Yesterday the #s and I got to sleep in late....and every time I looked at the clock, it was blinking. Wanna know why it was blinking? Cuz a snake decided that he wanted to be fried in the power station. And apparently this isn't the first time....and apparently snake are dropped by birds here in Kentucky. Pair that with the sinkholes around here and I'm a walking chewing my nails, hyperventilating, crazy woman. I'm not a fan of snakes at all....but I'm also petrified of sink holes. I've even looked into sink hole insurance...not that it matters cuz once you land in a sink hole, what in the world would you need insurance for? Just another thing to add to my craziness as a wife and mother.
Since we didn't have anything until the afternoon, I decided to put these cut little things called "Jamberrys" on my nails. The #s were playing in the den......
#2: Come on mom, play ball with us.
Me: I can't, I'm doing my nails.
#s: WHAT!?!!?!!?
.....I am NOT a girlie girl, so this "doing my nail" business just shocked them.
We headed to get our epi-pen forms and then to the pharmacy to get the epi-pens....
Pharmacy Tech: Okay, for #1, his epi-pen comes to $69.95.
Me: Great....I have a coupon for a $0 co-pay.
(Pharmacy Tech puts in the coupon)
Pharmacy Tech: And #2's epi-pen comes to $500.....oh, that's two hold on....$1000 even.
Me: (after I pull my heart back where it belongs) How in the world was #1's $69.95 and #2's is now $1000?
Pharmacy Tech: Well, I don't know.
Me: They have the exact same insurance.....there is no way this can be correct.
Pharmacy Tech: Well, that's what the computer says.
Me: Then the computer is wrong....would you like me to take a look at it?
Pharmacy Tech: Let me see.....oh.....we didn't have the insurance for #2.
Me:'s his insurance card.
Pharmacy Tech: (putting numbers in) Okay.....#2's total comes to $350.
Me: Nope...try again.
Pharmacy Tech: (looking at more stuff) Finally.....$69.95.
Me: And the free co-pay coupon.
Pharmacy Tech: Look! We did make them both $0. You saved $2000....that's how much they would have cost if you didn't have insurance.
......SERIOUSLY!?!?!??! Now I've got friends in the pharmacy business and I know things cost this and that, but this is an epi-pen....this can save my kid's life in a matter of seconds. I can't even imagine if I didn't have insurance....or even if I didn't have the $0 co-pay coupon.
So since we had this little drama, I was late to the junior high to meet with #1's 7th grade teachers. We are lucky and get to meet with these sweet people so they can find out about his latex allergy. As I walked in (frantic with the #s), I saw 15 teachers in desks and chairs set out in front for us to sit and talk to them. I felt like we were on a panel as we answered questions and explained how serious this latex allergy really is.
Science Teacher: Well, we do a few labs with latex.
Hubby: Well, we'll have to find something else for #1.
Science Teacher: And we actually do a lab with bananas.
.....I could feel #1's anxiety go through the roof....
Another teacher: We could use strawberries because it has the same protein we need.
Everybody: PERFECT!
......this year might be a little rougher, but I'm telling you, I feel good about this year. I mean, the ENTIRE group of 7th grade teachers were in attendance just to make sure that they all know about the allergy! PRAISE THE LORD that we have people that love this kid and want to keep him safe...even before they know him!
We then headed to meet #2 and #3's teachers. #3 is in class with some of his friends, but was pretty devastated that another one of his friends wasn't in there. We've had to explain to him that some years he won't be with all of his friends.....nice little meltdown there. But he did have fun meeting his teacher.....he even talked to her and got a picture with her! I mean, what if this is THE year....THE year that he starts to enjoy school and we don't have meltdowns?!?!?!? Yeah, I'm not counting on it either. :)
#3 did get a little frustrated because he had to find some stuff in the classroom. He ended up asking me to write some of the things he found. I think he was so overwhelmed....but we survived no meltdown at the back-to-school bash!
#2 was excited to meet his teacher....he switches classes this year, which makes me so nervous. He wanted to walk into each teacher's room and just look around. I can't believe that he's going to be in 3rd grade. I'm too young to have a 7th, 3rd and 2nd grader....but for some reason, #2 going to 3rd grade is hitting me hard. I've got a lump in my throat just thinking about it.
After a night of seeing former students, seeing current and new teachers, watching kiddos play outside, I went out with a friend....LOVE her heart!!!! I'm telling you she is one amazing girl.....and sassssssyyyyy! :-)
So I get home and I'm thinking the #s are gonna jump up and hug me and want to spend time with me.....
#1: Oh we've got to turn the movie off.
...seriously....did I open the door to the wrong house? I found out that Hubby and the #s decided to watch Star Wars. There's a little tension about them watching these movies cuz of what happened when #1 was about three years old. See, Hubby didn't tell me that he let #1 watch one of the movies and the next morning, he went to work and #1 started crying....
Me: Why are you crying?
#1: I dreamed that worms came and got me.
.....I later found out that he was thinking of something from the movies that scared him. So fast forward nine years....
#3: (crying) It's just so sad. So so sad.
Me: What?
#3: He died. How do you end a movie with the guy dying? He was so nice.
......SERIOUSLY!?!?! Do I have to throw these movies away?
Me: Well honey, you know, people die in real life.
#3: (still crying) Yes, but not with light savers (that's what he calls light sabers)....and not with double light savers.
.....cue me consoling #3 last night...over a dead guy from a movie.
So between the "back-to-school bashes" that I had today, I met Hubby and the #s to finish our school supply shopping....and $200 later, we finally have backpacks, lunchboxes and the rest of the supplies. I mean, between that and our last shopping trip, we have spent about $450 and then I spent $267 on school supplies for my three schools. It just makes me sad. There was a time where we had to put it on a credit card and I'm thankful that we don't have to do that now, but I can't imagine how some of our precious school friends can afford this stuff. I know there are programs, but seriously, I don't know that these programs have everything these kiddos need. It makes me sad that our schools can't afford this stuff for our kiddos and how our families are spending paychecks on school supplies. I will say that I am very blessed in our life by numbers.
I like to laugh....and my life is full of might not be laughable at that moment, but usually I can find something to laugh about. I have a fabulous family that is very supportive and loves to spend time together...and life! Enjoy our life by numbers!
Friday, July 31, 2015
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Oh no! I Can't be Strawless!
After getting up for a professional development day, I realized that I am a musician in my heart and in my mind. I also realized that I am a firm believer that school shouldn't start until 10am. I did get to be with a fabulous group of people today and had a fantastic lunch with these peeps....and I really do love these people.....but seeing them at 10am rather than before 8am would be much better for all of us.
So......I didn't see the #s until I met them at therapy. I walked in the door so excited to see them and they didn't even look up from their iPads. WHAT!?!??!?! When I finally made a big deal about it, they looked up and said "hi Mommy" and went back to playing. Grrrr.....I will say that the rest of the night, #2 and #3 haven't stopped talking to me.
Afterwards, I took #2 and #3 to Chick-Fil-A....I didn't just leave #1 out...I'm not THAT bad of a mom...he went with Hubby to Fortify. Now we've been waiting for this place to open for over a month....
#2: Seriously, the line is too long.
#2: This is taking too long.
#2: Can we go somewhere else?
#2: Why is the line so long?
...can you tell that #2 likes his food, but he actually likes it right in front of him the second that he's hungry?
While we're in the line, #3 notices some birds in the parking lot....
#3: You know....I would like to be a bird.
Me: Really? You want to be a bird?
#3: Well, I would like to be a bird, but not a small bird cuz then I could only eat small crumbs.
Me: And you don't want to eat small crumbs?
#3: How would I eat Chick-Fil-A chicken nuggets as a small bird?
.....what was I thinking?
When we get there, he actually gets a cup with a coupon on it....
Me: Hey! If we fill out this survey, we get a free meal.
#2: You mean I get a free meal?
Me: You didn't even want to eat here.
#2: But I do when I get my free meal.
.....sometimes I wonder what is going on in that precious head of his.
So today I was telling #2 and #3 about a friend who has lost a family member to cancer. We started talking about Hubby having cancer a few years ago and how cancer doesn't care who you are. Now, before you read the rest of this, remember that our family deals with horrible things with humor (I've warned you so don't send me anything nasty)......
#2: Maybe they were eaten by a unicorn.
Me: I would rather die from a unicorn eating me than dying the death of cancer.
#2: Well that's impossible.....everybody knows unicorns are friendly.
....yes, a sick group of people are we, but we've been through it and we know we have to laugh.
We get home after a Children's Open House at church (which, by the way, the girls did fabulously) and started cleaning out the car.....
#3: NOOOOOOOO! We can't throw away this extra straw....what if they forget to give me a straw next time? I can't go strawless!!!
Me: So you're saying that you have to keep the straw in the car for future strawless restaurant adventures?
#3: That's EXACTLY what I'm saying!
....the good thing is that he accidentally opened the straw.....put his head down and threw it away. I mean, he knows he's not keeping a dirty, open straw.
Okay.......the last few days #2 has begged to watch "Hop". Hubby goes home to set it up for me since he has to go home to get chairs and this is the text I get....
.....I mean, SERIOUSLY!?!?!?? Just rent it?!?!!?!? If we have it, I am not going to spend $3.99 to rent it cuz it's too complicated! I absolutely LOVE Hubby.....but now I don't care if I have to call some stranger to my house, #2 is GOING to get to watch Hop!
So now that he knows that no matter what, I am not renting this movie, he sends these directions....
.....that's a long text friends. And yes, I got it working and we watched Hop....but do you see what I have to go through to watch a movie? Do you remember the four remotes that we have? I will say that I LOVE that I have a Hubby that can get all this together, make music and make our home computer smart. He's a great one....and he's mine! Our family WILL be tech savvy one day....okay, one day I will be tech savvy. I'll have to be in our life by numbers!
So......I didn't see the #s until I met them at therapy. I walked in the door so excited to see them and they didn't even look up from their iPads. WHAT!?!??!?! When I finally made a big deal about it, they looked up and said "hi Mommy" and went back to playing. Grrrr.....I will say that the rest of the night, #2 and #3 haven't stopped talking to me.
Afterwards, I took #2 and #3 to Chick-Fil-A....I didn't just leave #1 out...I'm not THAT bad of a mom...he went with Hubby to Fortify. Now we've been waiting for this place to open for over a month....
#2: Seriously, the line is too long.
#2: This is taking too long.
#2: Can we go somewhere else?
#2: Why is the line so long?
...can you tell that #2 likes his food, but he actually likes it right in front of him the second that he's hungry?
While we're in the line, #3 notices some birds in the parking lot....
#3: You know....I would like to be a bird.
Me: Really? You want to be a bird?
#3: Well, I would like to be a bird, but not a small bird cuz then I could only eat small crumbs.
Me: And you don't want to eat small crumbs?
#3: How would I eat Chick-Fil-A chicken nuggets as a small bird?
.....what was I thinking?
When we get there, he actually gets a cup with a coupon on it....
Me: Hey! If we fill out this survey, we get a free meal.
#2: You mean I get a free meal?
Me: You didn't even want to eat here.
#2: But I do when I get my free meal.
.....sometimes I wonder what is going on in that precious head of his.
So today I was telling #2 and #3 about a friend who has lost a family member to cancer. We started talking about Hubby having cancer a few years ago and how cancer doesn't care who you are. Now, before you read the rest of this, remember that our family deals with horrible things with humor (I've warned you so don't send me anything nasty)......
#2: Maybe they were eaten by a unicorn.
Me: I would rather die from a unicorn eating me than dying the death of cancer.
#2: Well that's impossible.....everybody knows unicorns are friendly.
....yes, a sick group of people are we, but we've been through it and we know we have to laugh.
We get home after a Children's Open House at church (which, by the way, the girls did fabulously) and started cleaning out the car.....
#3: NOOOOOOOO! We can't throw away this extra straw....what if they forget to give me a straw next time? I can't go strawless!!!
Me: So you're saying that you have to keep the straw in the car for future strawless restaurant adventures?
#3: That's EXACTLY what I'm saying!
....the good thing is that he accidentally opened the straw.....put his head down and threw it away. I mean, he knows he's not keeping a dirty, open straw.
Okay.......the last few days #2 has begged to watch "Hop". Hubby goes home to set it up for me since he has to go home to get chairs and this is the text I get....
.....I mean, SERIOUSLY!?!?!?? Just rent it?!?!!?!? If we have it, I am not going to spend $3.99 to rent it cuz it's too complicated! I absolutely LOVE Hubby.....but now I don't care if I have to call some stranger to my house, #2 is GOING to get to watch Hop!
So now that he knows that no matter what, I am not renting this movie, he sends these directions....
.....that's a long text friends. And yes, I got it working and we watched Hop....but do you see what I have to go through to watch a movie? Do you remember the four remotes that we have? I will say that I LOVE that I have a Hubby that can get all this together, make music and make our home computer smart. He's a great one....and he's mine! Our family WILL be tech savvy one day....okay, one day I will be tech savvy. I'll have to be in our life by numbers!
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
What Have I Done!??!??!
This is how my day ended yesterday....the #s were absolutely crazy wild. At one point....
#3: Well, I'm not sharing her so we'll just split her....and I want her head.
Me: Wait. What? Nobody is splitting anybody! now #3 thinks he can go all Solomon on our family!?!?!? This kid keeps me on my toes...AT ALL TIMES!
So today was the last day of my summer. I start tomorrow with professional development days, then back to school bashes, meetings with teachers, etc. So today we slept in....and I don't mean we woke up at 8am, I mean, the #s and I were still asleep at 10am. When they woke up, they decided to snuggle in our bed and watch tv. It was a very nice way to end my summer. WHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! MY SUMMER IS GONE!!!!!!!!!
So as we're snuggled in bed watching tv, I reached for my phone and I dropped it...on #2's face. As you might can see, there is a red mark below his right eye....and there's a bump. There were tears and apologizes and lots of snuggles after that.
We finally got up....
#2: I'm not hungry....I think I'll just stay here in bed and watch tv.
WHAT!?!?!?! I knocked his personality out of him! This kid doesn't sit still for anything...ANYTHING!
Me: I can make you lunch or breakfast. I'll make you whatever you want.
#2: Maybe just some string, I don't even want that.
Me: Are you okay? Are you feeling bad? Does your eye hurt?
#2: I'm fine. I just want to stay in bed and watch tv.
Me: Do you want anything?
#2: Can I have the heated blanket on?
Me: Are you sure you don't want anything?
#2: I just want to need to take it easy Mom...summer is almost over.
....WHAT HAVE I DONE!?!??!?!?! So here is #2.....with the fan blowing on his face, the heated blanket on, the lights off, and a football game on the tv.
Today was pretty much a day of nothingness. I had no desire to do anything except be with the #s. We played video games, watched tv, know, all the things that I'm going to be much different about come next week.....
....sad, but reality comes next week.
#1 did tell me that he didn't like playing video games with me......
#1: You know, I just want you to calm down and have fun. You're too competitive.
Me: TOO COMPETITIVE!?!?! I am having fun!
#1: No one can have that much were so competitive that it wasn't fun to play with you.
Me: It's a game. I am having fun, but I want to win.
#2: Yeah, he complained about this and told me not to tell you. I don't see a problem with it.
Me: So being like me is a bad thing?
#1: No, but you're too competitive....and....
Me: So I should have just let you win?
#1: No, what I'm trying to say is....
#2: You lost at Mario Brothers and you're mad that Mommy beat you?
#1: Yes....cuz I just wanted to have fun and I didn't care about winning the level.
....okay, so maybe it is like living with a mini-me. Well, at least I can say one of these #s is just like his momma in our life by numbers!
#3: Well, I'm not sharing her so we'll just split her....and I want her head.
Me: Wait. What? Nobody is splitting anybody! now #3 thinks he can go all Solomon on our family!?!?!? This kid keeps me on my toes...AT ALL TIMES!
So today was the last day of my summer. I start tomorrow with professional development days, then back to school bashes, meetings with teachers, etc. So today we slept in....and I don't mean we woke up at 8am, I mean, the #s and I were still asleep at 10am. When they woke up, they decided to snuggle in our bed and watch tv. It was a very nice way to end my summer. WHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! MY SUMMER IS GONE!!!!!!!!!
