Yes, we are in the dreaded part of our holiday break called "we are not on a real schedule so you might want to take extra time for yourself cuz you're gonna need it" mode. It's been real crazy since Sunday with the meltdowns from #3. I'd love to tell you that these are just "fits" that he pitches to get his way....but there are a lot more to it. This is cuz his brain can't wrap around the fact that his schedule isn't the same and it tears him to pieces. It's sad...and there are tears at times from everybody in this house....but watching that Wii character swing that bat around was A+ material for me to handle the rest of the day!
Our break started yesterday morning with #1 challenging me to a Wii dance competition. I must tell you that I'm slightly (over, abundantly, over the top) competitive. I don't know if #1 just thought that since I'm another year older that he could beat me or if he thought I lost some dance moves since I taught music class on Friday, but he begged and pleaded for me to accept his challenge. And after I won.....
#1: Good game Mom.
Me: I'm thinking you mean "Good game Mom the Winner".
#1: Well, I was close.
Me: You were close....but you didn't win.
#1: You're slightly competitive.
Me: I think you mean "you're slightly competitive Mom the Winner".
#1: It's because you're a music teacher.
Me: You're in band. Stop making excuses. I WON!!!!!
#1: #2, would you like to play with me?
....which does make me happy that he asked #2 to play cuz any other time, he'd be arguing with him. And let me tell ya, I felt pretty good about beating him....and let me tell ya....I was pretty sore later that afternoon!
Yesterday I baked all afternoon. It was so nice and by the middle of the day, I was the favorite parent around (well, the only parent around) cuz the #s got to taste test everything. And let me tell you....they are brutally honest. The good thing is that whatever #3 wouldn't try cuz it "looked weird", #1 and #2 were ready to grab his piece like dogs looking at meat.
I had a lady come to the house today to do a physical for my life insurance. I was told that she was going to prick my finger.....THAT LADY TOOK BLOOD OUT OF MY ARM!!!! I was mortified! I kept thinking "it's okay, calm down, it's only a little needle"....but then she pulled it out of the needle sleeve and I wanted to pass out. I'm pretty sure Hubby could have collected his life insurance today if I didn't keep talking to myself in my head. I kept thinking "the #s will hear you if your scream and you can't hit the lady if she starts digging in your arm". It was sore the rest of the day....and I have a bruise. Yes, I'm a baby when it comes to needles, but one should warn a girl. I even had to pee in a cup. Have you had to do that? How come when one needs to pee in a cup, there is never any pee, but as soon as you're warm and cozy in bed, you can't hold it if you had to?!?!?
During this physical, I had the #s stay in their room. They played very nicely with each other and when the lady left.....
#3: Can we come in the out now? I'm tired of being with these people.
....I'm guessing by "people" he means "brothers". I mean, I did ask them to be good and get along with each other for an entire 45 minutes....he was obviously sick of them.
We did finally see Santa tonight. We took the #s to eat and there he was (yes we planned it cuz I figured there would be no line and I could take my own pictures instead of paying an arm and a leg for one picture). You know what the #s did??!?!? They WHISPERED to Santa what they wanted for Christmas! WHAT?!?!?!?! Let me at least make sure it's what they're getting. This Santa was FABULOUS because he would say something like "that's a very popular game this year". CHECK! The funniest was afterwards....
#3: You know, that's not really Santa.
#2: Yeah Mom....he's a helper.
#3: Probably an elf dressed like Santa.
#2: Yeah, Santa has got to be getting toys together....he doesn't have time for us to sit on his lap.
So last night we did our annual "let's take pictures of the #s so we can all fuss and fight and argue about getting the perfect one and in turn, never getting the perfect one" picture. It was absolutely ridiculous....about as ridiculous as putting up the tree. #1 was mad about people touching his hair, #2 was just upset that we weren't going fast enough, #3 was trying to pull his pajamas up to his was crazy.... was as chaotic as it looks in these pictures....and we'll do it again next year I'm sure....and I wouldn't have it any other way in our life by numbers!
I received word today that this was taking effect in January....just wanted to give you a heads up in case you want to continue reading Our Life By Numbers....
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