#2 is really good at anything he does....he can keep beat and come up with some fabulous rhythms, he can play all kinds of sports, he can sing and keep it in tune, he can organize things so they make sense, he listens to others and actually can give great advice, he does well in school....you get the point.
Well, #2 tells me at school on Monday that he needs a jump rope. I don't think much about it and I ask Coach W for a jump rope for #2 to borrow. We come home on Monday and #2 is extremely frustrated.....
#2: I have to be able to jump rope by Wednesday for Good Morning PG!
Me: For what?
#2: My talent.
Me: Is jump roping your talent?
#2: No....that's why I gotta learn by Wednesday.....so I can make it my talent.
Me: Why did you choose to jump rope?
#2: Cuz I can't hula hoop.
Me: Obviously.
.....I have no clue why or how #2 decided that he could learn how to jump rope and it actually be his talent. But he practiced for two days....two long days of watching him get frustrated, hit things with the rope as he jumped, come up with elaborate excuses as to why it won't work, measure the jump rope and say that it's too long, and pray for the talent to come to him in two days......and then he finally got up to 9 jumps before the rope wrapped around his head.
Today he said that he wasn't going to do it and I had to pep talk him into at least trying. Sometimes it's hard being a parent...knowing that he's not going to do well, but knowing that he can't give up. So I told him I was going to be there...cheering him on. And he decided to try....and that's really all I asked.
And today I got to see him jump rope in front of the school.....he was too close to the stage and his rope kept hitting it.....but there were times that he got three jumps in....
Me: That was pretty good jump roping.
#2: Thanks....but it really wasn't. I needed another day or two to really make it my talent.
Me: Obviously.
....and to tell you the truth, I was proud of him....not for jump roping, but for trying.....and that's all I ask in our life by numbers!
I like to laugh....and my life is full of laughter....it might not be laughable at that moment, but usually I can find something to laugh about. I have a fabulous family that is very supportive and loves to spend time together...and life! Enjoy our life by numbers!
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Monday, October 26, 2015
Have It Together??? Ha!
I always laugh when people say "Kelley, you have it all together".....I always think "it's not together, it's all over the place, hanging from the ceiling, flying out the window, and there are missing pieces". Let's take Sunday for example....
*we got up late and started rushing around getting ready....and I mean rush. Hubby got up on time, but for some reason, the rest of us just didn't get out of bed. There were lots of:
hurry up
don't do that
stop arguing
find whatever you're looking for
I don't know what sound that animal makes
you can't wear that
I don't care if your socks match.....
*then there was arguing between the #s.....about shoes.....I heard a lot of
you can't wear those shoes
those are my shoes
your shoes have to match
he's wearing my shoes......
*and we can't forget us trying to find all of the costumes and pieces of costumes that we didn't find the night before that we obviously can't find right before we leave......so there were a lot of
who cares about the belt
that doesn't work
it doesn't fit right
that's not part of the costume
*and we can't forget the argument that the #s HAD to have in the middle of our rush to go out the door.....
Zebras are black with white stripes
no they are white with black stripes
yes they are, I KNOW they are
you are so mean
.....and you can't forget that during this entire morning, #3 is walking around the house into every room while blowing a whistle that he found.....and blowing it as loud as he can....especially when he was losing an argument.
Having it all together I most certainly do not....but I sure do love to laugh about it....after I've calmed down and taken a few blood pressure medicines....in our by numbers!
*we got up late and started rushing around getting ready....and I mean rush. Hubby got up on time, but for some reason, the rest of us just didn't get out of bed. There were lots of:
hurry up
don't do that
stop arguing
find whatever you're looking for
I don't know what sound that animal makes
you can't wear that
I don't care if your socks match.....
*then there was arguing between the #s.....about shoes.....I heard a lot of
you can't wear those shoes
those are my shoes
your shoes have to match
he's wearing my shoes......
*and we can't forget us trying to find all of the costumes and pieces of costumes that we didn't find the night before that we obviously can't find right before we leave......so there were a lot of
who cares about the belt
that doesn't work
it doesn't fit right
that's not part of the costume
*and we can't forget the argument that the #s HAD to have in the middle of our rush to go out the door.....
Zebras are black with white stripes
no they are white with black stripes
yes they are, I KNOW they are
you are so mean
.....and you can't forget that during this entire morning, #3 is walking around the house into every room while blowing a whistle that he found.....and blowing it as loud as he can....especially when he was losing an argument.
Having it all together I most certainly do not....but I sure do love to laugh about it....after I've calmed down and taken a few blood pressure medicines....in our by numbers!
Friday, October 23, 2015
Spiders, Toilets, Braces...Oh My!
I rarely go upstairs.
With three boys and all their stuff upstairs, I kinda keep myself off
limits. There are times I walk up a few
steps, see something out of place (like in the hallway) and think “I don’t need
the stress of seeing what’s up there” and I walk right back downstairs. I mean, last week there was a dead mouse attached
to the baseboard. Don’t tell me there’s
nothing to be afraid of.
So this week I decided I would brave the upstairs. I armed myself with a garbage bag and a
container of Clorox wipes….always be prepared.
I slowly walked up the stairs barely breathing as I wouldn’t want to
wake anything that might be living that I didn’t approve of to live in my
house. I looked in one room….complete
chaos. Toys in the wrong containers. The shade is being held up by a toy. Costumes were all over the room. Basketball goal in pieces. I just look…I don’t go in.
