Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Bathtub Questions

I was absolutely lazy today.  The #s were also lazy today.  It was wonderful....can we do this for a few more weeks?  Wait......can we at least do this for a few more days?!?!!  We did end up cleaning a bit...I mean, picking up, wiping things down....the easy stuff.  I used to be this extreme cleaner....when I was a stay-at-home mommy.  It was rough.  I was vacuuming every day....mopping every day....it was ridiculous.  Then we moved and it got worse.  Then I started teaching and realized that the #s don't care if it's spotless...heck, they don't even care if they have to step over things....they just like all of us living together.  So you can imagine the sadness that went on when I told them that they had to pick up their toys and put them somewhere....and under a bed and in the closet doesn't count. 

After cleaning, I decided to exercise.  This is the time when the #s don't really bother me.  I think it's because they think I'm thinking of things for them to do while I'm exercising and if they come down, I'll assign them something to do.  I really don't do that...though it's a thought.  In fact, it's a time where I turn on the tv or I focus on talking to God.  It's actually a great time to talk to God...as I'm lifting my little weights or walking on the treadmill....

So after exercising, I decide to take a bath.  I mean, the #s are in the "hang out room" and they haven't come down yet.  So I have the bathtub filled with hot water.  Mint tea bath salts making the bathroom smell delicious.  I've got the music playing.  I'm relaxing and enjoying the water.  I look at my feet and think "wow....my 4th toe is just weird looking.....is it too fat or just doesn't look like the others".  I mean seriously, it doesn't look like it belongs....or maybe my second and third toes don't have enough fat on them and it makes the fourth and fifth toes look fat.  Seriously folks....THIS is what runs through my mind during a relaxing time...a "me" time.  Maybe I should refocus on this relaxing time!?!??!

Then....#2 comes racing down the stairs.....
#2:  I smell something good to eat.
Me:  That would be bath salts.
#2:  Do they taste good?
....this kid has smelled noodles before they are finished cooking and knew we were having mac-n-cheese.  That kid has the nose of a bloodhound.  Then he starts dancing...the kid loves music.  I have to get him out of the bathroom and finally get to figure out my toes, relax again.  Next thing I know, #2 is rushing into the bathroom.....
#2:  I need to use the bathroom.
Me:  There are two other bathrooms...one that you passed to get to this bathroom.
#2:  I just want to be with you.
Me:  NOT TO POOP!!!!!
...I love him, I really do.  And #2 truly is the one that snuggles with me all the time.  He's just like me and we have that connection....but I do not want to see or smell that kid poop!  Shewwww-weeeee!

I finally get to relax again and I notice the water in the tub.  Now, I don't take a lot of baths....I take showers.  Part of this is because I am usually in a hurry, but some of it has to do with us having a brown tub.  Yes, it's brown...and someone actually bought it that way.  I have this issue with sitting in a brown tub.  I clean it, but for some reason, I feel like I can't really see if it's clean.   So as I'm sitting in the bathtub, I realize that I am sitting in my own filth.  I mean, we take a bath or shower to get clean.  In a shower, it goes down the drain.  In a bath, you just sit in it.  All your dirt, skin particles, hair....it makes me do a full body shiver.  So I get clean water (also known as a shower) to feel clean.....and I actually bath again.  Maybe one day I'll be able to afford that big bathtub with the jets and maybe I'll feel a little different....like the jets are blowing the dirt around so they can't get me in our life of numbers!

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