So I gotta tell you, I've started The Daniel Plan with a small group at church. Have I told you lately that I love to eat? I'm not really doing it to lose weight (though that would be a huge plus), but I'm doing it to feel better about myself. I mean, I got some pretty active children and I want to be active with them. I didn't really start The Daniel Plan off on the right foot when I ate Mexican food the first day, but I'm learning! In fact, this week I've been pretty good. No desserts, hardly any bread, lots of veggies and fruits, water, water,'s been great. And I've only thought about an ice cold slice of cheesecake smothered in a warm peanut butter sauce once....every day...yes, at least once a day. Not to shabby, huh? I mean, "thinking" and "eating" are two different things.
Well, let's get started with why you're here.....
He played his last gig with the trombone this past weekend. I took pictures and thought "only $235 more dollars and this useless trombone is ours". I offered to take it back, but Hubby has some sentimental attachment to instruments as soon as they come in our house. It's like he thinks we're all going to play these instruments again and if we sell them, we'll regret it. I think "we'll be saving $235 and we can go ahead and get the next instrument that will sit in the corner for the next kid now and not have to pay as much". As you can tell, we don't have the same sentimental feelings about instruments...or money. I've been trying to tell #1 and his friend that they need to focus on the dynamic markings (how loud/soft they play). This has been an ongoing battle for two weeks now. I'm pretty resilient, so every time they argued with me, I argued back....and I'm pretty sure I showed my degree to them and reminded them that I do teach music for a living and I'm pretty sure I could run circles around them on the trombone even though I've only played it for one semester. Apparently this only added fuel to the fire of them already not liking that I'm helping them....or as #1 would say "telling us how to play". So yesterday at Solo and Ensemble, I listen at the door and as they come out.....
Me: You all did very well! What did the judge say?
Friend: That we did very well!
#1: And we paid attention to details and wore the same shirt!
Me: AND!?!?!?! this point, both heads lowered like two children that were in trouble and they knew they had been caught....
Both: And we need to pay attention to the details of dynamics since there are only two of us....
Me: Hmmmmmm...I wonder who has been trying to work with you all on the dynamics for the last two weeks?
Both: You have....
......I'll take the score and write it in the books as a win! I know I didn't listen to my parents when they were right about something and why should I expect any different? Maybe I didn't win at all....#1 did change instruments and now plays the tuba....ANOTHER instrument I know nothing about.
We are officially finished with basketball. It was a tough season, but when #2 says "you know mom, we haven't won any games, but I sure have had fun", you know he's doing it for the right reasons. They did win one game...and came really close to another...but I'm just so glad that he had fun. I will say that he was really leery about the two coaches on one team about cheating and being mean...and I gave him the huge lecture about how just because we hear something about them doesn't mean it's true, do your best, blah blah blah.....and then we played this team....AND HE WAS RIGHT! I've already said how ridiculously competitive I am, but geez.....these people were over the top and I was livid. I am pretty sure my blood pressure medicine stops working and Jesus just shakes His head at me when I'm at these games....and I'm a sure disappointment when I see this team playing and I am begging they lose big. I mean, I have GOT to get my act's little kids for goodness sakes.
Anyhoo, #2 is tearing it up when it comes to reading. He's always got a book in his hand....
#2: For what?
Me: All this reading you're doing! It makes me happy to see you enjoy reading a book.
#2: Wanna know why I read so much?
Me: Why?
#2: I get a's like a competition. he's my kid....not only does he look like me, he also acts like me. It's okay....competitive people are leaders, strong, least that's what I tell myself!
So now we're going into soccer season. A new sport. A new coach. A new team. A new competitive nature. I might need to be doubling up on some blood pressure medicine soon. Why we wait for soccer season, we do something else competitive....learn how to blow bubbles with our gum!
This kid right here made...not a 100....but a 101/A on his spelling test! He came to my room with the biggest smile on his face and MADE me take a picture right then and there cuz he didn't want to "lose the memory". He is still so proud of that test! I mean, isn't he a cutie!?!??!
He's also decided that he's going to run a store....well, he didn't decide that as much as his teacher is having the kiddos run a store. #3 has been talking about this...well, it seems like forever. He had to have the "right" product at the "right" price. So he came up with "chocolate covered bacon". Hubby and #3 made it last night and let me tell ya, it's pretty good! He is so excited to "sell" this to his friends (they use fake money....they're learning economics). THEN he got the bright idea to sell lottery tickets for a bag of bacon. He had Hubby help him with the design of his tickets and cannot wait for the Friday of his week to do the store so he can draw the lucky winner. I mean...this kid is going places.....chocolate covered bacon AND lottery tickets!?!?!?!? AMAZING!!!!!
Well...he turns 40 on the 15th of this month! Yes, that's right folks....looks good, doesn't he!?!? I told him I wanted to do something and he said "no....I don't need anything". I'm pretty sure it's his introverted nature coming out. So.....what should I do for an introvert that has pretty much all he needs/wants, is always thinking about others, is a perfectionist, musician, pastor.....(it rules out a lot of things I can do for him).....oh I know....already HAVE plans cuz I didn't plan something weeks/months ago. I have GOT to be a better wife....but that's a whole other blog post.
So I'm off.....going to dig my teeth into a piece of cheesecake....I mean apple....maybe.....depends on how life is in our life by numbers!
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