Sunday, August 9, 2015

Well THAT'S a little creepy.....

In the middle of the night, I woke up and lifted my head as I turned over and **BONK**, I hit my head on #3's head....
Me:  What are you doing?
#3:  Staring at you.
Me:  Why?
#3:  I don't know....just watching you sleep.
.....friends, there are no words for how disturbing that was.....and how long it took me to go back to sleep.  I actually watched him fall asleep first. 

Me:  I'll make you a deal...
#3:  Okay?
Me:  If you get ready for church, clean up the den and have zero meltdowns, we will let you pick where we go eat and celebrate your birthday today for lunch. 
#3:  DEAL!!!!
.....and he had zero meltdowns....and he cleaned the den....and he got ready....did I mention that he had zero meltdowns on a Sunday!??!!?  There are days I wish we could celebrate his birthday everyday...

....until he picked Steak-N-Shake.  The neat part is the friends that #2 spent the night with were at Steak-N-Shake too so we all ate together and had a great time.  #3 decided that he needed salt on his fries...think he got enough?

.....We had a really good's really neat to talk to someone who understands what we go through.....God brings people together for a reason!!!! 

Like I said, #2 spent the night with some friends and as soon as he saw me at church, he ran up and gave me the sweetest hug!  I know he was tired, but he looked happy to see me.  Even though he is such a macho little boy, he still loves his mommy!  When I asked him how his sleepover went...
#2:  I got five pancakes this morning!
Me:  Good!  Did you do anything else?
#2:  I had s'mores!!!
Me:  Did you do anything without food?
#2:  I danced.
#1:  You danced with a s'more in your mouth.
#2: saw that video, did you?
 .....oh....I love our life by numbers!!!!!

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