Monday, July 27, 2015

I Love to Laugh

I'm seriously thinking that we should bring one of the ten commandments back....I mean, we do use some of them one needs to murder, right?  And don't steal is one that is useful.  But what about the Sabbath?  I'm thinking we need to bring that one back.  That's the one that will make us rest cuz we do too much.  The one where I could say "nope, can't do it.....if we work on homework we'll be banished".  Or "can't play soccer's not on our calendar to die today". 

Anyhoo, we went to Glasgow to visit the campus for Crossland....
#2:  Seriously, I am exhausted!
Me:  Get over it and get up.
#3:  I don't wanna go to class!
Me:  You're going to class.....maybe they'll let you go with #2.
#1:  I'm excited...maybe I'll meet some knew friends!
Me: won't see them ever again, but that's cool.
#1:  WHAT!?!?  MOOOOOM!?!?!??!
.....sorry....when I'm on a roll telling people what to do, it might come out a little negative.  The good thing is #2 got up, #3 went to class with #2 and #1 did have fun.

I told Hubby that I planned to just sit in know, learn to be a "pastor's wife".  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  I don't know how to do that.  Instead, my children's pastor friend put me to work.  It was pretty neat cuz I got to ask questions, see how organized she is (LOVE IT) and move things around on her desk cuz, well, she hates that.

We came back and had lunch with our youth pastor's family and some new friends.  It was FABULOUS!  The #s had a wonderful time cuz the pastor's family has three kiddos that were great with them!  Hubby and I laughed for three hours while we were there....and it was nice to just laugh. 

The best is that our new friends were excited to see a video that our pastor friend's kid made that has gone viral.  Did that make any sense!?!??!  See....this couple is talking about how much they love Harry Potter, music, their church, how we all met...and then it's mentioned about this "viral video" would have thought they met a movie star!  To watch their facial expressions and hear their excitement that they were sitting at lunch with one of the girls was amazing!  So....I asked her if I could share this video with you all.....

....isn't that hilarous!??!?!  Every time I see it, I am laughing out loud!  And I know them!!!!  By the way, she's okay....just a slight burn on her can make you do some strange things.....

So we rushed home, I got ready and headed out to a girl's night out!!!!  It was SO MUCH FUN!!!!!  Don't we look like we're having fun?  

......we went to see Chonda Pierce.  You know when tears are streaming down your face, you are having a great time.  And I absolutely love the girls that I went with....we were laughing from the time we met for dinner until we left after the show!  So all in all, I laughed most of my day.  The best was when SKyPAC turned off the air conditioning 1/2 way through the show.  Oh, did I say best, I meant it made me feel like I was going through menopause....which coincidentally is exactly what Chonda was talking about.  I don't know if they wanted us out of their building or if they wanted us to get the full experience.  Between sweating and having to stand to make sure I wasn't peeing on myself, the last 45 minutes was a tad bit miserable. 

Today was amazing....there's nothing like taking three #s to the dentist, right?  And to top it off, I was running exceptionally late.  So I get there....
Me:  Don't yell.
#s:  Okay.
Me:  Don't run.
#s:  Okay.
Me:  Don't talk back to the nice people.
#2:  Can we talk back to the mean people?
Me:  Don't talk back at all.
.....turns out that we actually did have a fabulous dentist visit.  Just a few gagging scenes and one kiddo that gave the new dentist a hard time.....
New Dentist:  Can I look at your teeth?
Me:  Yes he can!
#2:  (whispering)  You told me not to talk to strangers.
Me:  Then don't talk to him....just let him look at your teeth.
......then #2 needed some back teeth sealed....
#2:  This hurts.
New Dentist:  I'm sorry.  We just have to keep your teeth dry right now.
#2:  This still hurts.  This feels bad.  I don't like this.
Me:  Tell him to be quiet and stop giving him a hard time. 
.....this never ends.  But I will say, it was quite funny to see the new dentist's reactions. 

Then I decided to take the #s school shopping.  I don't know if I got hit in the head at the dentist or if there was some "funny gas" that I got or if I had a stroke, but I took all three of them to find their school supplies.  As I looked at the list for 2nd, 3rd and 7th grade, I realized that we're not millionaires.  I know this comes as a shock as Hubby is a pastor and I'm a teacher, but apparently we didn't hit the "millionaire" careers.  So....I'm not quite sure how in the world we are supposed to afford all of these items.  And in 7th grade, they want the kids to keep the supplies in the classroom.  Do you know that I bought three packs of colored pencils cuz #1 has to keep them in the classroom?  What the heck is #1 going to do with 72 colored pencils?!?!?!?  And paper towels?!??!?  I don't buy paper towels for our home and now I've got to buy it for school?

As I'm coming about the list....and paper towels....
#3:  Can we get a toy?
Me:  Why in the world would I buy you a toy when we're going school supply shopping?
#3:  Cuz you don't buy paper towels and you're buying I decided that since we don't buy toys, we could buy one on this trip.
....I'm thinking that this is called a "guilt trip" by my almost seven year old.  And by the way, they DO have toys.  So $123 dollars later....and we STILL don't have everything....we walked out the door.  But of course, we walked out WITH a small toy for each #3.  Apparently guilt trips work in our life by numbers. 

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