Sunday, March 20, 2016

Basketball Brackets....The Love That Brings Our Family Together

"My bracket is toast"
"I can't believe MTSU won"
"Yale?  Really?  Yale?"
"Have you checked the bracket yet"
"What's our ranking"
....these are words that I never thought would come out of Hubby's mouth...or #1's mouth...or #3's mouth.  And the weirdest part is that #1 and I have a bracket together and we have done quite well and most of the time (except right now, cuz I just checked) we're ahead of them.  #1 and I strategically picked our NCAA picks.  I went something like this.....
"The H looks like it has razor blades on it and it can beat up Cal"
"A chicken can beat up a pea"
"Let's go for Yale....they look like the underdog" was pretty much a scientific method for us.  And then we found out that #1 was filling out a bracket at school.....
#1:  I filled out a basketball bracket today!
Me:  You did?  You do you have winning?
#1:  Holy Cross!!!!
Me:  Holy Cross???
#1:  Yeah...I picked them cuz Jesus is on their team and Jesus never loses cuz He's holy. 
.....well, at least he put Jesus first in his bracket....I'm pretty confident most people didn't even think about Jesus....unless they were praying they win!  :) 

Soooo....we started soccer this week.  There's nothing like sitting out in 48 degrees in your comfy chairs wrapped up like it's about to snow.  At one point I just started praying that the time would speed up and nobody noticed.  I was absolutely miserable.  I love watching the boys play...but could we please have some nicer weather when we begin??  Heck, start soccer a month later.  And then today is was's not time for soccer yet! the end of the game, there was a tie.  This is when I was like "oh my goodness we have to be out here longer for a tie breaker".  Then the ref left the field.  Wait.  What?  WHAT?!?!?!?  There's no tie breaker?  NO TIE BREAKER!?!??!  Somebody has GOT to win....that's how sports go.  SERIOUSLY WHY ARE PEOPLE LEAVING THE FIELD!?!?!?!?  So it was a tie.  And that's the end.  It's just a tie.  Just a stinkin' tie.

It's quite official that I've hit my midlife crisis.  Yes, that's me.  I thought I hit it a few years ago when I started looked at eye cream, but it must not have been a "good" crisis cuz I never followed through with everything. Well, I started using this stuff for my face and I kinda fell head over heels for it when my #s said....
#1:  You look like a zombie in the left picture
#2:  You got rid of those circles
#3:  You look brighter
....I'm going to assume that #3 means that I look smarter.....or angelic.  
I've also started The Daniel Plan with a group of fantastic women from our church.  I wasn't excited about it at first, but it's got me looking at labels and really thinking about my meals....and it doesn't hurt that I lost 9 1/2 pounds in the last three weeks by just changing the way I eat and making sure I'm getting those 10,000 steps in each day.  So, hopefully this is my official mid-life's not near as expensive as it could be!  

Well, I gotta go watch basketball for the millionth time this last week.  It's funny how this sport has brought our entire family together to check brackets in our life by numbers!  

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