I walk to the other room….the stuffed animals that we worked
so hard on being placed in their proper spots and in different containers are
in one big pile in the corner. It looks
like we are trying to make a mountain out of stuffed animals so we can reach
the ceiling. I look at the closet that
is halfway open and I shake my head. I’m
not even going to attempt to find out what’s in there.
And then I head to the bathroom. Remember….I live with all males. The dog is female, but unless she’s cleaning
a toilet, she doesn’t count. The smell of urine isn’t near as bad as I thought
it would be. I was pretty sure the smell
would knock me unconscious for a few minutes….maybe it just happened for a few
seconds this time. And then I looked at this…..
….what in the world!?!?!??!?
First of all, the toothpaste looks like someone has been squeezing it
with their fist. No wonder they keep
telling me I need to buy toothpaste. The
sink!??!?! I mean, maybe THAT is where
they are storing the toothpaste?!?!? Is
it too much to ask to at least clean out the sink every few days, weeks,
months?!?!?!? And I’m not even going to
start with why the trash is actually outside the trash can…..
As I clean, I’m thinking of all the things I’m going to
teach them. You know what I mean? I’m going to read the things that people post
to make sure my #s are like all the OTHER families that have their two months
old emptying the dishwasher….my two year old will be folding clothes out of the
dryer…..they’ll be cleaning out the gutters by four??!?!? And then I realize….at least I can afford
more toothpaste when they poor it down the drain….at least they know to
partially aim for the toilet when they pee….at least they got it near the
Our biggest ordeal this week was with #3….shocking, I
know. Apparently a group came in and
told his class about orthodontics. Now,
I’m very grateful that people come in our school and talk to our kiddos. I think it’s fabulous that they take the time
out of their very busy schedule to teach our kiddos something that will
probably affect them later in life. But
I wish people would realize that some kiddos see black and white….no gray….no
colors of any kind. In fact, it’s almost
like they have tunnel vision and their tunnel is long and narrow….and that’s
where #3 comes in……
#3: Looks like I need
to go to the dentist.
Me: Why? Do your teeth hurt?
#3: No….I need
Me: You do not need
#3: YES I DO! I still have these baby teeth and I heard
that if you still have baby teeth, you’re gonna need braces RIGHT NOW!
…..and now you can cue the screaming for braces, crying for
braces, on the floor begging for braces.
I mean seriously, if I could have slapped some braces on this kid’s
teeth right then, I would have. So I go
to school the next day and talk with our guidance teachers….and they do
remember that sentence being said. And
because these gals are so wonderful, they pulled #3 aside and told him he
passed his dental test and he doesn’t need braces….
Me: So…..I guess I’ll
make you that appointment for your braces.
#3: Oh, guess
what! Ms. G came to me and said that I
passed my dentist test and I don’t need braces!
#3: Yeah, she said it
a few times, so I’m guessing I REALLY don’t need them. So you don’t have to make the appointment for
……now, I told him this all night and that morning…..AND HE
You know what? I don’t care if it
came from a talking unicorn wearing a tutu….as long as that is another crisis
So as I'm headed home tonight after our school's fall fest, #2 and I are talking while #1 and #3 are in the backseat arguing about something. I look at the window and there is a spider. Now remember, I'm driving....about 45 miles per hour....
I take off my shoe....while I'm driving.
I start hitting the window...while I'm driving.
And then I lost it. I now have all the lights on in the car and I have one shoe hitting everything while I have #2 looking for the spider that has now fallen somewhere....anywhere....in this car...like #2's now got my shoe and he's hitting all around the floor where the pedals are in the car.
#2: I FOUND IT!!!
Me: DID YOU KILL IT?!?!?!?
#2: NO, HE'S TOO FAST!!!!
#2: I'M TRYING!!!!
.....we are still going 45 miles per hour while both of us are looking for a spider and there are cars passing us...probably because I'm swerving so bad....#1 and #3 are still arguing about something.....
#2: IT'S DEAD!!!!
(#2 shoes me my shoe)
......next thing I know, #2 is just hitting everything in the car with my shoe....
Me: DO YOU SEE IT?!?!?!
....I pull into Sonic and there....in the middle....is the spider.....and I smash it....
#2: Ewwwwww........
Me: THAT is what spider guts look like.
So apparently on our schedule for tomorrow is to clean out the car and make sure nothing else is living in there in our life by numbers!
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Ya Just Gotta Laugh!
Sometimes the #s say things and it doesn't really mean it needs a whole blog....so here are a few things that have happened in the last two weeks....LAST TWO WEEKS PEOPLE....I mean, seriously....where is our TV show?!??!?!
#2: Do you weigh as much as Daddy?
Me: No.
#3: You weigh less right?
Me: Yes.
#3: Okay....I was just checking
.....not a clue what brought this conversation on....and I'm pretty sure after my facial expressions, we won't be having this conversation again.
Hubby: Look at that sign!
#3: Oh man, I missed it!
Me: That's okay, we were going fast.
#3: Let Mommy drive.....I would have gotten to see the sign if Mommy was driving.
.....this happens more than I care to mention..... :-)
#1: Are you tired or is the world just too energetic?
Me: I think you're being kinda weird.
#1: Am I weird or are you just too normal? Are you hungry or is the world just too over fed?
....and they keep coming friends...they keep coming.
