I'm fairly confident that my family is against me watching Netflix or Hulu. I've come to this conclusion because the remote is gone....and nobody seems to want to find it. In fact, it's almost like they've forgotten about it....and when I mention it, they just smile and all of them say they'll "get to it" or "let's look for it later". Do they know how to watch it without the remote? Are they just not telling me? Have they hidden the remote? Have I done something that they're getting me back for? I even downloaded the remote for my phone to see if I could do it. Yeah....that would be a negative.
So, this week has been crazy busy. I don't know how we're going to add two football rehearsals, um, I mean "practices" and a game in our week starting at the end of this month. I'm guessing all this running around means that gas will be going up...you know, since I have to drive across town a couple of times a day. But, to be honest, I wouldn't trade it (well, I would like the gas prices to go back down to under a $1 a gallon). I love that #2 has found his passion....didn't know I'd be a sports mom.....but I like his passion.
Therapy is always a nice way to start out our week. We had that yesterday. I was told that we just can't "coddle" #3 anymore. I feel like if I'm any meaner or stricter, I'd be the orphanage keeper in the musical Annie. I mean, when #3 has his meltdowns, I just let him do it. I don't coddle him. I don't rub his back, I don't sing to him, I don't try to hug him.....heck, I might get hit....but I do talk to him.....or I ignore him and hug him after he has it. Blah. I wish God would just send me a "THIS IS WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO" sign. It would really help me when I have all these questions. There are days I just look at Hubby when #3 is having a meltdown and I just shrug my shoulders.
So this weekend, he started zoning out. I noticed it when he was pooping (remember, I'm pretty much an open book) and he is talking to me and then I watch his pupils get as big as the moon, he stops talking and he's staring.....AT NOTHING. This goes on for about three minutes. Now, I don't just sit there. I'm talking to him. I'm tapping on his arm. I'm snapping my fingers at him. I'm starting to yell. I'm doing anything to get him out of this. The only thing I can think is he's having a seizure. And then BAM......he snaps out of it and continues to talk...
Me: Ummmm.....what just happened?
#3: I'm pooping.
Me: No....you just zoned out. You just stopped talking.
#3: Yeah, I do that.
Me: WHAT!?!?!?!
#3: I've been doing that. I do that at school too.
Me: WHAT!?!?!?!?!??!?!?
#3: Yeah, all the people go away in the class.
Me: WHAT?!?!!??!
#3: Well, I watch them all go away and then I finish my work. Don't worry....they come back.
Me: Well that's good to know.
....so, of course, I ask the therapists about it....
Therapist: So what #3 is doing when he "zones out" is a coping
mechanism. His pupils will dilate and he says everybody in the room
goes away....but he's very aware that this is going on. This is his way
of deflecting what's going on and he "comes to" when he feels more
Me: Is this normal?
Therapist: Absolutely
not....but neither is what we're dealing with. Think about it this
way....if all the people in a room suddenly went away, that would freak
us out....it doesn't freak out #3.
....yeah, I'm pretty sure if I started to see people go away, that would freak me out. You know, this kiddo is gonna make it big some day. Whatever he does, I'm gonna look back on this blog and all the posts and memories and know that he is a very special kid that I love that just does things a little differently....and isn't that what we all want?!?!?!?
So......#2 clipped today. Remember, this kid is a tough guy....but has a heart of gold....
#2: (tearing up already) I clipped down today.
Me: Why?
#2: (in tears) I did the wrong homework. I'm so sorry. I'm so upset and mad with myself.
Me: Honey, it's the first time you've clipped down.
#2: But it's so early in the year and now I don't get to eat in the classroom on Friday. I can't believe this. I'm so mad at me.
Me: Honey, it's one time. You've learned from your mistake and now what does this teach you?
#2: To listen to the homework better.....I'm so sorry...AND NOW I HAVE TO RUN TWO LAPS!
Me: You have got to stop crying. It's okay. Nobody is mad but you. Not even your teachers are mad.
#2: But I'm mad at me......(still crying)
....the best was to have this big ol' third grader get in my lap and hug me.....tears and all! I love that kiddo!!!!
And then the drama with #1....homework. Hubby was up with him late last night doing math. #1 is good in mad. He's been tested as gifted in math.....he is not doing well in math. He made so many mistakes on his work and then he found out he made mistakes on the work before that. He is so upset....and it hasn't been all rainbows and unicorns for us either. So today between science, math and English (or maybe reading), #1 did homework for 2 hours and 45 minutes. He was late to youth group, he was upset, I was upset, the other #s were upset....
#1: I'm sorry.
Me: There's no reason to be sorry. We've just got to make sure you're getting this work correct.
#1: I know. But I'm sorry you all can't go home yet.
Me: No big deal....let's just do your homework.
....I love his heart. He was upset because we were still not home. Love this kiddo!
So I'm waiting for #1 to get home from Fortify so Hubby can go back to work on the building at Butler County. I'm so proud of him. He's working so hard to get things done. Satan is just attacking at other things in our family and I'm praying so incredibly hard that God just put a hedge of protection around our family. I pray that Butler County is successful and God just bless HIS church. I know that if we put our faith in God, everything will be okay....I've just gotta remember to put my ENTIRE faith in God and not to worry....that's hard for me in our life by numbers!
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