Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Expired Humus!?!?!?!?

I really feel that as a musician, people just don't get this schedule problem that we have.  I mean, I got up at 5:30am, had a 7:30am meeting, taught all day, got home, fed the #s, had a football game, and got to bed 1 hour and 45 minutes past my bedtime.  Musicians can't do this.  We need sleep.  Our creative brains work only when we've had enough sleep.  And boy do I need my sleep.  Right now I'm looking at the clock thinking "50 minutes until bedtime....8:45pm can't come soon enough".  If I could get school to start at 10am, my entire schedule would be perfect!  :-)

#2 had his first football game of the season.  Saturday was a jamboree and last night we played the same team.  Now I'm not bragging......heck, yes I am....OUR COACHES ROCK!!!!  I am truly a competitive person.  It's not a friendly competition either.....it's pretty sad how competitive I am.  In fact, when I taught high school choir, I didn't do competitions....and it was because I didn't know how I'd be during that competition stuff.  I was already on edge during concerts, plays, and musicals.....intense might be a better word for it.  I'm even like that during concerts...I just hide it better by cleaning the house a whole lot more....or getting onto the #s (which, yes, I'm working on).  So when this whole football thing started with #2 a few years ago, I was on the sidelines screaming, yelling, coaching...and one point.....
#3:  Come on ref.....are ya blind!?!?!!?
....THAT'S when I knew I was saying too much and needed to keep quiet.  It's hard seeing your five year old yell at the ref like I was.

So last night, I tried to keep quiet.  I would clap.  I yelled out #2's nickname once (I yelled out something positive....I promise I wasn't coaching) and then decided to keep quiet.  So during this game, I continually watch the coaches.  It's just something I do since my kiddo is out there.  He has NEVER had a bad coach (unless you count me when we coached him basketball) in all of the years that he's played sports....but you always have to watch out, right?  So I watched the coaches last night.....

I LOVE OUR COACHES!!!!!  I watched our coaches cheer on our boys.  I watched our coaches give high fives.  I watched our coaches pull our kiddos to the side when they needed to talk to them.  I watched our coaches yell to them about what to do but they were NEVER degrading and never yelling at them.  I watched our kiddos as they listened to our coaches.  I watched our kiddos as they respect our coaches.  I see the love on both sides....from the players and the coaches.  But the absolutely, fabulous, most amazing thing I saw was this.....

.....yes friends.....the coaches are praying with our team.  With #2 being such a young Christian, I've been worried about how it will be on a team.  We've talked to him about being a shining light for Jesus.  We've told him that some people cuss, some people say things they shouldn't, but he doesn't have to act like them.  #2 has a pretty good head on his shoulders, but it really helps that his coaches love Jesus and aren't afraid to show it.

After the fabulous game last night, we came home, the #s got ready for bed and we were off in dreamy land way after bedtime.  Do people realize that there is school the next day and some mommas like their football players in bed before 10pm?

So apparently we need to go to the grocery store.  Hubby makes me a salad every day for lunch (yes, I am VERY blessed) and today I opened my lunchbox and this is what I found....
......when looking at this, there is expired humus, two cheese balls, four tangelos, a bag of chips, an apple and a peach bar.  I don't even know how to make sense of this lunch....but I love him and I am happy that I even got lunch packed for me...but come on....EXPIRED humus?!?!?!?!

After a long day, I picked up the #s......
Me:  Did you talk to your teacher about the missing reading assignments?
#1:  Yes....and she's letting me do them over.
Me:  But you DID it!
#1:  I can't find it....but I KNOW I did it.
Me:  Was she upset?
#1:  No...she was really nice.  I'm going to turn it in tomorrow.
Me:  She must be nice....don't take advantage of it....just do it.
#1:  Yes.......I'm going to do it right now.
.....I'm proud of him...but reading is killing him...it's killing us!!!!

Me:  How was your day?
#3:  Today was the best day ever!!!!
Me:  How come?
#3:  I got chocolate milk with my lunch!!!!
Me:  It's the little things.....
#3:  No...that's a huge thing!!!!
....and for #3....that is a huge thing!  It made his day to get chocolate milk.

Me:  How was your day?
#2:  I have this paper I need you to sign.
Me:  Sounds like you had a great day!
#2:  It's due on Thursday, but we can turn it in tomorrow.
Me:  Wow!  What a fabulous day you had!
#2:  So can you sign in?
Me:  I can't believe you had such a wonderful day!
#2:  Are you even listening to me?
Me:  No....cuz you're not listening to me.
#2:  You are killin' me.
Me:  The feeling is mutual.
......eventually....like a few hours later....I found out that he had a great day!

#3 FINALLY lost his tooth.  This thing has been hanging on by a thread and he's just been playing with it....
Me:  You have GOT to get that tooth out.
#3:  But it hurts.
Me:  It won't hurt if you get it out.
#3:  But I really like playing with it.
Me:  Honey, you can turn it, twist it and stick it out of your mouth....pull it out.
#3:  No.....I like it where it is.
.....after dinner, I let him have a riesen candy....
#3:  MOMMY!!!!!  IT CAME OUT!!!!!!
Me:  What?!?!?!
#3:  I put the candy in my mouth and then I was like "what is that hard thing in there" AND IT WAS MY TOOTH!!!!!
Me:  Well it's about time!!!  YAY!!!!
#3:  (turns immediately sad) But it's my friend.....
.....just can't win sometimes in our life by numbers.

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