It's the Saturday after a fun and hectic four weeks of programs, Secret Santa at schools, shopping, Christmas music, sickness, and tons of "you have to be more than an extrovert" kind of time. This is the time where I sit back and think of all the things that have been completed in this short amount of time and I look back on how I handled each situation. Some people would say "get over it" and others would say "don't bother", some would say "relax and enjoy", but I really do think about how I can make next year a better year. But as I sit back and think about these things, I have to laugh. I mean, there are things that go on behind the scenes that you would look at me and say "there is no way on earth.....".....and friends, it's true.
I've been a music teacher 1999....I've taught in the poorest of schools and the richest of schools....and all public schools. I've taught with the best staff people around....hands down, God has put me in the circles of some amazing people that not only support the music program, but also support me. I've taught in elementary schools and high schools....I just don't think I have the gift for middle/junior high kiddos. I've taught where there was no stage and we had to perform on the floor and I've taught in a brand new auditorium where the sound system came in three days before our show and I had to learn and teach it to students in those three days. I'm blessed to have taught in many different areas because it's how I've learned how to teach in the areas where I am now.
So as I reminisce about the past, I thought I'd share some things that I can now laugh, I couldn't laugh about at the time, but I can now.....
*A parent that was angry that their child didn't get the long solo in the Christmas program. The long solo. Yes, the child got a solo, but not the biggest one. Parent went to the assistant principal about me. We had to have a meeting....
Parent: She does not like my child.
Principal: Is that true Mrs. Wiggins?
Me: I like her child.
Parent: You don't like my child. They didn't get the long solo.
Me: Your child DID earn a solo.
Principal: Why did they not get the long solo?
Me: You did hear that the child earned a solo, right?
Principal: Why did the child not get the long solo?
Me: The child didn't earn the long solo because the child can't sing.
Principal: Then why did the child get a solo at all?
Me: Because I didn't want to hurt the child's feelings so I gave the child a small solo.
Parent: You do not like my're just trying to embarrass my child with a solo!!!!
I'm serious. It was ridiculous.
*I've also been told that I have to have "Mary Did You Know" in a program....and the higher ups had someone already picked out for the song because this was a tradition. Apparently my music teacher didn't really matter...nor did it matter that after that program, I got chewed out from parents that didn't appreciate me "adding Christ in their Christmas program". That night I directed everyone to my principal and ended up writing my resignation letter at the end of that crayon.
*I've had e-mails about how my concerts are too short and I should add more songs......little do people know that when you teach elementary school anywhere in the nation, we get them once a week for 30-45 minutes.....and I don't start teaching Christmas songs until I work with these kiddos for about 4 hours to make a concert.
*I've had complaints about how my concerts are too long and that if I want to keep their attention, I should shorten them. Can you really not stand to sit and listen to your child for 30 minutes....and in nice comfy chairs? Yes....that was a high school parent.....
*Dress Code or No Dress Code....either way, someone is going to complain. I had a parent complain that they didn't like their high schooler wearing black and white cuz they didn't look good in white. This went on for weeks via e-mail and calls. Who cares? WEAR BLACK AND WHITE!!!! For elementary schools, I don't have a dress code....and I didn't have one when I taught in TN either. If you have a dress code, some can't afford it and I can't do that to a family. I had a parent mad cuz I didn't have a dress code.....
Me: Fine, if you want a dress code, have them wear red or green.
Parent: Oh child doesn't have red or green so now I have to go shopping. Thanks a
.....I mean, seriously, I can please no one.
*How about things that have been said about me? Mean, Too happy, Santa Bully, B*%#^, Too energetic, Jesus hater, I smile too much, Crass (okay, that one's probably a little true), Too upfront, Picks favorites, Hates people, Confrontational, Too musical (I'll never understand that one as a music teacher), Rude, Obnoxious, Takes my job too seriously, Short and Plump (yes, people start to tear on your physical appearance when they're mad at you)....oh the list could go on and on....and these are the things people have said to my face!
But every year, the good outweighs the bad. I'll tell you a secret....I LOVE to hear the positives after a concert. Now, I do turn it back to the kiddos each time.....
Parent: The concert was fantastic!
Me: Thank you...the kiddos were fabulous and they worked so hard for this!
.....I want the parents to know that I know the kiddos worked extremely hard in a short amount of time. I want each parent to know that I want them to praise their child....cuz some kiddos don't get the praise they need. And after every program, I truly am proud of the kiddos....because they did work hard, but also because I know that they learned something during all of this. But deep down, I secretly come back to my list of negative things that have been said to me and about me in the past and think "stick that in your blow hole".....yes, I've already admitted I was crass.....that part is true in our life by numbers! :-)
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