Thursday, September 24, 2015

I've Been Trying to Teach You That for Years!

#2: So I learned how to tie my shoe today.
Me: Honey, I've been trying to teach you for three years. Who taught you today?
#2: I just decided it was time to learn and so I did it. It was time Mom....I AM growing up.
....Seriously, the kid sat down and tied his shoe.  I just looked at him.  I mean, we've been trying to get him to sit down and learn to tie his shoes for years.  I even told him that he had to learn it before he left kindergarten....did you know that they don't hold kiddos back for not being able to tie their shoe?!?!? 
Me:  Who in the world taught you how to tie your shoe today?
#2:  Ummmm...NOBODY.  I just sat down and tied it.
Me:  NOBODY taught you?  NOBODY took time out of their lives to show you the bunny ears?  NOBODY has spent countless hours trying to help you tie your shoes?!?!?!?!?
#2:  Nope.  Not today.  
......UGH!  I should be very happy that he can tie his shoes.....BUT IT DRIVES ME CRAZY THAT HE JUST DECIDED TODAY THAT HE WANTED TO DO IT AND HE DID IT!!!!  Okay, rant over.  YAY #2...even though I've been working with him for years on trying to tie his shoe and he didn't seem grateful but now he miraculously can tie his shoes cuz of no telling what reason.  Okay....NOW the rant is over.  

Funny story.....I get this text alert on my phone from #3's teacher.....
Text:  Ok so, #3 got a nudge.  He sobbed quietly pretty hard 
...and that was all that came up on my text alert.  Now I'm in the middle of class, but I KNOW that this must be important for her to send me a message.  So I patiently (yeah right) finish class and check the message.  The message went on to say that the sobbed quietly for about five minutes and explained why he got a nojo.
Me: was school?
#3:  It was good. 
Me:  Sounds great.  
(a few minutes pass)
Me:  So....nothing happened at school today?
#3:  (sobbing)  I got a nojo today and it wasn't my fault I was just helping a friend who needed help in math but the teacher said that we aren't allowed to talk anymore and i felt bad because my friend didn't understand the math and I know that I should have listened to my teacher but you always say to help our friends and I was torn and God wasn't telling me what to do so I just decided to do what I thought God would tell me to do which is to help my friend and that's when I got a nojo.  
.....yes....biggest run on sentence ever...and think about how hard it was to understand since he was sobbing!  After we had a great talk about listening to our teacher and all of the other ways we could have handled the situation...and all the sobbing was finished....
Me:  You do know the teacher still likes you, right?
#3:  Yes.
Me:  Do you still love her?
#3:  Don't push it.
......but he did wake up this morning and got ready to go to school without a tear....and after school, he did say "you know, I really do like her".  Great.....all is calm in our life by numbers!

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