We finally got up....
#2: I'm not hungry....I think I'll just stay here in bed and watch tv.
WHAT!?!?!?! I knocked his personality out of him! This kid doesn't sit still for anything...ANYTHING!
Me: I can make you lunch or breakfast. I'll make you whatever you want.
#2: Maybe just some string, I don't even want that.
Me: Are you okay? Are you feeling bad? Does your eye hurt?
#2: I'm fine. I just want to stay in bed and watch tv.
Me: Do you want anything?
#2: Can I have the heated blanket on?
Me: Are you sure you don't want anything?
#2: I just want to need to take it easy Mom...summer is almost over.
....WHAT HAVE I DONE!?!??!?!?! So here is #2.....with the fan blowing on his face, the heated blanket on, the lights off, and a football game on the tv.
Today was pretty much a day of nothingness. I had no desire to do anything except be with the #s. We played video games, watched tv, know, all the things that I'm going to be much different about come next week.....
....sad, but reality comes next week.
#1 did tell me that he didn't like playing video games with me......
#1: You know, I just want you to calm down and have fun. You're too competitive.
Me: TOO COMPETITIVE!?!?! I am having fun!
#1: No one can have that much were so competitive that it wasn't fun to play with you.
Me: It's a game. I am having fun, but I want to win.
#2: Yeah, he complained about this and told me not to tell you. I don't see a problem with it.
Me: So being like me is a bad thing?
#1: No, but you're too competitive....and....
Me: So I should have just let you win?
#1: No, what I'm trying to say is....
#2: You lost at Mario Brothers and you're mad that Mommy beat you?
#1: Yes....cuz I just wanted to have fun and I didn't care about winning the level.
....okay, so maybe it is like living with a mini-me. Well, at least I can say one of these #s is just like his momma in our life by numbers!
Monday, July 27, 2015
I Love to Laugh
I'm seriously thinking that we should bring one of the ten commandments back....I mean, we do use some of them one needs to murder, right? And don't steal is one that is useful. But what about the Sabbath? I'm thinking we need to bring that one back. That's the one that will make us rest cuz we do too much. The one where I could say "nope, can't do it.....if we work on homework we'll be banished". Or "can't play soccer's not on our calendar to die today".
Anyhoo, we went to Glasgow to visit the campus for Crossland....
#2: Seriously, I am exhausted!
Me: Get over it and get up.
#3: I don't wanna go to class!
Me: You're going to class.....maybe they'll let you go with #2.
#1: I'm excited...maybe I'll meet some knew friends!
Me: won't see them ever again, but that's cool.
#1: WHAT!?!? MOOOOOM!?!?!??!
.....sorry....when I'm on a roll telling people what to do, it might come out a little negative. The good thing is #2 got up, #3 went to class with #2 and #1 did have fun.
I told Hubby that I planned to just sit in know, learn to be a "pastor's wife". BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I don't know how to do that. Instead, my children's pastor friend put me to work. It was pretty neat cuz I got to ask questions, see how organized she is (LOVE IT) and move things around on her desk cuz, well, she hates that.
We came back and had lunch with our youth pastor's family and some new friends. It was FABULOUS! The #s had a wonderful time cuz the pastor's family has three kiddos that were great with them! Hubby and I laughed for three hours while we were there....and it was nice to just laugh.
The best is that our new friends were excited to see a video that our pastor friend's kid made that has gone viral. Did that make any sense!?!??! See....this couple is talking about how much they love Harry Potter, music, their church, how we all met...and then it's mentioned about this "viral video" would have thought they met a movie star! To watch their facial expressions and hear their excitement that they were sitting at lunch with one of the girls was amazing! So....I asked her if I could share this video with you all.....
....isn't that hilarous!??!?! Every time I see it, I am laughing out loud! And I know them!!!! By the way, she's okay....just a slight burn on her can make you do some strange things.....
So we rushed home, I got ready and headed out to a girl's night out!!!! It was SO MUCH FUN!!!!! Don't we look like we're having fun?
......we went to see Chonda Pierce. You know when tears are streaming down your face, you are having a great time. And I absolutely love the girls that I went with....we were laughing from the time we met for dinner until we left after the show! So all in all, I laughed most of my day. The best was when SKyPAC turned off the air conditioning 1/2 way through the show. Oh, did I say best, I meant it made me feel like I was going through menopause....which coincidentally is exactly what Chonda was talking about. I don't know if they wanted us out of their building or if they wanted us to get the full experience. Between sweating and having to stand to make sure I wasn't peeing on myself, the last 45 minutes was a tad bit miserable.
Today was amazing....there's nothing like taking three #s to the dentist, right? And to top it off, I was running exceptionally late. So I get there....
Me: Don't yell.
#s: Okay.
Me: Don't run.
#s: Okay.
Me: Don't talk back to the nice people.
#2: Can we talk back to the mean people?
Me: Don't talk back at all.
.....turns out that we actually did have a fabulous dentist visit. Just a few gagging scenes and one kiddo that gave the new dentist a hard time.....
New Dentist: Can I look at your teeth?
Me: Yes he can!
#2: (whispering) You told me not to talk to strangers.
Me: Then don't talk to him....just let him look at your teeth.
......then #2 needed some back teeth sealed....
#2: This hurts.
New Dentist: I'm sorry. We just have to keep your teeth dry right now.
#2: This still hurts. This feels bad. I don't like this.
Me: Tell him to be quiet and stop giving him a hard time.
.....this never ends. But I will say, it was quite funny to see the new dentist's reactions.
Then I decided to take the #s school shopping. I don't know if I got hit in the head at the dentist or if there was some "funny gas" that I got or if I had a stroke, but I took all three of them to find their school supplies. As I looked at the list for 2nd, 3rd and 7th grade, I realized that we're not millionaires. I know this comes as a shock as Hubby is a pastor and I'm a teacher, but apparently we didn't hit the "millionaire" careers. So....I'm not quite sure how in the world we are supposed to afford all of these items. And in 7th grade, they want the kids to keep the supplies in the classroom. Do you know that I bought three packs of colored pencils cuz #1 has to keep them in the classroom? What the heck is #1 going to do with 72 colored pencils?!?!?!? And paper towels?!??!? I don't buy paper towels for our home and now I've got to buy it for school?
As I'm coming about the list....and paper towels....
#3: Can we get a toy?
Me: Why in the world would I buy you a toy when we're going school supply shopping?
#3: Cuz you don't buy paper towels and you're buying I decided that since we don't buy toys, we could buy one on this trip.
....I'm thinking that this is called a "guilt trip" by my almost seven year old. And by the way, they DO have toys. So $123 dollars later....and we STILL don't have everything....we walked out the door. But of course, we walked out WITH a small toy for each #3. Apparently guilt trips work in our life by numbers.
Anyhoo, we went to Glasgow to visit the campus for Crossland....
#2: Seriously, I am exhausted!
Me: Get over it and get up.
#3: I don't wanna go to class!
Me: You're going to class.....maybe they'll let you go with #2.
#1: I'm excited...maybe I'll meet some knew friends!
Me: won't see them ever again, but that's cool.
#1: WHAT!?!? MOOOOOM!?!?!??!
.....sorry....when I'm on a roll telling people what to do, it might come out a little negative. The good thing is #2 got up, #3 went to class with #2 and #1 did have fun.
I told Hubby that I planned to just sit in know, learn to be a "pastor's wife". BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I don't know how to do that. Instead, my children's pastor friend put me to work. It was pretty neat cuz I got to ask questions, see how organized she is (LOVE IT) and move things around on her desk cuz, well, she hates that.
We came back and had lunch with our youth pastor's family and some new friends. It was FABULOUS! The #s had a wonderful time cuz the pastor's family has three kiddos that were great with them! Hubby and I laughed for three hours while we were there....and it was nice to just laugh.
The best is that our new friends were excited to see a video that our pastor friend's kid made that has gone viral. Did that make any sense!?!??! See....this couple is talking about how much they love Harry Potter, music, their church, how we all met...and then it's mentioned about this "viral video" would have thought they met a movie star! To watch their facial expressions and hear their excitement that they were sitting at lunch with one of the girls was amazing! So....I asked her if I could share this video with you all.....
....isn't that hilarous!??!?! Every time I see it, I am laughing out loud! And I know them!!!! By the way, she's okay....just a slight burn on her can make you do some strange things.....
So we rushed home, I got ready and headed out to a girl's night out!!!! It was SO MUCH FUN!!!!! Don't we look like we're having fun?
......we went to see Chonda Pierce. You know when tears are streaming down your face, you are having a great time. And I absolutely love the girls that I went with....we were laughing from the time we met for dinner until we left after the show! So all in all, I laughed most of my day. The best was when SKyPAC turned off the air conditioning 1/2 way through the show. Oh, did I say best, I meant it made me feel like I was going through menopause....which coincidentally is exactly what Chonda was talking about. I don't know if they wanted us out of their building or if they wanted us to get the full experience. Between sweating and having to stand to make sure I wasn't peeing on myself, the last 45 minutes was a tad bit miserable.
Today was amazing....there's nothing like taking three #s to the dentist, right? And to top it off, I was running exceptionally late. So I get there....
Me: Don't yell.
#s: Okay.
Me: Don't run.
#s: Okay.
Me: Don't talk back to the nice people.
#2: Can we talk back to the mean people?
Me: Don't talk back at all.
.....turns out that we actually did have a fabulous dentist visit. Just a few gagging scenes and one kiddo that gave the new dentist a hard time.....
New Dentist: Can I look at your teeth?
Me: Yes he can!
#2: (whispering) You told me not to talk to strangers.
Me: Then don't talk to him....just let him look at your teeth.
......then #2 needed some back teeth sealed....
#2: This hurts.
New Dentist: I'm sorry. We just have to keep your teeth dry right now.
#2: This still hurts. This feels bad. I don't like this.
Me: Tell him to be quiet and stop giving him a hard time.
.....this never ends. But I will say, it was quite funny to see the new dentist's reactions.
Then I decided to take the #s school shopping. I don't know if I got hit in the head at the dentist or if there was some "funny gas" that I got or if I had a stroke, but I took all three of them to find their school supplies. As I looked at the list for 2nd, 3rd and 7th grade, I realized that we're not millionaires. I know this comes as a shock as Hubby is a pastor and I'm a teacher, but apparently we didn't hit the "millionaire" careers. So....I'm not quite sure how in the world we are supposed to afford all of these items. And in 7th grade, they want the kids to keep the supplies in the classroom. Do you know that I bought three packs of colored pencils cuz #1 has to keep them in the classroom? What the heck is #1 going to do with 72 colored pencils?!?!?!? And paper towels?!??!? I don't buy paper towels for our home and now I've got to buy it for school?
As I'm coming about the list....and paper towels....
#3: Can we get a toy?
Me: Why in the world would I buy you a toy when we're going school supply shopping?
#3: Cuz you don't buy paper towels and you're buying I decided that since we don't buy toys, we could buy one on this trip.
....I'm thinking that this is called a "guilt trip" by my almost seven year old. And by the way, they DO have toys. So $123 dollars later....and we STILL don't have everything....we walked out the door. But of course, we walked out WITH a small toy for each #3. Apparently guilt trips work in our life by numbers.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
We Made It!
Let's be honest here....I hate when #3 receives birthday party invitations. It makes me cringe because we go through the same thing every time....
Me: "So and So" sent you a birthday invitation.
#3: Oh good! Can I go?
Me: Sure. I'll let them know you're coming.
....usually, I text (so I don't have to explain anything) that #3 will NOT be attending the birthday party due to plans already on our schedule....yes, you read that correctly, he says he wants to go, but I respond that he's not going.
The week of the party.....
Me: We need to get "so and so" a birthday present for their party. What do you think they will like?
#3: I don't know....
Me: When do you want to get them something?
#3: Later.
.....and then the day before the birthday party....
Me: Think there will be cake or cupcakes at the party?
#3: I don't know.
...and then the day of the party.....
Me: What do you want to wear to "so and so's" birthday party?
Me: Your friends are going to be there and you're going to have so much fun.
......and now you see why I've already RSVP'd that we won't attend and I'm not out money on a gift.
Now, I have stayed with him at some birthday parties where we have left 30 minutes into the party....once over a spoon that was dropped...apparently spoons are near extinct and no more where to ever be found. It's hard cuz #2 is soooo into parties and #1 is at the age where some of his friends are out of having parties. It's okay though.....I'm older and I'm not a fan of trying to out-do people on gifts or what clothes I'm going to wear.
But today....well, this week....was totally different......
#3: I can't wait until Saturday! I am going to R's birthday party!
Me: We need to get him a gift.
#3: I think we should get him the foam balls that stick together, but they aren't sticky on your hands. I really think he'll love those.
Me: Okay, sounds great!
...and then today....
#3: We have GOT to HURRY! I don't want to be late to R's party!
Me: We've got to drop #2 off with his friend and then we'll go.
#3: Now, you're gonna stay with me, right?
Me: I'll be right there.
....and the kid stayed at the ENTIRE party and only hugged me twice!!!! In fact, when I told him that the party was almost over, he said "let me finish playing basketball and then we can leave" and sure enough he finished his game, game in, cleaned up, said "thank you" and headed out the door. When the kid is ready to leave, he's ready.....BUT HE STAYED THE ENTIRE TIME!!!!!
In the car....
#3: You know what?
Me: What?
#3: I had a really good time at R's party. I'm really lucky that God gave me those friends....they understand me and still love me.
....yes, you can cue the tears now. I wanted to run back in the house and give their kid the biggest hug ever! This is one blessed momma!!!!
So after this fantastic party, #3 and I came home and watched tv and I fell asleep. The kid has two older brothers so when I turned on Disney Junior, he was mesmerized! I have GOT to remember that he didn't grow up with this stuff cuz I turned off cable a little after he was born. It was fun to see him giggle and smile at the shows....all the kid shows!
After one show was over....
#3: You know what would be really cool?
Me: What?
#3: If I saw a castle, then I could turn into a toy and I could play in the castle all by myself. That would be amazing! steps, right? He wants to play in a castle by himself, BUT he did make it through a party with his friends today!
Speaking of falling asleep....what am I going to do when school starts? I have taken a nap for the last three days...just falling asleep for a good 30-40 minutes. I have got to start working on that cuz I'm pretty sure that is frowned upon while you're in charge of 25 kiddos...right?
#1 went to help Hubby today in Butler County with the church building. We are putting that kid to work. Sweat equity is what it's called! I haven't been able to be at any of the work days in Butler County or Bowling Green.....but I've heard it's gone well and it gets us more excited every day about the campus launching in September!!!! God's got plans friends....amazing plans!!!!
Tonight we met two very special friends for dinner. I love them so much and we keep up with each other on Facebook, but we just don't hook up very often. But when we do get together, there is lots of laughter and by the end, we're probably the loudest table there....and it's not because of the kiddos. As we got in the car to come home, I told Hubby that we have got to be more focused on getting together with them more often.....that's a friendship forever!
So #2 has talked non-stop about the birthday party he went to today. I mean, seriously, non-stop. He got to bowl, skate, putt-putt, eat.....what more could an eight year old want!?!?!? This kid loves to have fun.....and he's super, duper competitive...just like his momma. It's nice to have a mini-me in our life by numbers!
Me: "So and So" sent you a birthday invitation.
#3: Oh good! Can I go?
Me: Sure. I'll let them know you're coming.
....usually, I text (so I don't have to explain anything) that #3 will NOT be attending the birthday party due to plans already on our schedule....yes, you read that correctly, he says he wants to go, but I respond that he's not going.
The week of the party.....
Me: We need to get "so and so" a birthday present for their party. What do you think they will like?
#3: I don't know....
Me: When do you want to get them something?
#3: Later.
.....and then the day before the birthday party....
Me: Think there will be cake or cupcakes at the party?
#3: I don't know.
...and then the day of the party.....
Me: What do you want to wear to "so and so's" birthday party?
Me: Your friends are going to be there and you're going to have so much fun.
......and now you see why I've already RSVP'd that we won't attend and I'm not out money on a gift.
