Saturday, November 21, 2015

Pablo the Penguin....You Made Me Crazy!

We decided to have a little talk with the #s yesterday about Christmas.  See....a few years ago we went with "Santa gives you one gift and we get you the rest".  #3's therapist said "you are such great parents".   No, we're really not....we're actually just downright selfish.

When #1 was 3 years old, he faithfully watched The Backyardigans.  Do you remember that cartoon? It was about these friends that used their imagination and at the end they ended up going to someone's house because it was time for a snack.  Ironic that I placed #1 in front of a tv to watch a show about using his imagination, but I digress......

So #1 wanted Pablo the talking penguin.  He absolutely loved Pablo!  He would walk around like Pablo.  He would act like Pablo when he was playing.  It was a crazy obsession.  So when we walked around the toy store, #1 spotted Pablo.......
....and he HAD to have him!!!!  Try talking to a 3 year old about waiting until Christmas.....but between the tears, we did.

So Christmas morning comes around and he opens his gifts and we have hidden this Pablo so we can keep it for his last gift.  We were so excited to see his face when he opened this Pablo!  Well, #1 opens what he thinks is his last gift and he starts crying and and yelling at Santa (I'm guessing he thinks he is still in the room somehow) about how much he wanted Pablo.  Hubby and I just looked at each other.  We gave him the gift and he opened it and was so excited!  He was jumping around, screaming with laughter, and played with that thing for the rest of the day (and the days after, of course).  For DAYS, the kid kept thanking Santa for this gift.  It got more annoying as the days went by.....and I was DONE!

Hubby and I had a talk about this behavior from #1 and decided that we needed to have a new plan in place for the next Christmas.  We decided that Santa can bring one gift, but the rest comes from us....yes, I wanted the credit.  Yes, I was a little jealous of Santa getting all the praise.  Yes, as I write this I realize that I sound like two year old throwing a tantrum.  I DON'T CARE!

Since then, we have had Santa bring one gift and we've brought the rest.  They are only allowed to ask Santa for one gift.  This has been a shock to the Santas that we have visited....they kept asking "isn't there anything else you want" as Hubby and I would shake our heads no.  The #s would even get ridiculed at school when they said that Santa would only bring them one gift because that's all they asked for as their friends would gloat about how much Santa brought them.

The years have gotten easier as they are still getting gifts, but only one is from Santa.  By the end, they don't remember which gift is from Santa and they are having a fabulous day at home with their gifts.

This year Hubby and I decided to adopt 3 angel tree kiddos.  The #s are always excited to go shopping for our angel tree kiddos.  They always ask to get them more and more.....and they have the best time finding all the new toys for the kids.  So last night, we had a conversation at the table.....

Me:  We are not going to get lots of "filler" stuff for Christmas this year.  We're going to get a few things for you this year, but you've got to remember that we went to Disney last month.
Hubby:  We'll get you gifts, it's just not going to be a ton since your gifts keep getting more expensive....and you're not really wanting a lot this year.
#1:  I would like helicopter that flies with a camera.
#2:  I want a bunny.  
#3:  I want a watch.
Me:  We're not getting you a bunny.
#2:  I'm going to get Santa to get me a bunny.
Hubby:  Santa doesn't bring animals for Christmas.
#2:  My friend got a puppy.
#3:  The $25 watch that I showed you at the store Mommy.
#1:  I could fly it around the backyard. 
Me:  You're not getting a drone. 
Me:  Santa must have talked to your friend's parents about the puppy.
#2:  But I really want a bunny.  
Me:  You're not getting a bunny.  
Hubby:  We already have two animals. 
#3:  I don't know what color watch I want yet.
#2:  But a cuddly bunny would be so much fun.
#3:  I might want the blue one.....
Hubby:  You don't take care of the animals we have now.
#2:  But I will take care of the bunny.
#1:  I think I want fighting robots.  
#3:  Or maybe the green one.
Me:  Yes, we know you want a watch #3.
#2:  Then I'm going to ask for a foot massager.  
Me:  That's fine.  
#3:  I think we need to go to the store so I can pick out the color watch I want.
......I'm pretty sure we settled it, right?  A watch, a robot and a foot massager?  Right?  The funny thing is, this is it.  This is all they asked for.  They didn't come up with anything else that they really wanted.  A few years ago, their list would have been a mile long....full of stuff that even they wouldn't have looked at twice after Christmas day.  Maybe we haven't messed them up too bad.  Maybe we've gotten them to be thinkers....maybe we've helped them realize to put others first when it comes to Christmas....maybe we've actually succeeded in helping them grow up in our life by numbers!

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