Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Parental Success!!!!

As we're driving to pick up #2 from football camp this morning, we stop behind a convertible BMW.  It's a beautiful car and the top is down cuz it's such a gorgeous day.  #1 looks at the car and says "man, I wish we could have a car like that"....and the only thing that runs through my mind is....we couldn't have a car like that because when we pressed on the gas petal, all the toys and paper wrappers from these #s would fly out of the car....and then we'd have to stop for all the toys because each one of them "mean something" to each of the kiddos.  Then I start thinking other things like....
*that's a nice car, but just not practical
*she must be single.....or married with no kids
*maybe she's in a mid-life crisis
*I bet she's never eaten a french fry in that car
*she must owe a ton of money know, all the things that make me feel better about me not owning a car like that. 

So what did I do when I got home?  I cleaned out our car.  Yes, I threw away toys with broken pieces, mushy tootsie rolls, papers that the #s just "had" to keep, suckers that were melting, and petrified french fries.  That driver of the BMW has nothing on my life! 

We have this rule in our household....and that is to say "thank you".  It's a very simple rule, but we all try to follow it in a number of ways....
#3 says it after therapy
#2 says it after sports
#1 says it after concerts
....they just go up to the coach, doctor, conductor, etc. and say "thank you".  A while back, #2 had a rough football practice and was walking off the field and I signed the "thank you" sign to him and he shook his head no.  Nice try hot shot.  So I looked at him and he turned around and thanked his coaches.  When #2 got in the car....
#2:  WHY did I have to say thank you to them?  I had a rough practice and they weren't happy with me.
Me:  Because they are taking the time to help you.  They are focusing on you because they know that you have the potential.  You can be "eh" or you can be better.  We've told you from the beginning that you need to find someone better than you and focus to be like them and then when you're there, you find someone else better than you.....because there will ALWAYS be someone better than'll NEVER be Jesus.'s something that we have said numerous times to the #s, but today I saw that #2 got it.  As he was walking off the field, I looked at him and he turned right around and said "thank you" to two of the coaches.  I thought they were going to fall off their feet.  They thanked him and said they couldn't wait to see him tomorrow....
#2:  You might have to remind me to say thank you....but eventually I'll remember cuz they're trying to help me be better.
.....I call that a PARENTAL SUCCESS!!!!!

Wednesdays are "therapy days".  This is when I spend a little over an hour in a waiting room playing on my phone or holding #2 as he sleeps.   This is literally a time where I can do nothing productive because I have no Internet access and don't bring my computer with me.  This is what a mom with three #s calls "me time".   Don't get me wrong, I LOVE that #3 goes to therapy because we have a team that helps us get through all of this, but there are days when therapy doesn't get us anywhere.  I mean, we are finding things out each week, but sometimes, #3 is stubborn.  So after today's therapy session, the Therapist comes out.....
Therapist:  Now, #3 tells me that the reason he says he's a bad boy is because he says that he does bad things.
Me:  He has never heard that a day in his life.  #3, you turn around here and you tell Therapist what we say....
#3: (mumbling) I'm not a bad child, but sometimes I make bad choices. 
Therapist:  He says he's going to try really hard to not say he's a bad boy.
.....we talk for a bit more and then we all walk into the parking lot.  I get down on his level.....
Me:  Now listen to me......I am not taking you to see Therapist for you to just tell her what she wants to hear.  I know you and you know that we've never called you a bad boy, have we?
#3:  (pulls his sunglasses over his eyes)  No.
Me:  You take those sunglasses off your eyes and look at me. 
(#3 looks above them at me....this is where ODD is starting to kick in)
Me (con't):  Stop telling her what she wants to hear and tell her what you're going to do.  Are you really going to try to stop saying that?
#3:  No.
Me:  Then stop lying to her....we are trying to help you.....but you have got to do a little work.  Do I make myself clear?
#3:  (sly smile)  Yes....stop telling her what she wants to hear.
....does anybody see how there might be a slight frustration around here?  #3 is so incredibly smart that I sometimes think he's smarter than I that's why staying a step ahead of him is not only important, but extremely hard.  But I will tell made me smile that I KNEW he was just telling her that to get her off his back! 

After that wonderful session, we went with the youth group to the Hot Rods game.  The #s had a fabulous time.  I actually let #1 walk around with his friends and I didn't freak out too much....well, I did, but I kept it in most of the time.  #2 loved watching the game, but he also loves ballpark food.  And #3 actually talked to some people and wanted to see the monkey......all in all it was a great night.  The #s sang "Take Me Out to the Ballgame".  #1 was so excited, but didn't know the the #s practiced for two innings.....only a music teacher's kiddos would practice that song instead of watching the game.  It was tempo....but totally precious....

...and then the game was over and #3 started crying...and digging his heels in the concrete and saying the monkey didn't give him a ball and he wanted one.  Wait.  No....not a meltdown....not here.  What ball was he talking about?  Did the monkey promise him a ball?  Monkeys don't talk?  My head is racing with questions about what in the world he is talking I held his hand and walked slowly to Hubby and said "pre-meltdown mode" and we left to head home with our life by numbers!

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