Now, I have stayed with him at some birthday parties where we have left 30 minutes into the party....once over a spoon that was dropped...apparently spoons are near extinct and no more where to ever be found. It's hard cuz #2 is soooo into parties and #1 is at the age where some of his friends are out of having parties. It's okay though.....I'm older and I'm not a fan of trying to out-do people on gifts or what clothes I'm going to wear.
But today....well, this week....was totally different......
#3: I can't wait until Saturday! I am going to R's birthday party!
Me: We need to get him a gift.
#3: I think we should get him the foam balls that stick together, but they aren't sticky on your hands. I really think he'll love those.
Me: Okay, sounds great!
...and then today....
#3: We have GOT to HURRY! I don't want to be late to R's party!
Me: We've got to drop #2 off with his friend and then we'll go.
#3: Now, you're gonna stay with me, right?
Me: I'll be right there.
....and the kid stayed at the ENTIRE party and only hugged me twice!!!! In fact, when I told him that the party was almost over, he said "let me finish playing basketball and then we can leave" and sure enough he finished his game, game in, cleaned up, said "thank you" and headed out the door. When the kid is ready to leave, he's ready.....BUT HE STAYED THE ENTIRE TIME!!!!!
In the car....
#3: You know what?
Me: What?
#3: I had a really good time at R's party. I'm really lucky that God gave me those friends....they understand me and still love me.
....yes, you can cue the tears now. I wanted to run back in the house and give their kid the biggest hug ever! This is one blessed momma!!!!
So after this fantastic party, #3 and I came home and watched tv and I fell asleep. The kid has two older brothers so when I turned on Disney Junior, he was mesmerized! I have GOT to remember that he didn't grow up with this stuff cuz I turned off cable a little after he was born. It was fun to see him giggle and smile at the shows....all the kid shows!
After one show was over....
#3: You know what would be really cool?
Me: What?
#3: If I saw a castle, then I could turn into a toy and I could play in the castle all by myself. That would be amazing! steps, right? He wants to play in a castle by himself, BUT he did make it through a party with his friends today!
Speaking of falling asleep....what am I going to do when school starts? I have taken a nap for the last three days...just falling asleep for a good 30-40 minutes. I have got to start working on that cuz I'm pretty sure that is frowned upon while you're in charge of 25 kiddos...right?
#1 went to help Hubby today in Butler County with the church building. We are putting that kid to work. Sweat equity is what it's called! I haven't been able to be at any of the work days in Butler County or Bowling Green.....but I've heard it's gone well and it gets us more excited every day about the campus launching in September!!!! God's got plans friends....amazing plans!!!!
Tonight we met two very special friends for dinner. I love them so much and we keep up with each other on Facebook, but we just don't hook up very often. But when we do get together, there is lots of laughter and by the end, we're probably the loudest table there....and it's not because of the kiddos. As we got in the car to come home, I told Hubby that we have got to be more focused on getting together with them more often.....that's a friendship forever!
So #2 has talked non-stop about the birthday party he went to today. I mean, seriously, non-stop. He got to bowl, skate, putt-putt, eat.....what more could an eight year old want!?!?!? This kid loves to have fun.....and he's super, duper competitive...just like his momma. It's nice to have a mini-me in our life by numbers!
Friday, July 24, 2015
You're Right Kid...I Obviously Don't Get It
There is nothing like going to bed around midnight and knowing you have to get up at 5:30am and then finally snuggling up with your heated blanket, having the sound of the fan and the wind gently blowing on your face and then at 2:17am....
#3: MY LEGS!!! MY LEGS!!!! I'M GONNA DIE!!!! MY LEGS ARE KILLING ME!!! THEY NEED TO COME OFF!!!!!! was terrifying! I did realize that at 2:17am, it takes me a bit to actually gain consciousness and realize that a # is actually screaming. It also takes a minute or two to realize that the screaming in my face from this # is because I'm staring at him and he thinks I'm not paying attention. After rubbing oils on this poor #'s knees and legs and consoling him for about an hour, he drifted off to sleep.
Then 4:15am came...
....I mean, seriously, who needs an alarm clock when you've got that going? I rub more oils on him, but I also am over that and Hubby gets him some ibuprofen. Now, you've got to know #3 to understand that he is NOT going to take liquid medicine (we've done that before when I had it in the plastic syringe that the pharmacy gives you....and instead of putting the middle part in, I just put the medicine in and #3 blew the medicine all over my face...did I mention he has great gag reflexes and can't swallow medicine???) and so he chews a pill and chases it down with water. By the time he's calmed, it is 5am. What's that you say? My alarm is coming on at 5:15am? Yeah....that was changed to 6am....and I still was kicked the entire time by #3's legs.
This afternoon I asked #3 if he remembered what happened all night...
#3: I had a nightmare.
Me: About what?
#3: There were these people and they are shooting each other in the knees and legs.
Me: Where you there?
#3: No.
Me: Where they shooting you?
#3: No.
Me: But you felt like your legs where hurting?
#3: Cuz they were being shot right off.
Me: But you weren't there, right?
#3: (huge sigh) No....but I felt it.
Me: You felt the guy's legs being hurt from being shot.
#3: No, I felt my legs being hurt from being shot.
Me: But you weren't there.
#3: You obviously don't get it.'re right kiddo....I obviously don't get it...I also didn't get sleep last night, so if I don't understand your dream, I'm sorry.
Wanna know another thing about #3 that I don't get? Why he would put on fleece pajamas in the dead of summer (wait....don't judge yet cuz I've got fleece pajamas on right now) and refuse to take them off all day and wears them when we have company over. Yes, costume pants and a fleece shirt...all. day. long. He played in them outside, he played ball in them, he's worn them all day. I'm sure they peeled off him and walked itself to the washing machine. GROSS!!!!
So after a day of Kinder Kamp and having friends over for bacon jalapeno burgers, I'm exhausted....but so blessed that I got to meet some precious kindergarteners and spend some fabulous time with some wonderful friends. God sure does bless I hope He bless me with some sleep cuz this girl needs sleep when living in our life by numbers.
#3: MY LEGS!!! MY LEGS!!!! I'M GONNA DIE!!!! MY LEGS ARE KILLING ME!!! THEY NEED TO COME OFF!!!!!! was terrifying! I did realize that at 2:17am, it takes me a bit to actually gain consciousness and realize that a # is actually screaming. It also takes a minute or two to realize that the screaming in my face from this # is because I'm staring at him and he thinks I'm not paying attention. After rubbing oils on this poor #'s knees and legs and consoling him for about an hour, he drifted off to sleep.
Then 4:15am came...
....I mean, seriously, who needs an alarm clock when you've got that going? I rub more oils on him, but I also am over that and Hubby gets him some ibuprofen. Now, you've got to know #3 to understand that he is NOT going to take liquid medicine (we've done that before when I had it in the plastic syringe that the pharmacy gives you....and instead of putting the middle part in, I just put the medicine in and #3 blew the medicine all over my face...did I mention he has great gag reflexes and can't swallow medicine???) and so he chews a pill and chases it down with water. By the time he's calmed, it is 5am. What's that you say? My alarm is coming on at 5:15am? Yeah....that was changed to 6am....and I still was kicked the entire time by #3's legs.
This afternoon I asked #3 if he remembered what happened all night...
#3: I had a nightmare.
Me: About what?
#3: There were these people and they are shooting each other in the knees and legs.
Me: Where you there?
#3: No.
Me: Where they shooting you?
#3: No.
Me: But you felt like your legs where hurting?
#3: Cuz they were being shot right off.
Me: But you weren't there, right?
#3: (huge sigh) No....but I felt it.
Me: You felt the guy's legs being hurt from being shot.
#3: No, I felt my legs being hurt from being shot.
Me: But you weren't there.
#3: You obviously don't get it.'re right kiddo....I obviously don't get it...I also didn't get sleep last night, so if I don't understand your dream, I'm sorry.
Wanna know another thing about #3 that I don't get? Why he would put on fleece pajamas in the dead of summer (wait....don't judge yet cuz I've got fleece pajamas on right now) and refuse to take them off all day and wears them when we have company over. Yes, costume pants and a fleece shirt...all. day. long. He played in them outside, he played ball in them, he's worn them all day. I'm sure they peeled off him and walked itself to the washing machine. GROSS!!!!
So after a day of Kinder Kamp and having friends over for bacon jalapeno burgers, I'm exhausted....but so blessed that I got to meet some precious kindergarteners and spend some fabulous time with some wonderful friends. God sure does bless I hope He bless me with some sleep cuz this girl needs sleep when living in our life by numbers.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Are We Eating Shampoo?
I JUST bought shampoo on Monday. I vividly remember standing in the shampoo aisle and #1 and #2 argue with me cuz I was going to buy something cheap and they talked me into buying something more expensive because "it would make my hair better". I stood there and opened bottles of shampoo for them to smell while we were in everybody's way because if their hair was going to be better, the shampoo "needed to smell better than the cheap stuff".
I get in the shower and I am moving bottles around.....and their shampoo bottle has less than 1/3 left. WHAT?!?!!? That was 28 ounces of good smellin' stuff that cost me more than 94 cents! What in the world!?!?!? Do they eat this stuff? Do they bathe in this stuff? Are they washing the brown bathtub? So this evening as they were getting ready for their shower....
Me: By the way, can you all please NOT drink the shampoo?
#1: We don't eat the shampoo....
#2: Eat the shampoo? We don't eat it, but we do wash our hair with it.
#3: Yeah, we fill our hand with the shampoo so our hair is good and soapy. apparently I need to teach the #s how to use shampoo. I'll put that on my "things to do" list in our life by numbers!
I get in the shower and I am moving bottles around.....and their shampoo bottle has less than 1/3 left. WHAT?!?!!? That was 28 ounces of good smellin' stuff that cost me more than 94 cents! What in the world!?!?!? Do they eat this stuff? Do they bathe in this stuff? Are they washing the brown bathtub? So this evening as they were getting ready for their shower....
Me: By the way, can you all please NOT drink the shampoo?
#1: We don't eat the shampoo....
#2: Eat the shampoo? We don't eat it, but we do wash our hair with it.
#3: Yeah, we fill our hand with the shampoo so our hair is good and soapy. apparently I need to teach the #s how to use shampoo. I'll put that on my "things to do" list in our life by numbers!
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Still Hate Cancer....But PRAISE THE LORD!!!!
When I realize that the #s were up all last night, I knew that Hubby's CT scan was on everybody's mind. #1 actually woke up this morning and snuggled in bed and said "I just can't get any sleep"....and slept with me holding him for the next two hours.
We got up and got ready.....I say "got ready" loosely because every five minutes I'm reminding them that we have to go. Seriously #s...TODAY we HAVE to GO! I had two classrooms to finish and #3 had therapy.....seriously....WE HAVE GOT TO GO!!!!!
In the 45 minutes that it took me to get ready, I know I said the same things over and over:
finish eating
no more ball in the house right now
do not hit your brother
you cannot wear your pajamas
stop chasing each other around the den
yes, you have to wear underwear
have you washed your
why are all the lights on
pick up your pajamas
why are there clothes on the floor
have you brushed your teeth
why are you still not dressed wonder it took me so long to get ready. And this is an EVERY day occurrence. I love the #s...but they have no sense of time or speed....and I'm pretty sure they don't care.
We got things ready at school number three and then headed to my home school. Thanks to one of the precious kindergarten teachers, I got to meet two little future kindergarteners. I sang to them and asked if they were going to Kinder Kamp on Friday and they smiled and said yes. Even though I absolutely LOVE being home with my #s, I do love teaching. I mean, I LOVE teaching children music.
This is going to sound really pompous, but I truly believe that if God gives you a gift, you need to use it. I feel that God gave me the gift to teach children and to teach them music. We have SO MUCH FUN in class. We dance, we sing, we act, we goof off....and we are still learning about music! I get to teach them about Beethoven, Bach, the Blues, Rap...the possibilities are endless and so is our fun! I actually get to teach a very diverse group of students....I mean, I do teach almost 1000 students....and I really do love my kiddos at all of my schools. I taught elementary school my very first year of teaching.....and I counted down to summer from day 1. I know that the first year isn't always the best and I just didn't know what to do. I taught high school most of my teaching career....and let me tell ya, I love my high schoolers. They are amazing! I got to really talk to these kiddos...and I'm actually friends and keep in touch with some of those precious souls. So when I got the opportunity to teach elementary school again, I was nervous. There weren't big productions in elementary school, there weren't sarcastic comments, there weren't 1 1/2 hours and every day of seeing these kiddos.....but I LOVE IT!!!!!! As much as I'm not a hugger, I get hugs all the time and they love to show me their outfits or tell me about their day. I am so lucky and honored to teach at my three schools.....and the people I work with....well, they are amazing (and they put up with me)!
Okay, enough of that mushy stuff.....
Today was Hubby's CT scan. He had to have contrast, so it takes about two hours to complete this scan. The doctor's appointment was right after the CT scan. Now, to give you some insight to the past appointments, Hubby has a scan and it takes about a week before he gets a letter or a call from the doctor with the results. So I'm not quite sure why the #s and I couldn't get any sleep last night because it's not like we were going to find out any results. So Hubby calls me and says "guess what, the CT scan results were with the doctor by the time I got there....and the CT scan is clean....cancer-free for the second year in a row"!
PRAISE THE LORD!!!! Seriously....why has it taken a week in the past?!?!!? Who cares! We know now that he is cancer-free!!!! YAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I love that the entire family gets excited about this too! When I told the #s, they started smiling and clapping and even #1 said "Whew......I'm so glad". Never thought I'd have to get excited about saying "cancer-free"....but I'm glad I get to say that!
So after a nice fit after therapy from #3 cuz I wouldn't let him go to Fortify (youth group), we headed home and ate. Then we played with this really cool stuff called "foam".....look at the things we made....
This is #3 and his "bunny rabbit"...after taking a picture, he gave me a dissertation about how he smiles like this because of something to do with his cheeks and the corners of his mouth and how he thinks that if I face the phone towards him so he can see what he is doing, he would like his smile more....this is the second picture.
And this is #2 with a character from a show that drives me crazy...Uncle GrandPa.....and his character is "Pizza Steve".....Pizza Steve is sideways so you might want to turn your head to the you see it now? He's a pizza slice with hands.'s never dull in our life by numbers!
We got up and got ready.....I say "got ready" loosely because every five minutes I'm reminding them that we have to go. Seriously #s...TODAY we HAVE to GO! I had two classrooms to finish and #3 had therapy.....seriously....WE HAVE GOT TO GO!!!!!
In the 45 minutes that it took me to get ready, I know I said the same things over and over:
finish eating
no more ball in the house right now
do not hit your brother
you cannot wear your pajamas
stop chasing each other around the den
yes, you have to wear underwear
have you washed your
why are all the lights on
pick up your pajamas
why are there clothes on the floor
have you brushed your teeth
why are you still not dressed wonder it took me so long to get ready. And this is an EVERY day occurrence. I love the #s...but they have no sense of time or speed....and I'm pretty sure they don't care.
We got things ready at school number three and then headed to my home school. Thanks to one of the precious kindergarten teachers, I got to meet two little future kindergarteners. I sang to them and asked if they were going to Kinder Kamp on Friday and they smiled and said yes. Even though I absolutely LOVE being home with my #s, I do love teaching. I mean, I LOVE teaching children music.
This is going to sound really pompous, but I truly believe that if God gives you a gift, you need to use it. I feel that God gave me the gift to teach children and to teach them music. We have SO MUCH FUN in class. We dance, we sing, we act, we goof off....and we are still learning about music! I get to teach them about Beethoven, Bach, the Blues, Rap...the possibilities are endless and so is our fun! I actually get to teach a very diverse group of students....I mean, I do teach almost 1000 students....and I really do love my kiddos at all of my schools. I taught elementary school my very first year of teaching.....and I counted down to summer from day 1. I know that the first year isn't always the best and I just didn't know what to do. I taught high school most of my teaching career....and let me tell ya, I love my high schoolers. They are amazing! I got to really talk to these kiddos...and I'm actually friends and keep in touch with some of those precious souls. So when I got the opportunity to teach elementary school again, I was nervous. There weren't big productions in elementary school, there weren't sarcastic comments, there weren't 1 1/2 hours and every day of seeing these kiddos.....but I LOVE IT!!!!!! As much as I'm not a hugger, I get hugs all the time and they love to show me their outfits or tell me about their day. I am so lucky and honored to teach at my three schools.....and the people I work with....well, they are amazing (and they put up with me)!
