Friday, August 21, 2015

No, I'm Not Kidding

I had a kid sneeze on my foot today.  I'm not kidding.  I was wearing sandals.  It took everything in my power not to walk out of the classroom, get in my car, go home, take a shower, and hide myself in bed for the rest of the day.  Since I couldn't leave, I grabbed four tissues off my desk, grabbed my hand sanitizer and poured it all over my toes and shoes.  Then I got a Clorox wipe and wiped my foot and shoe again.  All this happened while my kiddos were learning the difference between a strong beat and a weak beat.....there's nothing like stomping to get the snot out of your shoe to show a strong beat.  Guess's the second time this has happened this two different schools.  It might be time to wear rain boots while I teach elementary school children. 

My precious #2 fell asleep on the way home from school today.  That's not unusual, BUT his fever was.  When we got home it was 99.9.  We got home and he fell asleep.  Poor kiddo just doesn't feel good.  What in the world?   He was fine when I took him to school.  Did someone sneeze on his shoe????  So we're home errands,  no eating out.  It's been nice....except for the crying spell from #2 about how we didn't run errands or take him out to eat.  Kid's got a fever and he doesn't care at all about infecting the world.  At least he's covering his mouth when he coughs.....

#3 got to write about himself this week in one of his classes at school.  I love reading these because there is always that element of surprise.  You know, the one that says something about your family that makes you think "did the teacher read this and do I need to explain what really happened"!??!?!  Well, I got this in #3's folder today......

....and under "Things that bug me", #3 wrote "flies, brothers and bedtime".  Brothers...his brothers bug him.  That's nice to know.  And what about the picture of him?  I mean, what exactly is the black thing on the yellow body?  His face?  A mask?  Are we seeing things differently in the mirror?  I do like that he says he likes to read....might make our reading log a little easier this year.  I HAVE PROOF YOU LIKE TO READ SON!

And to end tonight, I'd like to show you the beautiful poem that #1 wrote for one of his classes.  It's like a mad lib assignment....

and I have laughed until I cried....I mean, look at what he said "I am from toilet paper to Oxyclean to couches...."....
Me:  Okay, explain this to me.
#1:  Well, we go through a ton of toilet paper.
Me:  And the OxyClean?
#1:  DUH!  You like everything to be clean......and make us do it.
Me:  And couches?
#1:  Every time I come home, you've added more to the couch. 
.....sounds like he's got some issues we need to work on!?!?!?!

This girl is going to bed to have nightmares of germs all over my shoes and boogers comes to get's never dull in our life by numbers!

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