Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hap Hap Hap Happy Birthday!!!!

Hubby:  It's time to get up.
#3: (jumps up) IT'S.  MY.  BIRTHDAY. makes me wish everyday was #3's birthday.  ha ha!  I mean, what a way to wake up.  It was so sweet to see how excited he was to go to school.  I mean, this kid got ready like it was something he does every day.....ate, smiled, got dressed, smiled, brushed his teeth.....did I mention that he smiled all morning!??!?!?  That NEVER happens.  In just the first 45 minutes of our day, I knew it was going to be a fabulous day!

How did I start my birthday?   Hubby brought me a donut and my blood pressure medicine.  I also couldn't find clothes to wear, my hair wasn't "excited" enough, and I was running not much different that yesterday or how tomorrow will be.  

So as I was taking a shower......
#3:  MOMMY!!!  I woke up this morning and looked up and saw my birthday present.
....Okay, put yourself in my shoes.  This kiddo has seen angels and talk to God all the time.  He's seen dead men follow him.  At this point, what in the WORLD could he have "looked up" and seen as his birthday present....
Me:  What did you see honey?
#3:  A loose tooth!  I now have two loose teeth!!!!  What a great birthday present he gave me!!!!
......I am going to assume the "he" is God and he thinks God gave him a loose tooth.  That's better the other million things that were going through my brain in that instance! 

As #1 and I were leaving for school, we talked about getting birthday pictures.  Here are the ones that #2 and #1 and I took.....

....the picture of #2 and I isn't bad, but what in the world is up with the one with #1?  The cross that #3 made came right when the air hit it and then his eyes are closed.  We laughed about it the rest of the morning.....maybe this is one of those good memories that we'll continue to laugh about years from now.  I kinda like the big red and yellow splotch on my face.  :)

I got to school and the school (as a whole) told me "happy birthday".....what a precious moment! I absolutely love teaching these kiddos!  And all day long....lots of hugs from my little kiddos!  And wanna know something fantastic?  A friend of mine made me "Banana-Free Banana Pudding".  See....I'm allergic to bananas....along with two of my kiddos.  I'm not talking I'll have a rash, I'm talking tongue swelling, throat closing type of stuff.  So we wanna make sure that none of us eat bananas.  So my friend made this for me today.....
....and I have to say that I am not ashamed about how much I ate when I got home today.  I'm guessing a few more sets of sit-ups will make up for it. 

Since I had a meeting this afternoon and Hubby and #1 had youth group, we had to come up with some serious creativity when it comes to celebrating #3's birthday.  We decided to meet Hubby at the church building and have #3 open his presents.  The kid was so excited......look at his precious face.....

 ....and my favorite picture is seeing how happy #1 and #2 are to celebrate #3's birthday. means the world to me that they love their brother so much....I mean, right now #2 and #3 are playing with #3's new toys and they haven't argued in the last two hours.....that's called a miracle friends!

After presents.....which were a total success....I took #3 to his favorite restaurant.....Chick-Fil-A.  As we're waiting in the line.....
#2:  Can I have fruit instead of fries?
Me:  Sure!
#2:  See, I like strong fries and I don't feel that Chick-Fil-A has strong fries.  I feel like they are know, they taste too potato-y.
Me:  I see....
#2:  BUT, if they had sweet potato fries, then they would be delish!
.....and then he kissed his hand.  This boy keeps me in stitches!  And I'm glad to know that he has thought about his fry choices....that's gotta me good on college applications, right? 

I heard great things about #3 passing out donuts to his class and to the other teachers in the buildings.  It makes me happy that people know how to help him and make him feel good.  One told me that he smiled and was so proud as he passed out donuts!  Thank you so much friends!  

I'm pretty sure #3 had a great birthday...aside that he actually had to go to school.  We had absolutely ZERO meltdowns....ZERO!!!!!  All afternoon he comes to me and shouts "BIRTHDAY HUGS" and gives me a hug....and then licks me.  I don't ask.  I'm so incredibly blessed by my family.  We had such a great day today and I owe it to my family and friends that made it so special.....

 .....and I'm so in love with this kiddo.  I'm honored to share my birthday with this precious little dude.  I'll never forget what we've been through....and I'm sure there are more struggles, but look at that can you not love that face?!?!?!  Life has it's ups and downs, but I would never trade our life by numbers!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad it was a great day for you and #3. That pudding tasted yummy in my house too! :p


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