#3: You know, the blood pressure thing doesn't fit my arm. I think it's because your arm is much bigger than mine....and you're old.
......I don't even know what I did to deserve that comment!
#2: I'm in the mood for a manwich.
Me: You've never had a manwich a day in your life.
#2: I know, but I'm gonna be a man and I like sandwiches.....so it's obvious that I'm gonna like manwich.
Me: Yeah, cuz that's how that works.
.....and now I've got to get manwich for him to try.
After some conversation Hubby and I had.....
Hubby: Sometimes I'm amazed your mom ever married me.
#1: Yeah, we kinda are too.
....I am still crackin' up at this one!
#2: How much do you get paid?
Me: Not enough.
#2: You should really get paid a few hundred dollars an hour.
Me: I know, right?
#2: You need to get working on that.
Me: I'll just right on that.
#2: You know, I think we lost last week cuz you didn't wear the footballs on your fingernails.
Me: What?
#2: You wear them for every game and you didn't wear them this time and that's why we lost.
Me: So you're blaming me for losing this week?
#2: Yes. You've got to wear them every game.
Me: I don't have enough for every game.
#2: Then I suggest you buy some more.
....at 8:45pm....
#2: Umm....you still don't have the footballs on your fingernails.
Me: I am so tired.....
#2: Great....we're gonna lose and it's because of you. Daddy told me not to lose the game in my head before the game starts and I'm gonna lose it cuz you don't have footballs on your fingernails.
.....and that's when I sat in bed at 9pm and put footballs on my fingernails.
#1: I wanna have a Halloween party.
Me: Halloween is in two weeks. There's not enough time to plan everything with all the things we've got going on.
#1: What's to plan? You invite some friends, get a cake and bada bing, bada boom, you've got a party!
And to end the night......we had a mouse in our laundry room....
Me: Okay. Do not panic. DO NOT PANIC!
#1: Ummm....WE'RE not panicking.
Me: Okay....get the broom.
#1: Let me just move this box.
#2: Look how cute it is! I wanna keep it!
#1: Where is Coconut (the cat)? This could be her shining moment! I'll go get her!
Me: Slowly open the garage door.
#2: Can't we keep it?!?!?!?
#1: I found Coconut!!!!
#2: The door is open!
Me: #3.....go to the front door and open it.....it's going out one of these two doors.
#1: Unless it goes up the stairs!
#2: Look at that cute little tail!
#3: GET IT OUT!!!!!
Me: Move the box.....GO GO GO GO GO GO!
#3: IT'S OUT!!!!!
#1: Lock the door!!!!
#2: It's not a super mouse.....it's not gonna open the door.
Me: Okay.....everything is good.
#2: I bet a mouse would make a cute pet......
Never, ever, ever a dull moment in our life by numbers!
#2: Do you weigh as much as Daddy?
Me: No.
#3: You weigh less right?
Me: Yes.
#3: Okay....I was just checking
.....not a clue what brought this conversation on....and I'm pretty sure after my facial expressions, we won't be having this conversation again.
Hubby: Look at that sign!
#3: Oh man, I missed it!
Me: That's okay, we were going fast.
#3: Let Mommy drive.....I would have gotten to see the sign if Mommy was driving.
.....this happens more than I care to mention..... :-)
#1: Are you tired or is the world just too energetic?
Me: I think you're being kinda weird.
#1: Am I weird or are you just too normal? Are you hungry or is the world just too over fed?
....and they keep coming friends...they keep coming.
#3: You know, the blood pressure thing doesn't fit my arm. I think it's because your arm is much bigger than mine....and you're old.
......I don't even know what I did to deserve that comment!
#2: I'm in the mood for a manwich.
Me: You've never had a manwich a day in your life.
#2: I know, but I'm gonna be a man and I like sandwiches.....so it's obvious that I'm gonna like manwich.
Me: Yeah, cuz that's how that works.
.....and now I've got to get manwich for him to try.
After some conversation Hubby and I had.....
Hubby: Sometimes I'm amazed your mom ever married me.
#1: Yeah, we kinda are too.
....I am still crackin' up at this one!
#2: How much do you get paid?
Me: Not enough.
#2: You should really get paid a few hundred dollars an hour.
Me: I know, right?
#2: You need to get working on that.
Me: I'll just right on that.
#2: You know, I think we lost last week cuz you didn't wear the footballs on your fingernails.
Me: What?
#2: You wear them for every game and you didn't wear them this time and that's why we lost.
Me: So you're blaming me for losing this week?
#2: Yes. You've got to wear them every game.
Me: I don't have enough for every game.
#2: Then I suggest you buy some more.
....at 8:45pm....
#2: Umm....you still don't have the footballs on your fingernails.
Me: I am so tired.....
#2: Great....we're gonna lose and it's because of you. Daddy told me not to lose the game in my head before the game starts and I'm gonna lose it cuz you don't have footballs on your fingernails.
.....and that's when I sat in bed at 9pm and put footballs on my fingernails.
#1: I wanna have a Halloween party.
Me: Halloween is in two weeks. There's not enough time to plan everything with all the things we've got going on.
#1: What's to plan? You invite some friends, get a cake and bada bing, bada boom, you've got a party!
And to end the night......we had a mouse in our laundry room....
Me: Okay. Do not panic. DO NOT PANIC!
#1: Ummm....WE'RE not panicking.
