Monday, August 10, 2015

Perfect Record

I mean, we're on a day #4 and meltdown #4!  I mean, you can't get any better than a perfect record, right?  Today's meltdown is brought to you by him thinking that his friends (and #2) were making fun of him after school.  Come to find out, nobody was making fun of him.....they were laughing about something......

#2:  I PROMISE that we weren't making fun of you...I would at least tell you if I was making fun of you....I would totally do it to your face.
#3:  I'm so sorry #2.  I thought you were making fun of me.  I'm sorry I got mad at you.
Me:  SERIOUSLY!?!?!!??  Did you just say you would make fun of him to his face?
#2:  I'm not gonna lie to him.
#3:  Thank you #2....I love you.
......I can't even begin to understand sometimes.

Today on the way to school, everybody in the car was quiet and #2 starts grinning.....and then smiling really big.  As I look at him, I start smiling.....cuz #2's smiling.  I have no clue why he's smiling, but he's about to bust out laughing.  Then #1 looks at me in the mirror and sees that I'm smiling....and then he starts smiling.  #3 looks around at everybody and starts laughing.  Then everybody starts giggling....and nobody knows why....and then #2 busts out in laughter.  He wouldn't tell me why he's laughing, but kept laughing.  Finally when we got to school......
#2:  (trying to hold it in)'s why I was laughing.  I kept thinking about how we were at Chick-Fil-A on our way to the beach and I sneezed chicken nuggets all over Daddy and we all sat in Chick-Fil-A laughing really loud as Daddy wiped the chicken off his arm.  (cue excessive laughter)
....and I laughed more....mostly because this happens all of the time.  One of our kiddos thinks about something and makes everybody laugh and nobody knows why.  I love this because I get to see the memorable moments that stick in the #'s minds.  They keep me on my toes, but they sure do keep me laughing. 

And today marks the first day of homework.  How do I know this?  Every one of the #s forgot something that has to do with their homework.  EVERY.  ONE.  OF.  THEM.
#1 forgot his math.  Good luck I could print it off for him.
#2 forgot his spelling workbook.  Good luck he found a custodian to open the door for him.
#3 forgot his spelling journal.  Good luck I read that we read that it's due Friday.
So everybody got their homework finished tonight and this is one of the fun things that #3 did to practice his spelling words (he forgot his journal, but he was BEGGING to do one of the activities.....yes, he was begging to do his homework).....this is some of #3's spelling words in play-doh....

.....and why am I saying "good luck"?  That's what #3 says instead of "luckily".  It's the most precious thing ever.  So every time you say "luckily", put "good luck" in its place.....and think of #3 and our life by numbers! 

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