Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Is Jump Roping REALLY Your Talent?!?!!?

#2 is really good at anything he does....he can keep beat and come up with some fabulous rhythms, he can play all kinds of sports, he can sing and keep it in tune, he can organize things so they make sense, he listens to others and actually can give great advice, he does well in get the point.

Well, #2 tells me at school on Monday that he needs a jump rope.  I don't think much about it and I ask Coach W for a jump rope for #2 to borrow.  We come home on Monday and #2 is extremely frustrated.....
#2:  I have to be able to jump rope by Wednesday for Good Morning PG!
Me:  For what?
#2:  My talent.
Me:  Is jump roping your talent?
#2:  No....that's why I gotta learn by I can make it my talent.
Me:  Why did you choose to jump rope?
#2:  Cuz I can't hula hoop.
Me:  Obviously.
.....I have no clue why or how #2 decided that he could learn how to jump rope and it actually be his talent.  But he practiced for two days....two long days of watching him get frustrated, hit things with the rope as he jumped, come up with elaborate excuses as to why it won't work, measure the jump rope and say that it's too long, and pray for the talent to come to him in two days......and then he finally got up to 9 jumps before the rope wrapped around his head.

Today he said that he wasn't going to do it and I had to pep talk him into at least trying.  Sometimes it's hard being a parent...knowing that he's not going to do well, but knowing that he can't give up.  So I told him I was going to be there...cheering him on.  And he decided to try....and that's really all I asked.

And today I got to see him jump rope in front of the school.....he was too close to the stage and his rope kept hitting it.....but there were times that he got three jumps in....
Me:  That was pretty good jump roping.
#2:  Thanks....but it really wasn't.  I needed another day or two to really make it my talent.  
Me:  Obviously.  
....and to tell you the truth, I was proud of him....not for jump roping, but for trying.....and that's all I ask in our life by numbers!

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