Me: Okay....get the broom.
#1: Let me just move this box.
#2: Look how cute it is! I wanna keep it!
#1: Where is Coconut (the cat)? This could be her shining moment! I'll go get her!
Me: Slowly open the garage door.
#2: Can't we keep it?!?!?!?
#1: I found Coconut!!!!
#2: The door is open!
Me: #3.....go to the front door and open it.....it's going out one of these two doors.
#1: Unless it goes up the stairs!
#2: Look at that cute little tail!
#3: GET IT OUT!!!!!
Me: Move the box.....GO GO GO GO GO GO!
#3: IT'S OUT!!!!!
#1: Lock the door!!!!
#2: It's not a super mouse.....it's not gonna open the door.
Me: Okay.....everything is good.
#2: I bet a mouse would make a cute pet......
Never, ever, ever a dull moment in our life by numbers!
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Let's Take a Step Back in Time......
#3: Mommy....
Me: What?
#3: I feel like I'm gonna be car sick.
Hubby: Too late.
Me: Cup.
As I put the cup in front of #3, he kept vomiting. The long ride home from Disney had officially gotten to him. Tears are streaming down #3's face as he cries.....
#3: I've ruined the trip....I'm made this the word trip ever!
Me: No you haven't.
(cue #3 vomiting again)
#1: By the way, you can keep the cup....I don't need it anymore.
And then I look at my hand....full of vomit and tears. I'm seriously about to be sick, but I have got to keep it together....mostly because my window is stuck and won't go down and if I do get sick, it will just be all over myself. And where are we? Trying to drive through Atlanta....on a Friday.....at 5pm. Nothing like traffic, a car full of vomit, 80 degrees, and three kiddos to make you want to pull your hair out.
So Hubby weaves in and out of traffic and we get off at an exit....and we have no clue where we are. Hubby puts a gas station in the GPS......
Gas Station #1
I look at the sign and it says "No Public Restrooms". I go to the attendant....
Me: Do you have a restroom.
Attendant: No.
Me: Okay....there's a restroom right there.
Attendant: Yes.
Me: Can we use it?
Attendant: No.
Attendant: The lock doesn't work.
Me: I don't have to have a lock. I don't care if people see me cleaning up vomit.
Attendant: I'm sorry ma'am....we have no public restrooms.
Me: For crying out loud (and other mumblings)
Gas Station #2
There are literally seven people on the front of the gas station wearing more bling than a bad Mr. T movie and they are yelling at people. I have the cup o' vomit in my hand and look at #3....
Me: Nope. Just can't do it. I don't want to have to kill someone cuz they hurt my kid....we're on vacation. Next place please.
Now remember, #3 has this all over his pants, car seat, my bag, my hand, #1's cup, and wherever else we haven't found it yet....and I've passed two gas stations.
Gas Station #3
Me: May we borrow your restroom please?
Attendant: (sighs incredibly loud) The women's restroom doesn't work.
Me: You're in luck....he's a boy!
Attendant: (sighing again) I'm serious. The women's restroom lock doesn't work.
Me: I'm serious....I don't care. We'll use the men's restroom.
Attendant: What if a man comes in and needs to use the restroom?
Me: Listen dude.....this kid has vomited all over himself and I have a cup of it in my hand.....I'm cleaning him off in the men's restroom and if a man needs to pee, he can wait.
Attendant: (rolls his eyes) Fine....it's back there.
The first thing I want to ask is why none of the women's restrooms have locks that actually work? Is this a common thing in Atlanta cuz if so, they might want to think about raising some money to fix some locks. The second thing I want to ask is why in the world aren't restrooms in gas stations cleaned??? We went in there and it looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years. I can't even tell you if the toilet paper was clean. I kept telling #3 not to touch anything......secretly I was praying that he wouldn't have a meltdown and sit on the floor.
So that was our trip home from Disney. I look back on it and can laugh....but very little...I mean, we're talking vomit, not unicorns and rainbows. I guess like is always interesting, fun, and takes us on lots of adventures in our life by numbers!
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
It Was a Long Ride Home.....
You've got to know #2 before this story will make sense to you. He breathes sports. I'm not talking about he "likes" to play or he plays in his free time. I'm talking this kid has played with a football, basketball or soccer ball since he's been out of the womb. We have a basketball goal in our den so he can play when it's cold. The kid has been in our driveway playing basketball when it's snowing. He longs for sports. He dreams sports. He eats sports. He talks about sports. I mean, the kid does sports as much as I do music. I never thought I'd have an athlete for a child. I've been worried about how I'd do with a sports guy....but I feel like I've done pretty well....he goes to every rehearsal practice, he performs plays at every game and he wears the costume uniform proudly! See....I'm learning!
And #2 is competitive. Now, he's got a heart of gold, but that competitive nature is just a tad bit on the jagged side. He competes on who pees the longest, the fastest, and who can go for distance. He competes on how much he can eat, how fast he can do things, how long he can hold his breath.....it's crazy....but I'm a little (cough, cough, wink, wink) competitive too, so it's fun to watch.
Fast forward to today.....#2's team is playing against his friends. I always dread when he plays against his friends because, well, I want them to win (obviously), but I want to teach #2 good sportsmanship. #2 and I pray before every game and we always talk about how he's got to have fun cuz if he's not having fun and it's only about winning, then he doesn't need to play anymore. See where I'm headed?!?!!?!
