So this morning, after an early football practice and lounging around the house....
Me: It's time.
Hubby: For what?
Me: To get this tooth out. We're going to tell him we need to floss his tooth because of all the food stuck in the gum and we're going to see if we can get the floss to get it out.
Hubby: Okay.
Me: #3!!!!!!!
#3: Yes?
Me: Come in here, we have to get the food out of your tooth.
#3: No.....I don't want you to pull it out.
Hubby: We're going to floss it first. I got in his mouth and sure enough, it is ready to come out, but once I tried to twist it, he closed his mouth and put his hands over it and wouldn't let me see the tooth again. So we did the next best thing........I got on the bed, held his legs and arms down and Hubby went to his mouth and pulled out the tooth. There were tears, there was screaming, there was a little blood, but all is well...and look at how happy he is when looking at his tooth.....
....and then he kept asking "why is there a stick in my tooth". So we got to use the cool dentist term of "pulpectomy material" used to hold his tooth in his gum when he had surgery a few years ago. It kinda does look like a stick.....
So after this fabulous ordeal of getting a tooth out, we heard bubbling from the toilet. Hubby went to check on the sounds and saw the tub was still full of water. Sounds like a plumber issue....and here is our plumber.... off to the store we went to get some heavy duty stuff for our plumbing. I mean, we couldn't have just had an easy day right? :-) So right before we left for the store, we just started of those laughing fits that has to happen because if it doesn't, you might just cry. We laugh all the time here and I absolutely LOVE this picture us.....
Tonight we finished the last of the Star Wars movies. I couldn't miss this one cuz it has the Ewoks in it. You can't pass up the Ewoks. Well, I see #2's heart all the time, but I really saw his heart tonight while watching the movie. #2 starts bawling when the Ewok died from the gun fire....
.....and then he cried again when Darth Vader died and then Luke burned him. I mean, #2 really has this heart of gold and it doesn't come out all the time cuz he likes to be rough and tough, but he sure does have it.
So tomorrow is our second Sunday at the Crossland Butler County campus! I am so excited! I am pumped because it feels like we've been there forever.....I guess it just feels like home in our life by numbers!
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