#1: You are not right!
Me: Yes I am. You're playing it wrong.
#1: I am not!!!! You just don't know it!
Me: I don't know the E-flat scale?!?!?! Are you SERIOUS?!!!?
#1: Yes!
Me: I have a music education degree. I've had theory up to my ears....and you're telling me I don't know the E-flat scale?!?
#1: Maybe you learned it wrong. Maybe it's different now.
Me: (singing it to him) E-flat, F, G, A-flat, B-flat, C, D, E-flat.
#1: (sheepishly) Oh yeah.....A-flat is in that scale. I guess you were right.
.....MAYBE IT'S DIFFERENT NOW!!!??!?!? Are you kidding me kid? The most fabulous thing is that I am friends with his band directors and they did a fantastic job of making sure that #1 knows that there IS an A-flat in the E-Flat scale. Thanks friends! :)
To top it off, #3 was so excited about the grass he brought home from science class! I mean, look at this precious face....
....I decided to ask him a few questions about his grass....you know, to see what he would tell me....
Me: I love all that grass you grew!#1: Yes!
Me: I have a music education degree. I've had theory up to my ears....and you're telling me I don't know the E-flat scale?!?
#1: Maybe you learned it wrong. Maybe it's different now.
Me: (singing it to him) E-flat, F, G, A-flat, B-flat, C, D, E-flat.
#1: (sheepishly) Oh yeah.....A-flat is in that scale. I guess you were right.
.....MAYBE IT'S DIFFERENT NOW!!!??!?!? Are you kidding me kid? The most fabulous thing is that I am friends with his band directors and they did a fantastic job of making sure that #1 knows that there IS an A-flat in the E-Flat scale. Thanks friends! :)
To top it off, #3 was so excited about the grass he brought home from science class! I mean, look at this precious face....
....I decided to ask him a few questions about his grass....you know, to see what he would tell me....
#3: Oh that isn't grass. All that green stuff are all the thoughts that the seeds had. They thought a lot while they were in that dirt!
.....seriously, how in the world does he come up with this stuff? Creative? Yes. Funny? Yes. Scary as heck to me? Absolutely.
That's like in therapy today....
Therapist: So you will sleep in Mommy's bed tonight, but tomorrow night you go to the mattress on the floor. If you switch all week, we'll add another night next week on the mattress. BUT.....if you get in their bed in the middle of the night, it won't count as sleeping on the mattress.
#3: What if I sleep walk?
Therapist: You don't sleep walk.
#3: But what if I start sleep walking? You never know when someone is going to start sleep walking.
Therapist: You don't sleep walk. You're not going to start sleep walking. And it still won't count.
#3: What if I put the sleeping bag on top of the bed? Technically I'm not sleeping in her bed...I'm sleeping on TOP of her bed.
Me: Do you see why I have to keep two steps ahead of him?
Hubby: He's gonna be a lawyer....he can find the loophole in ANYTHING!
....and it's so true. This kid.......oh my goodness this kid.
So this weekend, #2 was sick. I stayed home with him yesterday since the doc said that he couldn't go to school. The kid slept all day....and I cleaned the house, washed the bedding, worked on school work, and sanitized anything that I could. I can't stand people being sick, but it really freaks me out when it's someone in our house. I mean, I almost left the school last week when someone sneezed on me....
Sometime this weekend I was trying to get #3 asleep....
#3: I can't go to sleep.
Me: You're not even trying.
#3: What!?!??! How do you know?
Me: I know all.
(few minutes later)
#3: I can't go to sleep.
Me: Yes you can. Close your eyes.
#3: I hear Presley's (our dog) nails.
Me: She's getting settled in to take a nap. Be quiet.
#3: I hear the dishwasher going on.
Me: It's in another room. Go to sleep.
#3: Mommy?
Me: What.
#3: I can't go to sleep.
Me: Why not?
#3: I hear my heart beeping....and it just won't stop.
Me: Go play.
.....I can't win an argument with this kid...and sometimes, I just give up. I mean, his heart is beeping....you're just not gonna win that fight.
#1 and #2 were arguing (about what, I have no idea cuz it could be just about anything). #1 slipped over his own two feet.....
#3: Well, isn't that something for karma.
.....how does #3 know about karma? How does he use the word in a sentence? Where did he learn this from? We don't say the word "karma". It's not in our every day vocabulary. There's that lawyer in him coming out.
And this is how I'll end my night.....
......#1 and #3 were so upset that #2 was sick that they got in bed and made sure they could be with him as they watched tv....but they're not too close.....nobody wants to get sick in our life by numbers!
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