Friday, June 12, 2015

Welcome to my world....enter at your own risk!

To set the record straight, I'm not really all that funny.  I am extremely sarcastic (which I'm working on) and most people either get me....or they don't.  I'm a "tell it like it is" girl....I don't beat around the bush....I love to be around people one day and the next day I'd rather stay in the house and watch tv all day and speak to no one except my family....and sometimes not even them.

So why in the world am I writing a blog?  I like to talk....I like to share....and I like to make people laugh....and apparently I need to put that extra tv time to good use.  We'll see how long I keep this up....this could be the only post or I could love to embarrass myself and my family and this could stay for a while.  Either way, let's get started.....

I'm 37 years old and I teach music.  It's absolutely the best career in the whole wide world!  I get to sing, dance, act goofy, play instruments, and teach kiddos from all kinds of backgrounds my passion for the arts.  It's a pretty sweet gig if I do say so myself.

Hubby is the most awesome gift that God could have given me!  We've been married since 1999 (I put that because I am that woman that can't remember how many years we've been married right off the bat) and the good Lord knows that we have been through so much....lots of highs, lots of lows....but we're always together through thick and thin.  Holy cow.....16 years this December!  Hubby is a campus pastor at our 3rd location at our church.  I'm guessing that God knew that I needed a pastor to be in my life 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We have three boys.  We call them "#s".  I started that a while back when Facebook was open to everybody on the earth and decided to not call them by name.  Well, I'm that mom that actually calls them #1, #2 and #3 in public....and they answer to it! You'll get to know them more in future posts, but here's a run down of them:

#1 will be in 7th grade this year.  I said that Jesus was coming back before I ever had a 13 year there's less than a year before Jesus comes back.  #1 plays the trombone, loves to play on his phone and thinks it's cool that he has armpit hair.  Once I caught him combing it....yes folks, that's a normal morning for us. He even has a special "armpit hair comb" that we keep in the bathroom.

#2 will be in the 3rd grade and he's our athlete.  Now, Hubby and I have no athletic ability whatsoever.  I mean, I exercise and Hubby played a year on the junior high basketball team, but that's the extent of us being "athletes".  #2, on the other hand, came out of the womb with a ball in his hand (keep it clean folks).  He plays football, basketball and soccer and will make anything a competition....brushing his teeth, peeing in the toilet, eating the name it, it's a competition.

#3 will be in the 2nd grade and is our electronic guru.  This kid can hack into a password protected Macintosh computer and start playing games in a matter of minutes....he did that during preschool orientation.  #3 loves his family, but just does not like people in general.  This kid has been through a rough time in life as he's had many ups and down medically.  He's been diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, Anxiety and Separation Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder.  This kid has taught me that you have to laugh in life or you'll just cry all the time.

So....I guess I write "welcome" in hopes that you enjoy this blog.  There will be tears, laughter, anger....and then a mixed bag of emotions all coming at the same time like a panic attach coming on a full speed....that is our life by numbers!

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