Okay, enough of that mushy stuff.....
Today was Hubby's CT scan. He had to have contrast, so it takes about two hours to complete this scan. The doctor's appointment was right after the CT scan. Now, to give you some insight to the past appointments, Hubby has a scan and it takes about a week before he gets a letter or a call from the doctor with the results. So I'm not quite sure why the #s and I couldn't get any sleep last night because it's not like we were going to find out any results. So Hubby calls me and says "guess what, the CT scan results were with the doctor by the time I got there....and the CT scan is clean....cancer-free for the second year in a row"!
PRAISE THE LORD!!!! Seriously....why has it taken a week in the past?!?!!? Who cares! We know now that he is cancer-free!!!! YAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I love that the entire family gets excited about this too! When I told the #s, they started smiling and clapping and even #1 said "Whew......I'm so glad". Never thought I'd have to get excited about saying "cancer-free"....but I'm glad I get to say that!
So after a nice fit after therapy from #3 cuz I wouldn't let him go to Fortify (youth group), we headed home and ate. Then we played with this really cool stuff called "foam".....look at the things we made....
This is #3 and his "bunny rabbit"...after taking a picture, he gave me a dissertation about how he smiles like this because of something to do with his cheeks and the corners of his mouth and how he thinks that if I face the phone towards him so he can see what he is doing, he would like his smile more....this is the second picture.
And this is #2 with a character from a show that drives me crazy...Uncle GrandPa.....and his character is "Pizza Steve".....Pizza Steve is sideways so you might want to turn your head to the you see it now? He's a pizza slice with hands.'s never dull in our life by numbers!
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Bathtub Questions
I was absolutely lazy today. The #s were also lazy today. It was wonderful....can we do this for a few more weeks? Wait......can we at least do this for a few more days?!?!! We did end up cleaning a bit...I mean, picking up, wiping things down....the easy stuff. I used to be this extreme cleaner....when I was a stay-at-home mommy. It was rough. I was vacuuming every day....mopping every was ridiculous. Then we moved and it got worse. Then I started teaching and realized that the #s don't care if it's spotless...heck, they don't even care if they have to step over things....they just like all of us living together. So you can imagine the sadness that went on when I told them that they had to pick up their toys and put them somewhere....and under a bed and in the closet doesn't count.
After cleaning, I decided to exercise. This is the time when the #s don't really bother me. I think it's because they think I'm thinking of things for them to do while I'm exercising and if they come down, I'll assign them something to do. I really don't do that...though it's a thought. In fact, it's a time where I turn on the tv or I focus on talking to God. It's actually a great time to talk to I'm lifting my little weights or walking on the treadmill....
So after exercising, I decide to take a bath. I mean, the #s are in the "hang out room" and they haven't come down yet. So I have the bathtub filled with hot water. Mint tea bath salts making the bathroom smell delicious. I've got the music playing. I'm relaxing and enjoying the water. I look at my feet and think " 4th toe is just weird it too fat or just doesn't look like the others". I mean seriously, it doesn't look like it belongs....or maybe my second and third toes don't have enough fat on them and it makes the fourth and fifth toes look fat. Seriously folks....THIS is what runs through my mind during a relaxing time...a "me" time. Maybe I should refocus on this relaxing time!?!??!
Then....#2 comes racing down the stairs.....
#2: I smell something good to eat.
Me: That would be bath salts.
#2: Do they taste good?
....this kid has smelled noodles before they are finished cooking and knew we were having mac-n-cheese. That kid has the nose of a bloodhound. Then he starts dancing...the kid loves music. I have to get him out of the bathroom and finally get tofigure out my toes, relax again. Next thing I know, #2 is rushing into the bathroom.....
#2: I need to use the bathroom.
Me: There are two other that you passed to get to this bathroom.
#2: I just want to be with you.
Me: NOT TO POOP!!!!!
...I love him, I really do. And #2 truly is the one that snuggles with me all the time. He's just like me and we have that connection....but I do not want to see or smell that kid poop! Shewwww-weeeee!
I finally get to relax again and I notice the water in the tub. Now, I don't take a lot of baths....I take showers. Part of this is because I am usually in a hurry, but some of it has to do with us having a brown tub. Yes, it's brown...and someone actually bought it that way. I have this issue with sitting in a brown tub. I clean it, but for some reason, I feel like I can't really see if it's clean. So as I'm sitting in the bathtub, I realize that I am sitting in my own filth. I mean, we take a bath or shower to get clean. In a shower, it goes down the drain. In a bath, you just sit in it. All your dirt, skin particles, makes me do a full body shiver. So I get clean water (also known as a shower) to feel clean.....and I actually bath again. Maybe one day I'll be able to afford that big bathtub with the jets and maybe I'll feel a little the jets are blowing the dirt around so they can't get me in our life of numbers!
After cleaning, I decided to exercise. This is the time when the #s don't really bother me. I think it's because they think I'm thinking of things for them to do while I'm exercising and if they come down, I'll assign them something to do. I really don't do that...though it's a thought. In fact, it's a time where I turn on the tv or I focus on talking to God. It's actually a great time to talk to I'm lifting my little weights or walking on the treadmill....
So after exercising, I decide to take a bath. I mean, the #s are in the "hang out room" and they haven't come down yet. So I have the bathtub filled with hot water. Mint tea bath salts making the bathroom smell delicious. I've got the music playing. I'm relaxing and enjoying the water. I look at my feet and think " 4th toe is just weird it too fat or just doesn't look like the others". I mean seriously, it doesn't look like it belongs....or maybe my second and third toes don't have enough fat on them and it makes the fourth and fifth toes look fat. Seriously folks....THIS is what runs through my mind during a relaxing time...a "me" time. Maybe I should refocus on this relaxing time!?!??!
Then....#2 comes racing down the stairs.....
#2: I smell something good to eat.
Me: That would be bath salts.
#2: Do they taste good?
....this kid has smelled noodles before they are finished cooking and knew we were having mac-n-cheese. That kid has the nose of a bloodhound. Then he starts dancing...the kid loves music. I have to get him out of the bathroom and finally get to
#2: I need to use the bathroom.
Me: There are two other that you passed to get to this bathroom.
#2: I just want to be with you.
Me: NOT TO POOP!!!!!
...I love him, I really do. And #2 truly is the one that snuggles with me all the time. He's just like me and we have that connection....but I do not want to see or smell that kid poop! Shewwww-weeeee!
I finally get to relax again and I notice the water in the tub. Now, I don't take a lot of baths....I take showers. Part of this is because I am usually in a hurry, but some of it has to do with us having a brown tub. Yes, it's brown...and someone actually bought it that way. I have this issue with sitting in a brown tub. I clean it, but for some reason, I feel like I can't really see if it's clean. So as I'm sitting in the bathtub, I realize that I am sitting in my own filth. I mean, we take a bath or shower to get clean. In a shower, it goes down the drain. In a bath, you just sit in it. All your dirt, skin particles, makes me do a full body shiver. So I get clean water (also known as a shower) to feel clean.....and I actually bath again. Maybe one day I'll be able to afford that big bathtub with the jets and maybe I'll feel a little the jets are blowing the dirt around so they can't get me in our life of numbers!
Monday, July 20, 2015
I'm Sure #3 Will Be on the Dr. Phil Show.....
Me: Get up.
#3: I'm not getting up.
Me: We've got to go.
#3: I am never getting enough sleep and it is all your fault.
Me: Great.......get up.
And this is how my morning started with #3. He just sat around in the bed and tried to cover up with the blanket until he realized I was holding the blanket and wouldn't give it to him. Nice how he blamed me for him not getting enough sleep. Seriously're already blaming me for your problems? Where's Dr. Phil? I'm sure he'll talk to you about me....what a show THAT would be!
Hubby: Goodbye everybody...have a great day at school!
#3: SCHOOL!?!?!!!?? I DON'T WANNA GO TO SCHOOL!!!!!!
(cue the screaming, crying and thrashing of body all over the place)
Me: Thank you.....this should make my day easier.
.....I am guessing that I need to prep him for school now.....I'm sure 2 1/2 weeks will be long enough....well, I'm guessing 2 1/2 weeks is all I've got to prep him.
I made the #s get ready and we headed to my second put up bulletin boards....again. I won't bore you with the hatred I have for bulletin boards again....but I got it done.
Did you know that my #s think that they are supposed to have three meals a day? I mean, in the summer I might could eat one meal a day with a few fruit pieces thrown in and I'm good. On the other hand, #2 thinks that he is supposed to eat three meals a day plus snacks in between. So after the entire bags of snacks that I brought to the schools, I had to stop and get them lunch. What are these #s thinking?!?!!?
I stopped at a place near the second school we were going to....
Me: Do you have grilled cheese?
Lady: No.
Me: Can you make a grilled cheese?
Lady: I don't think we can do that.
Me: Can you charge me for a cheeseburger and then just put bread and cheese together?
Lady: Hold on just a second.....hey Dude...can we put bread and cheese together with no meat?
Dude: I think so.
Lady: Yes, we can do that.
.....well, apparently they can't. I got to the school.....this bread and cheese had pickles, onions, ketchup...AND A BURGER!!! And they got his drink wrong too......
#1's Text: They got #3's drink wrong.
My Text: Give him's diet and we know he likes that....
#1's Text: No, he got diet too.
#1's Text: Mommy?
Me: Send him to the front office and I'll take care of him.
.....if this tells you anything, #1 didn't want to deal with it. I mean, when #3 wakes up in a bad mood, we all kinda rely on each other for help.....and laughter.
If I didn't have enough to do today, I took the #s to the grocery store. YAY!!!!!! So the entire time, #3 is asking for a stuffed animal, #2 is asking for string cheese and #1 is talking...just talking. We were there for about an hour and then I looked and all the checkout lanes are full except the self checkout. UGH!
On a side note, I worked in a grocery store from the time I was 15 years old all the way through college. I worked as a bagger, a cashier, a stocker, and a store front head. I scanned groceries for six years and I always said I would never go to a self checkout lane because I think that having a cashier was more personal and that's the way grocery checkout should be.
Back to the point......I went to the self checkout lane because I was tired of arguing with #3 about a stuffed animal and I wanted to check out fast. So as I'm scanning the groceries, I would tell the #s what I wanted bagged know, frozen foods in one bag, fruit in the other, bathroom stuff in the other, etc. As we are checking out, #3 is complaining about not getting a stuffed animal....seriously kid, we have enough stuffed animals to cover our entire floor in our house with them and now you're complaining about not getting one....right now?!?!! As he is mad as we know, stomping, folding his arms, walking 5 feet behind me, eyebrows down, frowning, trying to mumble (but really saying it loudly cuz he wants to make sure I can hear him). So I get him to carry the big plastic tubs.....SUCCESS!!!! He starts carrying out these plastic tubs that are bigger than he is, but he feels like a muscle man.....and I get him out of the store!
We get to the car....and I have no room in the car or the trunk cuz it's filled with my classroom materials. WHAT!?!?!?! So I get the #s in the car, put the groceries in the plastic tubs and then put the rest of the groceries on the floor in the back and the bread in the trunk. Seriously, I am a much better planner than this....except for today.
Tonight our family had movie night. It's always nice to sit in the den, snuggled up with the family and watch a movie. It's also nice to hear the #s giggle and have a good time just being with family.....I absolutely LOVE our life by numbers!
#3: I'm not getting up.
Me: We've got to go.
#3: I am never getting enough sleep and it is all your fault.
Me: Great.......get up.
And this is how my morning started with #3. He just sat around in the bed and tried to cover up with the blanket until he realized I was holding the blanket and wouldn't give it to him. Nice how he blamed me for him not getting enough sleep. Seriously're already blaming me for your problems? Where's Dr. Phil? I'm sure he'll talk to you about me....what a show THAT would be!
Hubby: Goodbye everybody...have a great day at school!
#3: SCHOOL!?!?!!!?? I DON'T WANNA GO TO SCHOOL!!!!!!
(cue the screaming, crying and thrashing of body all over the place)
Me: Thank you.....this should make my day easier.
.....I am guessing that I need to prep him for school now.....I'm sure 2 1/2 weeks will be long enough....well, I'm guessing 2 1/2 weeks is all I've got to prep him.
I made the #s get ready and we headed to my second put up bulletin boards....again. I won't bore you with the hatred I have for bulletin boards again....but I got it done.
Did you know that my #s think that they are supposed to have three meals a day? I mean, in the summer I might could eat one meal a day with a few fruit pieces thrown in and I'm good. On the other hand, #2 thinks that he is supposed to eat three meals a day plus snacks in between. So after the entire bags of snacks that I brought to the schools, I had to stop and get them lunch. What are these #s thinking?!?!!?
I stopped at a place near the second school we were going to....
Me: Do you have grilled cheese?
Lady: No.
Me: Can you make a grilled cheese?
Lady: I don't think we can do that.
Me: Can you charge me for a cheeseburger and then just put bread and cheese together?
Lady: Hold on just a second.....hey Dude...can we put bread and cheese together with no meat?
Dude: I think so.
Lady: Yes, we can do that.
.....well, apparently they can't. I got to the school.....this bread and cheese had pickles, onions, ketchup...AND A BURGER!!! And they got his drink wrong too......
#1's Text: They got #3's drink wrong.
My Text: Give him's diet and we know he likes that....
#1's Text: No, he got diet too.
#1's Text: Mommy?
Me: Send him to the front office and I'll take care of him.
.....if this tells you anything, #1 didn't want to deal with it. I mean, when #3 wakes up in a bad mood, we all kinda rely on each other for help.....and laughter.
If I didn't have enough to do today, I took the #s to the grocery store. YAY!!!!!! So the entire time, #3 is asking for a stuffed animal, #2 is asking for string cheese and #1 is talking...just talking. We were there for about an hour and then I looked and all the checkout lanes are full except the self checkout. UGH!
On a side note, I worked in a grocery store from the time I was 15 years old all the way through college. I worked as a bagger, a cashier, a stocker, and a store front head. I scanned groceries for six years and I always said I would never go to a self checkout lane because I think that having a cashier was more personal and that's the way grocery checkout should be.
Back to the point......I went to the self checkout lane because I was tired of arguing with #3 about a stuffed animal and I wanted to check out fast. So as I'm scanning the groceries, I would tell the #s what I wanted bagged know, frozen foods in one bag, fruit in the other, bathroom stuff in the other, etc. As we are checking out, #3 is complaining about not getting a stuffed animal....seriously kid, we have enough stuffed animals to cover our entire floor in our house with them and now you're complaining about not getting one....right now?!?!! As he is mad as we know, stomping, folding his arms, walking 5 feet behind me, eyebrows down, frowning, trying to mumble (but really saying it loudly cuz he wants to make sure I can hear him). So I get him to carry the big plastic tubs.....SUCCESS!!!! He starts carrying out these plastic tubs that are bigger than he is, but he feels like a muscle man.....and I get him out of the store!
We get to the car....and I have no room in the car or the trunk cuz it's filled with my classroom materials. WHAT!?!?!?! So I get the #s in the car, put the groceries in the plastic tubs and then put the rest of the groceries on the floor in the back and the bread in the trunk. Seriously, I am a much better planner than this....except for today.
Tonight our family had movie night. It's always nice to sit in the den, snuggled up with the family and watch a movie. It's also nice to hear the #s giggle and have a good time just being with family.....I absolutely LOVE our life by numbers!
Sunday, July 19, 2015
4 Hours Worth of Bulletin Boards.....FOUR HOURS!!!!
Did I mention I that I hate bulletin boards? I mean, after today, after four hours of working in a classroom, I wish I could say that I was finished....but no. That was one classroom.....I HAVE THREE CLASSROOMS!!!!! And I would love to tell you that I have some great pictures, but my phone died....which means my music went away....which meant it was time to go. If I can't be jammin' while I'm doing this, the whole thing is worthless. UGH..... I can't even tell you the hatred I have for these things.....yes, I know that this is a repeat of the post from yesterday, but I'm thinking that next year I might hire someone to decorate my room. Anybody like putting up paper????
