Friday, July 29, 2016

My Presidential Candidate

Some of my friends were turned off just by the title....which cracks me up cuz in no way am I talking about my presidential candidate.  I mean, seriously!?!?!?  Do you think I would jump in that pot of boiling water???  Did you know that people that I know are actually "de-friending" people on Facebook because of who they are voting for?  Did you know that people I know are actually bashing people and calling them all kinds of names because they don't agree on a candidate?!?!?!  It's getting scary folks....and I'm not talking about the two major parties (I mean, did you even know there are other parties out there).  I'm talking about how in the WORLD is this world gonna get any better if we let something like two strangers (let's face it, none of us really know the two party candidates or even what they'll really do once they get in office) come between us.

And don't get me started on the "oh whoa is me...I don't like either one so I'm not going to vote" friends.  People, we live in a country where you have a right that others don't.  Don't throw it away.  Choose the one that is closest to what you want in a candidate and vote.  And if you don't vote, don't complain.  That's like you saying you don't care which cupcake you get, but when they give you a vanilla cupcake with vanilla frosting, you complain about how there's not chocolate. off that rant, I was tired of #1 making fun of the candidates.  He's been doing this for a few months.  He kept making fun of one and then saying he could never vote for that other person.  Well, guess what buddy boy, you think you know the candidates by watching 10 minutes of news in class every day...think again.  So tonight I sat down with #1 for an hour...yes, an ENTIRE hour with just the two of us and we did the presidential candidate quiz on

What's that you ask?  It's a website that goes over the major issues in the quiz and even give some in-depth information about each issue.  Then it not only gives you "yes" or "no" answers, but lots of answers to choose from...AND it even has a place to type your own answer.  I mean, this is the best one that I've been given (thanks to two fabulous teachers at one of my schools) and it had #1 and I sitting and talking about the issues.

Now....let's get real....I had to talk to #1 about things that we've really never talked about.  Let's get real, abortion had just never come up in casual conversation before tonight...but it was something that he learned about from mommy dearest.  In fact, tonight was pretty much a "hold nothing back" of us will have nightmares for weeks.  :-)  Anyhoo...#1would read the question, look at me, and then we'd talk.  We'd talk about the pros and cons about each issue and he made an informed decision without me breathing down his neck to pick the one I thought he should.

And you know what?  He was surprised by who he sided with the most.  And you know what?  His top candidate wasn't even a major party then we got to talk about why in the world we haven't heard from those people.

The best part?  #1 and I got to talk about how people are claiming they know all about their candidates and in all reality, they don't know.  They're listening to their parents or voting on one specific issue.  And don't get me started on party lines.  Friends, there is no way you agree 100% with any of these candidates...if you do, you ARE that candidate...and I have much more respect for you than to call you any of their names.  

#1:  But what happens if the person I want to win, doesn't win?
Me:  You go on with life.  You know that no matter what, God knew who was going to win, God knows every move they'll make, and God is the One that we follow no matter what.  We follow the laws of the land...unless it goes against what God has given us.  
#1:  So why are people fighting so much about it?
Me:  They're trying to prove a point.
#1:  Do they know that God already knows?
Me:  I hope so (but I was really thinking "I have no clue if they know that").

The neatest part about my night was after #1 and I had such a great discussion, #2 came running into the den wanting a turn at the quiz.  We snuggled together and I got to "elementary-ize" the questions a bit lot...and his views were very similar to #1's.  They got the same candidate by different percentages and he was so excited to spend that time and talk about issues.
#2:  I'm really excited that we get to talk about this in history class this year!  I love that it's an election year.  I can fill my friends in on the issues.
Me:  Please don't talk to your friends about abortion.
#2:  But it's an issue we all need to know about this election.
Me:  And it's an issue we're going to let their parents feel awkward in talking about.

And then came #3....all snuggling up in my lap and going over the questions.  As I asked him about immigration and healthcare he looked up at me with his great big blue eyes....
#3:  Mommy, God made them people too...and He loves them so much
...I couldn't help but wonder if that answer was for me...and actually from God through #3.  The look in his face, the twinkle in his eyes and the sweetness in his precious voice...that kid is closer to God that I think I'll ever be.

So this was my night.  A night where I didn't have to plan a presentation, a night where we didn't have to go anywhere, a night where I could have caught up on all my tv shows that I've been DVRing for the last month.  But instead I got to spend it on something that matters...not politics, not life changing issues, not on the computer....but with my #s.  Showing my #s how to think for themselves. As I talked about in our "professional development learning" this week...our belief is what we own...and I want them to own something that they thought through themselves.  I don't want my boys to grow up doing things just because their parents did...what kind of life is that?  I want them to grow up to think for themselves and see the things that they would change and I want them to change them.  Tonight was truly a night that made thankful for our life by numbers!

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