What a week. Nobody really knows when a full moon comes....except teachers. Depending on which school I've been in during my years of teaching, I can tell you a week before a full moon. Hubby never believed me....until we had #3. I mean, a full moon does something to a child's mind and body that knocks them absolutely off their rocker. In my years of teaching, I've seen students jumping off chairs, screaming at walls, more physical fights, choirs singing off key, my best dancers seem like their dancing with two left feet, and even lighting stop working on the stage. I've also seen the students that make some bad decisions, make the best ones during this time of year. I've seen students that don't participate at all, start movin' and groovin' with the best of them. It's actually an amazing scientific project that someone should look into. I mean, I bet the higher ups that tell teachers how to teach and that we should test the kiddos so much during their school life would love to see if our kiddos that are super brilliant during the full moon period....maybe they would let us test them then! Do you sense the sarcasm?!?!??!?! Anyhoo, let's talk about how the full moon affects my #s......
#1: He's 1 1/2 months away from being a teenager, but yet, he's there and has been there for about a year now. Junior high school apparently has a disease that is running rampant through the school. The symptoms are eye rolling, huffing, knowing more than their parents, and trying to prove to their younger siblings why they are "cool". #1 has had all of those symptoms, but during the full moon time, it is more pronounced. The full moon adds a new symptom.....mother knows nothing. See, I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but I'm a music teacher. #1 is quite aware of this seeing that I've been a music teacher all of his life. I've either taught music at elementary schools, high schools, or private lessons the entire (almost) 13 years of his life. This is not new news to him. He doesn't have amnesia....he is fully aware that I'm a music teacher.....and today, after I rehearsed with him and his duet partner for solo and ensemble, his full moon symptom hit.....
Me: What is wrong?
#1: Nothing.
Me: Well, SOMETHING is wrong cuz while I'm trying to help you two, you are huffing and rolling your eyes. You looked miserable.
#1: I thought you were just going to listen to us.
Me: I DID listen to you!
#1: No, you ALSO told us that we weren't following the dynamic markings and we were slowing down too early and we were wrong.
Me: WHAT??!??!?!? OF COURSE I told you that....you both were doing it wrong.
#1: But I thought you were just going to LISTEN!
#1: YES!!!!
Me: Do you KNOW what I do for a living!?!??!?
#1: It's obviously not just listening to music.....instead, you have to fix it.
....I mean, SERIOUSLY!?!?!?!?! What is he thinking!?!?!??! This kind of stuff has gone on for a week. Unfortunately this symptom happens the week before the full moon, during the full moon, and after the full moon. Maybe I should chalk this up to him almost being a teenager? Nah....it's totally the full moon.
#2: This is the kid that usually has a slight anger and competitive problem. During the full moon, he becomes a non-stop talking machine. I mean, he's talking from the time he gets up until the time he eventually falls asleep. He busts in the bathroom door while I'm peeing to tell me about what happened during recess, he comes in the bathroom while I'm taking a shower to tell me why he thinks he'll be a better soccer player this year, while I'm drying my hair he yells about how much better he thinks his handwriting is when he actually concentrates on it, while I'm getting ready for bed he talks about what he thinks his day is going to be like the next day and why he loves his teacher because she believes in recess and she knows that he needs recess and if they can't get outdoor recess she makes sure that they receive indoor recess......yes, there are no commas because he doesn't stop long enough to take in air. Don't get me wrong, I love that he's actually elaborating on what does on during his day....but a comma or period in his speaking would be nice.
He's always a loving kiddo, but he's a lot more loving during the full moon cycle.....like today when I left to go to school.....
#2: You better give me a hug!
Me: Love you!
#2: Wait...you better get over here and give me a second hug! I sure do love my Mommy!
....I mean, who can resists extra hugs from their kiddos? He also allows his brothers to get away with much more stuff during this time than he usually does. He forgives much easier, talks a lot nicer about people, hugs more....as you can see, the full moon does a great number on him for the better good. If he's playing a sport (he's ALWAYS playing a sport), then he takes things to heart....loses hurt him more, teamwork is more important, getting hurt rattles him more....it's like his feelings that he's buried deep in his belly are now being worn on his sleeve. Full moon does a number on this kiddo.
#3: I can't tell. I don't mean, I can't let you know anything....I just can't figure out what the full moon does. One minute I think we're taking a giant leap forward....like last night he came to me and said "I'm not going to try to sleep in your bed. Instead, I'm going to sleep on the mat next to the bed". I mean, that's baby steps and I am so proud that he did that all on his own. He doesn't fight near as much about homework during this time and he settles in pretty quickly with whatever the afternoon/evening brings. It's joyous to see him succeed so much during this time.
And then there's the "I'm gonna jump my brother and punch my mom in the stomach" issues that we have. Yes, the anger gets a tad (ummmmmm....sometimes unbearable) during the full moon. When he gets mad, it's ten times worse....like incredible hulk worse. Tonight we were at the table and he absolutely refuses to take his medicine.....
#3: I don't want to take it.
Me: You have to take it.
#3: I don't like it in jello.
Me: You picked the jello.
Me: Great....take your medicine in the jello you don't like. I'm not wasting it.
.....and to top it off, he grabbed a bag and wadded it up and was about to throw it.....
Me: So help me if you throw that bag at me I will come across that table....
#1: I'd like to see that.
#2: You don't want to do that Mommy.....I would hate for you to get hurt.
#3: Grrrrrrrrrr
....and don't forget the punching. Yes, he jumped #2 after #2 made a basketball goal. Then when I called a technical, he came and punched me in the stomach. WHAT!?!?!!? This kid doesn't pull his punches....this was a full fledged fist in the stomach as hard as he could....enough to make me double over. I mean seriously kid, you loved me after school this afternoon and now you're punching me in the stomach and trying to throw things at me?!?!?!? So.....I'm not really sure how this kiddos is during the full moon....it's still up in the air.
So all you parents out there...or people that work with little people...the full moon does something to people....good or bad, there is a change. As you can see, it really is hit or miss when the full moon comes out....even in our life by numbers!
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