Anyhoo, what a great service today at church....I mean FABULOUS!!!! I love to Tweet and Post about the sermon....I do this during the sermon and I'm telling you, I try to hide it cuz I know people are like "is she checking her e-mail? Seriously???", but I love it. I get so much out of it too when I go back and read them...or when someone comments on one. My favorites today are these:
"When you are falsely accused, say nothing. But when the world speaks the truth, agree with them".
"I'd rather die at the world's hands than bow at the world's feet".
I mean, how fantastic are those quotes!?!??!?! Just think about it, if someone speaks ill of you (which that has happened to me numerous times), just keep quiet. Cuz the truth will come out (which it always does) and when it does, agree with the truth. That means you haven't talked bad or against someone, but yet, they know the truth. THAT IS AWESOME!!!!
And what about the second quote....I would rather die by the world, than be bowing to the idols of this world and not be with Jesus in Heaven. I mean, what words!!! These are hard cuz the world is going to talk about you, be against you, hate you....but you're gonna be with Jesus people....JESUS!!! Sometimes I wanna kick myself in the booty knowing that I, at times, conform to this world.
After church we ate lunch and then I headed to work on bulletin, I won't bore you with my hatred least in this post. I did have fun seeing people that I haven't seen all summer....and I did have fun at the end seeing how cute the room was looking. I'm going with a Muppets Meet Music theme...and I have to say, I absolutely LOVE "Animal", "Rowlf" and "Fozzie"....I guess they kinda remind me of myself.....
While I had the pleasure of working on my room, Hubby took the #s to church for a work afternoon. I wasn't there, but Hubby said they did well. #2 told me they played "cops and robbers". So I'm really not sure how the afternoon went.
After that I met them for dinner with some friends of ours. I absolutely adore these two people....they are sweet, funny, caring...and apparently we have a game to see who pays for which check. I love them, but I'm sure they were surprised when they got our bill...I mean, we do feed five of us!
So during this meal, it looks like the #s decided that they were in love with the restroom. I mean, it was ridiculous how many times they had to go. Nobody uses a public restroom that much in an hour. Nobody. And if one goes, they all decide they need to go. There's nothing like a potty parade every ten minutes. And then when I take them, #3 decided he needs to have a full conversation while he's using the restroom. Seriously kid, pay attention to what you are doing. These conversations could be about anything...
the toilet he's sitting on
why germs are around us
why he wore his shirt today
why he thinks people don't eat in the restroom
....yeah, that about describes it tonight....
Me: Okay need to hurry, our dinner is getting cold
#3: Maybe it's supposed to be cold.
Me: No, it's not. It's supposed to be eaten hot.
#3: Maybe it's too hot.
Me: Seriously, pay attention to what you're doing.
#3: (Feels his stomach) Give me a second....I got another one in there.
Me: For the love of music HURRY UP!!!!!
#3: Okay, I'm done. Wipe me please
....and this is my life. I'm sure I could dream of how it could be different, but the humor these #s bring me make me absolutely LOVE our life by numbers!
Anyhoo, what a great service today at church....I mean FABULOUS!!!! I love to Tweet and Post about the sermon....I do this during the sermon and I'm telling you, I try to hide it cuz I know people are like "is she checking her e-mail? Seriously???", but I love it. I get so much out of it too when I go back and read them...or when someone comments on one. My favorites today are these:
"When you are falsely accused, say nothing. But when the world speaks the truth, agree with them".
"I'd rather die at the world's hands than bow at the world's feet".
I mean, how fantastic are those quotes!?!??!?! Just think about it, if someone speaks ill of you (which that has happened to me numerous times), just keep quiet. Cuz the truth will come out (which it always does) and when it does, agree with the truth. That means you haven't talked bad or against someone, but yet, they know the truth. THAT IS AWESOME!!!!
And what about the second quote....I would rather die by the world, than be bowing to the idols of this world and not be with Jesus in Heaven. I mean, what words!!! These are hard cuz the world is going to talk about you, be against you, hate you....but you're gonna be with Jesus people....JESUS!!! Sometimes I wanna kick myself in the booty knowing that I, at times, conform to this world.
After church we ate lunch and then I headed to work on bulletin, I won't bore you with my hatred least in this post. I did have fun seeing people that I haven't seen all summer....and I did have fun at the end seeing how cute the room was looking. I'm going with a Muppets Meet Music theme...and I have to say, I absolutely LOVE "Animal", "Rowlf" and "Fozzie"....I guess they kinda remind me of myself.....
While I had the pleasure of working on my room, Hubby took the #s to church for a work afternoon. I wasn't there, but Hubby said they did well. #2 told me they played "cops and robbers". So I'm really not sure how the afternoon went.
After that I met them for dinner with some friends of ours. I absolutely adore these two people....they are sweet, funny, caring...and apparently we have a game to see who pays for which check. I love them, but I'm sure they were surprised when they got our bill...I mean, we do feed five of us!
So during this meal, it looks like the #s decided that they were in love with the restroom. I mean, it was ridiculous how many times they had to go. Nobody uses a public restroom that much in an hour. Nobody. And if one goes, they all decide they need to go. There's nothing like a potty parade every ten minutes. And then when I take them, #3 decided he needs to have a full conversation while he's using the restroom. Seriously kid, pay attention to what you are doing. These conversations could be about anything...
the toilet he's sitting on
why germs are around us
why he wore his shirt today
why he thinks people don't eat in the restroom
....yeah, that about describes it tonight....
Me: Okay need to hurry, our dinner is getting cold
#3: Maybe it's supposed to be cold.
Me: No, it's not. It's supposed to be eaten hot.
#3: Maybe it's too hot.
Me: Seriously, pay attention to what you're doing.
#3: (Feels his stomach) Give me a second....I got another one in there.
Me: For the love of music HURRY UP!!!!!
#3: Okay, I'm done. Wipe me please
....and this is my life. I'm sure I could dream of how it could be different, but the humor these #s bring me make me absolutely LOVE our life by numbers!
Saturday, July 18, 2015
We Had NOTHING To Do Today... was so wonderful to sleep in, watch cartoons in bed with #3 and just get up when we wanted to this morning....the joys of summer (and having Hubby home on Fridays) if we totally missed something that you had invited us to, please accept our apologies!
I did work on classroom stuff today. I'm pretty sure I would have gotten much more accomplished if I was at school because I wouldn't have to stop every ten minutes saying....
*put the ball down
*no you can't have ice cream
*please put on pants
*I'm pretty sure the neighbors can hear the tv
*again, you need pants on
*if that ball hits our semi-good stuff again, you're going to be in trouble
....but I did get all of my bulletin board stuff cut out and ready to go up tomorrow.
Speaking of bulletin boards...I'm not creative. I have no desire to do bulletin boards...ever. I must have missed the "bulletin boards bring joy" class in college cuz the only thing they bring me is hatred for colored paper and the local parent teacher store where I spend so much money. What even makes it worse is that I have to do this for three schools...THREE SCHOOLS! And none of the classrooms look the same and one of them I share, so nothing is exactly the same. In fact, when totaling up the bulletin boards that I have to make "joyful" this week, it comes to 8 bulletin boards. That's already a bad math problem when you're looking at me having three schools. And then it gets worse:
School 1: 2 extra long bulletin boards and 1 short one
School 2: 1 extra long bulletin board and 3 short ones
School 3: 1 short one makes no sense to me. So today I tried to make sense of it all and get my ideas ready cuz I'm headed to one of my schools tomorrow and putting all the boards up...and then there's the hatred for staplers and extra long sheets of bulletin board paper.
Tonight we promised the #s that if I got my school stuff done, we'd play some games. Now our games usually end like this:
#1 getting hurt
#2 getting mad because he either didn't win or someone didn't play fair or he didn't want to quit
#3 getting mad because he either didn't win or it was time for him to get mad
....tonight was no different.
First, #2 picked "Ga-ga ball". This is usually an outdoor sport that is in a fenced off area where you hit a ball underhanded and can only hit your opponent from the knee down. Not's too hot. So we played in the den. Playing ball happens in our house every day....every single day. It really doesn't bother me too much cuz I know one day they won't be living here and every broken piece of furniture will remind me of them.
This game ended in....
#1 getting hurt cuz he tripped on something
#2 getting mad cuz he didn't want to quit playing AND I accidentally kicked the ball at his nose
#3 getting upset because....I don't remember, but I do remember him upset about something
#1 and #3 picked "Picture Apples to Apples" the way, we love this game. I love to hear the #s laugh at the picture they received. We bought this game for vacation and never played, but we've played it a lot since we came home. There is a lot of laughter.....and then crying....this time cuz someone wasn't winning.
Our house is full of people that like to compete. I'm pretty sure that's why someone is crying at the end of every game. Even tonight as they came to tell us goodnight, #1 and #2 raced to our room, raced to see who could hug us first, race to see who could get to their room the fastest. It's ALWAYS a competition in our life by numbers!
I did work on classroom stuff today. I'm pretty sure I would have gotten much more accomplished if I was at school because I wouldn't have to stop every ten minutes saying....
*put the ball down
*no you can't have ice cream
*please put on pants
*I'm pretty sure the neighbors can hear the tv
*again, you need pants on
*if that ball hits our semi-good stuff again, you're going to be in trouble
....but I did get all of my bulletin board stuff cut out and ready to go up tomorrow.
Speaking of bulletin boards...I'm not creative. I have no desire to do bulletin boards...ever. I must have missed the "bulletin boards bring joy" class in college cuz the only thing they bring me is hatred for colored paper and the local parent teacher store where I spend so much money. What even makes it worse is that I have to do this for three schools...THREE SCHOOLS! And none of the classrooms look the same and one of them I share, so nothing is exactly the same. In fact, when totaling up the bulletin boards that I have to make "joyful" this week, it comes to 8 bulletin boards. That's already a bad math problem when you're looking at me having three schools. And then it gets worse:
School 1: 2 extra long bulletin boards and 1 short one
School 2: 1 extra long bulletin board and 3 short ones
School 3: 1 short one makes no sense to me. So today I tried to make sense of it all and get my ideas ready cuz I'm headed to one of my schools tomorrow and putting all the boards up...and then there's the hatred for staplers and extra long sheets of bulletin board paper.
Tonight we promised the #s that if I got my school stuff done, we'd play some games. Now our games usually end like this:
#1 getting hurt
#2 getting mad because he either didn't win or someone didn't play fair or he didn't want to quit
#3 getting mad because he either didn't win or it was time for him to get mad
....tonight was no different.
First, #2 picked "Ga-ga ball". This is usually an outdoor sport that is in a fenced off area where you hit a ball underhanded and can only hit your opponent from the knee down. Not's too hot. So we played in the den. Playing ball happens in our house every day....every single day. It really doesn't bother me too much cuz I know one day they won't be living here and every broken piece of furniture will remind me of them.
This game ended in....
#1 getting hurt cuz he tripped on something
#2 getting mad cuz he didn't want to quit playing AND I accidentally kicked the ball at his nose
#3 getting upset because....I don't remember, but I do remember him upset about something
#1 and #3 picked "Picture Apples to Apples" the way, we love this game. I love to hear the #s laugh at the picture they received. We bought this game for vacation and never played, but we've played it a lot since we came home. There is a lot of laughter.....and then crying....this time cuz someone wasn't winning.
Our house is full of people that like to compete. I'm pretty sure that's why someone is crying at the end of every game. Even tonight as they came to tell us goodnight, #1 and #2 raced to our room, raced to see who could hug us first, race to see who could get to their room the fastest. It's ALWAYS a competition in our life by numbers!
Friday, July 17, 2015
So I Made Plans.....And I Hate Cancer
....and none of them came to fruition today.....sounds about right. I got up and took #2 to football. Okay, now THAT came true. Then I went to one of my schools to work on my classroom...I can't because they are waxing the floors. OH NO!!!!! I have GOT to get my classroom ready by next Friday for looks like I have Sunday afternoon booked.
So I picked #2 up from football camp because Hubby took #3 to the doctor. See.....we figured out a while ago that if #3 continues with his meltdowns, then something must be wrong...either a new tic is about to form, he's sick, he's scared, etc....and today he woke up with a fever. So Hubby took him to the doctor and looks like he has some tonsillitis. Just what we needed....a sick kiddo right before school starts. They get home and #3 has to take his medicine....and "BLAHHHHHHHHH"....all over himself, all over #2's legs (who was asleep) and on our couch. We rushed him to the bathroom to take a bath and told him that he HAD to take his medicine again...cuz we certainly didn't get enough of that in the den...on the couch!
Even though all the things I wanted to get done today didn't happen, all afternoon I got to hold that sweet boy while he slept, snored and twitched throughout his sleep. He really did look precious....didn't he?
And then for dinner, Hubby made the most wonderful meal...... today is the's one of the MANY reasons why July just isn't a good month for our family. I do know that one day, one month, one year, I will be able to look forward to July, but I'm just not there yet. Here's one of the reasons why I'm not a fan of this month.....
Two years ago, Hubby went to the doctor. Now I can count on my hand how many times he had been to the doctor in the 18 years that I've known him, so I knew something was wrong. The doctor told him that he thought it was an infection, but would get an ultrasound done just in case....which was two days later. When he got the ultrasound done, the technician send him immediately back to the doctor.....that's pretty much a red flag for "SOMETHING IS WRONG"!!!!
I'll never forgot waiting for him to come home and crying and telling the #s that we will talk when Hubby gets home. I'll never forget the sorrow in their eyes even though they didn't know anything. I'll never forget them asking "did someone die"? I finally told them that they could play with something at the table....and play-doh is what they picked. Hubby walked in...the #'s sitting at the table and Hubby sat down with us and explained that the doctor told him that he had testicular cancer. He would be seeing a specialist and have some scans done the next day. I'll never forget #1 saying "can't that kill you". I'll never forget #2 saying he wasn't going to use the toilet because he didn't want to get it. I'll never forget #3 saying absolutely nothing.
Over the next few days, there were more tests, lots of blood work, doctor appointments, and tons of calls to make. I would sit in the waiting room during his scans and just be in tears. I cried in the shower, cried in my sleep.....and then tears wouldn't fall from my eyes anymore. Hubby had surgery the Monday after the Wednesday he found out he had cancer. He was told it was a fast growing cancer and had to be out immediately.....and it's so fast that he didn't have any signs one day and the next day, he knew something was wrong. Fast. Growing. Cancer.
When did that word sneak into our lives? Oh, it didn' came in barreling like a train on full speed ahead. We didn't expect it. We didn't invite it in. He doesn't have cancer in his family. Guess what I found out....cancer doesn't discriminate. Cancer doesn't care what color you are. Cancer doesn't care how old you are. Cancer doesn't care where you went to school or how much school you have. Cancer doesn't care how much money you make. Cancer doesn't care if you have a family. Cancer doesn't care if your kids are scared. Cancer doesn't care. But I will tell you this....I hate cancer.
I hate the way cancer sounds. I hate the way cancer just walks in and tears a life apart. I hate the way cancer spreads to ask more questions about past and future in your family line. I hate the way cancer made my Hubby feel. I hate the way cancer made my #s feel. I hate cancer.
Hubby had surgery and it was a success! Hubby had radiation and it was a success! We dealt with the insurance company and, eventually, it was a success. The #s were absolutely wonderful during all of this...they prayed, they cried, they laughed....and they knew that their Daddy was going to be okay....though it still took a while for #2 to use the same toilet seat as Hubby.
So.....I'm not a fan of July. Today marks the two year mark of finding out Hubby had cancer. We get to say "had".....cuz we are praying that next week's CT scan shows nothing! Absolutely nothing....all spots...nothing! So I leave with this picture....cuz I truly feel that our family had to use our superhero powers (God, love, trust, prayer, family, friends, etc.) to get through cancer....and everything else that I can't stand in July......
.....goodnight....from our life by numbers!
