Actually, today I used the with my feet. I've been using weights, but decided that I wanted to start walking again. I used to run, but when I hurt my ankle, the doctor and physical therapist later found out that my back problems were causing my ankle problems....apparently that's a sign of a past dancer....and from getting older. I qualify as both so I'm now.
Now some of you might say "join a'll be more committed cuz you don't like to waste money". Well friends, that's where you are wrong. Yes, I hate to waste money, but I hate going to the gym even more. I don't want to see skinny people doing more than I can won't force me to do better, it will get me out the doors faster. And I really don't like germs and I am sure that not everybody wipes their machine with a clorox wipe.....and I just don't want to spend the money. least I'm trying at home, right?
Today my #s didn't have a lot to was nice to sleep in and have the #s sleep in. Waking up and working out and then cleaning...but not having too much to clean. I don't know how I'm going to make it once school starts....I wonder if I could get approval to come in at 10am. I mean, I'm a musician and I'm wired completely different....I think they could get the best out of me starting at 10am.
So #3 told me that he woke up with a tummy ache.....
#3: I woke up last night with my tummy hurting.
Me: Why didn't you wake me up?
#3: You were sleeping.....and looked happy sleeping
#2: Ummm....creepy
....yes, sometimes I wonder about #3. He's funny and has such a dry since of humor, but sometimes I don't know if he's joking or being dead serious.
Last night #3 did jump in our bed.....
Me: (to Hubby)'re taking all the covers.
Hubby: #3, look at Mommy...she's taking all the covers!
#3: (jumps in the middle) I don't really care...I automatically get covers!
This afternoon I decided that I was going to make dinner.....don't faint, it was just spaghetti and cheese biscuits. I thought that everybody was going to love this...they all love noodles, they all like red sauce and they all love cheese.....
#3: I'm not really liking this Mommy. I'm sorry.
Me: But I made it with love.
#3: Your love wasn't really that good.
#1: Maybe you should just leave the love out next time.
.....this is why I don't cook. I know I don't cook very well and the last thing I want is to hear the complaints. Well, I'm sure I'll cook again in a few months......As I write this, my heart is very heavy for #3. See, I'm an open book when it comes to everything that goes on with him, but I haven't said much about him "medically" lately. Some will say "it's nobody's business" and some will shun me for joking about it (trust me, I've heard that many times).....but it's how I cope. Yes, our family has to cope when it comes to things we go through with #3. #1 and #2 sometimes ignore things, sometimes they argue more, sometimes they cry.....and we have to be a trusting, compassionate family unit for all of us to help #3 and to get through it together. And trust me, we are very blessed to not have to go through the things that other families have to go through....and we thank God that we do have it easier than some families....but sometimes, it's just hard....just get facedown on the floor and cry your eyes out hard.
Well, #3's tics are getting worse. It used to be every so often and we could time them (most of the time) with stress....that stress could be school, change, didn't like something, fought with his brothers, etc. Well, now he's just tic-ing away. He's been doing this for a week, so we assumed that it was because we were on vacation (something different, not a schedule), but he's been doing it at home. Today he was talking to me and his hand was just around his eye like he was trying to grab his eyelashes. He didn''t realize he's doing it until he hit himself in the head.....and then just looked at his hand. So if you get a chance....please pray for this little guy...
.....and maybe everybody else in our life by numbers!
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