Friday, June 12, 2015

To schedule or not to schedule....

This week has been our first week off for the summer break.  Now, for the past 177 we have had a schedule every day...this includes the weekends.  Every weekday morning we wake up, Hubby carries #3 into the dining room to eat breakfast, the #s have a routine.  In fact, #3 actually will come up to me, give me a hug and say "Rule #1....(hugs me)....check".  I know, I's sad, but it works for us....especially with a kid that HAS to have a schedule.

Well, this week, we've had a schedule, but it's been different.  OH NO....DIFFERENT!!??!?!!?!  #3 has had a horrible time with this thing called "summer schedule"....also known as "we do it on our own time please don't make us have a routine for the next two months".  He's back to wearing costumes, yelling, crying, refusing to do things, etc.  Before you say "just a good spanking will help him out", let me tell you that we've tried everything with this kiddo.  To top it off, he's been diagnosed with ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) which just makes things ten times harder.

So one day this week, I am frantically getting ready because I had to be somewhere (seriously, do we have to have a schedule this summer) and #3 is hitting and yelling at #1.  I.  Am.  Done.  I told him to sit on the step until I can figure out what happens next...which will be me finishing my hair and make-up.  After about 10 minutes, I hear this.....

(sweetly)  Mommy?  Mommy?  Mommy?  Mommmmmy?
Me:  Yes
#3: Can I get off the steps now?
Me: Do you think you can stop yelling at people?
#3: No.
Me: Do you think you can be nice?
#3: No.
Me: Then you're not ready to get off the steps.

At least he knows that he's not gonna stop yelling and hitting, right?  :) The next day, I wake up to #3 saying "I love you so much and I'm gonna hug you all day and never let you go".  I know you're thinking how sweet that is....and trust me, it is sweet....but do you know how hard it is to pee with a kid hugging you all day?

But then we go from hugging me all day to....
#1:  Mooommm.....#3 just tried to lick me!
#3:  I didn't try to lick you....I tried to bite you!

We LOVE summer break!  We all need the time away from the regular routine and I am blessed to be able to be at home in the summer since I teach.  But the summer sure does bring about an interesting time with our life by  numbers!

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