Sunday, November 15, 2015

I Didn't Think It Was Appropriate

....this kid made it!!!!  #3 has been praying for two weeks to God about making sure the "skin and blood taste good".  I was praying he wouldn't gag and vomit all over the floor.  Obviously, we had a different outlook on how this communion might go....
#3:  So do I put my skin at the bottom?  What happens if I drop the skin in the cup?  What if I don't like it?  How far do I dip the skin?
Me:  Whatever you do, do NOT get your fingers in the juice.  That's just disgusting.  
....he really did a fabulous job.....he went up to the front with me, got a teeny tiny piece of "skin" and dipped it in the cup.  When I saw his face, my heart started pounding....I kept thinking "if he vomits, I'll vomit and I really don't know how that will look at church"....
Me:  So, how was it?  
#3 Mom, the skin was good, but putting it in the blood was disgusting.  They just don't mix in my mouth very well.
Me:  I'm just glad you didn't gag.
#3:  I didn't think it was appropriate.  
....I'm glad he had the mindset to know that it wouldn't be nice to gag at church!

And then we have this....

.....yes, that is #3 shooting hoops at the basketball training camp.  He just kept hitting them in the net like it was no big deal.  Totally focused.  Totally motivated.  If only I could stuff that focus in a jar and bring it out for things like homework, chores, eating dinner....

I do have to brag on #1.....that teeny, tiny person in front of the white screen is him.....
.....he is speaking in front of his ENTIRE school about what freedom means to him for their Veteran's Day program.  He spoke with ease.  He spoke with clarity.  I mean, I'm about to hurl my lunch and he acts like it's no big deal.  The kid sure didn't inherit my stuttering problem!  

And I can't forget #2....even though his team lost in the football playoffs, he wanted to go cheer on his friends in the Toy Bowl.  He came back and told me ALL about the game and about how his friends won!  I am so glad that a disappointment earlier in the week can turn into such a great experience for him later in the week!  

So let me tell you what I thought was a fabulous idea on out our house!  I'm not quite sure that the rest of my family thought it was a fabulous idea, but I've learned that sometimes if you just think and act positive, people will follow.  Or in this case, if you threaten to take enough stuff away from them, they will decide to fall in line and help so it will get finished quicker!

So we spent from 12:30pm-8:30pm cleaning out the upstairs....yes, the #'s rooms.  We moved their beds, cleaned out toys, hauled stuff up and down the was a battle that was won last night.  We now have 10 heavy duty garbage bags full of stuffed animals that are now in storage, 3 bags of books, and 9 bags of trash.  Ridiculous?  Yes.  Finished.  Finally.  

Then Hubby and worked on our bedroom.  We have rooms that are looking great!  I don't know if we'll decide to move or not, but if we ever do, we are certainly ready!  And if we don't move, we're ready to make this a house that we stay in forever!

So I'm ready for bed....been ready since 5:30pm.  Seriously, the chaos is real folks.  I have 5 elementary programs, 5 trombone lessons to get #1 to, 10 therapy sessions for #3, 1 church singing, Angel Tree Event, basketball practices, basketball games, football party, 4 life groups, faculty meetings, all-district band competition, #3's neurology appointment, 2 Thanksgiving meals, black Friday shopping, band concert, communion service, and a drive-in at church.....ALL BY DECEMBER 19TH!  Today I was so frazzled that my underwear was inside out.  Come on people, nobody should be that frazzled....nobody.  

So I leave you cuz I'm tired.  It's 7:52pm and I'm thinking the bed is calling my's very loud and annoying, so I must give in.  It's about to be sleepy time in our life by numbers!  

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