Thursday, May 19, 2016

Rich....Or Not Rich...THAT is the Question

#1:  I mean, his parents are rich....VERY RICH!  They live in a huge mansion and and probably have like five stories. 
Me:  Hold up.  Are you friends with this guy because his parents have money or because he's actually your friend.
#1:  Oh he's my friend!  We talk all the time and he's a really good guy.  We have a lot in common and like the same stuff.  Can I PLEASE go?
Me:  Will his parents be there?
#1:  I think.
Me:  Oh nooooo.  You're not going to any party where you "think" the parents will be there.  
#1:  Maybe he's got an older sibling?
Me:  Nice try small fry.  The rule is no parents, no party.  The end.  
#1:  I'll text him.  
Me:  Fine.
#1:  YES!!!  His parents will be there!
Me:  Okay....I'll talk to Dad.  I will have to meet your friend's parents and if I get a bad vibe AT ALL...well, you're coming home with me.
#1:  Yes ma'am.  

This was the conversation this week....and the only thing I heard over and over was how much money this kid had.  I kept telling #1 that first of all, the money isn't his, it's his parents.  And second, one has to wonder if they have money or if they are in a lot of debt.  Either way, it's nothing to focus a friendship on.  We talked all week about how sometimes how "stuff" doesn't make you happy.  We talked about the dinky pool we have in the backyard....and then we talked about all the good times we've had in that pool.  We talked about the small car that I take the boys to school in, but how we dance and sing at the top of our lungs while the world watches.  It's family and friends that make us happy, not stuff.  Rich with money doesn't buy happiness.  Rich with friends and family and Jesus make us happy.

So all week I've heard about this party, but I've also heard about how rich they are.  It's been a conversation that I've had to constantly remind him of how money doesn't buy happiness.  It's gotten to be frustrating when we're talking about the party because I feel I'm asking the same questions over and over:
Is he your friend because he's rich?
Does stuff buy you happiness?
Would you go to his house if it wasn't big?  
Would you like him if his family didn't have money?  
And each time #1 says:
He's my friend because we have a lot in common.
Stuff doesn't buy happiness.
I'd go to his house if he lived in a shack.
I'd like him if he was poor.  
And then he'd add some question like, but it's okay to have nice things....right?  And I have to explain that YES, you can be rich and love Jesus.  And you can have nice things and love Jesus....but don't let that be your focus.  Can you see how it's been all week long talking to a teenager who is trying to corner you to prove you wrong?

So I drop #2 off at soccer practice and then run #1 to this party and then....
Me/#3/#1:  WOW!!!!!!  That house is beautiful!!!!!
#1:  Is that their house?
Me:  Yes.
#3:  That's a mansion!  I wanna live there!
#1:  Me too....I bet it's amazing inside!!!!
Me:  Don't forget...
#1:  HE'S MY FRIEND BECAUSE HE'S MY FRIEND.....but WOW he's rich!!!

Yes, I totally failed.  Why in the world did I say "WOW"??!??!  That totally ruined my week long conversations about what to look for in a friend.  UGH!!!!!

And then we picked up #2 from soccer practice....
#2:  How big was their house?
Me:  Oh, it was big. 
#3:  They could get like three of our houses and put it inside their house.  
#2:  I wonder if I have any rich friends.
#2:  I'm beginning to think Mommy is realizing we're not rich.
Me:  Why don't we go out for ice cream?  
....and that's how I ended the conversation....the ice cream trick...that will get anybody to get off a current conversation.   I'm a teacher and Hubby is a pastor....we're rich in so many ways....SOOOOO many ways....and that's what we have to keep on teaching in our life by numbers!

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