After getting up for a professional development day, I realized that I am a musician in my heart and in my mind. I also realized that I am a firm believer that school shouldn't start until 10am. I did get to be with a fabulous group of people today and had a fantastic lunch with these peeps....and I really do love these people.....but seeing them at 10am rather than before 8am would be much better for all of us.
So......I didn't see the #s until I met them at therapy. I walked in the door so excited to see them and they didn't even look up from their iPads. WHAT!?!??!?! When I finally made a big deal about it, they looked up and said "hi Mommy" and went back to playing. Grrrr.....I will say that the rest of the night, #2 and #3 haven't stopped talking to me.
Afterwards, I took #2 and #3 to Chick-Fil-A....I didn't just leave #1 out...I'm not THAT bad of a mom...he went with Hubby to Fortify. Now we've been waiting for this place to open for over a month....
#2: Seriously, the line is too long.
#2: This is taking too long.
#2: Can we go somewhere else?
#2: Why is the line so long?
...can you tell that #2 likes his food, but he actually likes it right in front of him the second that he's hungry?
While we're in the line, #3 notices some birds in the parking lot....
#3: You know....I would like to be a bird.
Me: Really? You want to be a bird?
#3: Well, I would like to be a bird, but not a small bird cuz then I could only eat small crumbs.
Me: And you don't want to eat small crumbs?
#3: How would I eat Chick-Fil-A chicken nuggets as a small bird?
.....what was I thinking?
When we get there, he actually gets a cup with a coupon on it....
Me: Hey! If we fill out this survey, we get a free meal.
#2: You mean I get a free meal?
Me: You didn't even want to eat here.
#2: But I do when I get my free meal.
.....sometimes I wonder what is going on in that precious head of his.
So today I was telling #2 and #3 about a friend who has lost a family member to cancer. We started talking about Hubby having cancer a few years ago and how cancer doesn't care who you are. Now, before you read the rest of this, remember that our family deals with horrible things with humor (I've warned you so don't send me anything nasty)......
#2: Maybe they were eaten by a unicorn.
Me: I would rather die from a unicorn eating me than dying the death of cancer.
#2: Well that's impossible.....everybody knows unicorns are friendly.
....yes, a sick group of people are we, but we've been through it and we know we have to laugh.
We get home after a Children's Open House at church (which, by the way, the girls did fabulously) and started cleaning out the car.....
#3: NOOOOOOOO! We can't throw away this extra straw....what if they forget to give me a straw next time? I can't go strawless!!!
Me: So you're saying that you have to keep the straw in the car for future strawless restaurant adventures?
#3: That's EXACTLY what I'm saying!
....the good thing is that he accidentally opened the straw.....put his head down and threw it away. I mean, he knows he's not keeping a dirty, open straw.
Okay.......the last few days #2 has begged to watch "Hop". Hubby goes home to set it up for me since he has to go home to get chairs and this is the text I get....
.....I mean, SERIOUSLY!?!?!?? Just rent it?!?!!?!? If we have it, I am not going to spend $3.99 to rent it cuz it's too complicated! I absolutely LOVE Hubby.....but now I don't care if I have to call some stranger to my house, #2 is GOING to get to watch Hop!
So now that he knows that no matter what, I am not renting this movie, he sends these directions....
.....that's a long text friends. And yes, I got it working and we watched Hop....but do you see what I have to go through to watch a movie? Do you remember the four remotes that we have? I will say that I LOVE that I have a Hubby that can get all this together, make music and make our home computer smart. He's a great one....and he's mine! Our family WILL be tech savvy one day....okay, one day I will be tech savvy. I'll have to be in our life by numbers!
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