So I picked #2 up from football camp because Hubby took #3 to the doctor. See.....we figured out a while ago that if #3 continues with his meltdowns, then something must be wrong...either a new tic is about to form, he's sick, he's scared, etc....and today he woke up with a fever. So Hubby took him to the doctor and looks like he has some tonsillitis. Just what we needed....a sick kiddo right before school starts. They get home and #3 has to take his medicine....and "BLAHHHHHHHHH"....all over himself, all over #2's legs (who was asleep) and on our couch. We rushed him to the bathroom to take a bath and told him that he HAD to take his medicine again...cuz we certainly didn't get enough of that in the den...on the couch!
Even though all the things I wanted to get done today didn't happen, all afternoon I got to hold that sweet boy while he slept, snored and twitched throughout his sleep. He really did look precious....didn't he?
And then for dinner, Hubby made the most wonderful meal...... today is the's one of the MANY reasons why July just isn't a good month for our family. I do know that one day, one month, one year, I will be able to look forward to July, but I'm just not there yet. Here's one of the reasons why I'm not a fan of this month.....
Two years ago, Hubby went to the doctor. Now I can count on my hand how many times he had been to the doctor in the 18 years that I've known him, so I knew something was wrong. The doctor told him that he thought it was an infection, but would get an ultrasound done just in case....which was two days later. When he got the ultrasound done, the technician send him immediately back to the doctor.....that's pretty much a red flag for "SOMETHING IS WRONG"!!!!
I'll never forgot waiting for him to come home and crying and telling the #s that we will talk when Hubby gets home. I'll never forget the sorrow in their eyes even though they didn't know anything. I'll never forget them asking "did someone die"? I finally told them that they could play with something at the table....and play-doh is what they picked. Hubby walked in...the #'s sitting at the table and Hubby sat down with us and explained that the doctor told him that he had testicular cancer. He would be seeing a specialist and have some scans done the next day. I'll never forget #1 saying "can't that kill you". I'll never forget #2 saying he wasn't going to use the toilet because he didn't want to get it. I'll never forget #3 saying absolutely nothing.
Over the next few days, there were more tests, lots of blood work, doctor appointments, and tons of calls to make. I would sit in the waiting room during his scans and just be in tears. I cried in the shower, cried in my sleep.....and then tears wouldn't fall from my eyes anymore. Hubby had surgery the Monday after the Wednesday he found out he had cancer. He was told it was a fast growing cancer and had to be out immediately.....and it's so fast that he didn't have any signs one day and the next day, he knew something was wrong. Fast. Growing. Cancer.
When did that word sneak into our lives? Oh, it didn' came in barreling like a train on full speed ahead. We didn't expect it. We didn't invite it in. He doesn't have cancer in his family. Guess what I found out....cancer doesn't discriminate. Cancer doesn't care what color you are. Cancer doesn't care how old you are. Cancer doesn't care where you went to school or how much school you have. Cancer doesn't care how much money you make. Cancer doesn't care if you have a family. Cancer doesn't care if your kids are scared. Cancer doesn't care. But I will tell you this....I hate cancer.
I hate the way cancer sounds. I hate the way cancer just walks in and tears a life apart. I hate the way cancer spreads to ask more questions about past and future in your family line. I hate the way cancer made my Hubby feel. I hate the way cancer made my #s feel. I hate cancer.
Hubby had surgery and it was a success! Hubby had radiation and it was a success! We dealt with the insurance company and, eventually, it was a success. The #s were absolutely wonderful during all of this...they prayed, they cried, they laughed....and they knew that their Daddy was going to be okay....though it still took a while for #2 to use the same toilet seat as Hubby.
So.....I'm not a fan of July. Today marks the two year mark of finding out Hubby had cancer. We get to say "had".....cuz we are praying that next week's CT scan shows nothing! Absolutely nothing....all spots...nothing! So I leave with this picture....cuz I truly feel that our family had to use our superhero powers (God, love, trust, prayer, family, friends, etc.) to get through cancer....and everything else that I can't stand in July......
.....goodnight....from our life by numbers!
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Huge SHOUT OUT to Mr. B's!!!!!
So when a certain child has a meltdown close to bedtime the night before, that usually means that the next day isn't going to be meltdown free.....and today was definitely NOT meltdown free. I mean, we're used to that, so we were prepared....well, as prepared as we could be.
After a meltdown or two this morning about breakfast, clothes, brushing teeth, and anything else in our regular routine, we went to pick up #2 from football camp. I'm telling you....this kid is having a BLAST! He walked to us with a big smile on his face....
#2: I had a great time today....I'm not the fastest runner, but I ran. And then I decided to practice being the wide receiver. I feel like I need to really work on that if I'm ever going to be good at all the positions. They really said I'm a linebacker and I know that, but I wanna be good at everything. You know I'm doing my best, I just wanna do my best at everything....
....the kid kept talking from the time I picked him up all the way to lunch. I heard about football for a good 20 minutes.....and I really don't know if he took any air in while he talked.
We walked into a pizza place and there weren't many people there....
Waitress: Sorry......I'm just cleaning a table.
Me: No worries.
Waitress: 4?
Me: No, we'll be have 5 in our party. Is there any way we can be away from people? It sounds strange, but I have a kid that doesn't like people and he's having an exceptionally bad day today.
Waitress: No problem!
....we later saw that another waitress was going to sit a couple behind us and our waitress said "hey....go to 53". She literally made sure that nobody sat around us while we were there. It was AMAZING!!!!! And then we found out that she goes to Crossland! How amazing is that?!?!??! We had a great lunch and #3 got to turn around in his seat and not bother anybody our entire lunch! So...a huge SHOUT OUT to Mr. B's for taking care of us!!!!!
Ants. I hate ants. I don't know what they are good for, but they're not good for me. We thought we got rid of them, but we didn't. So we're using this homemade concoction and they are dying right and left. I'm sorry for those of you that like ants and think I'm supposed to get them together and let them run free in the wild, but they've entered our house and now I hope they tell their friends to not enter this house anymore cuz in this house lives our life by numbers!
After a meltdown or two this morning about breakfast, clothes, brushing teeth, and anything else in our regular routine, we went to pick up #2 from football camp. I'm telling you....this kid is having a BLAST! He walked to us with a big smile on his face....
#2: I had a great time today....I'm not the fastest runner, but I ran. And then I decided to practice being the wide receiver. I feel like I need to really work on that if I'm ever going to be good at all the positions. They really said I'm a linebacker and I know that, but I wanna be good at everything. You know I'm doing my best, I just wanna do my best at everything....
....the kid kept talking from the time I picked him up all the way to lunch. I heard about football for a good 20 minutes.....and I really don't know if he took any air in while he talked.
We walked into a pizza place and there weren't many people there....
Waitress: Sorry......I'm just cleaning a table.
Me: No worries.
Waitress: 4?
Me: No, we'll be have 5 in our party. Is there any way we can be away from people? It sounds strange, but I have a kid that doesn't like people and he's having an exceptionally bad day today.
Waitress: No problem!
....we later saw that another waitress was going to sit a couple behind us and our waitress said "hey....go to 53". She literally made sure that nobody sat around us while we were there. It was AMAZING!!!!! And then we found out that she goes to Crossland! How amazing is that?!?!??! We had a great lunch and #3 got to turn around in his seat and not bother anybody our entire lunch! So...a huge SHOUT OUT to Mr. B's for taking care of us!!!!!
Ants. I hate ants. I don't know what they are good for, but they're not good for me. We thought we got rid of them, but we didn't. So we're using this homemade concoction and they are dying right and left. I'm sorry for those of you that like ants and think I'm supposed to get them together and let them run free in the wild, but they've entered our house and now I hope they tell their friends to not enter this house anymore cuz in this house lives our life by numbers!
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Parental Success!!!!
As we're driving to pick up #2 from football camp this morning, we stop behind a convertible BMW. It's a beautiful car and the top is down cuz it's such a gorgeous day. #1 looks at the car and says "man, I wish we could have a car like that"....and the only thing that runs through my mind is....we couldn't have a car like that because when we pressed on the gas petal, all the toys and paper wrappers from these #s would fly out of the car....and then we'd have to stop for all the toys because each one of them "mean something" to each of the kiddos. Then I start thinking other things like....
*that's a nice car, but just not practical
*she must be single.....or married with no kids
*maybe she's in a mid-life crisis
*I bet she's never eaten a french fry in that car
*she must owe a ton of money know, all the things that make me feel better about me not owning a car like that.
So what did I do when I got home? I cleaned out our car. Yes, I threw away toys with broken pieces, mushy tootsie rolls, papers that the #s just "had" to keep, suckers that were melting, and petrified french fries. That driver of the BMW has nothing on my life!
We have this rule in our household....and that is to say "thank you". It's a very simple rule, but we all try to follow it in a number of ways....
#3 says it after therapy
#2 says it after sports
#1 says it after concerts
....they just go up to the coach, doctor, conductor, etc. and say "thank you". A while back, #2 had a rough football practice and was walking off the field and I signed the "thank you" sign to him and he shook his head no. Nice try hot shot. So I looked at him and he turned around and thanked his coaches. When #2 got in the car....
#2: WHY did I have to say thank you to them? I had a rough practice and they weren't happy with me.
Me: Because they are taking the time to help you. They are focusing on you because they know that you have the potential. You can be "eh" or you can be better. We've told you from the beginning that you need to find someone better than you and focus to be like them and then when you're there, you find someone else better than you.....because there will ALWAYS be someone better than'll NEVER be Jesus.'s something that we have said numerous times to the #s, but today I saw that #2 got it. As he was walking off the field, I looked at him and he turned right around and said "thank you" to two of the coaches. I thought they were going to fall off their feet. They thanked him and said they couldn't wait to see him tomorrow....
#2: You might have to remind me to say thank you....but eventually I'll remember cuz they're trying to help me be better.
.....I call that a PARENTAL SUCCESS!!!!!
Wednesdays are "therapy days". This is when I spend a little over an hour in a waiting room playing on my phone or holding #2 as he sleeps. This is literally a time where I can do nothing productive because I have no Internet access and don't bring my computer with me. This is what a mom with three #s calls "me time". Don't get me wrong, I LOVE that #3 goes to therapy because we have a team that helps us get through all of this, but there are days when therapy doesn't get us anywhere. I mean, we are finding things out each week, but sometimes, #3 is stubborn. So after today's therapy session, the Therapist comes out.....
Therapist: Now, #3 tells me that the reason he says he's a bad boy is because he says that he does bad things.
Me: He has never heard that a day in his life. #3, you turn around here and you tell Therapist what we say....
#3: (mumbling) I'm not a bad child, but sometimes I make bad choices.
Therapist: He says he's going to try really hard to not say he's a bad boy.
.....we talk for a bit more and then we all walk into the parking lot. I get down on his level.....
Me: Now listen to me......I am not taking you to see Therapist for you to just tell her what she wants to hear. I know you and you know that we've never called you a bad boy, have we?
#3: (pulls his sunglasses over his eyes) No.
Me: You take those sunglasses off your eyes and look at me.
(#3 looks above them at me....this is where ODD is starting to kick in)
Me (con't): Stop telling her what she wants to hear and tell her what you're going to do. Are you really going to try to stop saying that?
#3: No.
Me: Then stop lying to her....we are trying to help you.....but you have got to do a little work. Do I make myself clear?
#3: (sly smile) Yes....stop telling her what she wants to hear.
....does anybody see how there might be a slight frustration around here? #3 is so incredibly smart that I sometimes think he's smarter than I that's why staying a step ahead of him is not only important, but extremely hard. But I will tell made me smile that I KNEW he was just telling her that to get her off his back!
After that wonderful session, we went with the youth group to the Hot Rods game. The #s had a fabulous time. I actually let #1 walk around with his friends and I didn't freak out too much....well, I did, but I kept it in most of the time. #2 loved watching the game, but he also loves ballpark food. And #3 actually talked to some people and wanted to see the monkey......all in all it was a great night. The #s sang "Take Me Out to the Ballgame". #1 was so excited, but didn't know the the #s practiced for two innings.....only a music teacher's kiddos would practice that song instead of watching the game. It was tempo....but totally precious....
...and then the game was over and #3 started crying...and digging his heels in the concrete and saying the monkey didn't give him a ball and he wanted one. Wait. No....not a meltdown....not here. What ball was he talking about? Did the monkey promise him a ball? Monkeys don't talk? My head is racing with questions about what in the world he is talking I held his hand and walked slowly to Hubby and said "pre-meltdown mode" and we left to head home with our life by numbers!
*that's a nice car, but just not practical
*she must be single.....or married with no kids
*maybe she's in a mid-life crisis
*I bet she's never eaten a french fry in that car
*she must owe a ton of money know, all the things that make me feel better about me not owning a car like that.
So what did I do when I got home? I cleaned out our car. Yes, I threw away toys with broken pieces, mushy tootsie rolls, papers that the #s just "had" to keep, suckers that were melting, and petrified french fries. That driver of the BMW has nothing on my life!
We have this rule in our household....and that is to say "thank you". It's a very simple rule, but we all try to follow it in a number of ways....
#3 says it after therapy
#2 says it after sports
#1 says it after concerts
....they just go up to the coach, doctor, conductor, etc. and say "thank you". A while back, #2 had a rough football practice and was walking off the field and I signed the "thank you" sign to him and he shook his head no. Nice try hot shot. So I looked at him and he turned around and thanked his coaches. When #2 got in the car....
#2: WHY did I have to say thank you to them? I had a rough practice and they weren't happy with me.
Me: Because they are taking the time to help you. They are focusing on you because they know that you have the potential. You can be "eh" or you can be better. We've told you from the beginning that you need to find someone better than you and focus to be like them and then when you're there, you find someone else better than you.....because there will ALWAYS be someone better than'll NEVER be Jesus.'s something that we have said numerous times to the #s, but today I saw that #2 got it. As he was walking off the field, I looked at him and he turned right around and said "thank you" to two of the coaches. I thought they were going to fall off their feet. They thanked him and said they couldn't wait to see him tomorrow....
#2: You might have to remind me to say thank you....but eventually I'll remember cuz they're trying to help me be better.
.....I call that a PARENTAL SUCCESS!!!!!
Wednesdays are "therapy days". This is when I spend a little over an hour in a waiting room playing on my phone or holding #2 as he sleeps. This is literally a time where I can do nothing productive because I have no Internet access and don't bring my computer with me. This is what a mom with three #s calls "me time". Don't get me wrong, I LOVE that #3 goes to therapy because we have a team that helps us get through all of this, but there are days when therapy doesn't get us anywhere. I mean, we are finding things out each week, but sometimes, #3 is stubborn. So after today's therapy session, the Therapist comes out.....
Therapist: Now, #3 tells me that the reason he says he's a bad boy is because he says that he does bad things.
Me: He has never heard that a day in his life. #3, you turn around here and you tell Therapist what we say....
#3: (mumbling) I'm not a bad child, but sometimes I make bad choices.
Therapist: He says he's going to try really hard to not say he's a bad boy.
.....we talk for a bit more and then we all walk into the parking lot. I get down on his level.....
Me: Now listen to me......I am not taking you to see Therapist for you to just tell her what she wants to hear. I know you and you know that we've never called you a bad boy, have we?
#3: (pulls his sunglasses over his eyes) No.
Me: You take those sunglasses off your eyes and look at me.
(#3 looks above them at me....this is where ODD is starting to kick in)
Me (con't): Stop telling her what she wants to hear and tell her what you're going to do. Are you really going to try to stop saying that?
#3: No.
Me: Then stop lying to her....we are trying to help you.....but you have got to do a little work. Do I make myself clear?
#3: (sly smile) Yes....stop telling her what she wants to hear.
....does anybody see how there might be a slight frustration around here? #3 is so incredibly smart that I sometimes think he's smarter than I that's why staying a step ahead of him is not only important, but extremely hard. But I will tell made me smile that I KNEW he was just telling her that to get her off his back!
After that wonderful session, we went with the youth group to the Hot Rods game. The #s had a fabulous time. I actually let #1 walk around with his friends and I didn't freak out too much....well, I did, but I kept it in most of the time. #2 loved watching the game, but he also loves ballpark food. And #3 actually talked to some people and wanted to see the monkey......all in all it was a great night. The #s sang "Take Me Out to the Ballgame". #1 was so excited, but didn't know the the #s practiced for two innings.....only a music teacher's kiddos would practice that song instead of watching the game. It was tempo....but totally precious....