They lost. It was heartbreaking. I mean, I wanted to cry at the end of the game. But I remember when they lost a few games last year and I remember him coming off the field and still smiling and saying that he did his best and it's just a game....and we'd walk off smiling, holding hands while figuring out where we were going to eat. Can you see where I'm headed now?!?!!??!
#2 is walking off the field and bursts into tears. WHAT?!?!!? He buries his head into my stomach and I'm speechless....
Me: Are you still having fun?
#2: Yes.
Me: Do you still like football?
#2: I love playing football.
Me: Then what's the matter?
#2: I also like to win.
....and cue more tears. I wasn't expecting this....at eight years old. I don't know if I would expect this type of heartbreak from him at twenty-eight years old either.
So we drive home....
Me: Wanna talk?
#2 shrugs his shoulders.
Me: Want advice?
#2 shrugs his shoulders.
Me: Want the radio on?
#2 shrugs his shoulders.
Me: Eventually you will have to talk.
#2: I just don't want to talk about it.
....and that car ride took forever. He just stared at the window in complete silence....and I realized that for the first time ever, I couldn't make this any better. I couldn't make him laugh. I couldn't make him talk to me about what was bothering him. I felt completely helpless. Useless. Empty.
We got home and #2 took a shower and went to bed. He didn't want to eat. Even the brothers knew something was wrong if this kid isn't eating. He didn't want to tell us goodnight. He just wanted to be alone. What is happening!?!?!?!? Why can't I fix this!?!?!? And then I realized.....
I'm not going to be able to fix everything for my #s. There are times that I'm going to have to step back and let life happen. I'm going to have to be there for the #s, but I can't make them do things or make them feel a certain way. I'm going to see them fail and not be able to fix it. I'm going to see them lose and not be able to comfort like I could when they were six years old. Ice cream and a tickle fight aren't going to change the outcome of how they feel when things don't go their way. And that scares the heck outta me. It scares me that there will be days that I can't change their path, but I can pray hard for them to change. It scares me that they won't need me to fix their boo-boos. It scares me that sometimes I'm just gonna hear them cry and yet I won't be able to do anything about what they're crying about.
And tonight is just the beginning. I couldn't change the outcome of the game. I couldn't make him laugh. I couldn't make him see that losing this game should make him stronger, smarter, and faster. I couldn't comfort him in his anger or through his tears. The only thing I could do was sit in the room with him. No words were spoken. No laughter was had. No "I love yous" were said....
....but maybe, just maybe I didn't need to say a word. Maybe he didn't need to laugh. Maybe the words "I love you" were shown when he snuggled up next to me and feel sound asleep.....sound asleep in our life by numbers.
And #2 is competitive. Now, he's got a heart of gold, but that competitive nature is just a tad bit on the jagged side. He competes on who pees the longest, the fastest, and who can go for distance. He competes on how much he can eat, how fast he can do things, how long he can hold his breath.....it's crazy....but I'm a little (cough, cough, wink, wink) competitive too, so it's fun to watch.
Fast forward to today.....#2's team is playing against his friends. I always dread when he plays against his friends because, well, I want them to win (obviously), but I want to teach #2 good sportsmanship. #2 and I pray before every game and we always talk about how he's got to have fun cuz if he's not having fun and it's only about winning, then he doesn't need to play anymore. See where I'm headed?!?!!?!
They lost. It was heartbreaking. I mean, I wanted to cry at the end of the game. But I remember when they lost a few games last year and I remember him coming off the field and still smiling and saying that he did his best and it's just a game....and we'd walk off smiling, holding hands while figuring out where we were going to eat. Can you see where I'm headed now?!?!!??!
#2 is walking off the field and bursts into tears. WHAT?!?!!? He buries his head into my stomach and I'm speechless....
Me: Are you still having fun?
#2: Yes.
Me: Do you still like football?
#2: I love playing football.
Me: Then what's the matter?
#2: I also like to win.
....and cue more tears. I wasn't expecting this....at eight years old. I don't know if I would expect this type of heartbreak from him at twenty-eight years old either.
So we drive home....
Me: Wanna talk?
#2 shrugs his shoulders.
Me: Want advice?
#2 shrugs his shoulders.
Me: Want the radio on?
#2 shrugs his shoulders.
Me: Eventually you will have to talk.
#2: I just don't want to talk about it.
....and that car ride took forever. He just stared at the window in complete silence....and I realized that for the first time ever, I couldn't make this any better. I couldn't make him laugh. I couldn't make him talk to me about what was bothering him. I felt completely helpless. Useless. Empty.
We got home and #2 took a shower and went to bed. He didn't want to eat. Even the brothers knew something was wrong if this kid isn't eating. He didn't want to tell us goodnight. He just wanted to be alone. What is happening!?!?!?!? Why can't I fix this!?!?!? And then I realized.....
I'm not going to be able to fix everything for my #s. There are times that I'm going to have to step back and let life happen. I'm going to have to be there for the #s, but I can't make them do things or make them feel a certain way. I'm going to see them fail and not be able to fix it. I'm going to see them lose and not be able to comfort like I could when they were six years old. Ice cream and a tickle fight aren't going to change the outcome of how they feel when things don't go their way. And that scares the heck outta me. It scares me that there will be days that I can't change their path, but I can pray hard for them to change. It scares me that they won't need me to fix their boo-boos. It scares me that sometimes I'm just gonna hear them cry and yet I won't be able to do anything about what they're crying about.
