#3's teacher told me that #3 came up to her and said he was too tired to do his work. So I asked him about it....
Me: So, um, I heard that you were too tired to do some homework today.
#3: No, I was too tired to do some CLASS work....not homework.
Me: And why were you so tired?
#3: We just had recess. I mean, my belly is full, I just played with my friends. It was nap time.
Me: I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to tell your teacher how you feel, but let's be respectful and make sure you do what you're told.
#3: (huge sigh) I was respectful.....I was so respectful that I was honest with her. Being honest is being respectful. Right? You tell me to be honest. And I did do my classwork.....I didn't want to be disrespectful.
Me: Just. Do. Your. Work. The. End.
#3: Yes ma'am.
.....and this is where I bang my head against a brick wall, right? So...this isn't the ADD. This is the oppositional defiance disorder.....or maybe his stinkin' smarts. I keep telling myself....just stay one step ahead....ONE STEP AHEAD!
So #1 fell today. I can't tell if he's in pain or if he's exaggerating. I don't know where he gets it, but he's kinda full of drama. I told him that I would look at it....
#1: You can't look at it.
Me: Why?
#1: It's my butt! You can't look at my butt.
Me: I'm your mother. I've wiped your butt.
#1: NO.....I want Dad to look at it.
(a few minutes later)
#1: Can I take a bath?
Me: Yes.
#1: Can you help me make it?
Me: Sure.....
#1: OH NO!!!! How am I going to get it? It hurts to bend!
Me: I'll help you.
#1: NO.....I'll have to do it myself.
Me: I thought you were hurt?
#1: You're my MOM!
....and that's how it ended. He got in and out by himself, but he's still in pain. I've officially been made off limits to help my child's tushy.
And then we worked on #2's spelling words today...
Me: You have GOT to remember to change the "y" to "i" and add "es".
#2: Except in "supplying".
Me: You're not spelling "supplies", you're spelling "supplying".
#2: These rules!!!! Why can't we just add "s" to stuff!?!?!? This is ridiculous! This language is crazy....make it easy people....it's English! Right?
Me: Supplying......
#2: (huge sigh) s-u-p-p-l-y-i-n-g.....next crazy word.
There was a battle that was won today.....I got #3 to eat noodles with spaghetti sauce on it. He came up to me twice and said he just "couldn't eat anymore"....so as I'm exercising, I tell him to bring me his bowl....
.....and yes, this is him eating noodles with spaghetti sauce, in my room, on my carpet, on the floor.....it took a while, but he ate some.....oh my crazy life by numbers!
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