I woke up going over my line....you know, that one line I keep messing up because my brain is just stupid? So I get ready and #2 wants to go over what's going to happen for the millionth time. I LOVE that he is so excited because I know this means a lot to him.
And you know what had to happen before we left? #3 had to have a meltdown and we don't really understand why. Something about not being able to find his batman shirt....but it ended in him hiding in his closet with his hands over his ears and repeating "I'm a bad boy". The cool thing is that I stayed calm (well, I am POSITIVE that God had a lot to do with that cuz my first reaction is to freak out)....
Me: Hey....these shirts feel really soft today.
#3: Okay.
Me: Why don't you pick one of these shirts? Which one feels softer?
...crisis averted.
We headed to the first service. Okay...let's get real....my #s don't really want to attend the big service because they have to be quiet....and it is VERY hard for two little ones to be quiet. During the songs, it's precious to hear them sing and to watch them clap. Did you know that 8-year olds do have rhythm until they start to fully worship....and then their claps are slightly off beat enough for this music teacher to smile and yet cringe inside because I so badly want to grab his hands and keep him on beat?
After the service, #2 and I were ready to get ready for his baptism. He was so nervous. I was so nervous. As we went into the lobby, we saw Pa and Nani and even Ms. D!!! She's one of the teachers at #2's school. Now how incredibly cool is it that a teacher would attend a baptism of a student that she didn't even have in class, but loves him enough to come?!?!??! LOVE HER!!!!
So during the music time, #2 and I are getting ready. The kid REFUSED to not wear underwear. Seriously. We had to bring extra underwear because he said "you just wear underwear under your clothes". Good point. I just assumed an eight-year old kiddo would love to not have to wear underwear....you know....cuz he hates to wear clothes around the house anyway.
Cornbread was extra helpful has he talked to #2 and made him laugh. Since #2 was so nervous, I couldn't calm him, but Cornbread did a fantastic job with playing games with him.
Then it was time.....I stepped into the water...the warmest water I've ever been in. I grabbed #2's hand and looked at me and said "can we swim in this". Yes folks, it's the most welcoming warm water ever.
I don't want to tell you what happened....so here it is.....
As you can see, #2 was so cute....loud so everybody could hear him and so childlike (I mean, he IS eight).....but just like Jesus wants us. Absolutely beautiful!
And I got my line right....I mean, I did take a "professional pause" to make sure I would get everything right.....nobody wants me to start marrying off people while I'm baptizing them!
After church, #2 said he got more hugs that he's ever gotten from strange people....I'm sure he meant "strangers", right? We told him he got to pick where we ate lunch....that's a nice perk, huh? He picked Chuy's.....we never go there cuz #3 doesn't like it, but we went there today!
So......it was a fabulous day.....I mean FABULOUS! It was an honor to be able to baptize my own child...and my mini-me at that. It's always a great day, but today was a FABULOUS day in our life by numbers!
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