Thursday, December 10, 2015

It's Been a While.....

WOW!!!  It has been a while since I've posted.  This time of year is absolutely in crazy like:
*Hubby and I have had conversations and 20 minutes later we can't remember what was said or what we decided
*I've gone through the same homework folder four times knowing that I only have two kiddos that have homework folders....but can't remember which one I've looked at all four times
*I have a calendar on my phone AND a paper calendar and they're booked with different events at the same times
*I keep thinking that the week is going fast, but the last few times I've thought that, it's only been Tuesday
....yeah, so it's been nuts around here.  I don't want to wish my life away, but December 19th is looking good as a day of rest!

So....let's get into the fun stuff...
#3:  The days are getting shorter.....guess that means it's getting close to Christmas

#2:  Can I wear shorts and short sleeves?
Me:  No.
#2:  Why not? 
Me:  It's too cold. 
#2:  You are not the boss of can't tell me what to wear! I even need to tell you how that ended?!?!??!  If so, let's just say he wore long pants, long sleeves AND a jacket that day!

#2:  Why am I a wise man in the program?
#3:  That's what I keep asking myself.....why aren't I the wise man?  You have no business being that.  

#1:  These are THE BEST chips I've ever eaten!!
#2:  I've had better.
Me:  Daddy MADE those chips.
#2:  I know......I said I've had better.

As you can see, it's been a tad bit of a crazy ride with these #s.  We have had a lot of fun though!  I got to direct the school program this week and that means I get to direct #2 and #3.  #2 danced the night away.  That kid was movin' and groovin'....and then #3 was standing like a statue.  It's fun to see their personalities at work.  #1 had a fabulous band concert this week.....I love to see that kid smile as he walks on and off the stage.  I love that my kiddos are all involved with school music....though some might say #3 is forced.  :-)

We had a bit of a issue with #2 this week.  I found out that Hubby gave him cough drops....obviously for a cough.  The thing is, a kid asked for one and #2 said it would cost a dollar.  I'm guessing he thought the kid wouldn't have it.....BUT THE KID HAD IT!!!!  I'm sure #2 was amazed that kids carry money at school.  Anyhoo....the kid asks for another one and #2 says "it will cost another dollar"....and sure enough another dollar was paid.  Now do you think #2 just came out and told me?  No.  I saw him with a coke walking the hallways with his posse.....seriously, it's like he walks the halls cuz he owns them.....
Me:  How did you get a coke this afternoon?
#2:  With my dollar.
Me:  How did you get a dollar?
#2:  I sold my cough drops.
Me:  YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?!
.....#2 proceeds to tell me the entire story.  On one hand, I'm livid.  On the other hand, I'm thinking he just made the money back that the entire bag cost me.  Do I go with the livid feeling or the great business skills feeling?????
Me:  You know, some people would call that being a drug dealer.  You sold a cough drop to someone and they felt like they needed more and you were their dealer.  You're a third grade drug dealer 
#2:  You mean.....(starting to sob).....I could to prison?!?!!?!
.....and pretty much that took care of everything else.  It was a talk that I had to try not to laugh through.  It was a talk where eventually I had to let Hubby finish cuz I needed to laugh.  But it was also a talk that I think will stick with him.  He has begged to do chores around the house to make up for the $2 that I made him pay back to the student.  I'm beginning to think my house will be spotless by tomorrow night.

#1 is beginning to question when he can shave.  There's so much of me that wants to say "kid, just wait cuz you'll hate it by the time you're my age".....which reminds me that I probably need to shave tomorrow.  Anyway, he is very proud of these little dark hairs under his nose.  It's killing me to look at cuz it really looks like he has forgotten to wash his face.  He looks at it in the mirror and talks about it daily.  He keeps asking adult males when THEY got to start shaving.  Luckily, most of them have looked at us and we communicate via eye contact to not pick anywhere near #1's age.  Hubby said he started shaving in the 6th grade.....#1 is in the 7th....and to be honest, I'm afraid he'll shave his lips off.  Let's get real, this kid is fabulous, but he's also as clumsy as they come....and forgetful.  I'm afraid he'll be shaving half his face, start dancing to a song and forget to shave the other half.  Where's the cute little kid that used to shave with bubbles and an action figure arm in the bathtub?!?!?!?

Oh and let's not forget #3.  We had communion service last night.  It's a terrific time to come, here a short sermon and take communion.  The #s look forward to it....#3 gets excited about the "skin and blood" every month.  Well, last night, #2 goes to the alter to pray (he was feeling EXTREMELY know, selling cough drops) and #3 decides he wants to go.  I am all about my kiddos going to pray, but there was something telling me that I needed to be up there with #3.  He goes facedown on the stage.  I mean, he is talking to God, he's looking up and then putting his head back down.  I'm actually having a "proud mommy" moment!  And then #2 goes back to his seat....and I realize that #3 and I are the only two up there.  I'm thinking "what in the world is #3 talking to God about"?!??!?!?!??
Me:  It's time to go back to our seats.
#3:  (whispering)  I'm not going back.
Me:  Do you need to keep talking to God?
#3:  (annoyed and saying it with his teeth clenched)  I'm finished talking to Him. this point, I look at Hubby who is playing the keyboards.  He is smiling at #3 and I'm looking at him like "you have no clue that he's about to pitch a fit and there is nothing you can do to help.  So at this point, it looks as if #3 and I are having a heartfelt conversation.  I'm rubbing his back and's one of those "if you only knew what was going on people" smiles.....
Me:  Then let's go back if you're finished talking to Him.
#3:  (still extremely annoyed)  I'm not going back.  I'm comfortable and I'm sleepy. he kidding me??!?!?!  How do I let our pastor know that #3's decided he's just gonna sleep on the stage?  How do I explain that I'll cause more of a scene if I move him than if I just let him stay?  
Me:  It is time to go back.  LOOK!  Mr. G is finished.
#3:  Oh...why didn't you tell me it's over Mom?!?!?  You've gotta tell me these things.
....and the kid went back to his seat.  Seriously keep me on my toes in our life by numbers!

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