...and then the game was over and #3 started crying...and digging his heels in the concrete and saying the monkey didn't give him a ball and he wanted one. Wait. No....not a meltdown....not here. What ball was he talking about? Did the monkey promise him a ball? Monkeys don't talk? My head is racing with questions about what in the world he is talking I held his hand and walked slowly to Hubby and said "pre-meltdown mode" and we left to head home with our life by numbers!
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
And THIS is Why I Don't Cook
This is the way a treadmill is supposed to be used, right?
Actually, today I used the with my feet. I've been using weights, but decided that I wanted to start walking again. I used to run, but when I hurt my ankle, the doctor and physical therapist later found out that my back problems were causing my ankle problems....apparently that's a sign of a past dancer....and from getting older. I qualify as both so I'm now.
Now some of you might say "join a'll be more committed cuz you don't like to waste money". Well friends, that's where you are wrong. Yes, I hate to waste money, but I hate going to the gym even more. I don't want to see skinny people doing more than I can won't force me to do better, it will get me out the doors faster. And I really don't like germs and I am sure that not everybody wipes their machine with a clorox wipe.....and I just don't want to spend the money. least I'm trying at home, right?
Today my #s didn't have a lot to was nice to sleep in and have the #s sleep in. Waking up and working out and then cleaning...but not having too much to clean. I don't know how I'm going to make it once school starts....I wonder if I could get approval to come in at 10am. I mean, I'm a musician and I'm wired completely different....I think they could get the best out of me starting at 10am.
So #3 told me that he woke up with a tummy ache.....
#3: I woke up last night with my tummy hurting.
Me: Why didn't you wake me up?
#3: You were sleeping.....and looked happy sleeping
#2: Ummm....creepy
....yes, sometimes I wonder about #3. He's funny and has such a dry since of humor, but sometimes I don't know if he's joking or being dead serious.
Last night #3 did jump in our bed.....
Me: (to Hubby)'re taking all the covers.
Hubby: #3, look at Mommy...she's taking all the covers!
#3: (jumps in the middle) I don't really care...I automatically get covers!
This afternoon I decided that I was going to make dinner.....don't faint, it was just spaghetti and cheese biscuits. I thought that everybody was going to love this...they all love noodles, they all like red sauce and they all love cheese.....
#3: I'm not really liking this Mommy. I'm sorry.
Me: But I made it with love.
#3: Your love wasn't really that good.
As I write this, my heart is very heavy for #3. See, I'm an open book when it comes to everything that goes on with him, but I haven't said much about him "medically" lately. Some will say "it's nobody's business" and some will shun me for joking about it (trust me, I've heard that many times).....but it's how I cope. Yes, our family has to cope when it comes to things we go through with #3. #1 and #2 sometimes ignore things, sometimes they argue more, sometimes they cry.....and we have to be a trusting, compassionate family unit for all of us to help #3 and to get through it together. And trust me, we are very blessed to not have to go through the things that other families have to go through....and we thank God that we do have it easier than some families....but sometimes, it's just hard....just get facedown on the floor and cry your eyes out hard.
Well, #3's tics are getting worse. It used to be every so often and we could time them (most of the time) with stress....that stress could be school, change, didn't like something, fought with his brothers, etc. Well, now he's just tic-ing away. He's been doing this for a week, so we assumed that it was because we were on vacation (something different, not a schedule), but he's been doing it at home. Today he was talking to me and his hand was just around his eye like he was trying to grab his eyelashes. He didn''t realize he's doing it until he hit himself in the head.....and then just looked at his hand. So if you get a chance....please pray for this little guy...
.....and maybe everybody else in our life by numbers!
Actually, today I used the with my feet. I've been using weights, but decided that I wanted to start walking again. I used to run, but when I hurt my ankle, the doctor and physical therapist later found out that my back problems were causing my ankle problems....apparently that's a sign of a past dancer....and from getting older. I qualify as both so I'm now.
Now some of you might say "join a'll be more committed cuz you don't like to waste money". Well friends, that's where you are wrong. Yes, I hate to waste money, but I hate going to the gym even more. I don't want to see skinny people doing more than I can won't force me to do better, it will get me out the doors faster. And I really don't like germs and I am sure that not everybody wipes their machine with a clorox wipe.....and I just don't want to spend the money. least I'm trying at home, right?
Today my #s didn't have a lot to was nice to sleep in and have the #s sleep in. Waking up and working out and then cleaning...but not having too much to clean. I don't know how I'm going to make it once school starts....I wonder if I could get approval to come in at 10am. I mean, I'm a musician and I'm wired completely different....I think they could get the best out of me starting at 10am.
So #3 told me that he woke up with a tummy ache.....
#3: I woke up last night with my tummy hurting.
Me: Why didn't you wake me up?
#3: You were sleeping.....and looked happy sleeping
#2: Ummm....creepy
....yes, sometimes I wonder about #3. He's funny and has such a dry since of humor, but sometimes I don't know if he's joking or being dead serious.
Last night #3 did jump in our bed.....
Me: (to Hubby)'re taking all the covers.
Hubby: #3, look at Mommy...she's taking all the covers!
#3: (jumps in the middle) I don't really care...I automatically get covers!
This afternoon I decided that I was going to make dinner.....don't faint, it was just spaghetti and cheese biscuits. I thought that everybody was going to love this...they all love noodles, they all like red sauce and they all love cheese.....
#3: I'm not really liking this Mommy. I'm sorry.
Me: But I made it with love.
#3: Your love wasn't really that good.
#1: Maybe you should just leave the love out next time.
.....this is why I don't cook. I know I don't cook very well and the last thing I want is to hear the complaints. Well, I'm sure I'll cook again in a few months......As I write this, my heart is very heavy for #3. See, I'm an open book when it comes to everything that goes on with him, but I haven't said much about him "medically" lately. Some will say "it's nobody's business" and some will shun me for joking about it (trust me, I've heard that many times).....but it's how I cope. Yes, our family has to cope when it comes to things we go through with #3. #1 and #2 sometimes ignore things, sometimes they argue more, sometimes they cry.....and we have to be a trusting, compassionate family unit for all of us to help #3 and to get through it together. And trust me, we are very blessed to not have to go through the things that other families have to go through....and we thank God that we do have it easier than some families....but sometimes, it's just hard....just get facedown on the floor and cry your eyes out hard.
Well, #3's tics are getting worse. It used to be every so often and we could time them (most of the time) with stress....that stress could be school, change, didn't like something, fought with his brothers, etc. Well, now he's just tic-ing away. He's been doing this for a week, so we assumed that it was because we were on vacation (something different, not a schedule), but he's been doing it at home. Today he was talking to me and his hand was just around his eye like he was trying to grab his eyelashes. He didn''t realize he's doing it until he hit himself in the head.....and then just looked at his hand. So if you get a chance....please pray for this little guy...
.....and maybe everybody else in our life by numbers!
Monday, July 13, 2015
Cheeseburger v/s Cheese and Bread
Hubby always says that when we had two kiddos, we can play "man to man defense".....with three kiddos we have to play "zone defense". Well, with three #s and only one parent during the day, you have to just give up playing defense and play their game....which is what happened many, many times today.
I'm not saying it was a bad day, but I am saying that one day, I will be able to take a shower without a certain #3 coming into the bathroom and deciding that he needs to poop....and then he wants me to wipe him. I know I'll miss that one, I don't think that I'll actually miss poop. Call me crazy...and I may be wrong....but I've never really been interested in poop.
And then he wants to talk. I mean, I'm washing my face, shaving and lathering my hair and this kid wants to have a conversation about anything and everything....
Why poop smells
How exactly food turns into poop
What do dinosaurs look like when they poop
Does their poop smell
......and that's just today's conversations.
After a few appointments today, I took the kiddos to McDonald's. Now.....I hate McDonald's (sorry)....I am sick almost every time after eating it and we just don't go there. We had to go on our vacation cuz it's the only thing that looked clean (now what is THAT saying) and we went today because we had a gift card.....
Drive-Thru Lady: (hands items) Thank you.
Me: Thanks
(I then search to make sure that #3's bread and cheese has nothing else on it.)
Drive-Thru Lady: YES!?!?!?!
Me: This is supposed to be bread and cheese.
Drive-Thru Lady: Ummm...that IS what it is.
Me: No, it's not. It's a cheeseburger.
Drive-Thur Lady: That's what bread and cheese is.
(At this point, I'm like "really" and the #'s are now being very, very quiet.)
Me: No.....a cheeseburger has a burger, cheese, bread, and all the other stuff you put on it. A bread and cheese is just bread and cheese.
Drive-Thru Lady: (huge sigh and eye roll) Ugh. You'll have to pull around.
Me: Thank you.
....about four minutes later, another lady come out with a huge bag of food....
Lady: Here's your meal.
Me: No, we are just missing a bread and cheese.
Lady: You mean a cheeseburger?
#'s: NO....A BREAD AND CHEESE!!!!!
Me: Just bread with a slice of meat, no nothing.
Lady: I'll be right back.
...and she was...and the order was right.
Now, I know that ordering a grilled cheese, bread and cheese, cheeseburger without the burger, is difficult when you don't have that on the menu....BUT SERIOUSLY!?!??!?! And these aren't teens we are dealing with....these are adults....adults that I'm sure had a kid or knew a child that only liked cheese and bread.....CHEESE AND BREAD PEOPLE!!!!!!
After that fiasco, we ran a few more errands, saw Hubby at work and then headed home. This is where the #'s get very frustrated and ask "what are we doing when we get home". Some answers include:
Eating (but they've already done that)
or the dreaded "turns"
"Turns" is what we call in our house when each # gets to pick what all of them do and they have anywhere from 20-30 minutes to play that and then it goes to the next #. #1 can't stand this....I don't understand why....because he's always laughing and having a great time while we have "turns". Anyhoo...."turns" started a few years ago when all three of them wanted to do three different things, but I needed them to be together....this could be because I needed to return a phone call or do some work or had to pay bills or something. The one who has been the best all day gets to choose if they go first or last (but they don't know that)....and then I use the timer on my phone. By the end of the timer, nobody complains about the next person that gets their "turn" and usually the "turns" continue another round because they're having so much fun. And when it's their "turn", they get to choose anything....ball, board games, toys, etc. I added video games as a choice this year when #1 started getting mad about taking "turns".
So.....on the way home....I said "turns".
#3: Okay.
#2 LOVES "turns" and always picks something outside and #1 always complains about it. Yes, it's forced outside time and forced togetherness, but it works....and I had medical paperwork that I had to fill out.
#2: We're going to play basketball.....
...and then he proceeds to go over these rules in basketball that he wants #1 and #3 to play by.....
#2: And then if you don't want to be called on a walk, you have to throw the basketball to the tree and hit the tree.
Me: Wait. What?
#2: If you don't want to be called on a walk, you have to throw the basketball to the tree and hit the tree.
Me: That's not a rule in the NBA. I've never seen a tree in the NBA. When did shrubbery become part of basketball?
#2: It didn't, but I added it. So who do you want me to do jump ball with?
Me: The tree.
#2: Come on Mom.
Me: Seriously, I would like to see you play with a tree.
#2: Okay fine....there is no tree rule in basketball.
......we laughed about this all the way home. Why in the world this would be a rule in his basketball game is beyond me, but it made us all laugh!
They did their "turns" today and had a great time. They played basketball (no trees were harmed during their game) and only fought about every other shot, walk, run, point, etc. Then they played toys where our cat, Coconut, bit #2 on the head.
During our Coconut drama....
#2: I want to find her a new home!
#1: Please don't get rid of her!
....really this is #1's cat. Coconut absolutely LOVES #1. She sleeps with him, purrs when she's with him and will sit in #1's lap for hours. The other two #s don't like her.....I'm guessing the biting is part of that reason. Okay, it's the only reason. They just don't like her.
After "let's find the remote that we've lost for the 15th bazillion time" game, Hubby came home and made dinner. Yes friends, he works all day and cooks for his family....otherwise it would be pop tarts (and the off brands at that) and oatmeal.
I love dinner time cuz we all sit together....I mean, all five of us sit around a table and eat our meal at the same time while having a conversation. Mind Blowing. By the end of our meal, there was screaming, laughing and #3 was, for some reason, on my shoulders. Our dinners aren't "normal", but we're together....and I love that. It makes my heart very happy in our life by numbers!
I'm not saying it was a bad day, but I am saying that one day, I will be able to take a shower without a certain #3 coming into the bathroom and deciding that he needs to poop....and then he wants me to wipe him. I know I'll miss that one, I don't think that I'll actually miss poop. Call me crazy...and I may be wrong....but I've never really been interested in poop.
And then he wants to talk. I mean, I'm washing my face, shaving and lathering my hair and this kid wants to have a conversation about anything and everything....
Why poop smells
How exactly food turns into poop
What do dinosaurs look like when they poop
Does their poop smell
......and that's just today's conversations.
After a few appointments today, I took the kiddos to McDonald's. Now.....I hate McDonald's (sorry)....I am sick almost every time after eating it and we just don't go there. We had to go on our vacation cuz it's the only thing that looked clean (now what is THAT saying) and we went today because we had a gift card.....
Drive-Thru Lady: (hands items) Thank you.
Me: Thanks
(I then search to make sure that #3's bread and cheese has nothing else on it.)
Drive-Thru Lady: YES!?!?!?!
Me: This is supposed to be bread and cheese.
Drive-Thru Lady: Ummm...that IS what it is.
Me: No, it's not. It's a cheeseburger.
Drive-Thur Lady: That's what bread and cheese is.
(At this point, I'm like "really" and the #'s are now being very, very quiet.)
Me: No.....a cheeseburger has a burger, cheese, bread, and all the other stuff you put on it. A bread and cheese is just bread and cheese.
Drive-Thru Lady: (huge sigh and eye roll) Ugh. You'll have to pull around.
Me: Thank you.
....about four minutes later, another lady come out with a huge bag of food....
Lady: Here's your meal.
Me: No, we are just missing a bread and cheese.
Lady: You mean a cheeseburger?
#'s: NO....A BREAD AND CHEESE!!!!!
Me: Just bread with a slice of meat, no nothing.
Lady: I'll be right back.
...and she was...and the order was right.
Now, I know that ordering a grilled cheese, bread and cheese, cheeseburger without the burger, is difficult when you don't have that on the menu....BUT SERIOUSLY!?!??!?! And these aren't teens we are dealing with....these are adults....adults that I'm sure had a kid or knew a child that only liked cheese and bread.....CHEESE AND BREAD PEOPLE!!!!!!
After that fiasco, we ran a few more errands, saw Hubby at work and then headed home. This is where the #'s get very frustrated and ask "what are we doing when we get home". Some answers include:
Eating (but they've already done that)
or the dreaded "turns"
"Turns" is what we call in our house when each # gets to pick what all of them do and they have anywhere from 20-30 minutes to play that and then it goes to the next #. #1 can't stand this....I don't understand why....because he's always laughing and having a great time while we have "turns". Anyhoo...."turns" started a few years ago when all three of them wanted to do three different things, but I needed them to be together....this could be because I needed to return a phone call or do some work or had to pay bills or something. The one who has been the best all day gets to choose if they go first or last (but they don't know that)....and then I use the timer on my phone. By the end of the timer, nobody complains about the next person that gets their "turn" and usually the "turns" continue another round because they're having so much fun. And when it's their "turn", they get to choose anything....ball, board games, toys, etc. I added video games as a choice this year when #1 started getting mad about taking "turns".
So.....on the way home....I said "turns".
#3: Okay.
#2 LOVES "turns" and always picks something outside and #1 always complains about it. Yes, it's forced outside time and forced togetherness, but it works....and I had medical paperwork that I had to fill out.
#2: We're going to play basketball.....
...and then he proceeds to go over these rules in basketball that he wants #1 and #3 to play by.....
#2: And then if you don't want to be called on a walk, you have to throw the basketball to the tree and hit the tree.
Me: Wait. What?
#2: If you don't want to be called on a walk, you have to throw the basketball to the tree and hit the tree.
Me: That's not a rule in the NBA. I've never seen a tree in the NBA. When did shrubbery become part of basketball?
#2: It didn't, but I added it. So who do you want me to do jump ball with?
Me: The tree.
#2: Come on Mom.
