We have had the worst weekend ever. Well, let me take that back....it's been good because we've had to stay at home. The worst part is that #2 has been sick all weekend. Just some coughing....a fever Friday night...and puny. Saturday he didn't pick up a football or a soccer ball all weekend. We KNOW that he's sick if there isn't a ball flying in our den or kitchen at all hours of the day. It was great to just be at home....just be schedule free.
Last night, #2 didn't have a fever and felt much better. This morning he woke up and was fabulous. Then during the third service, they called me saying he felt bad again. So we go home. I called the doctor on call since he had a fever of 102.2....seriously dude?!?!?!
Tech: You could come now, but it's a two hour wait or you can come at 3:30pm and we'll get you in right away because you'll have an appointment.
Me: Really? I'll take the 3:30pm appointment.
....how is this even a choice? Who would have chosen to wait for two hours? Would someone actually pick to wait two hours in a germ infested place? I guess some will....
We got there and #2 was tested for the flu, strep, had his white blood counted tested, and had a chest x-ray. The way the doctor was talking, we weren't guaranteed that #2 was going home. He kept saying that he sounds awful....and he was severely dehydrated.
The nurse swabs #2's nose, throat, takes blood (out of both arms cuz the first one showed how dehydrated he was....no blood and no vein to be seen). It was a fabulous way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
The rest of the afternoon....
Doc: Strep test came back negative.
....few minutes later....
Doc: Flu test came back negative.
....few minutes later....
Doc: White blood count is okay.
....few minutes later....
Doc: Surprisingly, his chest x-ray looks clean. We'll have the radiologist look at it, but at this point, we can rule out pneumonia. We're going to treat him for bronchitis. I'll tell you....I'm really glad for him....I thought you'd be spending the night somewhere else.
....I'm hoping he meant the hospital....and not the morgue.
So....as a mother, there are certain things I just can't do....spiders,
snakes, and vomit might be my top three. After our wonderful afternoon in
UrgentCare, we came home and #2 finally had an appetite. And less than
an hour later, you guessed it, three times on the floor....
#2: I'm so sorry.
Me: It's okay honey.
#2: Hey....there's that strawberry I ate.
Me: Stop.
#2: And is that my macaroni? That's an entire noodle!!!! WOW!!!!
Me: I love you...but stop.
As I'm staring at the kitchen floor, #1
was asking if he could help and #3 saying "ewwww", I realized that Hubby
wasn't home. Why wasn't he home? Did he plan this? Doesn't he know I can't do vomit? Then it came to me....I had two options: clean or leave (I mean, the dog was
ready and willing to help). No paper towels in our house.....I used a 1/2 of a container of napkins, a trash bag and held my breath the entire time. I stayed calm. I didn't cry. I didn't vomit myself. I just cleaned it up. ALL. BY. MYSELF.
#2: Can I have my water?
Me: I can't get it for you right now.
#2: I can't take this medicine without my water.
Me: I have macaroni and cheese on my house shoes....you are NOT getting your water right now.
#2: Okay.
.....so right now, I'm going to check on #2, tell #1 and #3 to go to bed and get some sleep.....I'll be staying home taking care of #2 tomorrow in our life by numbers!
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