This is one big happy family........
You know, we don't really travel much. This year has truly been an exception with traveling for medical tests, vacation with family and this surprise trip. This year has been a year of finding answers (the good and the bad).....we've had a chapter of our lives close and a new one open up this year. Things are, well, different. There have been so many times where we've been completely saddened by things going all around us and times where we've laughed so hard and are completely at peace. There have been times where we've questioned why it had to happen, but we've also looked back and said that if it didn't happen, we wouldn't be where we are now. As much bickering and arguing and fighting and ARG moments that we have, I love my family....I love where we are....I love what God has brought us out of and into.....and I love that we realize that we actually have to listen to God and His plan instead of thinking that we know more.....which is a lesson that I have to really be taught over and over....but I'm trying!
This week was one of those "much needed trips with the family to have fun and not worry" kinda trips. One where we had fun, laughed, ate, where when a meltdown occurred, nobody got frustrated....we just knew it was going to happen and dealt with it when it came. One where we could see the anxiety in our #s, but they knew they were safe. One where they held our hand....not just because we told them to because there are crazy people in the park, but because they were so happy they were at Disney that they just wanted to be with us.
#3: Thank you so much for taking us to I can get my memories back....I love you!
#2: Thank you for standing in line for an hour for me to ride this ride...I love you!
#1: Thank you for taking us to Disney...I love you!
.....we heard these things all week from the #s. And the thing is, they always thank us for things and tell us they love us, but for some reason it just felt different. Maybe it's because I was listening better? Maybe it was because I was so happy to be with them? Maybe it was because it was a vacation that I know they'll remember? Maybe it was just because I love them too and it was nice to tell them "you're welcome and I love you"?
We did start off the trip right....we paid $1.95 for our first gallon of gas and we went to Culver's....
Me: WAIT! I think I have a coupon for Culver's!!!!
Hubby: Of course you do.
....and I'm proud to say that I saved $4.65!
And right before we left Culver's.....
#3: (comes to the table crying after coming out of the restroom) We can't go.
Me: WHAT?!?!! What do you mean we can't go?
#3: We can't go to Disney World....I have a booty rash and it hurts.
Me: I'm pretty sure Disney can take care of that!
.....a few days later...after not mentioning since Culver's....
#3: You're right Mommy!
Me: About what?
#3: Disney DID make my booty rash go away!
So we spent one day in each park and I have to say that exhaustion is rough at Disney....people either get mean or slap happy or just blah...luckily, we have #s that cover each of those areas which makes for an interesting night. We went to bed no earlier than 11pm each night (and I'm an 8:45pm kinda girl) and woke up by 7am. We never made it to the park in time for it to open, but we sure did make a great decision about not bringing in a bag....
#1: What is that huge line for?
Hubby: That is the line to stand in for people that brought bags.
#2: Why do they get a separate line?
Hubby: They have to check to make sure you don't bring in anything that's on the list of things to not's a safety issue. They are keeping you safe.

And strollers.....people, I saw adults in strollers. ADULTS! And I'm not talking about adults that need strollers. I saw a husband pushing a stroller and the mom and the kid were in the double stroller just their other child walked with the dad. I thought I had seen it all when I saw a country singer IN a shopping cart in Home Depot a few years ago, but after seeing an adult in a stroller, I stand corrected.
We had reservations for either lunch or dinner every day.....and by the end of the week I was just sick of food. There are two places where I have GOT to eat....two places that we ate when Hubby and I got married and went to Disney World for our honeymoon.....and that is a French Cafe for lunch in France, Epcot and an Italian Restaurant for dinner in Italy, Epcot....and they both proved to be amazing!!!!
I wish I could tell you everything about this trip....I wish I could tell you how fantastic the Mickey Mouse Not-So-Scary Halloween party actually waits in lines, candy....and I'm talking the GOOD candy, the lights, the people.....
....the fun that was had by all. How sweet it was when the younger #s saw a costume that kinda freaked them out and they would squeeze my hand a little tighter. The look of shock when the Disney people gave out handfuls of candy and not just one piece....and the #'s amazement when they looked in their bag and saw brand name candy!!! Folks, they don't get brand name at home!
And then there are those magical light saber fights that you have to have at 12:15AM....right before you go to bed....
.....and there's also nothing like #3 having a light saber that is actually taller then his mother!
And what about the #s getting along and having fun and hugging each other and treating each other like they are in the best place ever with their best friends?!?!?!!?
......I mean, this was right before the picture of #2 and #3 actually making it to put bunny ears on #1!
And the food!?!?!? DELICIOUS!!!! I mean, when you see #2 put a lettuce leaf in his mouth, you know you're in a magical place.....
....and at Disney, we ate like kings!
But what got me the most...the part that really pulled at my heartstrings......was when #3 would have a meltdown and nobody said anything. Nobody pointed. Nobody gave me "advice". Nobody sighed. Even when #3 had one of his first meltdowns, #1 and #2 didn't flinch. They went along like it's normal and didn't get upset. The biggest meltdown was when we saw Goofy...and Minnie came to save the day. The next biggest one was when we were at the Magic Kingdom. I'm not quite sure how this meltdown came about, but next thing I knew, #3 was running. Hubby went after him and #3 put himself in he ran to a corner. Nobody ran to him. Nobody touched him. Nobody knew what happened. And one of my favorite pictures (and boy do I have a ton of favorites) is Hubby talking to #3 in a crowded restaurant during a meltdown... really have to be a parent to this child to know how precious of a picture this is. This was after a crowd had just been seated and another big crown was coming in. I just look at this picture and realize how far he's far #1 and #2 have come with him....heck, how far Hubby and I have come when it comes to parenting and loving him.....and this is the picture that speaks a thousand words to me!!!!
So....nothing really funny tonight....sorry about that. I leave you with a few favorite pictures from our trip....
....right after a dance party with Phineas and Ferb.....
....#3 finding Chip in his hand! Don't we all look amazed?!?!!
And we can't forget the lady that saved the day...Minnie Mouse!!!!
......I LOVE our life by numbers!!!!
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