Me: Seriously, I would like to see you play with a tree.
#2: Okay fine....there is no tree rule in basketball.
......we laughed about this all the way home. Why in the world this would be a rule in his basketball game is beyond me, but it made us all laugh!
They did their "turns" today and had a great time. They played basketball (no trees were harmed during their game) and only fought about every other shot, walk, run, point, etc. Then they played toys where our cat, Coconut, bit #2 on the head.
During our Coconut drama....
#2: I want to find her a new home!
#1: Please don't get rid of her!
....really this is #1's cat. Coconut absolutely LOVES #1. She sleeps with him, purrs when she's with him and will sit in #1's lap for hours. The other two #s don't like her.....I'm guessing the biting is part of that reason. Okay, it's the only reason. They just don't like her.
After "let's find the remote that we've lost for the 15th bazillion time" game, Hubby came home and made dinner. Yes friends, he works all day and cooks for his family....otherwise it would be pop tarts (and the off brands at that) and oatmeal.
I love dinner time cuz we all sit together....I mean, all five of us sit around a table and eat our meal at the same time while having a conversation. Mind Blowing. By the end of our meal, there was screaming, laughing and #3 was, for some reason, on my shoulders. Our dinners aren't "normal", but we're together....and I love that. It makes my heart very happy in our life by numbers!
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Best. Day. EVER!
There are no words that fully express my joy today....I mean, I'm gonna write, but nothing is going to convey how my heart feels today.
I woke up going over my know, that one line I keep messing up because my brain is just stupid? So I get ready and #2 wants to go over what's going to happen for the millionth time. I LOVE that he is so excited because I know this means a lot to him.
And you know what had to happen before we left? #3 had to have a meltdown and we don't really understand why. Something about not being able to find his batman shirt....but it ended in him hiding in his closet with his hands over his ears and repeating "I'm a bad boy". The cool thing is that I stayed calm (well, I am POSITIVE that God had a lot to do with that cuz my first reaction is to freak out)....
Me: Hey....these shirts feel really soft today.
#3: Okay.
Me: Why don't you pick one of these shirts? Which one feels softer?
...crisis averted.
We headed to the first service. Okay...let's get #s don't really want to attend the big service because they have to be quiet....and it is VERY hard for two little ones to be quiet. During the songs, it's precious to hear them sing and to watch them clap. Did you know that 8-year olds do have rhythm until they start to fully worship....and then their claps are slightly off beat enough for this music teacher to smile and yet cringe inside because I so badly want to grab his hands and keep him on beat?
After the service, #2 and I were ready to get ready for his baptism. He was so nervous. I was so nervous. As we went into the lobby, we saw Pa and Nani and even Ms. D!!! She's one of the teachers at #2's school. Now how incredibly cool is it that a teacher would attend a baptism of a student that she didn't even have in class, but loves him enough to come?!?!??! LOVE HER!!!!
So during the music time, #2 and I are getting ready. The kid REFUSED to not wear underwear. Seriously. We had to bring extra underwear because he said "you just wear underwear under your clothes". Good point. I just assumed an eight-year old kiddo would love to not have to wear know....cuz he hates to wear clothes around the house anyway.
Cornbread was extra helpful has he talked to #2 and made him laugh. Since #2 was so nervous, I couldn't calm him, but Cornbread did a fantastic job with playing games with him.
Then it was time.....I stepped into the water...the warmest water I've ever been in. I grabbed #2's hand and looked at me and said "can we swim in this". Yes folks, it's the most welcoming warm water ever.
I don't want to tell you what here it is.....
As you can see, #2 was so cute....loud so everybody could hear him and so childlike (I mean, he IS eight).....but just like Jesus wants us. Absolutely beautiful!
And I got my line right....I mean, I did take a "professional pause" to make sure I would get everything right.....nobody wants me to start marrying off people while I'm baptizing them!
After church, #2 said he got more hugs that he's ever gotten from strange people....I'm sure he meant "strangers", right? We told him he got to pick where we ate lunch....that's a nice perk, huh? He picked Chuy's.....we never go there cuz #3 doesn't like it, but we went there today! was a fabulous day.....I mean FABULOUS! It was an honor to be able to baptize my own child...and my mini-me at that. It's always a great day, but today was a FABULOUS day in our life by numbers!
I woke up going over my know, that one line I keep messing up because my brain is just stupid? So I get ready and #2 wants to go over what's going to happen for the millionth time. I LOVE that he is so excited because I know this means a lot to him.
And you know what had to happen before we left? #3 had to have a meltdown and we don't really understand why. Something about not being able to find his batman shirt....but it ended in him hiding in his closet with his hands over his ears and repeating "I'm a bad boy". The cool thing is that I stayed calm (well, I am POSITIVE that God had a lot to do with that cuz my first reaction is to freak out)....
Me: Hey....these shirts feel really soft today.
#3: Okay.
Me: Why don't you pick one of these shirts? Which one feels softer?
...crisis averted.
We headed to the first service. Okay...let's get #s don't really want to attend the big service because they have to be quiet....and it is VERY hard for two little ones to be quiet. During the songs, it's precious to hear them sing and to watch them clap. Did you know that 8-year olds do have rhythm until they start to fully worship....and then their claps are slightly off beat enough for this music teacher to smile and yet cringe inside because I so badly want to grab his hands and keep him on beat?
After the service, #2 and I were ready to get ready for his baptism. He was so nervous. I was so nervous. As we went into the lobby, we saw Pa and Nani and even Ms. D!!! She's one of the teachers at #2's school. Now how incredibly cool is it that a teacher would attend a baptism of a student that she didn't even have in class, but loves him enough to come?!?!??! LOVE HER!!!!
So during the music time, #2 and I are getting ready. The kid REFUSED to not wear underwear. Seriously. We had to bring extra underwear because he said "you just wear underwear under your clothes". Good point. I just assumed an eight-year old kiddo would love to not have to wear know....cuz he hates to wear clothes around the house anyway.
Cornbread was extra helpful has he talked to #2 and made him laugh. Since #2 was so nervous, I couldn't calm him, but Cornbread did a fantastic job with playing games with him.
Then it was time.....I stepped into the water...the warmest water I've ever been in. I grabbed #2's hand and looked at me and said "can we swim in this". Yes folks, it's the most welcoming warm water ever.
I don't want to tell you what here it is.....
As you can see, #2 was so cute....loud so everybody could hear him and so childlike (I mean, he IS eight).....but just like Jesus wants us. Absolutely beautiful!
And I got my line right....I mean, I did take a "professional pause" to make sure I would get everything right.....nobody wants me to start marrying off people while I'm baptizing them!
After church, #2 said he got more hugs that he's ever gotten from strange people....I'm sure he meant "strangers", right? We told him he got to pick where we ate lunch....that's a nice perk, huh? He picked Chuy's.....we never go there cuz #3 doesn't like it, but we went there today! was a fabulous day.....I mean FABULOUS! It was an honor to be able to baptize my own child...and my mini-me at that. It's always a great day, but today was a FABULOUS day in our life by numbers!
Saturday, July 11, 2015
11 1/2 Hours in the Car and Then Unwelcomed Guests
Ever been in a car and the trip that you took to your vacation was easier than coming home?!?!?! UGH!!! We left the beach around 9:45am yesterday and drove to the one and only Chick-Fil-A....I mean, while ours is closed, we might as well hit EVERY ONE of them on our vacation, right?
First, we get to Chick-Fil-A around 10:23am and I ask if they are serving lunch (because of course some of the crew wanted lunch). The lady looked at her watch and said "We will be in 7 minutes". Seriously....we're gonna time to the exact minute that lunch will come out? Then she said I could order lunch, but they won't start on it until 10:30am. Whatever....fine. So we order...yes, half breakfast, half lunch and sit down. As I'm looking around, I see people with waffle fries and chicken sandwiches....WAIT.....what!?!?!??! Sometimes it's just good to keep your mouth shut...and this time, I did.
We had a lot of stops during this trip....getting gas, getting dinner, stretching our legs, stopping so #2 could not be car sick, rain delays etc. But we didn't have 3 1/2 hours worth of stops. I mean, seriously, we weren't home until 10:33pm. I have no clue what in the world took us so long, but we were all sick of each other, sick of the car and ready to be in bed.
And boy were we sick of each other.....
He's touching me
Get his head off my shoulder
Why are we still in this car
Can we have another snack
I don't want that blanket on me
I want the pillow
I don't want this iPad
Can we share the covers
We forgot to get donuts at Krispy Kreme since it's their birthday (can you guess who said that)
I don't want a nap
It's cold
It's hot
Then we came home and we were gonna leave everything in suitcases, take showers and bed and then....ANTS! WHAT?!?!?!? ANTS!?!?!??! Honey, they were in a straight line going back and forth from a basket and in the cat food. #3 was itching himself all over and saying "I'm gonna have nightmares tonight. I'm gonna have to sleep with you" while #2 is saying "there's an ant...and there's another one" while #1 went back at least three times to find the spray that I asked him to get. He never got the spray, instead he got carpet cleaner....and that's what I shot the ants with.
Fun fact: Carpet cleaner kills ants.
So instead of coming home and getting to bed, the #s and I put everything away and Hubby cleans out the pantry, cat food and basket. By the time we finally got in bed, it was after midnight.....and yes, #3 slept with us due to possible "ant nightmares".
We got up slowly this morning and had nothing to do. To our surprise, there was nothing for breakfast in our house (how much did Hubby throw away). So.......#3 had chocolate pudding for breakfast. It's nothing I'm proud of, but he did get his medicine in that way....and he was very happy that he got pudding.

A surprise for the #s was that we took them to the Minions movie. It was cute....until one of the minions seemed to could hear all the kiddos in the theatre crying and sniffing and one said "I didn't want him to die". I looked over at #2 and #3 and their eyes were huge and then looked at #1 and he is all curled up in the chair about to lose it. Nice job Universal......making little kiddos cry over an oversized, yellow, overall wearing, tic tac dying. I've never heard that many sniffles.
So then we went to Aldi...I love Aldi...I love that we can buy all this food for so little money. I'm not a brand name shopper, so it suits me just fine to buy Gold Penguins instead of Gold Fish crackers. We made it out with our grocery list....which today was just a mental image of #3 eating pudding to remind me that we needed breakfast food. We came home after that event with the #s and made pizzas.
I'm trying to convince myself that we can eat at home for much less and we can find things that the whole family likes. So we decided tonight we would try making pizzas...all of the kitchen. It was an experience I tell ya.

See.....there were some smiles! And then it was time to eat it. #1 LOVED the pizza, #2 said he didn't like the Parmesan cheese on it (who would when you let #3 put a 1/2 bottle of Parmesan cheese all over it) and #3 said "it has too much cheese". Seriously?!!??!? YOU PUT ALL THAT CHEESE ON THERE! tomorrow is #2's big day and I'm a nervous wreck. He is so excited about getting baptized that he's singing about it, talking about it, wanting to practice everything. And you know what.....I CAN'T REMEMBER MY LINE!!!! I've been on stage many times and there's always the one like that I can't remember. You know the one I'm talking about.....the one that somehow you've got to have a cheat writing it on your hand or making a prop remind you of the start of the line. Well, here's the problem....I'VE ONLY GOT ONE LINE!!! I've rehearsed it over and over in my mind and when I say it out loud, it goes away. Instead of saying "I now baptize you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, buried with Christ and raised to walk in a new life", I keep saying "By the power invested in me, by God, the son and the Holy Spirit...."....WHAT!??!?!?! #2 isn't getting married. It's killing me. I mean, I can't write it on my hand cuz it will wash off in the now I'm looking for a prop.....yes, the water in which I'm about to baptize #2 should be a big enough clue, but it's just not working for me. (insert huge sigh) Sometimes even Mommy is nervous in our life by numbers!
First, we get to Chick-Fil-A around 10:23am and I ask if they are serving lunch (because of course some of the crew wanted lunch). The lady looked at her watch and said "We will be in 7 minutes". Seriously....we're gonna time to the exact minute that lunch will come out? Then she said I could order lunch, but they won't start on it until 10:30am. Whatever....fine. So we order...yes, half breakfast, half lunch and sit down. As I'm looking around, I see people with waffle fries and chicken sandwiches....WAIT.....what!?!?!??! Sometimes it's just good to keep your mouth shut...and this time, I did.
We had a lot of stops during this trip....getting gas, getting dinner, stretching our legs, stopping so #2 could not be car sick, rain delays etc. But we didn't have 3 1/2 hours worth of stops. I mean, seriously, we weren't home until 10:33pm. I have no clue what in the world took us so long, but we were all sick of each other, sick of the car and ready to be in bed.
And boy were we sick of each other.....
He's touching me
Get his head off my shoulder
Why are we still in this car
Can we have another snack
I don't want that blanket on me
I want the pillow
I don't want this iPad
Can we share the covers
We forgot to get donuts at Krispy Kreme since it's their birthday (can you guess who said that)
I don't want a nap
It's cold
It's hot
Then we came home and we were gonna leave everything in suitcases, take showers and bed and then....ANTS! WHAT?!?!?!? ANTS!?!?!??! Honey, they were in a straight line going back and forth from a basket and in the cat food. #3 was itching himself all over and saying "I'm gonna have nightmares tonight. I'm gonna have to sleep with you" while #2 is saying "there's an ant...and there's another one" while #1 went back at least three times to find the spray that I asked him to get. He never got the spray, instead he got carpet cleaner....and that's what I shot the ants with.
Fun fact: Carpet cleaner kills ants.
So instead of coming home and getting to bed, the #s and I put everything away and Hubby cleans out the pantry, cat food and basket. By the time we finally got in bed, it was after midnight.....and yes, #3 slept with us due to possible "ant nightmares".
We got up slowly this morning and had nothing to do. To our surprise, there was nothing for breakfast in our house (how much did Hubby throw away). So.......#3 had chocolate pudding for breakfast. It's nothing I'm proud of, but he did get his medicine in that way....and he was very happy that he got pudding.
A surprise for the #s was that we took them to the Minions movie. It was cute....until one of the minions seemed to could hear all the kiddos in the theatre crying and sniffing and one said "I didn't want him to die". I looked over at #2 and #3 and their eyes were huge and then looked at #1 and he is all curled up in the chair about to lose it. Nice job Universal......making little kiddos cry over an oversized, yellow, overall wearing, tic tac dying. I've never heard that many sniffles.
So then we went to Aldi...I love Aldi...I love that we can buy all this food for so little money. I'm not a brand name shopper, so it suits me just fine to buy Gold Penguins instead of Gold Fish crackers. We made it out with our grocery list....which today was just a mental image of #3 eating pudding to remind me that we needed breakfast food. We came home after that event with the #s and made pizzas.
I'm trying to convince myself that we can eat at home for much less and we can find things that the whole family likes. So we decided tonight we would try making pizzas...all of the kitchen. It was an experience I tell ya.
See.....there were some smiles! And then it was time to eat it. #1 LOVED the pizza, #2 said he didn't like the Parmesan cheese on it (who would when you let #3 put a 1/2 bottle of Parmesan cheese all over it) and #3 said "it has too much cheese". Seriously?!!??!? YOU PUT ALL THAT CHEESE ON THERE! tomorrow is #2's big day and I'm a nervous wreck. He is so excited about getting baptized that he's singing about it, talking about it, wanting to practice everything. And you know what.....I CAN'T REMEMBER MY LINE!!!! I've been on stage many times and there's always the one like that I can't remember. You know the one I'm talking about.....the one that somehow you've got to have a cheat writing it on your hand or making a prop remind you of the start of the line. Well, here's the problem....I'VE ONLY GOT ONE LINE!!! I've rehearsed it over and over in my mind and when I say it out loud, it goes away. Instead of saying "I now baptize you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, buried with Christ and raised to walk in a new life", I keep saying "By the power invested in me, by God, the son and the Holy Spirit...."....WHAT!??!?!?! #2 isn't getting married. It's killing me. I mean, I can't write it on my hand cuz it will wash off in the now I'm looking for a prop.....yes, the water in which I'm about to baptize #2 should be a big enough clue, but it's just not working for me. (insert huge sigh) Sometimes even Mommy is nervous in our life by numbers!
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