Last night there was an goes something like this.....
.....yeah, we had a meltdown. During this meltdown, he fell asleep in Hubby's closet. We debated on whether to leave him there, but I sure didn't want him to wake up and be upset. This meltdown was only about five minutes. YAY for baby steps!
Today was a great day! I am getting used to my schedule and actually using my planning to get a ton done...and I've decided to get out and talk to people more. What is this new leaf I've turned over?!?!?!? Stay calm's only the third week of school...I'm sure I'll slack and hole myself in my room, work more at home and find a problem with my schedule soon. Don't panic folks....all will be right with the world soon!
Well I'm guessing #2 really did learn his lesson about making sure that he had the correct homework finished each night. Tonight he checked two or three times, we checked the e-mail that one of his teachers sent AND he went over his agenda. He said he never wants to run the track an extra lap again and he wants to eat in the classroom every Friday. Lesson learned? We shall see!
Picture this......#3 has been EXCITED about doing his homework all week. The one he wanted to do today was write his teacher an e-mail using his spelling words. He's been thinking about this e-mail all week and wanted to wait until tonight to do it. Well......
But.....we did get homework finished!!!! He also wanted to write his words in shaving cream. WE DON'T HAVE SHAVING CREAM!!!!! Okay...calm down Kelley. I can do this.....
Me: We have lotion.
#3: (starting to cry) I can't use lotion....I have to use shaving cream.
Me: No you don't!!!! The paper says you can be creative! So....let's do some calming lotion.
#3: What? I can?
Me: Yes....see...and while we use it, it smells good and will calm us all.
#3: Okay.
....."okay"? OKAY!?!??!?! That's all it took?!?!!?!?! I'll lather you in calming lotion if that's all it takes child. How can I not be smart enough to find the key thing that turns off this crying? I'm pretty sure that if I could read his mind, we would avoid most of these meltdowns. WHY DON'T I HAVE THE SUPERPOWER TO READ MINDS?!?!?!?! you can see, we started with #3 "erasing" the word if he messed up, but he didn't like the lotion on his fingers. Oh course he didn't. So I ended up being his "eraser" and he used a pencil to write the words. You know, whatever works friend.....whatever works cuz I'm just living in our life by numbers! :)
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