And tonight is just the beginning. I couldn't change the outcome of the game. I couldn't make him laugh. I couldn't make him see that losing this game should make him stronger, smarter, and faster. I couldn't comfort him in his anger or through his tears. The only thing I could do was sit in the room with him. No words were spoken. No laughter was had. No "I love yous" were said....
....but maybe, just maybe I didn't need to say a word. Maybe he didn't need to laugh. Maybe the words "I love you" were shown when he snuggled up next to me and feel sound asleep.....sound asleep in our life by numbers.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
We Made It Home!
This is one big happy family........
You know, we don't really travel much. This year has truly been an exception with traveling for medical tests, vacation with family and this surprise trip. This year has been a year of finding answers (the good and the bad).....we've had a chapter of our lives close and a new one open up this year. Things are, well, different. There have been so many times where we've been completely saddened by things going all around us and times where we've laughed so hard and are completely at peace. There have been times where we've questioned why it had to happen, but we've also looked back and said that if it didn't happen, we wouldn't be where we are now. As much bickering and arguing and fighting and ARG moments that we have, I love my family....I love where we are....I love what God has brought us out of and into.....and I love that we realize that we actually have to listen to God and His plan instead of thinking that we know more.....which is a lesson that I have to really be taught over and over....but I'm trying!
This week was one of those "much needed trips with the family to have fun and not worry" kinda trips. One where we had fun, laughed, ate, cried....one where when a meltdown occurred, nobody got frustrated....we just knew it was going to happen and dealt with it when it came. One where we could see the anxiety in our #s, but they knew they were safe. One where they held our hand....not just because we told them to because there are crazy people in the park, but because they were so happy they were at Disney that they just wanted to be with us.
#3: Thank you so much for taking us to Disney....now I can get my memories back....I love you!
#2: Thank you for standing in line for an hour for me to ride this ride...I love you!
#1: Thank you for taking us to Disney...I love you!
.....we heard these things all week from the #s. And the thing is, they always thank us for things and tell us they love us, but for some reason it just felt different. Maybe it's because I was listening better? Maybe it was because I was so happy to be with them? Maybe it was because it was a vacation that I know they'll remember? Maybe it was just because I love them too and it was nice to tell them "you're welcome and I love you"?
We did start off the trip right....we paid $1.95 for our first gallon of gas and we went to Culver's....
Me: WAIT! I think I have a coupon for Culver's!!!!
Hubby: Of course you do.
....and I'm proud to say that I saved $4.65!
And right before we left Culver's.....
#3: (comes to the table crying after coming out of the restroom) We can't go.
Me: WHAT?!?!! What do you mean we can't go?
#3: We can't go to Disney World....I have a booty rash and it hurts.
Me: I'm pretty sure Disney can take care of that!
.....a few days later...after not mentioning since Culver's....
#3: You're right Mommy!
Me: About what?
#3: Disney DID make my booty rash go away!
So we spent one day in each park and I have to say that exhaustion is rough at Disney....people either get mean or slap happy or just blah...luckily, we have #s that cover each of those areas which makes for an interesting night. We went to bed no earlier than 11pm each night (and I'm an 8:45pm kinda girl) and woke up by 7am. We never made it to the park in time for it to open, but we sure did make a great decision about not bringing in a bag....
#1: What is that huge line for?
Hubby: That is the line to stand in for people that brought bags.
#2: Why do they get a separate line?
Hubby: They have to check to make sure you don't bring in anything that's on the list of things to not bring.....it's a safety issue. They are keeping you safe.

And strollers.....people, I saw adults in strollers. ADULTS! And I'm not talking about adults that need strollers. I saw a husband pushing a stroller and the mom and the kid were in the double stroller just talking....as their other child walked with the dad. I thought I had seen it all when I saw a country singer IN a shopping cart in Home Depot a few years ago, but after seeing an adult in a stroller, I stand corrected.
We had reservations for either lunch or dinner every day.....and by the end of the week I was just sick of food. There are two places where I have GOT to eat....two places that we ate when Hubby and I got married and went to Disney World for our honeymoon.....and that is a French Cafe for lunch in France, Epcot and an Italian Restaurant for dinner in Italy, Epcot....and they both proved to be amazing!!!!
I wish I could tell you everything about this trip....I wish I could tell you how fantastic the Mickey Mouse Not-So-Scary Halloween party actually is......no waits in lines, candy....and I'm talking the GOOD candy, the lights, the people.....
....the fun that was had by all. How sweet it was when the younger #s saw a costume that kinda freaked them out and they would squeeze my hand a little tighter. The look of shock when the Disney people gave out handfuls of candy and not just one piece....and the #'s amazement when they looked in their bag and saw brand name candy!!! Folks, they don't get brand name at home!
And then there are those magical light saber fights that you have to have at 12:15AM....right before you go to bed....
.....and there's also nothing like #3 having a light saber that is actually taller then his mother!
And what about the #s getting along and having fun and hugging each other and treating each other like they are in the best place ever with their best friends?!?!?!!?
......I mean, this was right before the picture of #2 and #3 actually making it to put bunny ears on #1!
And the food!?!?!? DELICIOUS!!!! I mean, when you see #2 put a lettuce leaf in his mouth, you know you're in a magical place.....
