First, we get to Chick-Fil-A around 10:23am and I ask if they are serving lunch (because of course some of the crew wanted lunch). The lady looked at her watch and said "We will be in 7 minutes". Seriously....we're gonna time to the exact minute that lunch will come out? Then she said I could order lunch, but they won't start on it until 10:30am. Whatever....fine. So we order...yes, half breakfast, half lunch and sit down. As I'm looking around, I see people with waffle fries and chicken sandwiches....WAIT.....what!?!?!??! Sometimes it's just good to keep your mouth shut...and this time, I did.
We had a lot of stops during this trip....getting gas, getting dinner, stretching our legs, stopping so #2 could not be car sick, rain delays etc. But we didn't have 3 1/2 hours worth of stops. I mean, seriously, we weren't home until 10:33pm. I have no clue what in the world took us so long, but we were all sick of each other, sick of the car and ready to be in bed.
And boy were we sick of each other.....
He's touching me
Get his head off my shoulder
Why are we still in this car
Can we have another snack
I don't want that blanket on me
I want the pillow
I don't want this iPad
Can we share the covers
We forgot to get donuts at Krispy Kreme since it's their birthday (can you guess who said that)
I don't want a nap
It's cold
It's hot
Then we came home and we were gonna leave everything in suitcases, take showers and bed and then....ANTS! WHAT?!?!?!? ANTS!?!?!??! Honey, they were in a straight line going back and forth from a basket and in the cat food. #3 was itching himself all over and saying "I'm gonna have nightmares tonight. I'm gonna have to sleep with you" while #2 is saying "there's an ant...and there's another one" while #1 went back at least three times to find the spray that I asked him to get. He never got the spray, instead he got carpet cleaner....and that's what I shot the ants with.
Fun fact: Carpet cleaner kills ants.
So instead of coming home and getting to bed, the #s and I put everything away and Hubby cleans out the pantry, cat food and basket. By the time we finally got in bed, it was after midnight.....and yes, #3 slept with us due to possible "ant nightmares".
We got up slowly this morning and had nothing to do. To our surprise, there was nothing for breakfast in our house (how much did Hubby throw away). So.......#3 had chocolate pudding for breakfast. It's nothing I'm proud of, but he did get his medicine in that way....and he was very happy that he got pudding.
A surprise for the #s was that we took them to the Minions movie. It was cute....until one of the minions seemed to could hear all the kiddos in the theatre crying and sniffing and one said "I didn't want him to die". I looked over at #2 and #3 and their eyes were huge and then looked at #1 and he is all curled up in the chair about to lose it. Nice job Universal......making little kiddos cry over an oversized, yellow, overall wearing, tic tac dying. I've never heard that many sniffles.
So then we went to Aldi...I love Aldi...I love that we can buy all this food for so little money. I'm not a brand name shopper, so it suits me just fine to buy Gold Penguins instead of Gold Fish crackers. We made it out with our grocery list....which today was just a mental image of #3 eating pudding to remind me that we needed breakfast food. We came home after that event with the #s and made pizzas.
I'm trying to convince myself that we can eat at home for much less and we can find things that the whole family likes. So we decided tonight we would try making pizzas...all of the kitchen. It was an experience I tell ya.
See.....there were some smiles! And then it was time to eat it. #1 LOVED the pizza, #2 said he didn't like the Parmesan cheese on it (who would when you let #3 put a 1/2 bottle of Parmesan cheese all over it) and #3 said "it has too much cheese". Seriously?!!??!? YOU PUT ALL THAT CHEESE ON THERE! tomorrow is #2's big day and I'm a nervous wreck. He is so excited about getting baptized that he's singing about it, talking about it, wanting to practice everything. And you know what.....I CAN'T REMEMBER MY LINE!!!! I've been on stage many times and there's always the one like that I can't remember. You know the one I'm talking about.....the one that somehow you've got to have a cheat writing it on your hand or making a prop remind you of the start of the line. Well, here's the problem....I'VE ONLY GOT ONE LINE!!! I've rehearsed it over and over in my mind and when I say it out loud, it goes away. Instead of saying "I now baptize you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, buried with Christ and raised to walk in a new life", I keep saying "By the power invested in me, by God, the son and the Holy Spirit...."....WHAT!??!?!?! #2 isn't getting married. It's killing me. I mean, I can't write it on my hand cuz it will wash off in the now I'm looking for a prop.....yes, the water in which I'm about to baptize #2 should be a big enough clue, but it's just not working for me. (insert huge sigh) Sometimes even Mommy is nervous in our life by numbers!
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