely days....that is, until #2 climbed on the counter and got it off the top and ran off with it.  I had to take it back after another battle.  Then yesterday, we found the blue penguin.....
#2:  Hey!  There's your penguin!
.....and now Hubby is going through old pictures on a hard drive that probably houses 50,000-60,000 pictures looking to see if we took a picture of the #s with their penguins.  Someone is going to be very disappointed sometime tonight.....could be #2, could be #3, could be the penguins.....but all I know is that there will be tears tonight in our life by numbers!

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