....and at Disney, we ate like kings!
But what got me the most...the part that really pulled at my heartstrings......was when #3 would have a meltdown and nobody said anything. Nobody pointed. Nobody gave me "advice". Nobody sighed. Even when #3 had one of his first meltdowns, #1 and #2 didn't flinch. They went along like it's normal and didn't get upset. The biggest meltdown was when we saw Goofy...and Minnie came to save the day. The next biggest one was when we were at the Magic Kingdom. I'm not quite sure how this meltdown came about, but next thing I knew, #3 was running. Hubby went after him and #3 put himself in timeout....like he ran to a corner. Nobody ran to him. Nobody touched him. Nobody knew what happened. And one of my favorite pictures (and boy do I have a ton of favorites) is Hubby talking to #3 in a crowded restaurant during a meltdown...
.....you really have to be a parent to this child to know how precious of a picture this is. This was after a crowd had just been seated and another big crown was coming in. I just look at this picture and realize how far he's come...how far #1 and #2 have come with him....heck, how far Hubby and I have come when it comes to parenting and loving him.....and this is the picture that speaks a thousand words to me!!!!
So....nothing really funny tonight....sorry about that. I leave you with a few favorite pictures from our trip....
....right after a dance party with Phineas and Ferb.....
....#3 finding Chip in his hand! Don't we all look amazed?!?!!
And we can't forget the lady that saved the day...Minnie Mouse!!!!
......I LOVE our life by numbers!!!!
Monday, October 5, 2015
We Pulled It Off....I Don't Know How, But We Pulled It Off!!!!!
These #s had no idea that I was taking their picture and about to change their Fall Break forever! This is when we were leaving church Sunday.....I just said that I'd love to take a picture of them and they looked at me and smiled. Such loving smiles.....such genuine smiles.....and they didn't have a clue! Let's start from the beginning......
On our way back from the beach this summer, the #s talked about wanting to go back to Disney World. We all went five years ago, but the younger two were so little that they didn't even remember the incredibly long drive. So I posted on Facebook about how I'd love some ideas about taking them and the advice came in....and kept coming.....and coming! It was wonderful! Then a fabulous friend told me about her friend that is a Disney travel agent. SOLD! I like to save money....I really do....but I didn't have time to plan all these details while being married, raising three #s, teaching children music at three schools, AND launching our third campus at church.....I actually broke down and decided we needed help planning this....I know, pick your jaw off the floor. (And by the way, our travel agent is AMAZING!!! If you'd like his contact info, talk to me.....you know I wouldn't let just anybody plan this trip, but he was fabulous!)
So we've been talking to our travel agent via text for the last two months. I mean, secret phone calls out in the car, texting for our travel agent to call Hubby since I have the kiddos, lots of e-mails.....I mean, he probably thinks we work for the CIA and can't have our voice on any recording device. It was crazy!!!!
Fast forward to this week.....
Me: This week we get to clean out the house!!!!
#1: Just like we ALWAYS do....EVERY Fall Break.
#2: We NEVER get to go anywhere for Fall Break.
#1: I wish we could go to the beach.
#3: I want to go somewhere....like Disney World.
Me: Listen...we don't have the money to go to Disney....do you know how much that stuff costs?
#s: It's so not fair.....
Me: Why don't we go to the public library....we can go get some books for you all to read this week and if you read them, maybe we can do something fun!
#s: Whatever.
....the funny thing is that #2 read two books in two days. He was a reading machine! He didn't even know what "fun" thing I was going to plan for him, but he wanted fun and ANYTHING was more fun that cleaning out the house.
Now, on Thursday we did clean the house.....I WAS going to get some work out of 'em. Then on Friday I needed to pack, but I know that if I packed the wrong clothes, I was going to hear about it.....
Me: Hey boys....you need to pick your two favorite short sleeve shirts, two favorite shorts, two favorite long sleeve shirts, one pair of pants, favorite pajamas, and favorite underwear.
#2: Why?
Me: So I don't throw away your favorite clothes when we're cleaning out the closets this week!
#3: Great.....at least we get to keep our favorite clothes (he says dripping with sarcasm)
So the dog sitter is set, the house is cleaned, the family is packed....and Hubby even packed the car...and the #s didn't see or hear a thing.....maybe I should be worried that they are that oblivious!
After a fabulous morning at church, we head south....
Me: You need to go to sleep and rest some before lunch.
#2: But I'll just go to sleep after lunch....I wanna play on the iPad.
Me: Go. To. Sleep. I don't want you to take a long nap, just short enough to give you a rest, but won't keep you up all night.
#3: Fine.
.....and they all fell asleep. We ended up driving for about two hours and then stopped for lunch....where this happened....
My favorite is the genuine shock from #2! I mean, he kept talking about it all afternoon...
#2: So we're REALLY going to Disney? We're REALLY going this week? We're REALLY going right now?!??!?!?!
I also love how #1 is such a ham "fainting" after he reads it. He did tell me today that he really didn't know anything and he is so thankful that we planned this...and that he's sorry that he complained about not going anywhere.....
Me: Good cuz we're definitely not going anywhere for Christmas Break!
And #3, well, at the end of the video he looked so sad...and he was....
#3: I'm just sad cuz I was little when I went last time and I couldn't ride the rides....what if I haven't grown!?!?!?
