Saturday, April 2, 2016

Happy Birthday #1!

This kid means the world to me!  Our firstborn....the one that we prayed for....for years!  He is a brilliant kid who loves to be funny, loves music, doesn't know how to make a bed correctly, loves to meet new friends, wants to come up with a latex alternative to everything, and is the biggest goofball ever.  I cannot imagine our family without him!

So today has been an odd's the first birthday that we haven't had a party.  When did boys just decide that parties aren't "hip" anymore?  Last year he wanted one, but he said that none of his friends were having he wanted one more.  I think he was holding on to the last little bit that he could.  This year....he gave up on the party and decided that he wants to go shopping.

SHOPPING!?!??!?!  If you know Hubby or myself, we don't really shop.  I can't tell you the last time I shopped for clothes...unless I needed something specific.  #1 decided that he wants to go to Opry Mills and go shopping and eat at the Aquarium restaurant.  I'm not ready for this growing up stuff.

For the last month we've asked what he wants for his birthday....
#1:  I don't know.....I have everything I need.  I mean, Christmas was just a little while ago.
Me:  We need to know something.  What do you want to shop for at the mall?
#1:  Money.
Me:  You want to shop for money?!?!?!??!
#1:  No....I just want money for my birthday and I'll get whatever I want.
....and that's the end.  Is this where they grow up and I cry tears of sadness because they aren't babies anymore and tears of joy because it's the easiest birthday we've had since we've had #s?!?!?!

So we gave him money for shopping....

....yes, this was his reaction to cold hard cash to spend...well....cold hard "I'll swipe my card, but I'm keeping a tally with how much your spending" present.  I LOVE that we caught that facial expression!  And I'm really glad that he liked it!

Wanna know the thing that got me more than anything?!!?!?!  I gave him the username and password to his Facebook account.  I'm scared cuz a whole new world could open up for him.  I'm not stupid....I know that kiddos his age already have had accounts in Instagram, Facebook, twitter, etc. for a while now.  But to be able to give him the account just makes me know that he actually is growing up and I just need to get with the program.  Maybe I'm more upset that he'll be able to see everything I post know, maybe giving him an account isn't such a good idea after all.  :-)

So when we gave him his account...
.....and the weird thing is that he was more excited about that than the money!  :)  And let me tell ya, I've gone over more rules about his account than I ever thought I would....
"Don't click things like this"
"Don't like things like that"
"Some people are serious on can't put a 'ha ha' face on their post"
"I wear underwear is not an appropriate's appropriate to do...but not to post"
"Yes, people post picture of their don't have to make a comment"
"Stop waiting to see if people will approve your request to be friends"
"Don't write anything on Facebook or in a message that you want to be kept a secret"
"People post stupid don't have to comment...just move on"
....maybe I should just post all these rules on Facebook?!?!?!  :)  So for the last 45 minutes, I've watched over his shoulder as I witnessed my little boy growing up....

#1 wanted to go to Red Lobster this year....where he ate snow crab legs for the first time.  He wasn't a fan, but he had fun learning how to eat them from Pa....
 ....but the blessing for me was that #1 still wanted a cake this year.  He asked for a shark.  He specifically asked for a shark head coming out of the water with his mouth open about to attack something (where do they get these ideas)....
...I did the best I could, but I loved his face in this picture.  I love the fact that he still wanted a cake.  Did he want it for me?  Probably....but I wouldn't trade that for the world.  There are little things in life that makes my #s seem so grown up to me.  And I know that once the time comes when they don't want a birthday cake, it will be the straw that send me over the edge.....cuz I like doing that just for matter how crazy their ideas might be!

And last, but not least, we did the measurements yesterday and #1 had grown so much that he's officially taller than me.  What happened to the Lord coming before I had a teenager?  I'm pretty sure I've been saying, for years, that was going to happen.  But I am happy that I could spend today with my family and celebrate #1's birthday.  I love that kiddo.  I love his smile, his creativity, and his love for God.  Thank you Lord for blessing me with #1 in our life by numbers!

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