So we finally got into our room at 4am.....yes, you read that correctly. After some traffic issues in Atlanta (or wherever we were) and some horrible service at a fast food place, we got in our new home for the week and the #s HAD to take a bath. Now, I'm a clean freak, but I told them in the car that they were just going to bed and they were fine with it....until they saw the jet tub and there was no way we were keeping them out of it. So here they are at 4am....
So after 2 1/2 hours of sleep, we got up this morning and headed to Epcot! It was an absolutely wonderful day with only three meltdowns with #3....and that's great for a kiddo that has had his world turned upside down. We had a moment where his hand hit a stranger and he totally melted when she said "oh sorry sweetie"....cried right there in the middle of everybody.
But, where Disney saved the day was when we were in line to see Mickey, Goofy and Minnie. The #s did NOT want to see Minnie, but I said we weren't just skipping her cuz it would make her feel sad. Well, we saw Mickey and all went well. Then we saw Goofy and it was great until.......
#3 wanted to scan his armband to connect our picture to our account. His band wouldn't work. The lady tried it again...and again. I saw #3's eyes swelling with tears, I saw his head bowing down.....I wanted to shout.....JUST ACT LIKE IT'S WORKING AND THEN I'LL FIX IT!!!! Goofy came to us and tried to make #3 feel better, but it was no use. #3 hid behind Hubby and started silently bawling. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! The photographer tried to help by giving him a sticker and it helped some (but our third meltdown is when he lost the sticker), but tears were officially running down his face....and then Minnie showed up....
Minnie started looking at #3's shoes and had her photographers start asking #3 questions about them. #3 was thrown off guard, but started showing Minnie how his shoes light in three different colors. Then the photographer asked if it was lights or fireworks and #3 started laughing. Minnie started laughing and by the end, they were both bending down trying to make their shoes light up. Minnie then got close enough and gave that precious #3 a hug. I have to say this picture speaks a thousands words for how Disney helped us out today. Thank you Minnie....you are now my absolute favorite in our life by numbers!
Friday, October 2, 2015
Curse You Penguins!
These two stuffed animals have given me nothing but grief for the last two weeks....
....I mean, they look innocent enough, but they hold a very dark secret. A secret that has Hubby and myself questioning everything. A secret that has torn brothers apart every night for the last two weeks. A secret that they will never share....never tell.....but yet, we know they know. For you see, #2 and #3 each purchased a penguin with tickets at a fun center last year...yes, last year. They slept with these penguins for a good two weeks until something else came along...something more fun, more cuddly. And then the purple penguin reappeared....and that's where it all went south.....#2: That's MY penguin.
#3: No it's not.
#2: Yes it is. YOU got the BLUE one.
#3: I did not. YOU got the BLUE one.
....this has been a battle of tears and a battle of the wills. I threatened to be like Solomon and split the purple penguin in half....and they both bawled like babies. I threatened to throw the purple penguin away. And then I threatened to throw the purple penguin on top of the fridge.
#2: Did you just throw my penguin on top of the fridge??!!?
#3: No, she threw MY penguin on top of the fridge!
#2: It's mine!
#3: No it's mine.
.....and the purple penguin sat on top of the fridge for two days. Two long, lonely days....that is, until #2 climbed on the counter and got it off the top and ran off with it. I had to take it back after another battle. Then yesterday, we found the blue penguin.....
#2: Hey! There's your penguin!
.....and now Hubby is going through old pictures on a hard drive that probably houses 50,000-60,000 pictures looking to see if we took a picture of the #s with their penguins. Someone is going to be very disappointed sometime tonight.....could be #2, could be #3, could be the penguins.....but all I know is that there will be tears tonight in our life by numbers!
Thursday, October 1, 2015
A Rat or a Mouse!?!?!??!
Ever heard three boys scream at the highest pitch ever and have them run into the room that you're in and start screaming at you as you're cleaning out the room?
Me: Is it a rat or a mouse?
#s: IT'S A RAT!!!!
Me: A rat is pretty big.
#s: IT'S HUGE!!!!!!
Me: Go get your phone and take a picture of it.
Me: Go take a picture of it.
......#1 goes to take a picture.
Me: Send it to me and I'll send it to Dad.
#1: I've already sent it to Dad.
Me: Now don't go bother dad with this. He's meeting with people today and there's no need to drag him into this little mouse situation we have going on here.
I looked at this picture...
.....and I think "well, it could be a rat".....and now I've got to go get this thing.
Me: Go get me two Meijer bags and the trash bag from the kitchen.
#2: What are you going to do?
Me: I'm going to get rid of the mouse.
Me: Don't call it a rat room.
Me: Oh my goodness this thing is stuck!
#2: I am going to be sick.
#1: I'll get something for you (comes back to me with a plastic knife)
Me: A plastic knife?
#1: You can kinda cut it off.
Me: I'm not kniving this thing off the wall.
#3: It's guts....I CAN SEE IT'S GUTS!!!!!
#2: I'm going to throw up!!!! (runs to the bathroom and lifts the toilet lid)
#1: You've got to get it Mom....it's got to come off.
Me: I'm calling your father.
.......and our friend is still there. Yes, Hubby has worship team rehearsal tonight, but it's just gonna have to stay until he gets home. I just can't do it friends. I can't peel a rat off the wall and clean up rat guts. Hurry up Hubby......I need you to clean up a rat in our life by numbers!!!!
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